Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by deadheadskier »

See, now I understand why you're a Trump supporter.

When pressed for substance on ideas, you provide next to nothing just like him.

Then you/he back peddle and make the whole thing about Obama or someone else to completely deflect attention away from you not being able to present a strong case for Trump and which policies you like. I don't care about Obama and his failings. I don't care why you wouldn't want Hillary either. If I did, I'd ask that question.

What you are doing is exactly what Trump does and has nothing at all do with the question. How is he going to make America Great Again. All he does is tell you he will do it, but he never says how.

When I go to a job interview, I can't just say, "I'm the best man for the job." I have to specifically explain why I will be great and how I plan on accomplishing my goals.

I gave you the video. There's an hours worth of material. Point out a segment you like and explain why it's good for our country. Show me in his presentation what makes you think he will be great. This shouldn't be difficult for you. The fact that you've swung and missed four times now, should give you pause and make you ask yourself, "What exactly am I supporting?"

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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by Bubba »

madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:And still no answer. Priorities mean nothing if you don't have policies to back them up.

Find something / anything in that speech he made that supports his notion that Hes going to make America great again.

Do you only think he will be great because he tells you, "believe me, I'm going to be great."worked for hopey dope didn;t it? at least trump has actually done something of tangible value during his lifetime that might lead one to believe he would be capable of doing the same as a president.....unlike the community agitator never held a real job clown we have now whose only accomplishment is to divide the country as far as he possibly can .... So you're supporting hope and change? Sounds vaguely familiar...

He says he will be the best jobs creation president God ever created. Okay, how?well he's already talked about removing restrictive policies that hinder hiring... and he most certainly won;t threaten to tax anyone who has any glimpse of success like our current a-hole agitator in chief do nothing...he won;t try to bankrupt the coal industry and he won;t adopt a plan that will necessarily make energy costs skyrocket....Energy prices are lower than they've been in 5 - 10 years, although through no fault of Obama's EPA. Coal prices have followed natural gas down due more to competition than to Obama policy at this point. Trump's tax policy proposal has already been judged as costing the treasury trillions. At least come up with a revenue neutral tax reform policy that encourages jobs and discourages offshoring.

I'm going to build up the military. Okay, how? How big? How many men? What's the appropriate annual budget?I assume he'll present a budget to congress, one that actually IS a budget not some divisive BS crap like we've seen from hopey... All budgets are divisive as they require that choices be made. If you like the budget priorities, it's good. If you don't like them, it's divisive.

"I'll make Mexico pay for that wall.". Okay great. How?guess that's yet to be seen...Recognize nonsense for what it is unless he gives you a plan.

Ideas are meaningless without plans for action.
how does any of that differ from the very vague "hope and change"? everything obama says is either a meaningless plan w no course of action or a course of action that is of no meaningful by your very definition his entire presidency has been meaningless...seriously WHEN has any politician EVER given a concrete policy approach during a campaign? they don;t even have enough pertinent information available to them to make such policy...that said he's put up MUCH more than anyone else has, and his rhetoric and past history indicates he is a man of action, unlike our current party circuit golf course fund raiser campaigner in chief...
Seems to me you're supporting hope and change on the opposite side of the ledger from the current president. That's OK, although that puts you in the same league as Obama voters were.
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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:See, now I understand why you're a Trump supporter.

When pressed for substance on ideas, you provide next to nothing just like him.

Then you/he back peddle and make the whole thing about Obama or someone else to completely deflect attention away from you not being able to present a strong case for Trump and which policies you like. I don't care about Obama and his failings. I don't care why you wouldn't want Hillary either. If I did, I'd ask that question.

What you are doing is exactly what Trump does and has nothing at all do with the question. How is he going to make America Great Again. All he does is tell you he will do it, but he never says how.

When I go to a job interview, I can't just say, "I'm the best man for the job." I have to specifically explain why I will be great and how I plan on accomplishing my goals.

I gave you the video. There's an hours worth of material. Point out a segment you like and explain why it's good for our country. Show me in his presentation what makes you think he will be great. This shouldn't be difficult for you. The fact that you've swung and missed four times now, should give you pause and make you ask yourself, "What exactly am I supporting?" that's your opinion... my reasons for offering any support for him are mine and mine alone and not subject to or in need of your validation...that's yer problem YOU think YOU matter...same reason I don;t give a crap about yer opinion on ski's of no value to me...

Substance grasshopper
waste of time...bottom line he;s the best viable option ie the cleanest dirty shirt... and again he;s offered far more than anyone else on either side...that is what I think and your opinion has no bearing on I think he will be "great"? ha unlikely... do I think he can do the job? yes...
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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by madhatter »

Bubba wrote:
madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:And still no answer. Priorities mean nothing if you don't have policies to back them up.

Find something / anything in that speech he made that supports his notion that Hes going to make America great again.

Do you only think he will be great because he tells you, "believe me, I'm going to be great."worked for hopey dope didn;t it? at least trump has actually done something of tangible value during his lifetime that might lead one to believe he would be capable of doing the same as a president.....unlike the community agitator never held a real job clown we have now whose only accomplishment is to divide the country as far as he possibly can .... So you're supporting hope and change? Sounds vaguely familiar...

He says he will be the best jobs creation president God ever created. Okay, how?well he's already talked about removing restrictive policies that hinder hiring... and he most certainly won;t threaten to tax anyone who has any glimpse of success like our current a-hole agitator in chief do nothing...he won;t try to bankrupt the coal industry and he won;t adopt a plan that will necessarily make energy costs skyrocket....Energy prices are lower than they've been in 5 - 10 years, although through no fault of Obama's EPA. Coal prices have followed natural gas down due more to competition than to Obama policy at this point. Trump's tax policy proposal has already been judged as costing the treasury trillions. At least come up with a revenue neutral tax reform policy that encourages jobs and discourages offshoring.

I'm going to build up the military. Okay, how? How big? How many men? What's the appropriate annual budget?I assume he'll present a budget to congress, one that actually IS a budget not some divisive BS crap like we've seen from hopey... All budgets are divisive as they require that choices be made. If you like the budget priorities, it's good. If you don't like them, it's divisive.

"I'll make Mexico pay for that wall.". Okay great. How?guess that's yet to be seen...Recognize nonsense for what it is unless he gives you a plan.

Ideas are meaningless without plans for action.
how does any of that differ from the very vague "hope and change"? everything obama says is either a meaningless plan w no course of action or a course of action that is of no meaningful by your very definition his entire presidency has been meaningless...seriously WHEN has any politician EVER given a concrete policy approach during a campaign? they don;t even have enough pertinent information available to them to make such policy...that said he's put up MUCH more than anyone else has, and his rhetoric and past history indicates he is a man of action, unlike our current party circuit golf course fund raiser campaigner in chief...
Seems to me you're supporting hope and change on the opposite side of the ledger from the current president. That's OK, although that puts you in the same league as Obama voters were.dunno about that, obama supporters basically worshiped him, I hold my nose with every pull of the voting lever...big difference IMO...
no, I am supporting the guy who so far has offered the most IMO...the guy w the CEO and business experience to hire and delegate not gladhand and reward cronies and political allies... the guy who has a proven track record of being driven towards financial success... the guy who isn't afraid to speak his mind, who doesn't give one crap about political correctness...every one of obama's budget's was defeated almost unanimously, is that the norm? we didn;t even have a d budget for a number of years, is that the norm? while energy prices might be down right now as you said its not because of obama but in spite of him and economically the price of oil right now is only good in an isolated opinion of the consumer.... ie its cheap to fill the tank... the rest of its impact on the economy is really an indicator of future growth expectations and fuel demand...and that was only one part of what I said regarding obama's "rhetoric" which was the point I was making... Obama's rhetoric is not growth far as the budget the point there was that I assume trump will ask for whatever military spending he wants and submit that to congress in the form of a budget, one he hopes will pass... maybe I'm wrong it's still what I think is likely or at least possible to happen...Bottom line I expect trump to run the country like a CEO would run a business with the goal being to run a winning enterprise...hiring the most qualified individuals to fill the position not the jen psaki's, susan rice's and eric holders we've seen from la dopa...
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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by deadheadskier »

madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:See, now I understand why you're a Trump supporter.

When pressed for substance on ideas, you provide next to nothing just like him.

Then you/he back peddle and make the whole thing about Obama or someone else to completely deflect attention away from you not being able to present a strong case for Trump and which policies you like. I don't care about Obama and his failings. I don't care why you wouldn't want Hillary either. If I did, I'd ask that question.

What you are doing is exactly what Trump does and has nothing at all do with the question. How is he going to make America Great Again. All he does is tell you he will do it, but he never says how.

When I go to a job interview, I can't just say, "I'm the best man for the job." I have to specifically explain why I will be great and how I plan on accomplishing my goals.

I gave you the video. There's an hours worth of material. Point out a segment you like and explain why it's good for our country. Show me in his presentation what makes you think he will be great. This shouldn't be difficult for you. The fact that you've swung and missed four times now, should give you pause and make you ask yourself, "What exactly am I supporting?" that's your opinion... my reasons for offering any support for him are mine and mine alone and not subject to or in need of your validation...that's yer problem YOU think YOU matter...same reason I don;t give a crap about yer opinion on ski's of no value to me...

Substance grasshopper
waste of time...bottom line he;s the best viable option ie the cleanest dirty shirt... and again he;s offered far more than anyone else on either side...that is what I think and your opinion has no bearing on I think he will be "great"? ha unlikely... do I think he can do the job? yes...
So, you can't do it. Can't find a thing in that speech that you like and explain why you like.

Just what I thought
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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:
madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:See, now I understand why you're a Trump supporter.

When pressed for substance on ideas, you provide next to nothing just like him.

Then you/he back peddle and make the whole thing about Obama or someone else to completely deflect attention away from you not being able to present a strong case for Trump and which policies you like. I don't care about Obama and his failings. I don't care why you wouldn't want Hillary either. If I did, I'd ask that question.

What you are doing is exactly what Trump does and has nothing at all do with the question. How is he going to make America Great Again. All he does is tell you he will do it, but he never says how.

When I go to a job interview, I can't just say, "I'm the best man for the job." I have to specifically explain why I will be great and how I plan on accomplishing my goals.

I gave you the video. There's an hours worth of material. Point out a segment you like and explain why it's good for our country. Show me in his presentation what makes you think he will be great. This shouldn't be difficult for you. The fact that you've swung and missed four times now, should give you pause and make you ask yourself, "What exactly am I supporting?" that's your opinion... my reasons for offering any support for him are mine and mine alone and not subject to or in need of your validation...that's yer problem YOU think YOU matter...same reason I don;t give a crap about yer opinion on ski's of no value to me...

Substance grasshopper
waste of time...bottom line he;s the best viable option ie the cleanest dirty shirt... and again he;s offered far more than anyone else on either side...that is what I think and your opinion has no bearing on I think he will be "great"? ha unlikely... do I think he can do the job? yes...
So, you can't do it. Can't find a thing in that speech that you like and explain why you like.

Just what I thought
I've done this numerous times you just don;t like the answer, as always...
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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by deadheadskier »

I must have missed it. You pointed to a specific time segment of the speech and defended why the policy is great?

If so, what was that time again?

The reason for this is simple. Perhaps I missed something in the speech of importance. And by rewatching that segment I'll get to better understand why you like him.
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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by deadheadskier »

Here let me help you.

I really like his segment around the 59 minute mark about eliminating gun free zones on military bases and recruiting areas. I agree with that policy.

See? What I'm asking isn't hard
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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:Here let me help you.

I really like his segment around the 59 minute mark about eliminating gun free zones on military bases and recruiting areas. I agree with that policy.

See? What I'm asking isn't hard
here let me help you, I didn't watch the video nor do I intend to, I told you why I'll be pulling the lever for trump if he;s the nominee, doesn;t matter whether you like it or not...
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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by deadheadskier »

madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:Here let me help you.

I really like his segment around the 59 minute mark about eliminating gun free zones on military bases and recruiting areas. I agree with that policy.

See? What I'm asking isn't hard
here let me help you, I didn't watch the video nor do I intend to, I told you why I'll be pulling the lever for trump if he;s the nominee, doesn;t matter whether you like it or not...
Pulling the trigger without having a clue about any of his policies

Lemme guess, your boy Rush said he's a good choice?

A truly informed voter

And this here is why the stereotype of Trump voters being uneducated and low information exists.

Maybe should watch the speech. Learn a little about the man.

Or forever continue to look like your buddies" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:
madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:Here let me help you.

I really like his segment around the 59 minute mark about eliminating gun free zones on military bases and recruiting areas. I agree with that policy.

See? What I'm asking isn't hard
here let me help you, I didn't watch the video nor do I intend to, I told you why I'll be pulling the lever for trump if he;s the nominee, doesn;t matter whether you like it or not...
Pulling the trigger without having a clue about any of his policies

Lemme guess, your boy Rush said he's a good choice?ain;t no rush limbaugh in VT dude...

A truly informed voter

And this here is why the stereotype of Trump voters being uneducated and low information exists.cuz you don;t listen to a word any of them say and simply label them as you wish they were...

Maybe should watch the speech. Learn a little about the man.

Or forever continue to look like your buddies" onclick=";return false;
so wait, what you are saying is that if one hasn't watched that particular video, one has never heard of or seen trump before? I gave you a number of specific things that liked about trump that give me cause to believe that he could be a good leader...take it or leave it...

who do you support:

A the candidate that says Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.

but who's husbands victim says

I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now never goes away.


B the candidate who thinks women fantasize about gang rape as a means of pleasure...


I'll go w this guy over either of them any day:



while sad little losers just sit there and bitch...
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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by Rime & Reason »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
spanky wrote:
freeski wrote:So, who do you like at this point :?: :ear
None of them. I'm a fiscal conservative and a social liberal.
:like :Toast
Here is a fiscal conservative and social liberal you guys can vote for ... I saw this in “The Week”:

Ex-New Mexico governor Gary Johnson announces run for president as Libertarian

Former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson announced Wednesday that he was seeking the Libertarian presidential nomination. Johnson ran in 2012 as a Republican before launching a third-party bid that year as a Libertarian. He got nearly 1 percent of the popular vote. Libertarians support sharply limiting government power. Johnson said that as a fiscal conservative and social liberal he can attract voters from both parties.

Source: Politico, Bloomberg

Maybe if more libertarians were nice social liberals they could muster up more than just 1% of the vote?
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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by spanky »

Rime & Reason wrote:Here is a fiscal conservative and social liberal you guys can vote for ... I saw this in “The Week”:

Ex-New Mexico governor Gary Johnson announces run for president as Libertarian

Former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson announced Wednesday that he was seeking the Libertarian presidential nomination. Johnson ran in 2012 as a Republican before launching a third-party bid that year as a Libertarian. He got nearly 1 percent of the popular vote. Libertarians support sharply limiting government power. Johnson said that as a fiscal conservative and social liberal he can attract voters from both parties.

Source: Politico, Bloomberg

Maybe if more libertarians were nice social liberals they could muster up more than just 1% of the vote?
My dream candidate would be Bloomberg. He spoke at my company over the summer as part of a "distinguished speaker series" and it was very inspiring... down to earth/practical and logical. He was specifically asked if he would run for president and he flat out said he had a snowball's chance in hell as he's too conservative for the Democrats and too liberal for the Republicans.
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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by Rime & Reason »

spanky wrote:
Rime & Reason wrote:Here is a fiscal conservative and social liberal you guys can vote for ... I saw this in “The Week”:

Ex-New Mexico governor Gary Johnson announces run for president as Libertarian

Former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson announced Wednesday that he was seeking the Libertarian presidential nomination. Johnson ran in 2012 as a Republican before launching a third-party bid that year as a Libertarian. He got nearly 1 percent of the popular vote. Libertarians support sharply limiting government power. Johnson said that as a fiscal conservative and social liberal he can attract voters from both parties.

Source: Politico, Bloomberg

Maybe if more libertarians were nice social liberals they could muster up more than just 1% of the vote?
My dream candidate would be Bloomberg. He spoke at my company over the summer as part of a "distinguished speaker series" and it was very inspiring... down to earth/practical and logical. He was specifically asked if he would run for president and he flat out said he had a snowball's chance in hell as he's too conservative for the Democrats and too liberal for the Republicans.
That is the problem with our 2 party system. The candidates have to cater to the crazies on the 2 extremes for the primaries, yet the general election is all about winning the middle. It is why candidates like Trump and Sanders may look viable now, but if either wins their primaries it will just guarentee a victory to their oponent in November.

I like Bloomberg too, except for some of the nanny state silliness like trying to limit the size of my soda. He is a Republican (or independent!) I would vote for.
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Re: Trump and His Debts: A Narrow Escape

Post by spanky »

Rime & Reason wrote:That is the problem with our 2 party system. The candidates have to cater to the crazies on the 2 extremes for the primaries, yet the general election is all about winning the middle. It is why candidates like Trump and Sanders may look viable now, but if either wins their primaries it will just guarentee a victory to their oponent in November.

I like Bloomberg too, except for some of the nanny state silliness like trying to limit the size of my soda. He is a Republican (or independent!) I would vote for.
And we are not the same person (I wrote something very similar on the first page
spanky wrote:The early stages of the election cycle are lead by the extremes (both right and left). Hence the reason why Sanders also may do well at the start of the Democratic primaries.
Yes, you can say it is a little bit of nanny state, but he only has the general population in his best interests. And unfortunately, we are moving more towards an idiocracy where we do need the government to make the simple decisions for it's constituents.
Never argue with idiots. They will bring you down to their level, then overwhelm you with their experience.

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