obama's race war

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Re: obama's race war

Post by Atomic1 »

Obama seems to have a " divide and conquer " agenda as even his speeches are suspect. I'd like to follow the money of these BLM terrorists to see where it all begins . So it seems the plan is to first divide the American people by pitting people against one another by race , then against the cops and then it will be easier to go after the law abiding citizens guns . What happens next can be traced in history in places like Germany , China and Russia as they say unfortunately " " "history repeats itself" .
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Re: obama's race war

Post by madhatter »

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Re: obama's race war

Post by SnoBrdr »

Atomic1 wrote:Obama seems to have a " divide and conquer " agenda as even his speeches are suspect. I'd like to follow the money of these BLM terrorists to see where it all begins . So it seems the plan is to first divide the American people by pitting people against one another by race , then against the cops and then it will be easier to go after the law abiding citizens guns . What happens next can be traced in history in places like Germany , China and Russia as they say unfortunately " " "history repeats itself" .
http://www.frontpagemag.com/point/26067 ... greenfield
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Re: obama's race war

Post by deadheadskier »

http://www.ifyouonlynews.com/politics/t ... -tv-video/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Yup, the President is totally race bating. Completely anti-cop.

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Re: obama's race war

Post by brownman »

This deadhead knuckledragger is quite the sniper.
Someone call his mommy to change his stinky diaper.
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Re: obama's race war

Post by deadheadskier »

If calling out the BS fallacy that Obama is somehow responsible for race problems in this country makes me a sniper, then so be it.

Haven't heard a single one of you call out the divisive rhetoric of Trump towards Mexicans and Muslims, which has been exponentially worse. Guess that's okay though because you agree with Trump hate.
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Re: obama's race war

Post by steamboat1 »

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Re: obama's race war

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:If calling out the BS fallacy that Obama is somehow responsible for race problems in this country makes me a sniper, then so be it.

Haven't heard a single one of you call out the divisive rhetoric of Trump towards Mexicans and Muslims, which has been exponentially worse. Guess that's okay though because you agree with Trump hate.
cuz yer stupid, you have zero ability to comprehend anything trump called out jihadis and ILLEGAL immigrants you are just too braindead to understand simple language...

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_ ... ial_divide" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

hundreds more to back that up too...
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Re: obama's race war

Post by deadheadskier »

Oh, so calling for a national database of Muslims only meant jihadists?

Trumps playbook is to unapologetically lie to incite rage in the low information crowd. The fact checks of his commentary reveal some of the greatest dishonesty of any candidate we've ever seen. It gets repeated and pushed by right wing conspiracy loons like Limbaugh and websites like Zerohedge and whatever other crap you read. The division pushed by those sources is far worse than anything the Presidenthas ever said and you get the likes of Atomic and you lapoing it up and spewing the hate further out to anyone who will listen. Not sure what you said that caused people to recommend you delete it, but I've got a pretty good idea.

But it's all Obama's fault right?

The hatters can no longer travel to cities like they once did. Well if the hatters bothered to read, they know that most all cities in this country (there are exceptions) are far safer than they've been in a long time. Violent crime and murder rates have fallen precipitously under Obama.

You say it's worse for cops today than before because of Obama? That's also simply not true. While the death of 1 police officer is too many and a tragedy, fewer cops are dying on duty today than at any time in the past 35 years.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/won ... n-decades/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

See hatter, a wise person looks at facts and data and uses critical analysis of such to formulate an opinion and commentary. Thats what this President does. Calm, measured and fact based. You and the Trumptards? Yeah, not so much.

What you fail to see is that we are making progress on violence in American society as a whole. There are issues no doubt and terrorism is a scary thing that needs every resource possible thrown at it, but overall things are improving regarding safety. The difference today is when something bad happens it's often caught on camera and broadcasted out to millions instantaneously and the reactions are stronger. This will only continue as there is more and more surveillance in society.

But, by all means keep on believing your beloved Trump the demagogue demigod is the one trying to unite America. Only shows your ignorance and acceptance of intellectual dishonesty to fit your Ted Nugent agenda.
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Re: obama's race war

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:Oh, so calling for a national database of Muslims only meant jihadists? speaking of facts you should check on this ...you need a better source of news than the loonasphere...trump never called for that some leftwing reporter did...

Trumps playbook is to unapologetically lie to incite rage in the low information crowd. The fact checks of his commentary reveal some of the greatest dishonesty of any candidate we've ever seen. It gets repeated and pushed by right wing conspiracy loons like Limbaugh and websites like Zerohedge and whatever other crap you read. The division pushed by those sources is far worse than anything the Presidenthas ever said and you get the likes of Atomic and you lapoing it up and spewing the hate further out to anyone who will listen. you are oblivious get some help... Not sure what you said that caused people to recommend you delete it, but I've got a pretty good idea.

But it's all Obama's fault right?

The hatters can no longer travel to cities like they once did. Well if the hatters bothered to read, they know that most all cities in this country (there are exceptions) are far safer than they've been in a long time. Violent crime and murder rates have fallen precipitously under Obama. so clearly there's absolutely no need for any new gun legislation then....

You say it's worse for cops today than before because of Obama? no one said that again you just make sh!t up as you go along...That's also simply not true. While the death of 1 police officer is too many and a tragedy, fewer cops are dying on duty today than at any time in the past 35 years.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/won ... n-decades/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

See hatter, a wise person looks at facts and data and uses critical analysis of such to formulate an opinion and commentary. clearly wise is somethign you'll never be then... Thats what this President does. Calm, measured and fact based. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA are you clinically insane?You and the Trumptards? Yeah, not so much.your bias colors everything you see...

What you fail to see is that we are making progress on violence in American society as a whole. yeah pretty much everywhere except in the bastions of liberalism....There are issues no doubt and terrorism is a scary thing that needs every resource possible thrown at it, but overall things are improving regarding safety. The difference today is when something bad happens it's often caught on camera and broadcasted out to millions instantaneously and the reactions are stronger. This will only continue as there is more and more surveillance in society.

But, by all means keep on believing your beloved Trump the demagogue demigod is the one trying to unite America. Only shows your ignorance and acceptance of intellectual dishonesty to fit your Ted Nugent agenda.
DHS the master of bigotry, stereotyping and bias combined to create the justifiable good hate...despicable...

honestly your posts are so far out there they are hardly worth responding to...

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Re: obama's race war

Post by freeski »

Crime rate was dropping before Obama. Obama has fueled the race divide and war on cops. Stop letting muslims in from problem countries and export those that are sympathetic to sharia and you don't need a database. Hillary is a professional liar; Trump is a novice.
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Re: obama's race war

Post by madhatter »

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/liv ... ?CMP=fb_gu" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: obama's race war

Post by Atomic1 »

I don't hear Obama , Sharpton , Farrakan etc . Telling their people to stop shooting police . I don't hear Obama telling his people that the guys that were killed by police were killed because they didn't obey orders , tried to pull a gun on the police and fought with police ect....I don't hear any black leaders telling their people about how these guys had long rap sheets , arrest warrants etc.. Nope what we have is more rebel rousing to create violence and fulfill Obamas eventual agenda of gun control when in fact it's his people that are doing the shooting almost on command ! If you think people like these shooters are going to obey some gun law than you're really a dreamer. This country has really become one big ghetto just like Obama and his people turned Chicago into and one of the worst places crime wise in America ! In the end it's Obama's " divide and conquer " agenda that is taking shape . First divide America by race and the American people become easy to conquer as it's people are divided ! Could it be the Muslim brotherhood that has infiltrated Washington that's calling the shots ? Gee , what do you think is their agenda ?
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Re: obama's race war

Post by deadheadskier »

I'm not even going to respond to the BS conspiracy crap you all spew. If this same crap continues under Trump will you blame him? Doubt it.

RIP to the officers of Baton Rouge. Shame on anyone who thinks violence is the answer to any injustices in society be they real or perceived.
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Re: obama's race war

Post by madhatter »

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