Trump Presidency

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Bubba wrote:NPR Poll: Trump opposition firmer than his support ... is-support" onclick=";return false;
yep we've seen the pussy hat marches...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by boston_e »

MarieM wrote:I'm hoping that someone here can explain to me how it is that Conyers is resigning, but Moore will be elected? What am I missing?
Pretty Simple. Because the Pussy Grabber in Chief endorsed the pedophile.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Mister Moose »

MarieM wrote:I'm hoping that someone here can explain to me how it is that Conyers is resigning, but Moore will be elected? What am I missing?
I'm going to say that while there's obviously some differences in the allegations, and as Bubba points out cultural differences still exist among states, the biggest reason is while Conyers folded his tent for reasons known mostly to him, Moore is proclaiming his innocence and forging ahead. That's the difference.

This whole Moore episode reminds me of Harry Reid's comments on telling a lie on Romney not paying his taxes. When asked post election why he lied about it , Reid said, "Well he didn't win, did he?"

Forcing a resignation during a campaign over merely allegations, even if there are 9 of them, is dangerous territory for either party to venture into.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by deadheadskier »

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:...
and we're back to imbecilic stupidity from the ( barely) useful idiot class...yer definitely the face of the democrat party ...let the losing continue...

ya might also want to look into the whole concept of due process and the difference between alleged vs convicted ( like the democrat you have in your meme)...

the best part of all this is that the D's keep getting caught in their own net...

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter » ... n-alabama/" onclick=";return false;

The problem D's have now is one of credibility...only the ( barely) useful idiot class believes ANYTHING ABC CNN pelosi shumer et al have to say...everyone else is forced by reality to assume the opposite of what they say is true...the democrats and the media have so discredited themselves that only a true sycophant can buy what they are selling...

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter » ... tisan-hit/" onclick=";return false;
So Peter Strzok wasn’t just a top investigator for Special Counsel Robert Mueller until he was axed for anti-Trump and pro-Clinton bias: He was also a major player in the Hillary e-mail probe and the FBI work that led to the “collusion” investigation.

FBI agent kicked off Mueller probe changed language in Comey's Clinton memo
FBI agent kicked off Mueller probe changed language in Comey's Clinton memo
And Mueller and the FBI both dragged their feet on sharing key info about all this with Congress.
Including the news that Strzok was the one who changed then-FBI chief Jim Comey’s draft language on Clinton’s use of that private server from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless” in the final version.

That’s huge, because the statute specifies that gross negligence in the handling of classified info is itself a crime, whatever the intent — though Comey declared that Clinton shouldn’t face prosecution precisely because she had no “intent” to break the law.

Strzok also conducted the FBI interviews of Clinton and her top aides, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, in the e-mail probe.

More, he was reportedly one of the major FBI figures urging investigations on the basis of the “Steele dossier” of Russian-sourced scurrilous anti-Trump allegations, which we now know was commissioned by the Clinton campaign.

More, he signed the documents that opened the ensuing “collusion” probe. And he led the FBI interview of Gen. Mike Flynn, in which Flynn told the lies that eventually forced him out as Trump’s national security adviser, and for which he’s now pleaded guilty in a deal with Mueller.

Meanwhile, Mills and Abedin’s testimony in their interviews has been shown false in one major regard: Contrary to their denials, each had been well aware of Clinton’s private server — they had to deal with the office fallout whenever it went down. Unlike Flynn, though, they never faced charges for lying to federal investigators.

Which makes President Trump’s request to Comey to go easy on Flynn look reasonable enough.

The public doesn’t know just how egregious Strzok’s bias was, and won’t until the release of his texts with his mistress, an FBI lawyer who (sigh) was also on Mueller’s team.

But as things stand, it now looks like the fix was well and truly in on the Hillary probe. Far worse, it also looks like the “collusion” probe was a partisan hit from the start — which undermines the basis for Mueller’s own investigation.

What a mess.
as if this wasn't OBVIOUS to anyone with even a shred of objectivity...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Despite his apology and genuflection, further allegation shave appeared and that appears to have been the tipping point for Franken's peers.

As Bloomberg reports, within minutes of each other, seven female senators - Senators Patty Murray of Washington, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, Kamala Harris of California, and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconisn - and three males (Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, and Joe Donnelly of Indiana) posted messages on Facebook and Twitter saying Franken of Minnesota must resign.

We suspect in the interest of virtue-signaling that every female Democratic Senator will quickly pile on.
before anyone asks THAT combined with his admission in previous allegations is why franken will eventually step down....

from what I can see with conyers is that a settlement for previous allegations was paid out on his behalf and evidence against him in recent allegations was credible/uncontested...

as far as anyone knows right now nothing against moore has been more than hearsay from 40 years ago...Moor is also running in a very red state against a very left of center opponent...
he candidate’s wife, Kayla Moore, ticked off a list of liberal stances during a Friday speech with supporters in Montgomery.

“Our opponent -- who is an ultra-liberal, who was an Obama delegate, who is for full-term abortions, who is for more gun restrictions, who is for transgender bathrooms, who is for transgender [people] in the military -- is against everything we in Alabama believe and stand for,” she said.
that's why moore will likely win in alabama...whether he is able to keep his seat or not remains to be also likely depends on how a seat vacated by him would be filled...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Bubba »

madhatter wrote:
Despite his apology and genuflection, further allegation shave appeared and that appears to have been the tipping point for Franken's peers.

As Bloomberg reports, within minutes of each other, seven female senators - Senators Patty Murray of Washington, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, Kamala Harris of California, and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconisn - and three males (Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, and Joe Donnelly of Indiana) posted messages on Facebook and Twitter saying Franken of Minnesota must resign.

We suspect in the interest of virtue-signaling that every female Democratic Senator will quickly pile on.
before anyone asks THAT combined with his admission in previous allegations is why franken will eventually step down....

from what I can see with conyers is that a settlement for previous allegations was paid out on his behalf and evidence against him in recent allegations was credible/uncontested...

as far as anyone knows right now nothing against moore has been more than hearsay from 40 years ago...Moor is also running in a very red state against a very left of center opponent...
he candidate’s wife, Kayla Moore, ticked off a list of liberal stances during a Friday speech with supporters in Montgomery.

“Our opponent -- who is an ultra-liberal, who was an Obama delegate, who is for full-term abortions, who is for more gun restrictions, who is for transgender bathrooms, who is for transgender [people] in the military -- is against everything we in Alabama believe and stand for,” she said.
that's why moore will likely win in alabama...whether he is able to keep his seat or not remains to be also likely depends on how a seat vacated by him would be filled...
Just for laughs, can you find and post a different source for Jones' positions on issues than his opponent's wife. I mean, far be it for one candidate to misstate or lie about his opponent's positions, right?
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Bubba wrote:
madhatter wrote:
Despite his apology and genuflection, further allegation shave appeared and that appears to have been the tipping point for Franken's peers.

As Bloomberg reports, within minutes of each other, seven female senators - Senators Patty Murray of Washington, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, Kamala Harris of California, and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconisn - and three males (Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, and Joe Donnelly of Indiana) posted messages on Facebook and Twitter saying Franken of Minnesota must resign.

We suspect in the interest of virtue-signaling that every female Democratic Senator will quickly pile on.
before anyone asks THAT combined with his admission in previous allegations is why franken will eventually step down....

from what I can see with conyers is that a settlement for previous allegations was paid out on his behalf and evidence against him in recent allegations was credible/uncontested...

as far as anyone knows right now nothing against moore has been more than hearsay from 40 years ago...Moor is also running in a very red state against a very left of center opponent...
he candidate’s wife, Kayla Moore, ticked off a list of liberal stances during a Friday speech with supporters in Montgomery.

“Our opponent -- who is an ultra-liberal, who was an Obama delegate, who is for full-term abortions, who is for more gun restrictions, who is for transgender bathrooms, who is for transgender [people] in the military -- is against everything we in Alabama believe and stand for,” she said.
that's why moore will likely win in alabama...whether he is able to keep his seat or not remains to be also likely depends on how a seat vacated by him would be filled...
Just for laughs, can you find and post a different source for Jones' positions on issues than his opponent's wife. I mean, far be it for one candidate to misstate or lie about his opponent's positions, right?
does it really matter?

it's very easy to paint him as an ultra liberal in a very red state... ... ou-353069/" onclick=";return false;

‘He’s Said Nothing’: Roy Moore Hits Doug Jones’ Silence on Sanctuary Cities After ‘Outrageous’ Kate Steinle Verdict ... rder-wall/" onclick=";return false;

It’s Too Expensive:’ Alabama Democrat Doug Jones Comes Out Against Trump’s Border Wall ... -wall.html" onclick=";return false;

Alabama Democrat Doug Jones denies being an 'ultra-liberal,' says he opposes Trump's border wall

Jones is supportive of abortion rights, a position that could put him at odds with many of Alabama's evangelical voters. Moore's campaign has used Jones' position to accuse him of supporting partial-birth abortions late in women's pregnancies. ... index.html
Health care
On his campaign website, he declares that "health care is a right" and praised former President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act.
Gun rights
Jones described himself in September as "a Second Amendment guy" but said there are "limitations" and called for expanded background checks in an interview with MSNBC.
LGBT rights
Jones has criticized the Trump administration for withdrawing guidelines for schools on the treatment of transgender students and for banning transgender people from serving in the military.
not much of that is likely to resonate with alabama voters esp when presented in the hyperbolic form that D's have relied on for years...

with democrats still in lockstep desperation to overturn the 2016 election , it's unlikely alabama is going to hand over a seat to the could happen but I doubt it...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

and before I could even finish the post above: ... nduct-alle" onclick=";return false;
Al Franken To Make An Announcement Tomorrow After 11 Democratic Senators Demand Resignation

Update: 11 Senate Democrats and DNC Chair Tom Perez have now demanded Franken's resignation and his office says in a brief e-mailed statement, Sen. Al Franken will make an announcement tomorrow, without further detail on what the announcement would be.

Sen. Gillibrand
Sen. Hirono
Sen. McCaskill
Sen. Hassan
Sen. Harris
Sen. Murray
Sen. Baldwin
Sen. Casey
Sen. Donnelly
Sen. Brown
Sen. Stabenow
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by brownman »

as pertains to the subject topic, Congressional resignation is covfefe.

Alabama has little choice but to elect the little girly judge.
Would be much easier if the dotard would discharge Sessions.
Franken has lots of options. SNL is woefully short on talent. :wink:

Too bad the only Attys Gump knows specialize in Real Estate and Tax law.
He needs more skilled representation as related to obstruction.
Canarys in a coal mine .. it's nearly a symphony now. :lol:

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

brownman wrote:as pertains to the subject topic, Congressional resignation is covfefe.

Alabama has little choice but to elect the little girly judge.
Would be much easier if the dotard would discharge Sessions.
Franken has lots of options. SNL is woefully short on talent. :wink:

Too bad the only Attys Gump knows specialize in Real Estate and Tax law.
He needs more skilled representation as related to obstruction.
Canarys in a coal mine .. it's nearly a symphony now. :lol:

yep s/b any day now huh?
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Al Franken To Announce Resignation Tomorrow, Democratic Official Confirms

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by boston_e »

madhatter wrote:Al Franken To Announce Resignation Tomorrow, Democratic Official Confirms

Good to see.

Now the Alabama pedophile should follow his lead.
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