Johnson / Weld

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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:Yes, Portland is such a dangerous and scary, scary place.

What in the hell are the developers thinking building luxury condos by the hundreds in the past twenty years that keep flying off the market.

And all those new luxury hotels and now having the most high end restaurants of any metro area in New England other than Boston. And the retailers driving commercial occupancy to the highest levels they've ever been.

And the tourists flocking there by the millions like never before. Are they crazy!!!! It's dangerous!!!

Man what have the damn Democrats done to the place!!!!!
all of those things exist in chicago too, it's still a democrat sh1thole, a dangerous, poverty, drug and crime infested bastion of liberal success and ideology....walk two blocks and reality hits ya like a ton of bricks...high crime and poverty, far above the national avg just like portland...stay stupid DHS, at least yer good at that....
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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:What the hell? Portland has one of the lowest unemployment rates of any metro area in the country? you probably think the US is at 4.9% UE too huh? ... gures-show" onclick=";return false;

there is no mr wong, you probby think there's a mister coffee too huh?

How is that possible? Portland is in steep urban decline. There's no money there. It's a ghetto!!!!
the crime rates and statistics are indisputable fact... your perception, which seems to be nearly 180 degrees from reality on almost every possible topic is completely irrelevant...
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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by steamboat1 »

deadheadskier wrote:Angry old steamboat. Don't ever lose your charm. I'd miss laughing at you
See that's the difference between a tolerant liberal & a compassionate conservative. While you laugh at me I actually feel sorry for you.
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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by madhatter »

boston_e wrote:
madhatter wrote:
you either vote for or against clinton there are NO OTHER OPTIONS regardless of what you's really THAT simple...cuz maff....
The thing is though, to many of us (and I understand you don't agree) the idea of a Dumph presidency is equally bad as the idea of a Shrillary presidency. So the only alternative is to make a statement by voting third party.
I made that same stand w perot, got nothing out of will definitely be worse than the other, perhaps a more in depth analysis is required in order to make a better choice than a very silent statement via johnson weld...perot is but a footnote and any would be bush voter that went that way most certainly regretted it later...

If I were a former obama voter ( I'm assuming you were) I'd be voting D, even though I'd prefer you go third far as those who voted against obama I certainly hope you vote R, as third party can only help the D's...
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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by deadheadskier »

madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:Yes, Portland is such a dangerous and scary, scary place.

What in the hell are the developers thinking building luxury condos by the hundreds in the past twenty years that keep flying off the market.

And all those new luxury hotels and now having the most high end restaurants of any metro area in New England other than Boston. And the retailers driving commercial occupancy to the highest levels they've ever been.

And the tourists flocking there by the millions like never before. Are they crazy!!!! It's dangerous!!!

Man what have the damn Democrats done to the place!!!!!
all of those things exist in chicago too, it's still a democrat sh1thole, a dangerous, poverty, drug and crime infested bastion of liberal success and ideology....walk two blocks and reality hits ya like a ton of bricks...high crime and poverty, far above the national avg just like portland...stay stupid DHS, at least yer good at that....
Lived there three years, hang there all the time. Not a single street in the city I'd have any hesitation walking around at 3AM.
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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:
madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:Yes, Portland is such a dangerous and scary, scary place.

What in the hell are the developers thinking building luxury condos by the hundreds in the past twenty years that keep flying off the market.

And all those new luxury hotels and now having the most high end restaurants of any metro area in New England other than Boston. And the retailers driving commercial occupancy to the highest levels they've ever been.

And the tourists flocking there by the millions like never before. Are they crazy!!!! It's dangerous!!!

Man what have the damn Democrats done to the place!!!!!
all of those things exist in chicago too, it's still a democrat sh1thole, a dangerous, poverty, drug and crime infested bastion of liberal success and ideology....walk two blocks and reality hits ya like a ton of bricks...high crime and poverty, far above the national avg just like portland...stay stupid DHS, at least yer good at that....
Lived there three years, hang there all the time. Not a single street in the city I'd have any hesitation walking around at 3AM.
yeah'll need to prove this...set yer gps, and go walk around chi town every nite between 1-4 am and post yer ( autopsy )results...
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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by madhatter » ... convention" onclick=";return false;

Wikileaks founder will address Green Party convention
Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange will speak at the Green Party convention in Houston via live stream, the Houston Chronicle reported.

Assange is scheduled to speak Saturday at 11:45 a.m. local time from the Embassy of Ecuador in London, making a high-profile speech on the third day of the convention, before the party officially picks its nominee.
Assange will be interviewed by 2004 Green Party presidential nominee David Cobb, party officials said in a statement on Friday.

Wikileaks made headlines last month when it released thousands of emails on the eve of the Democratic convention that showed some party officials had worked to back Hillary Clinton’s campaign from behind the scenes.

The emails made supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders furious and prompted the resignation of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. ... bate-stage" onclick=";return false;

Third-party candidates in late push for debate stage

Third-party candidates are racing against the clock to meet the threshold to qualify for the presidential debate stage.

The first debate isn’t until Sept. 26 at Hostra University in Hempstead, N.Y., but the campaigns expect a decision on who makes the cut in early September, giving Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein about one month to hit the 15 percent national polling threshold.

The candidates and their campaigns are in an all-out sprint to boost their polling numbers ahead of that deadline.

Johnson and Green have surpassed one hurdle – both are routinely included in the polls that will determine who makes the stage after being left out of many polls earlier in the cycle.

But reaching 15 percent in five national surveys leading up to the debate remains a steep climb for the underfunded and little-known third-party candidates.

“You have two historically unappealing candidates in Clinton and Trump that a majority view unfavorably, so a lot of voters are looking for alternatives,” said GOP pollster David Winston.

“There’s a willingness to look at the third party candidates this cycle but it hasn’t hit critical mass yet, so unless Trump and Clinton dramatically tank, it’s going to be hard to get into that first debate,” Winston said.

Johnson, the former Republican governor of New Mexico, has approached the 15 percent mark in several surveys, reaching as high as 12 percent in a Fox News poll released this week.

That’s on the high end of where Johnson has placed. He is at 8.6 percent in the RealClearPolitics average.

Johnson’s campaign has so far relied heavily on pushing digital content over social media and earned media from national and local press outlets to get his message out.

Johnson and running mate Bill Weld, the former Republican governor of Massachusetts, have sat for two primetime, hour-long town hall events on CNN.

The first town hall, which was a let-down to many Libertarians, received fewer than 1 million viewers. The second town hall, which took place Wednesday, was cheered by Johnson-Weld supporters and reached 1.6 million viewers, making it the most-watched cable news program in its time slot.

Now, the campaign is looking beyond earned media to more traditional campaign activities.

Johnson and Weld will hold their first rallies of the cycle this weekend in Nevada and Utah. Additional rallies in Colorado and New Mexico are expected further down the road.

The campaign is also set to drop a national radio ad soon, and a small national cable news buy is in the works.

Weld has embraced the role of fundraiser for the campaign, boasting in the CNN town hall about having landed $1 million in commitments in one day. That would nearly match what the campaign had raised in the first half of the year.

And campaign manager Ron Nielson said small-dollar fundraising is also picking up, claiming the ticket raised $500,000 in grassroots donations over a two-day stretch this month.

The Johnson-Weld campaign has more than 40 paid staffers now and nearly as many full-time volunteers.

Nielson is cautiously optimistic about their chances of making the first debate.

“We think we’re moving up right now,” he said. “We see a lot of support. We feel good. We think we can get above 15 percent.”

Stein, meanwhile, has a far steeper climb.

She has topped out at 6 percent in the polls and is only at 4 percent in the RCP average.

The liberal Green Party candidate is making a concerted push to bring Bernie Sanders’ supporters into the fold.

She has grabbed headlines for being fiercely critical of Clinton, although in a new television ad running on cable news she savages both major party candidates.

“Donald Trump says despicable things but Hillary Clinton has a terrifying track record," she says.
Stein will get her own CNN town hall on Aug. 17, which will be a big moment for her.

The third-party candidates suffered a set-back on Friday when a district court judge threw out a case they brought against the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) challenging the polling threshold.

Johnson still has a separate legal challenge against the commission outstanding. The non-partisan agency, which declined to comment for this story, could come under pressure as the debates near if Johnson or Stein are climbing in the polls.

Nielson, of Johnson’s campaign, lashed out at the agency in a statement.

“With Governor Johnson consistently polling in double-digits, we continue to believe that the CPD should make the right and fair decision to invite him to participate in the upcoming debates,” Nielson said.

“There is clearly an unprecedented desire for alternatives to the Republican and Democratic nominees, and voters deserve an opportunity to see and hear that there are, in fact, other credible, serious choices,” he continued. “The CPD could act today to end the two-party stranglehold on the debates, and that is precisely what they should do."

Pollsters interviewed by The Hill are doubtful either candidate will make the debate stage.

“I think it's unlikely, unless both major party candidates start leaching base support,” said Monmouth University pollster Patrick Murray. “While third-party candidates are set to do better this year than in most cycles, the 15 percent threshold is too high a hurdle.”

If they miss the on the first round, there will be a vice presidential match-up in October and two more presidential debates that month.
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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by madhatter » ... vesmatter/" onclick=";return false;

Gary Johnson endorses #BlackLivesMatter

BLM who's "platform" is this:
madhatter wrote:ok so here's the list of "demands" from BLM ... let-V3.pdf" onclick=";return false;
End the War On Black People
An immediate end to the criminalization and dehumanization of Black youth across all areas of society including, but not limited to; our nation’s justice and education systems, social service agencies, and media and pop culture. This includes an end to zero-tolerance school policies and arrests of students, the removal of police from schools, and the reallocation of funds from police and punitive school discipline practices to restorative services.
An end to capital punishment.
An end to money bail, mandatory fines, fees, court surcharges and “defendant funded” court proceedings.
An end to the use of past criminal history to determine eligibility for housing, education, licenses, voting, loans, employment, and other services and needs.
An end to the war on Black immigrants including the repeal of the 1996 crime and immigration bills, an end to all deportations, immigrant detention, and Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) raids, and mandated legal representation in immigration court.
An end to the war on Black trans, queer and gender nonconforming people including their addition to anti-discrimination civil rights protections to ensure they have full access to employment, health, housing and education.
An end to the mass surveillance of Black communities, and the end to the use of technologies that criminalize and target our communities (including IMSI catchers, drones, body cameras, and predictive
policing software).
The demilitarization of law enforcement, including law enforcement in schools and on college campuses.
An immediate end to the privatization of police, prisons, jails, probation, parole, food, phone and all other criminal justice related services.
Until we achieve a world where cages are no longer used against our people we demand an immediate change in conditions and an end to public jails, detention centers, youth facilities and prisons as we know them. This includes the end of solitary confinement, the end of shackling of pregnant people, access to quality healthcare, and effective measures to address the needs of our youth, queer, gender
nonconforming and trans families.
Reparations for the systemic denial of access to high quality educational opportunities in the form of full and free access for all Black people (including undocumented and currently and formerly incarcerated people) to lifetime education including: free access and open admissions to public community colleges and universities, technical education (technology, trade and agricultural), educational support programs, retroactive forgiveness of student loans, and support for lifetime learning programs.
Reparations for the continued divestment from, discrimination toward and exploitation of our communities in the form of a guaranteed minimum livable income for all Black people, with clearly articulated corporate regulations.
Reparations for the wealth extracted from our communities through environmental racism, slavery, food apartheid, housing discrimination and racialized capitalism in the form of corporate and government reparations focused on healing ongoing physical and mental trauma, and ensuring our access and control of food sources, housing and land.
Reparations for the cultural and educational exploitation, erasure, and extraction of our communities in the form of mandated public school curriculums that critically examine the political, economic, and social impacts of colonialism and slavery, and funding to support, build, preserve, and restore cultural assets and sacred sites to ensure the recognition and honoring of our collective struggles
and triumphs.
Legislation at the federal and state level that requires the United States to acknowledge the lasting impacts of slavery, establish and execute a plan to address those impacts. This includes the immediate passage of H.R.40, the “Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act” or subsequent versions which call for reparations remedies.
Invest - Divest
A reallocation of funds at the federal, state and local level from policing and incarceration (JAG, COPS, VOCA) to long-term safety strategies such as education, local restorative justice services, and employment programs.
The retroactive decriminalization, immediate release and record expungement of all drug related offenses and prostitution, and reparations for the devastating impact of the “war on drugs” and criminalization of prostitution, including a reinvestment of the resulting savings and revenue into restorative services, mental health services, job programs and other programs supporting those impacted by the sex and drug trade.
Real, meaningful, and equitable universal health care that guarantees: proximity to nearby comprehensive health centers, culturally competent services for all people, specific services for queer, gender nonconforming, and trans people, full bodily autonomy, full reproductive services, mental health services, paid parental leave, and comprehensive quality child and elder care.
A constitutional right at the state and federal level to a fully-funded education which includes a clear articulation of the right to: a free education for all, special protections for queer and trans students, wrap around services, social workers, free health services (including reproductive body autonomy), a curriculum that acknowledges and addresses students’ material and cultural needs, physical activity and recreation, high quality food, free daycare, and freedom from unwarranted search, seizure or arrest.
A divestment from industrial multinational use of fossil fuels and investment in community- based sustainable energy solutions.
A cut in military expenditures and a reallocation of those funds to invest in domestic infrastructure and community well-being.
Financial support of Black alternative institutions including, but not limited to: cooperatives, land trusts, and a culturally responsive health infrastructure.
Economic Justice
A progressive restructuring of tax codes at the local, state, and federal level to ensure a radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth.
Federal and state job programs that specifically target the most economically marginalized Black people, and compensation for those involved in the care economy. Job programs must provide a living wage and encourage support for local workers centers, unions, and Black-owned businesses which are accountable to the community.
A right to restored land, clean air, clean water and housing and an end to the exploitative privatization of natural resources — including land and water. We seek democratic control over how resources are preserved, used and distributed and do so while honoring and respecting the rights of our Indigenous family.
The right for workers to organize in public and private sectors, especially in “On Demand Economy” jobs.
Restore the Glass-Steagall Act to break up the large banks, and call for the National Credit Union Administration and the US Department of the Treasury to change policies and practices around regulation, reporting and consolidation to allow for the continuation and creation of black banks, small and community development credit unions, insurance companies and other financial institutions.
An end to the Trans-Pacific Partnership and a renegotiation of all trade agreements to prioritize the interests of workers and communities.
Through tax incentives, loans and other government directed resources, support the development of cooperative or social economy networks to help facilitate trade across and in Black communities globally. All aid in the form of grants, loans or contracts to help facilitate this must go to Black led or Black supported networks and organizations as defined by the communities.
Financial support of Black alternative institutions including policy that subsidizes and offers low interest, interest-free or federally guaranteed low-interest loans to promote the development of cooperatives (food, residential, etc.), land trusts and culturally responsive health infrastructures that serve the collective needs of our communities.
Protections for workers in industries that are not appropriately regulated including domestic workers, farm workers, and tipped workers, and for workers — many of whom are Black women and incarcerated people— who have been exploited and remain unprotected. This includes the immediate passage at the Federal and state level of the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights and extension of worker protections to incarcerated people.
Community Control
Direct democratic community control of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, ensuring that communities most harmed by destructive policing have the power to hire and fire officers, determine disciplinary action, control budgets and policies, and subpoena relevant agency information.
An end to the privatization of education and real community control by parents, students and community members of schools including democratic school boards and community control of curriculum,
hiring, firing and discipline policies.
Participatory budgeting at the local, state and federal level.
Political Power
An end to the criminalization of Black political activity including the immediate release of all political prisoners and an end to the repression of political parties.
Public financing of elections and the end of money controlling politics through ending super PACs and unchecked corporate donations.
Election protection, electoral expansion and the right to vote for all people including: full access, guarantees, and protections of the right to vote for all people through universal voter registration, automatic voter registration, pre-registration for 16-year-olds, same day voter registration, voting day holidays, enfranchisement of formerly and presently incarcerated people, local and state resident voting for undocumented people, and a ban on any disenfranchisement laws.
Full access to technology—including net neutrality and universal access to the internet without discrimination— and full representation for all.
Protection and increased funding for Black institutions: including Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s), Black media, and cultural, political and social formations.
yeah like no fvcking way...third party = turd party...WTF kind of simpleton supports that??? no one who should hold public office that;s for sure...

TRUMP, the ONLY choice...
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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by freeski »

Just because he supports them doesn't mean he approves of all of their demands. I liked him the other night on CNN, but I saw him a couple of months ago and he has some radical ideas. CNN was meant for main stream support.
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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by madhatter »

freeski wrote:Just because he supports them doesn't mean he approves of all of their demands. I liked him the other night on CNN, but I saw him a couple of months ago and he has some radical ideas. CNN was meant for main stream support.
their "demands" are insane, when you endorse someone you lend credence and your name to their platform...Their platform is pure radical activist the pdf and read it over...
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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by brownman »

So .. 'Slap in the face' .. somehow equates to supporting BLM :roll:
Anyone who saw Johnson respond in real-time saw the tenor of the response.
Straightforward reply .. not worth condemnation of their candidacy.

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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by boston_e »

brownman wrote:So .. 'Slap in the face' .. somehow equates to supporting BLM :roll:
Anyone who saw Johnson respond in real-time saw the tenor of the response.
Straightforward reply .. not worth condemnation of their candidacy.

I have to agree. I took his comments to mean nothing more than there is more racism in the country than he may have been aware of.

I don't see his comments as an across the board endorsement of BLM.
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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by madhatter »

boston_e wrote:
brownman wrote:So .. 'Slap in the face' .. somehow equates to supporting BLM :roll:
Anyone who saw Johnson respond in real-time saw the tenor of the response.
Straightforward reply .. not worth condemnation of their candidacy.

I have to agree. I took his comments to mean nothing more than there is more racism in the country than he may have been aware of.

I don't see his comments as an across the board endorsement of BLM.
yeah BLM is certainly racist, no different than la raza or arien nation, racially motivated and driven activists no politician should support in any way, but when yer pandering for votes... :bang
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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by brownman »

Actually, pandering is one area where Trump is unparalleled.
.. watch out for the 'rug pull' .. a work in progress.

.. this season, anything is possible 8)

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Re: Johnson / Weld

Post by boston_e »

Has anyone done polling on this? I have not seen any but it would not surprise me if this were true.
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