Trump Presidency

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »


thanks for crying...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »


Trump Ignores DOJ Warning, Notifies Sessions He Wants FISA Memo Released
"I have read the memo," tweeted Rep. Steve King (R-IA), adding "The sickening reality has set in. I no longer hold out hope there is an innocent explanation for the information the public has seen. I have long said it is worse than Watergate. It was #neverTrump & #alwaysHillary. #releasethememo."

"It is so alarming the American people have to see this," Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan told Fox News. "It's troubling. It is shocking," North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows said. "Part of me wishes that I didn't read it because I don't want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country that I call home and love so much."
meanwhile all you #neverthinkers, #wilfullyignorant, #( barely)usefulidiots are sure nothing happened...enjoy your TURDS...

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Coydog »

We already pretty much know what's in this "bombshell" memo.

Defiant Republicans ready to send secret Russia memo to Trump

The memo, drafted by Republican House Intelligence Committee staffers, has become a cause célèbre in conservative media and on Twitter, where its most active cheerleaders include the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr. It alleges that FBI agents seeking a fall 2016 warrant to surveil Trump campaign adviser Carter Page concealed the role a controversial private dossier alleging Kremlin influence over Trump played in their decision, according to sources who have read it.

The dossier that the memo alleges helped drive the decision to seek a FISA — or Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act — warrant on Page was compiled in 2016 by former British spy Christopher Steele, a trusted FBI partner in previous investigations, who had been commissioned by the private research firm Fusion GPS to investigate Trump's business ties to Russia. Fusion's work was funded at that time by a lawyer who represented Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It's unclear whether Steele's relationship to the campaign was disclosed in the FISA application.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Coydog wrote:We already pretty much know what's in this "bombshell" memo.

Defiant Republicans ready to send secret Russia memo to Trump

The memo, drafted by Republican House Intelligence Committee staffers, has become a cause célèbre in conservative media and on Twitter, where its most active cheerleaders include the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr. It alleges that FBI agents seeking a fall 2016 warrant to surveil Trump campaign adviser Carter Page concealed the role a controversial private dossier alleging Kremlin influence over Trump played in their decision, according to sources who have read it.

The dossier that the memo alleges helped drive the decision to seek a FISA — or Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act — warrant on Page was compiled in 2016 by former British spy Christopher Steele, a trusted FBI partner in previous investigations, who had been commissioned by the private research firm Fusion GPS to investigate Trump's business ties to Russia. Fusion's work was funded at that time by a lawyer who represented Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It's unclear whether Steele's relationship to the campaign was disclosed in the FISA application.
yeah you knew hillary was gonna win knew obamacare wasn't gonna affect your cadillac insurance plan far you ain't been right about much, if anything...seems like all you really know is how to make excuses for uncle ernie...

again it's not that liberals are stupid, it's that they know so much that isn't so...
Last edited by madhatter on Jan 28th, '18, 09:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Nikoli »

madhatter wrote:Image

thanks for crying...
Thanks for making my point yet again
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Coydog »

madhatter wrote:yeah you knew hillary was gonna win too didn't know about Russian meddling knew obamacare wasn't gonna affect your cadillac insurance plan too cadillac tax hasn't affected mine or anybody's insurance plan far you ain't been right about much, if anything
Says the guy who knew Obama could never win a second term.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Coydog wrote:
madhatter wrote:yeah you knew hillary was gonna win too didn't know about Russian meddling knew obamacare wasn't gonna affect your cadillac insurance plan too cadillac tax hasn't affected mine or anybody's insurance plan far you ain't been right about much, if anything
playing ignorant know damn well I provided direct evidence that your policy would be affected but you insisted it was "fabricated" cuz I stripped the header off it... there was no russian meddling that's a delusional fantasy of yours...your arguments are pathetic and ignore reality in favor of your fantasies...all you are trying to do here is muddy the discourse w BS...

Says the guy who knew Obama could never win a second term.
yeah ya can do a lot when the fix is in..."get the transcripts candy, admitted she shouldn't have done thatnot one smidgen of corruption at the IRSpretty sure they got nailed for it...constant MSM propaganda stream in his favor...mitt romney gave a lady cancer, women in binders bla bla bla again why do you feign ignorance to reality? your political arguments never take reality into account...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Coydog »

madhatter wrote:
Coydog wrote:
madhatter wrote:yeah you knew hillary was gonna win too didn't know about Russian meddling knew obamacare wasn't gonna affect your cadillac insurance plan too cadillac tax hasn't affected mine or anybody's insurance plan far you ain't been right about much, if anything
playing ignorant know damn well I provided direct evidence that your policy would be affected but you insisted it was "fabricated" cuz I stripped the header off it... there was no russian meddling that's a delusional fantasy of yours...your arguments are pathetic and ignore reality in favor of your fantasies...all you are trying to do here is muddy the discourse w BS...

Says the guy who knew Obama could never win a second term.
yeah ya can do a lot when the fix is in..."get the transcripts candy, admitted she shouldn't have done thatnot one smidgen of corruption at the IRSpretty sure they got nailed for it...constant MSM propaganda stream in his favor...mitt romney gave a lady cancer, women in binders bla bla bla again why do you feign ignorance to reality? your political arguments never take reality into account...
I think I got it now, in 2012, the liberal media and the IRS coerced voters into choosing Obama for a second time against their will. The liberal media forced Romney into making his disastrous "42%" comment that he never really made. In 2016, there was absolutely no Russian interference of our election and claims of this are "fake news", just like that fake Access Hollywood tape. However, millions of illegal aliens did clearly vote in 2016 and this is the only reason Hillary won the popular vote.

Makes perfect alternative sense.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Coydog wrote:
madhatter wrote:
Coydog wrote:
madhatter wrote:yeah you knew hillary was gonna win too didn't know about Russian meddling knew obamacare wasn't gonna affect your cadillac insurance plan too cadillac tax hasn't affected mine or anybody's insurance plan far you ain't been right about much, if anything
playing ignorant know damn well I provided direct evidence that your policy would be affected but you insisted it was "fabricated" cuz I stripped the header off it... there was no russian meddling that's a delusional fantasy of yours...your arguments are pathetic and ignore reality in favor of your fantasies...all you are trying to do here is muddy the discourse w BS...

Says the guy who knew Obama could never win a second term.
yeah ya can do a lot when the fix is in..."get the transcripts candy, admitted she shouldn't have done thatnot one smidgen of corruption at the IRSpretty sure they got nailed for it...constant MSM propaganda stream in his favor...mitt romney gave a lady cancer, women in binders bla bla bla again why do you feign ignorance to reality? your political arguments never take reality into account...
I think I got it now, in 2012, the liberal media and the IRS coerced voters into choosing Obama for a second time against their will. no they simply prevented opposition forces from being able to raise money by refusing to process status applications, you KNOW this... whatever stupidity you posted before this is just that, stupidity...The liberal media forced Romney into making his disastrous "42%" comment that he never really made. no they paid a schill to be a waiter and tape is then leak it to the press...In 2016, there was absolutely no Russian interference of our election and claims of this are "fake news", haven't seen ANY evidence of this, h=just left wing fantasy accusations that even lefty congress personnel admit to having seen no evidence AT ALL...just like that fake Access Hollywood tape. the tape was real, no one said it wasn't what the representation of it was of course media fabrication...what trump said was they LET you, when you LET someone do something that is CONSENT...but that doesn't fir the lunatic leftwing identity politics ideology of the magic bullet so you ignore it...However, millions of illegal aliens did clearly vote in 2016 and this is the only reason Hillary won the popular vote.the popular vote is not a factor in the election, whether illegals voted or not...just loser sour grapes...

Makes perfect alternative sense.
whatever...your arguments lack any kind of integrity whatsoever...hard to take ANY of them seriously...its just are the master of that...yer crap about pretending not to "understand" the cadillac tax implication I made today is a prime example of your willingness to obfuscate in lieu of admitting the truth...that's absolutely unacceptable to me...and you know that...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

The Media Normalizes the Unruly Left
It can’t get enough of unconventional antics by progressives.
Normally so censorious of shutdowns, the media seemed eager for one on Thursday. Pundits offered up preemptive excuses for Senate Democrats who seek to torpedo a deal. The more that Democratic senators behave like hack liberal activists, the more the media cheers them on. The media is in a disruptive mood and sees a shutdown as a win for Trump’s enemies. Even as the House passed a bill to fund the government on Thursday evening, MSNBC contributor Howard Fineman was babbling about the GOP as the party of shutdowns.

The same media that lectures Trump on the importance of propriety and respect for custom shills for shutdown artists, secessionists, sanctuary city mayors, nullifiers, civil-disobedience advocates, criminal leakers, agitprop anarchists, and assorted public figures who fantasize about harming the president.

We refuse to “normalize” the unconventional behavior of Trump, say journalists, even as they constantly indulge the unruly behavior of the left. Look at the media’s endlessly uncritical coverage of mayors and governors who defy immigration law. Or look at its fawning coverage of pols who proudly say that they refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of this president. The media is perfectly happy to normalize frivolous boycotts, trivial calls for impeachment and censure, and sabotage by civil servants.

During the Obama years, the media treated resisters as states-rights freaks. Editorials poured forth comparing them to Deep South segregationists. Now the media lionizes state officials who promise to ignore the Justice Department and other federal agencies. CNN’s coverage of California as a “sanctuary state” has been nothing if not supportive and carefree. Oakland’s mayor has said that she will go to jail before cooperating with the federal government. Good luck finding any negative mainstream media press coverage of her. MSNBC will probably turn her into a contributor.

Gone are the windy chastisements directed at state officials like Kim Davis. Now the ticket to media approval is open defiance. The same journalists who pretend to worry about the corrupting power of Trump’s language lose all delicacy on the topic of drugs. They consider opposition to federal drug laws a very wholesome cause and champion state officials who subvert Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

When they hold federal government power, liberals speak gravely of the importance of adhering to laws. The moment they are out of power they start breaking them, and the media normalizes their lawlessness. Rebellion becomes chic again.

For a year the media has rattled on about “threats to the republic” while stoking them on the left. At the very moment they primly monitor Trump’s tweets, they give liberals permission to engage in all manner of incivility. CNN’s idea of a responsible, sober, civil commentator is Ana Navarro, who says the president is “unfit to be human.” And that is what is said on the air; imagine what is said in the green rooms.

Far from guardians of decency and stable standards, journalists serve as apologists for the ratty ends-justify-the-means radicalism of the 1960s. In their slavish, nostalgic tributes to Daniel Ellsberg, journalists reveal their own anarchic attitudes. Meanwhile, they cast the most conventional exercises of power by a duly elected president as an “outrage.” The unstated premise of this infantile coverage is that the chief executive has no right to run the executive branch. A media that pretends to fret over the decline of institutional respect (for the FBI, CIA, and the Justice Department, etc.) seeks to strip any from the presidency. Trump can’t even express an opinion without the media calling him an “autocrat.”

Trump’s jocular “fake news awards” on Twitter occasioned a speech by Senator Flake comparing Trump to Joseph Stalin. The media covered the ludicrous speech breathlessly, thereby normalizing a new low in senatorial smears.

The press, of course, lived up to the president’s criticism by sending off its stars to chat about the awards with smug liberal late-night talk show hosts — a vivid confirmation of the collapse of all “reporting” into liberal opinion and attitudinizing. All the old journalistic conventions, as phony as they were, have disappeared and the Jake Tappers and Anderson Coopers don’t even pretend to observe them anymore. The press has become exactly what the Trump White House calls it, an opposition party. Instead of stopping the normalization of low standards, the press has embraced them, decaying as rapidly as the leftist rabble it seeks to help.

nothing but @ssclowns all the way around...the left is so ridiculously unreasonable it's virtually impossible to even find a reason to engage them...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Coydog »

madhatter wrote:whatever...your arguments lack any kind of integrity whatsoever...hard to take ANY of them seriously...its just are the master of that...yer crap about pretending not to "understand" the cadillac tax implication I made today is a prime example of your willingness to obfuscate in lieu of admitting the truth...that's absolutely unacceptable to me...and you know that...
I see, all of my arguments lack "integrity" because I initially mistakenly believed the Cadillac tax did not apply to self-insured entities. However, the Cadillac tax was deferred until 2018, then 2020 and now 2022. No one has ever paid it. Seriously doubt anyone ever will.

Any organization where the primary activity is political is not eligible for 501 C tax exempt status. You put "Tea Party" or "Progressive" in your name, it stands to reason you are inviting closer IRS scrutiny when you apply for exempt status.

I don’t care a lick about what you or anyone else on this board finds acceptable – you know that.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Coydog wrote:
madhatter wrote:whatever...your arguments lack any kind of integrity whatsoever...hard to take ANY of them seriously...its just are the master of that...yer crap about pretending not to "understand" the cadillac tax implication I made today is a prime example of your willingness to obfuscate in lieu of admitting the truth...that's absolutely unacceptable to me...and you know that...
I see, all of my arguments lack "integrity" because I initially mistakenly believed the Cadillac tax did not apply to self-insured entities. no because you REFUSED to accept definitive evidence...which you are doing here as well...However, the Cadillac tax was deferred until 2018, then 2020 and now 2022. No one has ever paid it. Seriously doubt anyone ever will.nope obamacare is comment applied specifically to the evidence I presented on the effect of obamacare on your insurance...a subject you and I have discussed...(I tried to word it in a way that didn't publicly disclose personal specifics such as employer, HC provider etc)you know what I was talking about, you simply want to obfuscate...

Any organization where the primary activity is political is not eligible for 501 C tax exempt status. You put "Tea Party" or "Progressive" in your name, it stands to reason you are inviting closer IRS scrutiny when you apply for exempt status.the problem was they used bureaucratic stonewalling to slow down the process....they intentionally dragged their feet to effectively shut them out....they ONLY targeted conservative ignore reality yet again...

I don’t care a lick about what you or anyone else on this board finds acceptable – you know that...
:zzz :zzz :zzz

obama found out on the news...hahaha...only a dope would buy that...but obama knows his constituency... ... fit-obama/" onclick=";return false;

your arguments are either uninformed or disingenuous...
In ethics, integrity is regarded by many as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions.
Integrity can stand in opposition to hypocrisy,[2] in that judging with the standards of integrity involves regarding internal consistency as a virtue, and suggests that parties holding within themselves apparently conflicting values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs.
Integrity is a personal quality of fairness
of applying even standards...

your arguments are devoid of integrity in that continually obfuscate and otherwise derail the conversation by deflecting, feigning ignorance etc.... you refuse out of hand direct evidence that conflicts with your predetermined outcome, you convict trump day one with ZERO evidence to this day while making ridiculous excuses for clinton/obama/FBI despite the plethora of both concrete and circumstantial evidence to the contrary... ...allegations you would fry the opposition for...

so if we are not going to discuss facts but just hurl invective:

:barebutt: go fvck yourself you fvcking fvcker!!!! :lol: :cool

see you for skiing on wed, HH is at the Inn at Long Trail... :Toast
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Coydog »

madhatter wrote: I see, all of my arguments lack "integrity" because I initially mistakenly believed the Cadillac tax did not apply to self-insured entities. no because you REFUSED to accept definitive evidence...which you are doing here as well... at the time, you presented "definitive evidence" that no one had access to and no one could corroborate and ultimately turned out to be nothing at all - kinda like that Nunes memo
madhatter wrote: your arguments are either uninformed or disingenuous...

so if we are not going to discuss facts but just hurl invective:

:barebutt: go fvck yourself you fvcking fvcker!!!! :lol: :cool
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Coydog wrote:
madhatter wrote: I see, all of my arguments lack "integrity" because I initially mistakenly believed the Cadillac tax did not apply to self-insured entities. no because you REFUSED to accept definitive evidence...which you are doing here as well... at the time, you presented "definitive evidence" that no one had access to and no one could corroborate and ultimately turned out to be nothing at all - kinda like that Nunes memo
madhatter wrote: your arguments are either uninformed or disingenuous...

so if we are not going to discuss facts but just hurl invective:

:barebutt: go fvck yourself you fvcking fvcker!!!! :lol: :cool
If I could, I would never leave the house.
I told ya to start doing yoga!
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Coydog wrote:at the time, you presented "definitive evidence" that no one had access to and no one could corroboratepretty sure you could have corroborated that in less than 5 minutes if you tried, you didn't want to...kinda like what you are doing here in regards to clinton defense/trump persecution... and ultimately turned out to be nothing at all you can pretend it turned out to be nothing but you know that's not can also pretend here that what I provided wasn't bona fide,but that's just more disingenuous obfuscation by you as well cuz you know damn well it was 100% legit...- kinda like that Nunes memo
definitive evidence that took far more of a leap of faith to imagine as fabricated vs legitimate given that you knew that it was highly likely that I had access to it...kinda like the whole clinton defense/trump persecution you are conducting...
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