State of the Union

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Post by Pedro »

yeti wrote:I for one am weary of packing myself into a dusty old uniform and driving down to Arlington to pay my respects. Well, unfortunately the uniform is no longer dusty - it has been dry cleaned and is in perfect order, out of the attic and now in the closet. I have worn it more in the past year than I have worn a suit. I have lost 30 pounds partly to make it fit better. How pathetic is that? I better lose some gut so I can fit into my Class A simply so I can pay tribute to a fallen aquaintence.

I am all for defending our nation. If a vestige of a threat exists then my stance is to stamp it out with no hesitation.

This war, however, is a damn lie. We are willing to fight a nonexistant threat, but unwilling to fight hunger in our cities, ignorance in our schools, and disease in our elderly. This nation, actually this administration, really should realign their priorities with reality.
A really close friend of mine called me the other day, We were roomates in College, in the same Team in officer basic. He told me how his HUMVEE was blown to sh*t in Fallujah, he took a lot of Shrapnel in the Back and legs, his Ballistic helmet saved him. Glad i did not have to go to his funeral, When we were in college i never would have Imagined in my wildest dreams that Alex would get a purple heart, and that a lot of people i know are dead.
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Post by yeti »

I am well versed in loss - from kindergarden I remember all of the kids being whisked inside after an explosion would boom across the base housing. Strap on a jet and that is part of the game.

The soldiers and Marines on the deck- that is an exersize in hell. No thanks.

But this... this is reCOCKulous. My cousin just shipped off AGAIN - this is his FOURTH deployment in Iraq. Cousin Jon is quite the Soliders solider - West Point, Corps of Engineers, and now Special Forces - volunteered to be attached to a Green Beret unit and will be assisting them in whatever the hell it is that operators will need an engineer for.

All we can do is pray. He caught an RPG in the windshield of his Humvee during his second(?) tour - just some burns, but still it rattled the family.

One friend from OCS was shot down in his Super Cobra. Another friend of the family was run over by a truck (of all the screwed up ways to die in a war - in the confusion of a fire fight he ran in front of a friendly vehicle). Another was simply shot.

Why? For some nonexistant weapons! The F-ed up thing is... we know where the weapons of mass destruction are....


But hey, they were only one letter off.
Thanks for the mammaries! (.)(.)
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Post by Atomic1 »

Actually Syria !
The former number two official in Saddam Hussein's Iraqi air force claims the former Iraqi dictator moved weapons of mass destruction from Iraq to Syria in the months preceding the current Iraq war.

Georges Sada revealed the charges in an interview Wednesday with the New York Sun. They are detailed in his new book, "Saddam’s Secrets.”

"Saddam realized, this time, the Americans are coming," Sada told the Sun. "They handed over the weapons of mass destruction to the Syrians.”

The former Iraqi general said Special Republican Guard brigades loaded WMDs onto two converted Iraqi Airways planes.

He said he was told of the operation by two pilots that helped transport the materials. Sada says 56 flights were made, and were accompanied by a ground convoy of trucks carrying similar materials.
The Sun reports that the flights attracted scant international attention because they occurred at the same time that Iraq was sending relief to Syria for a dam collapse.

Sada’s claims echoed those made by Moshe Yaalon, Israel’s top general in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Yaalon told the Sun in December that Saddam had "transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria.”
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