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Posted: Dec 16th, '04, 19:23
by Bling Skier
there are two words that come to mind....being Ex- milatary......and this one goes out to all civ's that post were not there and you dont know sh*t because you get your infomation fron the nightly news.
oh thoes two words...It's all"Chicken sh*t"
and thank the next person you see in uniforn.
Ya,Frigg'n pukes!

Posted: Dec 17th, '04, 00:19
by Pedro
BLING! wrote:there are two words that come to mind....being Ex- milatary......and this one goes out to all civ's that post were not there and you dont know sh*t because you get your infomation fron the nightly news.
oh thoes two words...It's all"Chicken sh*t"
and thank the next person you see in uniforn.
Ya,Frigg'n pukes!

Posted: Dec 17th, '04, 16:16
by ski_adk
Hey, speaking of thanking the soldiers, my friends came up with a great idea. Instead of exchanging rather insignificant gifts amongst ourselves, we're going to send care packages over to the boys and girls in Iraq.

I don't agree with the war, but you can't take it out on the soldiers. They're doing the job they swore an oathe to do and well, they really can't help it that our gov't is run by a bunch of shiat heads.

So, this holiday season, think of the troops and their families. The troops are at their most vulnerable point ever right now and I'm sure they could use a little support from back home.

p.s. Remember to keep the care packages a-political. Remember, we're supposed to be giving them warm-fuzzies, not flame-war fodder.

Posted: Dec 22nd, '04, 11:05
by Scotty K
Haven't done a political post in awhile (actually been working, skiing and having a life).

Bling, Pedro & tirolerpeter have more rights and greater credibility to be critical of the war in Iraq (our Mess o' Potamia) as veterans than us civilians - show them the respect they deserve. My father is a retired Air Force Brigadier General who served for 26 years and did 2 tours in Vietnam where he won the Air Force Cross, the Silver Star, two Bronze stars and a purple heart. He was a flight surgeon, trained to fly fighter bombers, so one tour was in a hospital, the other was flying combat missions, against his Hypocratic oath. He is generally a loyal Republican. He supported the invasion of Afghanistan, but he hates this war. He knows what kind of men and women are serving, fighting, being wounded and dying in Iraq and sees the waste. He has worse things to say about Rumsfeld than calling him a "dick". We talk about it frequently.

I did not serve, although I was offered the chance to attend the Air Force academy; my mother and father talked me out of it. Perhaps it's my loss, but then again, I might have been classified as active reserve and called up at age 42.

I think you guys are thinking of the Stryker wheeled, armored vehicle. More of a Bradley (but with wheels) for close combat. The one negative about it: RPG's can penetrate it's armor. They've been bulking them up, but now they're not as easy to transport on planes. The product cycle from inception to delivery in the military is really long, and many weapons systems get a lot of funding and never really materialize (look at the Osprey)

extremejibber - I don't know your age, but assume that you're in college. You may be book smart, but you have not lived. You show the arrogance of youth. Respect your elders and learn from them.

And Ski Dork - I agree that there is bias in media, but there always has been. But you fail to recognize the right wing bias inherent in Fox News (and Rupert Murdoch's media empire in general), Sinclair Broadcasting, the National Review, the Washington Times, etc. They have also created news, falsely reported and pushed stories that support a right wing agenda. You seem to think it's all a vast liberal media conspiracy; it's not. This is also NOT the first time that reporters have been on the front lines with the troops; it's happened as far back as the Revolutionary war. One of the lessons the DOD learned from Vietnam was to control the media rather than give them free rein as they did then.

And, BTW, I still want to see a death cage match between you and DMC.

Whew, I feel better now

Posted: Dec 22nd, '04, 11:31
by SkiDork
Scotty K wrote:And Ski Dork - I agree that there is bias in media, but there always has been. But you fail to recognize the right wing bias inherent in Fox News (and Rupert Murdoch's media empire in general), Sinclair Broadcasting, the National Review, the Washington Times, etc. They have also created news, falsely reported and pushed stories that support a right wing agenda. You seem to think it's all a vast liberal media conspiracy; it's not. This is also NOT the first time that reporters have been on the front lines with the troops; it's happened as far back as the Revolutionary war. One of the lessons the DOD learned from Vietnam was to control the media rather than give them free rein as they did then.

And, BTW, I still want to see a death cage match between you and DMC.

Whew, I feel better now
I think you have me confused with someone else (not sure who). The only reply I made to this thread was an answer to CAPBOY's "Stripes" reference. I'm not smart enough to engage in a political debate.

Posted: Dec 22nd, '04, 12:52
by Cityskier
SkiDork wrote:I'm not smart enough to engage in a political debate.
That doesn't stop the other posters...

Posted: Dec 22nd, '04, 12:57
by Pedro
Waiting to hear back from my College Roomate, He is in one of the units that was in the tent in mosul that got hit by the rocket attack. Hope he is OK.

Posted: Dec 22nd, '04, 12:58
by shortski
Cityskier wrote:
SkiDork wrote:I'm not smart enough to engage in a political debate.
That doesn't stop the other posters...
Never stopped you, or me for that matter :lol:

Posted: Dec 22nd, '04, 13:56
by tyrolean_skier
Pedro wrote:Waiting to hear back from my College Roomate, He is in one of the units that was in the tent in mosul that got hit by the rocket attack. Hope he is OK.
Pedro let us know if you hear anything. I feel so bad for the relatives of those who lost their lives in that tent. For them the holidays will never be the same again.

Posted: Dec 22nd, '04, 13:59
by tyrolean_skier
Scotty K wrote:Haven't done a political post in awhile (actually been working, skiing and having a life).

Bling, Pedro & tirolerpeter have more rights and greater credibility to be critical of the war in Iraq (our Mess o' Potamia) as veterans than us civilians - show them the respect they deserve. My father is a retired Air Force Brigadier General who served for 26 years and did 2 tours in Vietnam where he won the Air Force Cross, the Silver Star, two Bronze stars and a purple heart. He was a flight surgeon, trained to fly fighter bombers, so one tour was in a hospital, the other was flying combat missions, against his Hypocratic oath. He is generally a loyal Republican. He supported the invasion of Afghanistan, but he hates this war. He knows what kind of men and women are serving, fighting, being wounded and dying in Iraq and sees the waste. He has worse things to say about Rumsfeld than calling him a "dick". We talk about it frequently.

I did not serve, although I was offered the chance to attend the Air Force academy; my mother and father talked me out of it. Perhaps it's my loss, but then again, I might have been classified as active reserve and called up at age 42.

I think you guys are thinking of the Stryker wheeled, armored vehicle. More of a Bradley (but with wheels) for close combat. The one negative about it: RPG's can penetrate it's armor. They've been bulking them up, but now they're not as easy to transport on planes. The product cycle from inception to delivery in the military is really long, and many weapons systems get a lot of funding and never really materialize (look at the Osprey)

extremejibber - I don't know your age, but assume that you're in college. You may be book smart, but you have not lived. You show the arrogance of youth. Respect your elders and learn from them.

And Ski Dork - I agree that there is bias in media, but there always has been. But you fail to recognize the right wing bias inherent in Fox News (and Rupert Murdoch's media empire in general), Sinclair Broadcasting, the National Review, the Washington Times, etc. They have also created news, falsely reported and pushed stories that support a right wing agenda. You seem to think it's all a vast liberal media conspiracy; it's not. This is also NOT the first time that reporters have been on the front lines with the troops; it's happened as far back as the Revolutionary war. One of the lessons the DOD learned from Vietnam was to control the media rather than give them free rein as they did then.

And, BTW, I still want to see a death cage match between you and DMC.

Whew, I feel better now
Scotty I think you have SkiDork confused with someone else. Maybe you are thinking of Shortski who has had several debates in here with DMC.

Posted: Dec 22nd, '04, 14:16
by DMC
I'd do a death cage match with SkiDork... Cause I know we'd end up laughing and drinking a beer... :lol:

But Shortyski? Never... In fact my New Years resolution is to not debate/argue with him anymore... :x

I'm a lover - not a fighter... :D

Posted: Dec 22nd, '04, 14:19
by DMC
Scotty K wrote:He was a flight surgeon, trained to fly fighter bombers, so one tour was in a hospital, the other was flying combat missions, against his Hypocratic oath.
My Brother is a "full bird" AF Flight Surgeon.... But he doesn't fly... Just practices medicine and wot not...

He's at Andrews right now... Nervously waiting for his name to get called for his next tour... :(

Posted: Dec 22nd, '04, 17:58
by Pedro
tyrolean_skier wrote:
Pedro wrote:Waiting to hear back from my College Roomate, He is in one of the units that was in the tent in mosul that got hit by the rocket attack. Hope he is OK.
Pedro let us know if you hear anything. I feel so bad for the relatives of those who lost their lives in that tent. For them the holidays will never be the same again.
Turns out he is OK. He gave me a quick shout that he is ok, he didn't have time to say much just that it did some significant damgage to his chain of command.

Posted: Dec 22nd, '04, 22:59
by Cityskier
shortski wrote:
Cityskier wrote:
SkiDork wrote:I'm not smart enough to engage in a political debate.
That doesn't stop the other posters...
Never stopped you, or me for that matter :lol:
I never claimed I wasn't an "other poster"!

I'm sure you disagree with me, but I know I'm right so it's cool. :lol:

Posted: Dec 23rd, '04, 13:16
by Scotty K
Oops, my bad. Wrong person. Apologies