More Muslim Violence

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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by madhatter »

more on reagan/trump... ... 1457565216" onclick=";return false;
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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by Bubba »

Mister Moose wrote:
Bubba wrote:
steamboat1 wrote:
Bubba wrote:He may be held up as the champion of conservatism but Ronald Reagan could not get nominated in today's Republican Party.
Bet you said the same thing about Trump less than a year ago. Worthless opinion.
No, the scary thing is that Trump could get nominated. Reagan was far too nice, far too civil, to be nominated in today's anger-filled environment.
Disagree, disagree, disagree.

Reagan won the nation with concise observations that had instant clarity.

"I will not use my opponent's youth and inexperience against him"

"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."

"A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not."

Has Obama uttered anything close to that last one about withdrawing from Iraq and bringing about the rise of ISIS? About the horrible real unemployment rate or GDP? About the need to identify and defeat extremist Islam? About the "Like your doctor, keep your doctor" bungle?

In my view Reagan was great because 1) he was usually right, 2) he could distill a concept to its core and express it in a way that was readily understood, 3) he inderstood peace through strength, and 4) he brought humor and honor to the political stage.

Reagan didn't descend to name calling or other uncivil behavior because he didn't need to. He was far more effective than that. And the time for that has not passed.

Trump is half a Reagan. Trumps calling Bush "Low Energy" was not name calling, it was concisely throwing a light on what everyone had already seen and not yet recognized. Jeb flamed out shortly afterwards, in spite of over $100 million in campaign funds. That is the essence of Reagan. (Little Marco and Lyin Ted OTOH was mostly name calling) Trump has identified several issues that the majority of the nation has already seen, but not previously recognized; immigration, trade, jobs.

So far I'll take half a Reagan over a whole Clinton.
Let me boil it down for you. I can't stand Hillary and, under most circumstances, would want her out of the race. I find Trump to simply be a despicable human being that I cannot possibly support under any circumstances. As I said before, the Libertarian ticket of Johnson/Weld is looking better and better.
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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by madhatter »

Bubba wrote:
Mister Moose wrote:
Bubba wrote:
steamboat1 wrote:
Bubba wrote:He may be held up as the champion of conservatism but Ronald Reagan could not get nominated in today's Republican Party.
Bet you said the same thing about Trump less than a year ago. Worthless opinion.
No, the scary thing is that Trump could get nominated. Reagan was far too nice, far too civil, to be nominated in today's anger-filled environment.
Disagree, disagree, disagree.

Reagan won the nation with concise observations that had instant clarity.

"I will not use my opponent's youth and inexperience against him"

"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."

"A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not."

Has Obama uttered anything close to that last one about withdrawing from Iraq and bringing about the rise of ISIS? About the horrible real unemployment rate or GDP? About the need to identify and defeat extremist Islam? About the "Like your doctor, keep your doctor" bungle?

In my view Reagan was great because 1) he was usually right, 2) he could distill a concept to its core and express it in a way that was readily understood, 3) he inderstood peace through strength, and 4) he brought humor and honor to the political stage.

Reagan didn't descend to name calling or other uncivil behavior because he didn't need to. He was far more effective than that. And the time for that has not passed.

Trump is half a Reagan. Trumps calling Bush "Low Energy" was not name calling, it was concisely throwing a light on what everyone had already seen and not yet recognized. Jeb flamed out shortly afterwards, in spite of over $100 million in campaign funds. That is the essence of Reagan. (Little Marco and Lyin Ted OTOH was mostly name calling) Trump has identified several issues that the majority of the nation has already seen, but not previously recognized; immigration, trade, jobs.

So far I'll take half a Reagan over a whole Clinton.
Let me boil it down for you. I can't stand Hillary and, under most circumstances, would want her out of the race. I find Trump to simply be a despicable human being that I cannot possibly support under any circumstances. As I said before, the Libertarian ticket of Johnson/Weld is looking better and better.
while anyone can see why you can;t stand hillary no need to ask, as far as trump I see a bunch of strawmen arguments that combined don;t amount to much of anything... so how about some specific examples of why trump is a despicable human being you cannot support...I mean it's kinda how I feel about obama and I can cite numerous reasons...

here's 4 off the top of my head:

"we won" to john mccain

"sit in the back of the bus" to republicans in congress

"the police acted stupidly" louis gates incident

"if I had a son" trayvon martin incident

EVERY ONE of those comments was specifically intended to cause strife, division and unrest at a time when a leader should be doing exactly the opposite...huge contrast to GW bush post 911 speech...

might as well tell us all why you are "scared" of trump too cuz I don't see it...

perhaps you do not like him personally ( completely understandable) but to say he is despicable and you are scared of him is a stretch, too much of a stretch...
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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by Bubba »

madhatter wrote:

might as well tell us all why you are "scared" of trump too cuz I don't see it...

perhaps you do not like him personally ( completely understandable) but to say he is despicable and you are scared of him is a stretch, too much of a stretch

One, I didn't say I was scared of Trump. I said it scares me that Trump could get the support of so many in the Republican Party. As for Trump himself, his statements on Mexicans, his acceptance if not encouragement of violence toward protesters within his rallies, his overall boorish persona, all make him a despicable person, not to mention his persona for years leading up to his campaign. The man is obnoxious, to say the least, but despicable as a person in my book.

As for Hillary, she's a money hungry, enabling, lying sack of sh*t, and I'm being kind.

This is an incredibly dispiriting election cycle - the primaries and now the general election. How did we ever end up with the two most disliked and dislikable candidates to ever grace a ballot? This election will turn on how many "never Hillary" voters turn out for Trump and how many "never Trump" voters turn out for Hillary. This country has more than 300 million citizens and we can't do better than this???
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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by deadheadskier »

I'll add on Trump

I don't know how anyone can think it's even remotely presidential to try and start or feed into conspiracy theories that Obama is some how linked to Radical Islamic terrorism. His entire "birther/Muslim" campaign against Obama has been a completely idiotic and immature stunt.

There are idiots out there in this country who believe Obama is somehow linked to Al Qaeda or ISIS. Trump knows this and crafts tweets specifically to rile up the mouth breathing idiot faction of his supporters who view this election season as some sort of reality TV show. It's a joke.

I can't stand Hillary, but Trump has the language, tact and maturity level of a 14 year old boy. No f'n way that man has the mentality to be commander and chief.
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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by freeski »

Obama is very sympathetic toward muslims. So much so it is in direct conflict with protecting the country he has sworn to protect. At this point Trump is toast. Hillary will be the most divisive president since Lincoln.
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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by steamboat1 »

Mister Moose wrote:
"An assault rifle is a select-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine.[1][2][3][4][5] Assault rifles were first used during World War II. Though Western nations were slow to accept the assault rifle concept after World War II, by the end of the 20th century they had become the standard weapon in most of the world's armies, replacing battle rifles and sub-machine guns. Examples include the StG 44, AK-47 and the M16 rifle."

Reagan did sign an automatic weapons ban while still in office, this does not apply to the semi automatic weapon (NOT an assault rifle) used in the latest incident, and Reagan would be very electable today in my view.

You have a basic conflict of interest with semi automatic firearms. On one side, to have the ability to defend yourself against an attacker or attackers that possess deadly force, you need to be able to dependably fire multiple rounds in a short period of time accounting for misses, non lethal shots, and the difficulty to be accurate under stress. On the other side, this capability allows for the ability to take that weapon into a crowded, unarmed public gathering and do a lot of damage in a short period of time.
The Republican controlled 103rd Congress did pass an assault weapons ban in 1994. It was the Democrat controlled 109th Congress that let that bill expire in 2004 due to it's sunset provision. ... eapons_Ban
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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by madhatter »

Bubba wrote:
madhatter wrote:

might as well tell us all why you are "scared" of trump too cuz I don't see it...

perhaps you do not like him personally ( completely understandable) but to say he is despicable and you are scared of him is a stretch, too much of a stretch

One, I didn't say I was scared of Trump. I said it scares me that Trump could get the support of so many in the Republican Party. As for Trump himself, his statements on Mexicansya mean illegals?, his acceptance if not encouragement of violence toward protesters within his rallies,not much you can do when people bring violence, he kinda has to accept that angry left wingers will never tolerate anything outside their sphere...blaming trump for the petulant childern that showup at his rallies to cause trouble is BS his overall boorish persona, all make him a despicable person, not to mention his persona for years leading up to his campaign. The man is obnoxious, to say the least, but despicable as a person in my book. all opinion based on not much reality, but you are entitled to your opinion as fabricated around left wing talking points as it is...

As for Hillary, she's a money hungry, enabling, lying sack of sh*t, and I'm being kind.

This is an incredibly dispiriting election cycle - the primaries and now the general election. How did we ever end up with the two most disliked and dislikable candidates to ever grace a ballot? This election will turn on how many "never Hillary" voters turn out for Trump and how many "never Trump" voters turn out for Hillary. This country has more than 300 million citizens and we can't do better than this???
thank obama ( and the dem party and it's complicit media) for doing everything they can to divide the country...mission accomplished, cloward-pivin coming to fruition...
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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by madhatter »

freeski wrote:Obama is very sympathetic toward muslims. So much so it is in direct conflict with protecting the country he has sworn to protect. At this point Trump is toast. Hillary will be the most divisive president since Lincoln.
exactly, and speaking of mouth breathing idiots obama has them burning down furguson and baltimore and the like with is inflamatory and divisive rhetoric on a regular basis w/o a peep from the likes of DHS...obama has single handedly undermined and scapegoated police forces across the nation and made them targets...some leader there...and all the left can do it point fingers at trump...@ssclowns...
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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by deadheadskier »

Nice try. I absolutely think every time there's riots like Baltimore that the scum involved should be arrested. There is no place for such behavior in society no matter what caused the anger. I felt that way back with Rodney King and have every time it's happened since.

Secondly, find me one instance where Obama has called for poor treatment of those who oppose them like Trump has. Has Obama called for protesters to have their coats taken and the people thrown out in the cold? Has Obama responded to beat downs at his speeches saying, "maybe he deserved to be roughed up" or "my people are very passionate," when clearly the behavior was wrong.

Is Obama such a pussy that he acts like some fascist calling for media credentials to be pulled by papers who report the exact things he says?even yesterday Trump was calling for his own party to get in line behind him and just be quiet. He can't handle an ounce of criticism. But, Trump is a real "tough guy" right?

The fact that 71% of the country views Trump negatively isn't some sort of media creation it's because of Trumps comments and behavior. He's a joke. Much like yourself he acts like a 14 year old immature little bully in the lunchroom trying to insult his way to popularity and power. It's no wonder you love him. He's got the same inferiority complex as you do. And just like you he constantly feels the need to tell everyone how great and smart he is and by doing so you both only look like children. Sad to have to act in such ways to get the attention you both so desperately want. Babies.
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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by madhatter » ... der-county" onclick=";return false;
“Islamic Refugee” With Gas Pipeline Plans Arrested In New Mexico Border County

Police in a U.S. town bordering Mexico have apprehended an undocumented, Middle Eastern woman in possession of the region’s gas pipeline plans, law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch. Authorities describe the woman as an “Islamic refugee” pulled over during a traffic stop by a deputy sheriff in Luna County, New Mexico which shares a 54-mile border with Mexico. County authorities alerted the U.S. Border Patrol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) has been deployed to the area to investigate, sources with firsthand knowledge of the probe confirm.

The gas pipeline plans in the woman’s possession include the Deming region, law enforcement sources say. Deming is a Luna County city situated about 35 miles north of the Mexican border and 60 miles west of Las Cruces. It has a population of about 15,000. Last year one local publication listed Deming No. 1 on a list of the “ten worst places” to live in New Mexico due to high unemployment, poverty, crime and a horrible public education system. The entire region is a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA), according to the Justice Department’s National Drug Intelligence Center due to the large amounts of methamphetamines, heroin, cocaine and marijuana smuggled through the state by Mexican traffickers. Specifically, the renowned Juárez and Sinaloa cartels operate in the area, the feds affirm in a report.
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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:Nice try. I absolutely think every time there's riots like Baltimore that the scum involved should be arrested. There is no place for such behavior in society no matter what caused the anger. I felt that way back with Rodney King and have every time it's happened since.I've noticed your daily denouncing of the berniebots, the occupy idiots, the ferguson and baltimore riots etc... :roll:

Secondly, find me one instance where Obama has called for poor treatment of those who oppose them like Trump has. Has Obama called for protesters to have their coats taken and the people thrown out in the cold? Has Obama responded to beat downs at his speeches saying, "maybe he deserved to be roughed up" or "my people are very passionate," when clearly the behavior was wrong.

Is Obama such a pussy that he acts like some fascist calling for media credentials to be pulled by papers who report the exact things he says?even yesterday Trump was calling for his own party to get in line behind him and just be quiet. He can't handle an ounce of criticism. But, Trump is a real "tough guy" right?

The fact that 71% of the country views Trump negatively isn't some sort of media creation it's because of Trumps comments and behavior. He's a joke. Much like yourself he acts like a 14 year old immature little bully in the lunchroom trying to insult his way to popularity and power. PROJECT MUCH? It's no wonder you love him. He's got the same inferiority complex as you do. yeah you nailed it there :roll: And just like you he constantly feels the need to tell everyone how great and smart he is and by doing so you both only look like children. Sad to have to act in such ways to get the attention you both so desperately want. Babies.funny how in your lunatic world responses to direct attacks are somehow "attempts to get attention" and indicators of an "inferiority complex"
blah blah blah personal attacks are all you have as usual, your good hate always shines see the world trough a very distorted prism...always desperate to pin a label on someone while clearly depicting yourself as all that you project...painting everyone w your broad brush, constantly feeling the need to disparage everyone you disagree with...all while imagining yourself as some sort of benevolent savior of the human race... just need to eliminate the 50 or so percent that disagree with you, but they have no worth anyway so they're not really human to begin with...

obama and the leftist media have done more to set back race relations and cause division in this country than anyone would have ever imagined possible...This administrations attitude and comments directed at law enforcement is paving the way to anarchy and unrest to the great joy of the oblivious ( barely) useful idiots who will suffer most when their goals are realized...

meanwhile trump clearly says he will be the president of ALL the people, not just his supporters, he is far less driven by ideology than any of the other candidates and minus the BS strawman attacks by ignorant leftwing haters and establishment cronies desperately clinging to their last vestiges of power, it seems he has a lot of support from people with whom he's been involved with in the past, and while some bitter losers will seek to profit from attacks on him, many who actually know him and have worked for him hold him in high regard...

like this:

he also seems to be extremely detail oriented and driven to work as hard as possible to achieve wonder the opposition hates him so much, he has far more ability than the whole lot of them put together and the drive to put it to use....a direct contrast to the do little, perks of office exploiting, professional agitator we have in office now...

winners are winners and winners get rich, while sad little losers just sit there and bitch....

TRUMP 2016

liberal whining til the end of time...despite the fact that much of his platform is quite appealing to "left wing ideology"" onclick=";return false;
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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by deadheadskier »

Detail oriented bahahahahahahah

Inclusive of all people bahahahaha

Thanks for the laugh.

Yes, Trump is detail oriented. He's very detail oriented and smart. The most detail oriented Presidential candidate god has ever created. And have you seen how much women love him? Even ugly women like Carli thinks he's the smartest, most detailed and inclusive man. A nice person. A very nice person that Trump is. Have I told you how nice he is? And smart too? Have i told you that?

The man is a gloating ape leading a circus of clowns like you around and the adults in the room including most of the Republican leadership just sit back and cringe whenever he opens his mouth not knowing what garbage will fall for you all to eat off the floor.
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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by Mister Moose »

madhatter wrote:
meanwhile trump clearly says he will be the president of ALL the people, not just his supporters,
Didn't we hear Obama say the same thing?
madhatter wrote: he also seems to be extremely detail oriented and driven to work as hard as possible to achieve success...
Yesterday Trump met with the NRA. It seems to me there is some low hanging fruit there. And what other candidate past or present has met with the NRA publicly?

Trump has the opportunity to lead with a policy that puts the do not fly list into the database for firearm restrictions with some agreeable protections such as:

►The ability to have a prompt hearing on the evidence why you were put on the list and present testimony/evidence why it is unjustified. The burden of proof is on the government to prove it's case.

►Near immediate correction of existing simple errors upon application, such as you have the same name of someone else.

►Notification you are on the list, and the reason why.

►A review of the law after 10 years, with a sunset if not still supported by the current congress.

►Note that the do not fly list is NOT the do not travel list. Those people are still able to travel, albeit slower. Their right to travel was not taken away.

If Trump is able to craft some such similar provisions that has the support of Congress and has the support of the NRA, he will both score a huge pre election victory and demonstrate his ability to lead.
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Re: More Muslim Violence

Post by madhatter »

Mister Moose wrote:
madhatter wrote:
meanwhile trump clearly says he will be the president of ALL the people, not just his supporters,
Didn't we hear Obama say the same thing?"we won" "sit in the back of the bus" "car in the ditch sipping a slurpee now they wanna drive" etc etc on and on...perhaps on occasion he pretended but never did he ever even attempt to understand, let alone work with any opposition in any way... it remains to be seen IF trump can or will work with the opposition,or if he will even get the for obama his record speaks for itself....99.9% partisan ideologically driven w nearly zero regard for anything other than furthering an agenda regardless of any of opposition...
madhatter wrote: he also seems to be extremely detail oriented and driven to work as hard as possible to achieve success...
Yesterday Trump met with the NRA. It seems to me there is some low hanging fruit there. And what other candidate past or present has met with the NRA publicly?

Trump has the opportunity to lead with a policy that puts the do not fly list into the database for firearm restrictions with some agreeable protections such as:

►The ability to have a prompt hearing on the evidence why you were put on the list and present testimony/evidence why it is unjustified. The burden of proof is on the government to prove it's case.

►Near immediate correction of existing simple errors upon application, such as you have the same name of someone else.

►Notification you are on the list, and the reason why.

►A review of the law after 10 years, with a sunset if not still supported by the current congress.

►Note that the do not fly list is NOT the do not travel list. Those people are still able to travel, albeit slower. Their right to travel was not taken away.

If Trump is able to craft some such similar provisions that has the support of Congress and has the support of the NRA, he will both score a huge pre election victory and demonstrate his ability to lead.
trump's official policies are very much in line w moderate-moderate left leaning ideals...and he has the chutzpah to go after the never-ending stall tactics and other shenanigans that provide plausible deniability to lawmakers and force them to vote on a number of things that BOTH sides want to see voted on...point out WHO exactly is tacking on the nonstarters to bills to prevent the whole from passing...both sides are guilty of that and I'm not for it regardless of who it comes from....

my summation of a trump presidency is he works w congress from a middle ground standpoint where he can draw support from both parties, parlaying that into public support and vice versa or he accomplishes absolutely nothing as neither party will support him on any kind of executive orders w enough numbers to prevent public outrage from both sides...there will be NO media cover whatsoever for him, no sympathy from the establishment of either party...he either makes "deals" or he languishes...It'll be the ultimate test of his ability and the downside is infinitely less damaging than the mess the clinton machine can create in just a short time should it gain power...I'll take my chances w 4 years of trump ( 2 til the midterms) I'm not scared at support for him is totally contingent on his ability to stay true to the platform he has set forth and his ability to modify that platform and make the "deals" necessary to see it through...

Any deal w the NRA is a win win IMO, it addresses gun legislation in what I assume will be a practical manner and provides something tangible, vs the never ending pleas for "sensible gun legislation" " fair share" and other ever expanding never defined yet much maligned mullarkey that accomplishes nothing but to aggravate the public on both sides and further division when we can see even here on Kzone that MOST have at least some common ground on guns, among other things...I'm counting on trump to gain enough traction to get the votes necessary to pass legislation that both sides want and not focus on the politics of ideological division for the sake of furthering a political agenda...the alternative is a clinton administration in which the right is continually demonized both by the office and by the parties followers themselves, where nothing that really concerns me is even remotely a priority and continued embedded corruption left virtually unchecked...

I keep asking the trump haters to address his official policy in an objective manner( ya know read through it not cherry pick strawmen from it) but so far nada..." onclick=";return false;

might not be perfect, but it's certainly no right wing fantasy platform...he's definitely bringing a number of issues to the table and offering potential solutions ( to be deliberated in congress) I'm ok w that...

and DHS please try to have some sort of adult conversation here, we were so close til you found it necessary to revert to ad hominem attacks devoid of any reality...I'm sure you can do it if you try...look for the common ground dude, it's there somewhere...
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