Hillary Update

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Re: Hillary Update

Post by Nikoli »

Trump paid a porn star to keep quiet
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by Coydog »

Yes, instead of separating the parties, docking the guy's pay and sending him to counseling, Hillary should have fired his ass - or at the very least, she should have created an LLC to funnel a $100K payment to keep him quiet.
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

Coydog wrote:Yes, instead of separating the parties, docking the guy's pay and sending him to counseling, Hillary should have fired his ass - or at the very least, she should have created an LLC to funnel a $100K payment to keep him quiet.like congress?
no she's a champion of women's rights dragging a dollar thru a trailerpark...

typical identity politics, like virtually all D's..enjoy your losing...gonna be lot more of that coming up...
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

meanwhile back in the real world:
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01- ... ks-respond" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Clinton, Podesta And Others In Senate Crosshairs Over Dossier; Given Two Weeks To Respond
Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SCS) wrote six Judiciary Committee letters requesting information from: John Podesta, Donna Brazille, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Robbie Mook, the DNC, and Hillary For America Chief Strategist Joel Benenson.

A brief refresher of facts and allegations:

The DNC and Hillary Clinton's PAC was revealed by The Washington Post to have paid opposition research firm Fusion GPS for the creation of a dossier that would be harmful to then-candidate Donald Trump.
Fusion commissioned former UK spy Christopher Steele to assemble the dossier - which is comprised of a series of memos relying largely on Russian government sources to make allegations against Donald Trump and his associates.
According to court filings, Fusion also worked with disgraced DOJ official Bruce Ohr, and hired his CIA-linked wife, Nellie Ohr, to assist in the smear campaign against Trump. Bruce Ohr was demoted from his senior DOJ position after it was revealed that he met with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson as well as Christopher Steele - then tried to cover it up.
Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, denied under oath to the Senate Intelligence Committee that he knew about the dossier's funding, while Clinton's former spokesman, Brian Fallon, told CNN that Hillary likely had no idea who paid for it either.
Current and past leaders of the DNC, including Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) also denied knowledge of the document's funding.
Podesta met with Fusion co-founder Glenn Simpson the day after the Trump-Russia dossier was published by Buzzfeed News.

The Senate Judiciary Committee letters read in part:

In October 2017, the Washington Post reported that Hillary for America and the Democratic National Committee had funded, via Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele's creation of a series of memos relying largely on Russian government sources to make allegations against Donald Trump and his associates. A letter from the law firm Perkins Coie acknowledged that, " [t]o assist in its representation of the DNC and Hillary for America, Perkins Coie engaged Fusion GPS in April of2016" and that "the engagement concluded prior to the November 2016 Presidential election

the Committee has been investigating the FBI' s relationship with Christopher Steele during this time his work was funded by Hillary for America and the DNC. The scope of our review includes the extent to which the FBI may have relied on information relayed by Mr. Steele in seeking judicial authorization for surveillance of individuals associated with Mr. Trump. It also includes whether any applications that may have been made for permission for such surveillance fully and accurately disclosed:

(1) the source of Fusion GPS's and Mr. Steele's funding;

(2) the degree to which his claims were or were not verified;

(3) the motivations of Mr. Steele, his clients, and his sources; and

( 4) representations about their contacts with the press.

The letter then goes on to list twelve questions - the last being a request for all communications between a list of 40 individuals or entities - including Christopher Steele, Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Glenn Simpson and former CIA Director John Brennan.

The six recipients of letters have two weeks to comply with the following requests (note; "Hillary for America" is replaced by "the DNC" depending on who the letter is addressed to):

1. Prior to the Washington Post 's article in October of 2017, were you anyone else at Hillary for America aware of Mr. Steele's efforts on behalf of the Clinton campaign to compile and distribute allegations about Mr. Trump and the Russian government? If so, when and how did you first learn of his activities on the campaign's behalf? Please provide all related documents.

2. Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America receive copies of any of the memoranda comprising Mr. Steele's dossier prior to its publication by Buzzfeed in January of 2017? If so, how and when? Please provide all related documents.

3. Regardless of whether you or your associates received copies of the actual memoranda, did you or anyone else at Hillary for America otherwise receive information contained in the dossier prior to Buzzfeed publishing the dossier in January of 2017? If so, how and when? Please provide all related documents.

4. Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America receive other memoranda written or forwarded by Mr. Steele regarding Mr. Trump and his associates that were not published as part of the Buzzfeed dossier? If so, how and when? Please provide all related documents.

5. Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America distribute outside of the organization any o f the dossier memoranda, information contained therein, or other information obtained by Mr. Steele? If so, please list who distributed the information, what was distributed, and to whom it was distributed. Please provide all related documents.

6. Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America communicate with any government officials - whether in the executive, legislative or judicial branches - regarding the dossier memoranda, information contained therein, or other information obtained by Mr. Steele? If so, please list the parties involved in the communication, the content of the communication, and the date and means of the communication. Please provide all related documents. References such as "anyone at Hillary for America" include all of Hillary for America's officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, advisors, volunteers, and, of course, Secretary Clinton herself. Mr. Podesta January 25, 2018

7. Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America instruct, request, suggest, or imply that any individuals should pass along information to Mr. Steele or his intermediaries? Please provide all related documents.

8. Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America communicate with members of the press regarding the dossier memoranda, information contained therein, or other information obtained by Mr. Steele? If so, please list the parties involved in the communication, the content of the communication, and the date and means of the communication. Please provide all related documents.

9. Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America inform Secretary Clinton of Mr. Steele's efforts, whether by name or not, or of the allegations he was spreading? If so, who and when? Please provide all related documents.

10. Were you or anyone else at Hillary for America aware of Mr. Steele's contacts with the FBI or other government agencies prior to the 2016 election? If so, who? When and how did you or they become aware? Please provide all related documents.

11. Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America encourage, whether directly or through intermediaries, Mr. Steele to initiate or continue contacts with the FBI or other government agencies? If so, who and when? Please provide all related documents.

12. For the period from March 2016 through January 2017, please provide all communications to, from, copying, or relating to: Fusion GPS; Bean LLC; Glenn Simpson; Mary Jacoby; Peter Fritsch; Tom Catan; Jason Felch; Neil King; David Michaels; Taylor Sears; Patrick Corcoran; Laura Sego; Jay Bagwell; Erica Castro; Nellie Ohr; Rinat Akhmetshin; Ed Lieberman; Edward Baumgartner; Orbis Business Intelligence Limited; Orbis Business International Limited; Walsingham Training Limited; Walsingham Partners Limited; Christopher Steele; Christopher Burrows; Sir Andrew Wood, Paul Hauser; 4 Oleg Deripaska; Cody Shearer; Sidney Blumenthal; Jon Winer; 5 Kathleen Kavalec; Victoria Nuland; Daniel Jones; 6 Bruce Ohr; Peter Strzok; Andrew McCabe; James Baker; 7 Sally Yates; Loretta Lynch; John Brennan.

Letter to John Podesta (links to all can be found here):

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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

As we learn more and more about the inner workings of the Hillary Clinton email investigation that ended in what can only be described as a mockery of justice, it gets ever more difficult to believe that this was a serious “in search of the truth” situation. There are simply too many red flags, with more popping up nearly ever single day. From FBI agents exchanging secret text messages that exhibit clear bias to exoneration memos being crafted months before the end of the investigation to clandestine meetings between the attorney general and the husband of the chief suspect…it’s just too much to handle. There’s simply no WAY for any reasonable observer to conclude that everything was on the up and up.

Up till now, we didn’t find it particularly necessary to ask the question, “Why?” The answer seemed obvious. The establishment Obama administration was terrified to watch its political legacy go down in flames, which is what might have happened had Hillary Clinton been prosecuted. Who would have taken her place? Bernie? Biden? Sure, Trump was never going to win the election, but you couldn’t just go out there and wing it! So they had to protect their investment at all costs and make sure that she wasn’t occupied with legal trouble when she needed to be focused on (easily) dispatching the wild Republican nominee.

Of course, things didn’t turn out the way they planned, but that’s another story.

Speaking of another story, though, Andrew McCarthy of National Review had an interesting and plausible theory this week about whom it was that the FBI and the Justice Department were really covering for…and it wasn’t Hillary Clinton.

From McCarthy’s piece:

If Clinton had been charged, Obama’s culpable involvement would have been patent. In any prosecution of Clinton, the Clinton–Obama emails would have been in the spotlight. For the prosecution, they would be more proof of willful (or, if you prefer, grossly negligent) mishandling of intelligence. More significantly, for Clinton’s defense, they would show that Obama was complicit in Clinton’s conduct yet faced no criminal charges.


Obama had his email communications with Clinton sealed. He did this by invoking a dubious presidential-records privilege. The White House insisted that the matter had nothing to do with the contents of the emails, of course; rather, it was intended to vindicate the principle of confidentiality in presidential communications with close advisers. With the media content to play along, this had a twofold benefit: Obama was able (1) to sidestep disclosure without acknowledging that the emails contained classified information and (2) to avoid using the term “executive privilege” — with all its dark Watergate connotations — even though that was precisely what he was invoking.

Note that claims of executive privilege must yield to demands for disclosure of relevant evidence in criminal prosecutions. But of course, that’s not a problem if there will be no prosecution.

None of this stood a chance of coming to light, of course, if Clinton had won the presidency as she was supposed to have done. Unfortunately for Obama, that didn’t happen. Which is why, perhaps, he has been so suddenly quiet in the age of Trump – quite unlike the arrogant man we came to know and loathe over the previous eight years.
oh what a tangled web...the truth is obvious to anyone interested in it...
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

I’d like to write more about the booming Trump economy. About bonuses for 2 million workers and bigger paychecks for 90 percent of taxpayers thanks to the Trump tax cuts. And about Trump’s triumphant appearance at Davos — telling the entire world that America is now open for business.

But there is much more important news involving the exploding FBI/Department of Justice scandal and the shocking, about-to-be-world-famous FISA memo.

Many in the FBI/DOJ leadership will be fired or forced to resign. Many others may wind up serving prison time.

The scandal involving texts from FBI investigator Peter Strzok and his lover, FBI attorney Lisa Page, is so deadly, it goes far beyond the wildest imagination of anything in a Hollywood movie.

FBI agents openly texted about how Hillary was about to win the presidency — and no one wanted to be on her bad side. Page texted to the lead Hillary investigator (her lover): “She might be our next president. The last thing you need us going in there loaded for bear. You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more DOJ than FBI?”

So the intimidated FBI agents rigged the investigation, asked her softball questions, didn’t record her interview, didn’t put her under oath and then changed the wording of the conclusion from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.”

Here’s how bad the story gets. Even the crooked FBI agents out to fix the investigation against Hillary believed and recommended that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe could not possibly be in charge of the probe after his wife took a $700,000 donation from Terri McAuliffe, the Clinton’s great friend and financial bagman for decades.

It’s clear top FBI leadership hated Donald Trump, used fraudulent pretenses (a fake dossier paid for by Hillary and her campaign) to get FISA warrants against Trump and were out to stop Trump at all costs. As I’ve warned from Day One, the main purpose of obtaining illegal wiretaps to spy on the Trump campaign was to pass along his campaign plans to Hillary and her team. This was how the FBI leadership tried to guarantee an election victory for Hillary.

It’s also clear top FBI brass formed a “secret society” with the sole goal of destroying the newly elected Trump. A congressman has spilled the beans that this “secret society” didn’t include just FBI agents. It included federal judges, federal prosecutors and at least one attorney general of a large state.

It’s clear this “secret society” met off-site to plot against the president of the United States. These rogue plotters used “burner phones” because they were so afraid their plot could be uncovered. Burner phones? Is this the FBI or the Colombian cocaine cartel?

We have no idea how bad this gets. The FBI suddenly claimed 50,000 texts from Strzok and Page were gone, missing, disappeared. Two days later the DOJ inspector general announced he found them. Of course, he did. FBI forensic experts find missing texts from bad guys every day. That means the FBI was purposely trying to hide these 50,000 texts. Can you imagine what’s in them?

Folks, this is called a coup. This is supposed to happen only in a banana republic. But that’s exactly what America became under Barack Obama — a cesspool of crime, corruption, conspiracy and media/big government collusion.

The infamous FISA memo will soon be released one way or another — whether GOP congressmen read it out loud on the House floor, or President Trump reads it out loud during his State of the Union. We know specific names have been leaked from this memo about terrible crimes committed.

This is bad. This is the worst scandal in U.S. history. The FBI may never recover. Faith in government may never recover. The Democrat Party will never recover.
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by Highway Star »

I think it's highly likely at this point that Hillary will be going to prison for the rest of her life.

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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

Highway Star wrote:I think it's highly likely at this point that Hillary will be going to prison for the rest of her life.
the real big deal is the embedded corruption behind it...That's what really needs to be investigated, prosecuted and removed...clinton is just one facet...
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by Coydog »

madhatter wrote:
Highway Star wrote:I think it's highly likely at this point that Hillary will be going to prison for the rest of her life.
the real big deal is the embedded corruption behind it...That's what really needs to be investigated, prosecuted and removed...clinton is just one facet...
Sounds like you guys are forming your own secret society.
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by Highway Star »

Coydog wrote:
madhatter wrote:
Highway Star wrote:I think it's highly likely at this point that Hillary will be going to prison for the rest of her life.
the real big deal is the embedded corruption behind it...That's what really needs to be investigated, prosecuted and removed...clinton is just one facet...
Sounds like you guys are forming your own secret society.
Based on the reports so far, at least two dozen people are going to jail.

"Kzone should bill you for the bandwidth you waste writing novels to try and prove a point, but end up just looking like a deranged narcissistic fool." - Deadheadskier at madhatter

"The key is to not be lame, and know it, and not give a rat's @$$ what anybody thinks......that's real cool." - Highway Star http://goo.gl/xJxo34" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

"I am one of the coolest people on the internet..." - Highway Star

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Re: Hillary Update

Post by Nikoli »

Can someone explain to me how Classified documents got off of the internal DOD networks? You cannot email yourself TS documents. You cannot forward them. Please explain?
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

Nikoli wrote:Can someone explain to me how Classified documents got off of the internal DOD networks? You cannot email yourself TS documents. You cannot forward them. Please explain?
hillary can do that in court...
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by Atomic1 »

I' said it a year ago , " just follow the money " and it will all lead back to the crooked Clintons , Corruption , obstruction of justice with L. Lynch , Obama and the corrupt FBI .
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

Atomic1 wrote:I' said it a year ago , " just follow the money " and it will all lead back to the crooked Clintons , Corruption , obstruction of justice with L. Lynch , Obama and the corrupt FBI .
yup ain't much gonna stop this from coming out now...good times...unless yer a left wing sycophant in which case yer about to learn a thing or two about reality...learn is probably a stretch let me rephrase that....

you'll find out about things that you'll have to try really hard to pretend aren't real...fortunately you guys are really good at this fantasy thing...

can't wait to see the hissy fits when obama gets implicated in all of this...how to do you top pussyhats and dressing up as giant vaginas?
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

http://www.nationalreview.com/article/4 ... wrongdoing" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
And Barack Obama? We now know that he himself used an alias to communicate at least 20 times with Hillary on her private, non-secure gmail account. But Obama lied on national TV, saying he learned of Hillary’s illegal server only when the rest of the nation did, by reading the news. Would he have dared to lie so publicly if he’d assumed that Trump’s presidency was imminent? Would he ever have allowed his subordinates to use the dossier to obtain FISA warrants and pass around and unmask the resulting surveillance transcripts if he’d seen Trump as the likely winner and a potentially angered president with powers to reinvestigate all these illegal acts?

We sometimes forget that Barack Obama, not candidate Hillary Clinton, was president when the FBI conducted the lax investigation of the email scandal, when Loretta Lynch outsourced her prosecutorial prerogatives to James Comey, when the FBI trafficked with the Clinton-funded Fusion GPS dossier, when various DOJ and FBI lawyers requested FISA-approved surveillance largely on the basis of a fraudulent document, and when administration officials unmasked and leaked the names of American citizens.
and left wing dopes not only believe that but insist that everyone else does too...it's why no one else cares what you guys "think" cuz ya don't actually think...you willfully ignore...

and when cocky jack@sses are convinced they have the winning hand they really don't care about illegalities that lead to that win cuz they'll be rewarded for it...the ends justify the means..

yep lots of heads are gonna roll over this....enjoy those ends...
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