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Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 20th, '18, 11:39
by MarieM
If the wall doesn't get built, everyone gets their money back." onclick=";return false;

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 20th, '18, 19:22
by deadheadskier
And now Mattis is out.....

Probably because he is completely embarrassed that he had to apologize to his UK counterpart for finding out about the Syria withdrawal via Trump's Twitter feed.

What a joke

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 20th, '18, 19:33
by Kpdemello
He resigned in protest!

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 20th, '18, 20:14
by deadheadskier
Speaking of the military... nearly two years in office and still, not one single visit to our troops in warzones by Trump.

But, he will be spending 16 days at Mar-a-lago for the holidays. That's nice

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 20th, '18, 20:48
by XtremeJibber2001
Kpdemello wrote:He resigned in protest!
His letter basically reads that he thinks Trump is a terrible POTUS and dead wrong on foreign policy .... but he’s probably just a barely useful idiot.

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 20th, '18, 22:29
by deadheadskier
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
Kpdemello wrote:He resigned in protest!
His letter basically reads that he thinks Trump is a terrible POTUS and dead wrong on foreign policy .... but he’s probably just a barely useful idiot.
Deep State NPC too.....

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 21st, '18, 05:57
by Kpdemello
MarieM wrote:If the wall doesn't get built, everyone gets their money back." onclick=";return false;
This is the best idea ever! Let all the Trump supporters pay for the vanity wall so the government doesnt have to waste our money!

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 21st, '18, 09:38
by Bubba
Kpdemello wrote:
MarieM wrote:If the wall doesn't get built, everyone gets their money back." onclick=";return false;
This is the best idea ever! Let all the Trump supporters pay for the vanity wall so the government doesnt have to waste our money!
Is Mexico contributing?

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 22nd, '18, 13:59
by Kpdemello
We have another resignation: US envoy Brett McGurk quits over Trump Syria pullout
In an email to staff quoted by the New York Times, he said Mr Trump's decision to pull out troops "came as a shock and was a complete reversal of policy". It "left our coalition partners confused and our fighting partners bewildered", he said." onclick=";return false;

Hard to defend this administration's approach to foreign policy. Even if you think withdrawal is the right move, doing it in this abrupt and chaotic manner is clearly bad.

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 22nd, '18, 14:47
by Nikoli
The train wreck continues. The bright side is we are one day closer to its end

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 23rd, '18, 13:05
by XtremeJibber2001
deadheadskier wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
Kpdemello wrote:He resigned in protest!
His letter basically reads that he thinks Trump is a terrible POTUS and dead wrong on foreign policy .... but he’s probably just a barely useful idiot.
Deep State NPC too.....
Trump obviously didn’t like all the truth in the resignation letter so he’ll be gone this week instead of February.

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 23rd, '18, 13:09
by madhatter
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
Kpdemello wrote:He resigned in protest!
His letter basically reads that he thinks Trump is a terrible POTUS and dead wrong on foreign policy .... but he’s probably just a barely useful idiot.
Deep State NPC too.....
Trump obviously didn’t like all the truth in the resignation letter so he’ll be gone this week instead of February. ... attis.html" onclick=";return false;
There was no such concern when Obama relieved Mattis as commander of CENTCOM without so much as a phone call, a factoid typical of Obama's disdain for the military, its missions, and its heroes.

[Thomas E.] Ricks says Mattis was fired because:

Pentagon insiders say that he rubbed civilian officials the wrong way – not because he went all "mad dog," which is his public image, and the view at the White House, but rather because he pushed the civilians so hard on considering the second- and third-order consequences of military action against Iran. Some of those questions apparently were uncomfortable. Like, what do you do with Iran once the nuclear issue is resolved and it remains a foe? What do you do if Iran then develops conventional capabilities that could make it hazardous for U.S. Navy ships to operate in the Persian Gulf? He kept saying, "And then what?"

There is also a belief that Mattis and Obama differed on Iran. "A particular point of disagreement was what to do about mischief Iran is exporting to other countries. Mattis is indeed more hawkish on this than the White House was," writes Ricks in yet another post.

Mattis is probably more hawkish than Trump as well. Mattis and Trump disagree on strategy. Obama and Mattis disagreed on goals and consequences. While a liberal uproar greeted the former, utter silence greeted the latter.

No doubt, our Syrian withdrawal was a factor in Mattis's decision. I don't agree with it, but to compare it with Obama's withdrawal from Iraq when he snatched defeat from George W. Bush's victory, as many conservatives are doing, is a tad disingenuous.

President Trump destroyed the ISIS caliphate as originally constituted in Syria and Iraq. Obama watched it grow and facilitated its growth through inaction and indifference. ISIS is a cancer that has spread but is currently in remission. If it comes back in force, we can deal with it. But it is not dangerous isolationism for Trump to consider Iran the main threat and to focus on it.
no one cares what you vengeful c@cksuckers "think"...its just pure spite, so fvck off...

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 23rd, '18, 13:42
by deadheadskier
Can always count on Hatter with his trusty "but, Obama"......

You probably got one for Tillerson, Pruit, Price, Zinke, Kelly, Haley, Flynn, McMaster, Porter, Hicks, Bannon.......

If you were dumb enough to be conned by Trump that he could actually handle this job, of course you're too stupid to see what a mess his administration has been. These people are leaving either because they think Trump is a moron or because of scandal. but, but, but Obama you go. Pathetic

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 23rd, '18, 14:04
by Kpdemello
Pretty big difference between Obama replacing the head of centcom and the sec def resigning in protest of an abrupt policy decision.

Also why does it matter what Obama did? That has nothing to do with this situation.

I was curious as to whether this has ever happened before, a sec def resigning in protest. Looks like it hasn't. ... 3776067951" onclick=";return false;

Anyone claiming the media is blowing this out of proportion is full of horse sh!t. It's unprecedented.

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Dec 23rd, '18, 15:46
by brownman
.. blah blah .. consider the source :roll:
Perhaps they just shutdown this presidency. :idea:

Have a Merry Christmas !
