Refugees coming to Rutland

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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by deadheadskier »

madhatter wrote:.but dems, libs and progs aren't interested in helping them return HOME because they can't vote D from there...
Step away from the keyboard before you hurt yourself maddy. I made no mention of politics whatsoever. You on the other hand? Yup, turned this into a partisan discussion. The evidence is right there.

You are the most politically motivated member of this forum, there is no denying it one bit. It's kind of sad how much it consumes your mind. I don't think you've been able to stfu about politics a single day since you became a member of this site.

So, yeah, once again, as always, I'm right, you're wrong. Don't you ever get tired of being a loser dishing out epic selfings each day without fail? Sucks to be you.
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by brownman »

PTI, butt ..

Rutland is already a sanctuary city.
Dregs and drugs abound.
May not be suitable for Sharia ..
.. too long by camel to Colchester. :sad:

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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:
madhatter wrote:.but dems, libs and progs aren't interested in helping them return HOME because they can't vote D from there...
Step away from the keyboard before you hurt yourself maddy. I made no mention of politics whatsoever. You on the other hand? Yup, turned this into a partisan discussion. The evidence is right there.

You are the most politically motivated member of this forum, there is no denying it one bit. It's kind of sad how much it consumes your mind. I don't think you've been able to stfu about politics a single day since you became a member of this site.

So, yeah, once again, as always, I'm right, you're wrong. Don't you ever get tired of being a loser dishing out epic selfings each day without fail? Sucks to be you.

5th post first page...
f.a.s.t. wrote:
f.a.s.t. wrote:
daytripper wrote:does not mention where these refugees would be coming from
Make no doubt about, they will be Muslim refugees; most if not all.
Make no doubt about it, in addition the Mexicans will be pouring over the border illegally and coming to a town near you, or even worse; to your own town.

Make no doubt about it, the only reason this invasion is happening is because democrats know that 90% of them will vote democrat. If it was the opposite there would be no refugees, Mexicans, or for that matter, any immigrants coming to the USA. There would be a wall a mile high, a mile deep and a mile wide at the southern border to keep them out. Has nothing at all to do with America's history of immigration. It is all about electing democrats-the truth-the whole truth and nothing but the truth-it's about votes.

The price, more and more Americans will be killed by them, the more you let in, the more will die-make no doubt about it. Don't try to sugar coat it.
he happens to be right but that doesn't excuse you from blaming me for turning this political...

again your partisan hate is projected while you wallow obliviously in your lack of self awareness...your celebration is typical of your idiocy, the quintessential lybocrite indeed...
the evidence is right there....

madhatter joins thread 14th post of first page makes zero mention of politics...
madhatter wrote:
gotta agree w HS say immigrated is to revise history...

back to the topic I just don;t see any tangible plus side to this...most refugees want to go back HOME and live the life they lived before strife caused them to seek refuge...( granted for some it's been generations since there was no strife) ...focus efforts on helping them return to their homeleand and you have at least some support from me depending on the length to which it is proposed we go to ensure this...

as far as muslim immigrants go if the process was in any way impartial we would see at least a "noticeable" number of christians ( who are also being persecuted, perhaps even more often and brutally)seeking refuge from the same countries...

as far as vetting goes it's impossible...many of these people have no documentation and/or no way of procuring documentation that has a trail of custody capable of guarantying its authenticity...only a fool imagines enemy radicals don't recognize this as an exploitable weakness...

bottom line, help em go home...

at least ya got the " as always" part right...the rest? the exact opposite of reality as usual... must be that superior intellect that causes you to continually ignore anything longer than 20 words, jump to uninformed conclusions, point fingers, congratulate yourself and gloat and still get it totally wrong time and time again eh?

I'm right, you're wrong. Don't you ever get tired of being a loser dishing out epic selfings each day without fail? Sucks to be you.
jack@ss... :banana: :banana: :banana:
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by f.a.s.t. »

deadheadskier wrote:
f.a.s.t. wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:Always about politics with you hatter.

And they want to go home? To a land that's been turned to rubble and continues to get worse due to civil war? That's rich. Thanks for the morning laugh.
The only reason B. O., Clinton and people like you want these refugees and illegals from Mexico here is you all know that 80-90% will vote democrat. If they all were going to vote Republican, none of them would be allowed; and you accuse Madhatter of being political.
Because he is the one turning this into a partisan issue. It is for him, but certainly is not for me. I could care less who they vote for. Vote for the best candidate, not the letter. I've made it perfectly clear in this election I would have EASILY voted for Kasich, Christie, Paul or Bush over Clinton. I've said many times my ideal candidate for 2020 is Charlie Baker. Locally, I vote probably 75% D, 25% R unless there's a compelling third party candidate. I lean Democrat for sure, but I'm not some partisan hack like you losers who blindly vote R and turn every issue you can into a political debate. So, go screw You're 100% wrong about me.
Every one of the politicians you just listed is a democrat as far as I'm concerned, don't give your self too much credit. They all are for open borders and refugees flooding the country.

Let me ask you this, if you had your choice: allow 10,000 Muslim refugees into this country. Only one of them is bad and the only one person they kill is you. Would you still want them in?
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter »

f.a.s.t. wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:
f.a.s.t. wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:Always about politics with you hatter.

And they want to go home? To a land that's been turned to rubble and continues to get worse due to civil war? That's rich. Thanks for the morning laugh.
The only reason B. O., Clinton and people like you want these refugees and illegals from Mexico here is you all know that 80-90% will vote democrat. If they all were going to vote Republican, none of them would be allowed; and you accuse Madhatter of being political.
Because he is the one turning this into a partisan issue. It is for him, but certainly is not for me. I could care less who they vote for. Vote for the best candidate, not the letter. I've made it perfectly clear in this election I would have EASILY voted for Kasich, Christie, Paul or Bush over Clinton. I've said many times my ideal candidate for 2020 is Charlie Baker. Locally, I vote probably 75% D, 25% R unless there's a compelling third party candidate. I lean Democrat for sure, but I'm not some partisan hack like you losers who blindly vote R and turn every issue you can into a political debate. So, go screw You're 100% wrong about me.
Every one of the politicians you just listed is a democrat as far as I'm concerned, don't give your self too much credit. They all are for open borders and refugees flooding the country.

Let me ask you this, if you had your choice: allow 10,000 Muslim refugees into this country. Only one of them is bad and the only one person they kill is you. Would you still want them in?
well if it can be DHS for sure, then I wanna change my vote! :wink:
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by Atomic1 »

So let's look at the people that will be coming . I'm pretty sure they'll all be Muslims as word is those are the only ones making it out of the camps . So what percentage of these Muslims believe in Sharia law? I googled this question to see the response and the answer was >
A majority (51 percent) of Muslims surveyed said they "should have the choice of being governed according to shariah law ". Almost 30 percent also believe it is legitimate to use violence "against those that insult the prophet Muhammad, the Qur'an, or Islamic faith. "
So the problem is as I see it , they're not coming here to be a part of our current society but want to change the current laws of the land to fit their own wants and needs . I've also read that their teachings are also to impregnate as many women as they can , to spread Islam and that Abortion is punishable by death because it goes against the spreading of Islam . Do you see the pattern here ?
What about the financial cost of this program ? How does it compare to how our veterans are treated ? So lastly , with all the turmoil in the world caused by Muslim extremists , is now the time to be shipping Muslims around the Country ? Looks like we're going to find out the answers to these questions first hand , sooner than later ....
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by f.a.s.t. »

Atomic1 wrote:So let's look at the people that will be coming . I'm pretty sure they'll all be Muslims as word is those are the only ones making it out of the camps . So what percentage of these Muslims believe in Sharia law? I googled this question to see the response and the answer was >
A majority (51 percent) of Muslims surveyed said they "should have the choice of being governed according to shariah law ". Almost 30 percent also believe it is legitimate to use violence "against those that insult the prophet Muhammad, the Qur'an, or Islamic faith. "
So the problem is as I see it , they're not coming here to be a part of our current society but want to change the current laws of the land to fit their own wants and needs . I've also read that their teachings are also to impregnate as many women as they can , to spread Islam and that Abortion is punishable by death because it goes against the spreading of Islam . Do you see the pattern here ?
What about the financial cost of this program ? How does it compare to how our veterans are treated ? So lastly , with all the turmoil in the world caused by Muslim extremists , is now the time to be shipping Muslims around the Country ? Looks like we're going to find out the answers to these questions first hand , sooner than later ....
None of this matters. It's the price America has to pay, just ask deadhead skier.
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by SnoBrdr »

Highway Star wrote:
SnoBrdr wrote:
freeski wrote:As far as the Indians, at least in the beginning, it was kill or be killed wasn't it? People look back and think "what peaceful people living in harmony with nature". The truth is they were often at war with their rival tribes. At least the Indians were smart enough to recognize immigrants with different values were a threat to their way of life unlike some on this board.

"Hey, I know whitey wants to kill us, butt let's have some come live with us. We can give them a free teepee, food and monthly wampum". What could go wrong... :|

Your ignorance and racism just keeps shining thru.

Amazing that you can even ski with your knuckles on the ground.
When your argument fails, make ad hominen attacks! Call people Racist!!!!

Yet another one who has never met me but thinks they know me.

I am hardly a liberal.
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by steamboat1 »

Maybe we could send DHS over there to sell them some much needed medical equipment.
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter »

steamboat1 wrote:Maybe we could send DHS over there to sell them some much needed medical equipment.
good idea, business development is his thing...that and being a dumb@ss...
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by RustyK »


Please move this to the political forum...
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by BoozeTan »

RustyK wrote:Woah..

Please move this to the political forum...
yep....surpised ot has lasted this long in this forum....unless all these refugees are skiing and boarding it shouldnt be in here
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by GSKI »

For the people who make the decision on placing the Syrian refugees in VT it is a win win win!

A. They will be placed near the current section 8 folks and nowhere near the decision makers. The decision makers get to feel all smug and righteous while dealing with none of the inevitable consequences. Once they set up their mosque and get the 5 prayer calls a day going the decision makers will feel even more smug and righteous when they drop by town about all the diversity they have brought in.

B. MONEY from the federal government for the economy.

C. When they become citizens because you know they are not going back and the kids they will inevitably have here will be automatic citizens they will vote Democrat forever. POWER!

Oh and it is not "racism" to be concerned about too large an influx of newcomers it is culturalism. Syrians are mostly Caucasians. Maybe you could call it xenophobia. The concern is if too many of them from over there come here here becomes there. 47 million people in America legal and illegal are foreign born. It is very high historically as a proportion of the overall population and their culture is vastly different than past large waves of mostly European immigration who could more easily be assimilated. We also did not have a huge welfare state to support back then. It was sink or swim. Open borders and a large welfare state like we have today are incompatible. There are potentially hundreds of millions of refugees and economic migrants who are suffering from war and poverty around the world. Also there is no real belief in the US government for assimilation. Democrats are very interested in immigration simply from the fact that they get almost all their votes when they become citizens. It is about power. Democrats hope to use immigration to make the US like California electorally. A 1 party state. Currently 2 million people legally come into the US per year. This is more than any other country on earth. Then of course you have all the illegal immigration and visa over stays. And those here illegally do collect benefits as states do not check US citizenship (I don't think they are allowed) when people apply for benefits only local residency. A utility bill even without your own name on it will do.

The justification for taking in Syrian refugees is the role we played in helping to create them. We helped exasperate the Syrian crisis by pulling out of a stable Iraq too soon, overthrowing Gadhafi in Libya because a bunch of radical Islamists were revolting leaving a mad max land in our wake (the "Arab Spring"), and supplying arms to the "relatively moderate" Syrian opposition to Assad who swap the arms we give them and fighters back and forth with Al Nusra who call themselves the "new Al Qaeda" and ISIS oh and they all share the same ideology. Like we will somehow be able to control them if they actually win. The radical Islamists are the best fighters they will be in control. We will not even give the "relatively moderate" rebels we support advanced weapons because we know where they will end up! Likely used against us in the future. As if they will treat the remaining Christians, Jews and Alawite Muslims cowering behind Assad with kid gloves. They will be slaughtered by the radical Islamists and they are in a fight to the death and know it. At the very least you could say there are no good guys in that conflict and we should stay out. It is essentially a regional Shiite vs Sunni proxy war with countries around the region flooding in weapons and fighters. The US is fighting on the Sunni side and Iran and Russia are fighting on the Shiite side.

I love all this idealism about the Indians! Somebody call Elizabeth Warren! I believe there was another population already here they displaced. Cultures around the world have replaced less successful cultures historically since the beginning of time. If we are not careful our culture will be replaced and it may be a far worse culture than the self loathing among us flagellate about constantly.

How is this still on the chatter board and not in politics?
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by f.a.s.t. »

RustyK wrote:Woah..

Please move this to the political forum...
This thread is about refugees coming to Rutland, this would give them easy access to Killington. The topic should remain in K-Zone chatter.

What if there was one terrorist that ends up in Rutland. Killington would be a prime target, say like blowing up a lift tower with all the chairs fully loaded with people. After all, women and men can not ski together; it's against Sharia Law. In Iran, they have separate ski slopes for men and women.
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by brownman »

Icebreaker was only a movie. :roll:
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