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Re: Palestine

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

easyrider16 wrote: May 25th, '21, 13:49 I get what you're saying. It's just frustrating when people dismiss sources as biased without citing any opposing evidence. Like, if CNN reports a fact, am I supposed to just ignore it because CNN has a left-wing bias? Or in the context of this thread, I've cited to numerous sources. I've been criticized and called names for it, yet those who do so haven't posted anything to dispute what I've linked to. How am I supposed to respond to that? I guess I'm not, and Humpty is probably right, I spend too much time here.
Here's a perfect example of what (I think) the research Stormchaser posted. Both sources are reporting facts, which is Biden and Putin are set to meet, but the 'wrapper' around each are quite different ... grooming their reader and/or appealing to the readers emotions.

White House says Biden-Putin meeting not a 'reward' to Russia, but a 'vital part' of defending US interests ... sia-reward

Biden and Putin summit to take place next month in Switzerland ... index.html
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Re: Palestine

Post by Stormchaser »

Left or right bias from new sources shouldn't invalidate the context at hand, but does dictate logical weight. On the other hand, stories from questionable news sources or conspiracy/pseudo science sites get almost no weight in my book. Some folks lump em all together, which IMO is wrong.

Apologies my input in this thread has nothing to do with the original topic.
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Re: Palestine

Post by Mister Moose »

I find Google is biased in other ways as well:

The top hits are very frequently NY Times or Washington Post which have paywalls. This is either because of traffic count or paid placement. I'm leaning towards paid placement.

The top hits are repetitive. Another way of sheparding you.

Creative search terms helps.
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Re: Palestine

Post by Stormchaser »

Mister Moose wrote: May 25th, '21, 14:23 I find Google is biased in other ways as well:

The top hits are very frequently NY Times or Washington Post which have paywalls. This is either because of traffic count or paid placement. I'm leaning towards paid placement.

The top hits are repetitive. Another way of sheparding you.
We did a limited test of this by searching a variety of keywords such as Migrant, Trump, Clinton, NATO, Mueller, Obama, etc and the results indicate that in 9 out of 10 (90%) searches, left-leaning sources ranked 1st and ahead of the first right-leaning source. Usually, the right-leaning sources were much lower in the rank.
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Re: Palestine

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

Any middle of the road sources reporting 1/6 was just a normal tourism day at the Capitol? :lol:
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Re: Palestine

Post by easyrider16 »

Interesting experiment - I put "january 6 normal tourist visit" into Google News and got a dozen articles where the headline highlighted the Congressman's statements. Then I went to and put the same words into the search box. From my results, not a single headline even mentioned the Congressmen's statements, and almost every article returned contained no reference to it. There was only one article that even mentioned it.

I went a step further and put "Andrew S. Clyde normal tourist visit" into the search box on Again, no headlines about it, and only one single article (the same one from above) that even referenced it.

So now I'm intrigued. I visited Google, DuckDuckGo, and Bing and put the same search term into each of them. In every single one, I got links to left-leaning sources like CNN, WaPo, CBS, NBC, etc. and no links to conservative news sources. Why do you suppose that is?
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Re: Palestine

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

easyrider16 wrote: May 25th, '21, 15:41Why do you suppose that is?
It never happened? :lol:

Took me a while to find it, but it's on Found it via Google. ... ssault-aoc
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Re: Palestine

Post by Nikoli »

Stormchaser wrote: May 25th, '21, 13:45
easyrider16 wrote: May 25th, '21, 13:30 Probably important to distinguish between Google News and Google Search, which are not the same thing. Also, the article didn't say they lean strongly to the left. It said "LEFT-CENTER BIAS These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias."

Regardless, as I said above, I'm happy to consider alternate sources if you have them. That's part of the reason I come here, to hear opposing views.
Keep reading...

Overall, we rate Google News strongly Left-Center biased with the majority of stories coming from Left-Center sources.

Another way to look, since Google is a search engine, is to see where sources rank when searching for news.

I'm on neither side here, just passing info... As I do with news outlets, I shop search engines for bias. Bing is somewhat less biased, but IMO Yandex and Duckduckgo tend to produce the least editorialized results.
The content is curated based on click through rates. All that means, is that Left wing media gets more clicks overall. Which makes a lot of sense when I think of the other sides content overall.
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Re: Palestine

Post by asher2789 »

god there's so much sheer ignorance and misinformation in this thread its incredible.

1. im jewish, i was born jewish to two jewish parents and four jewish grandparents, had a jewish naming, went to jewish preschool, went to jewish religious school in addition to public school, and was bat mitzvah'd, so maybe i might know a thing or two about the history and what im talking about, not to mention this topic is incredibly important to me for numerous reasons. i grew up surrounded by zionist propaganda and i can spot it and its bad faith sh*t a mile away.

2. i left my religion at 14 because of the hypocrisy regarding the treatment of palestinians. the abused became the abuser - jews escaped ghettos only to recreate ghettos for other people they deem inferior. im still jewish, because being a jew is both an ethnicity and a religion. i am vehemently anti-zionist both for secular and religious reasons. theologically speaking, the jews are not to return to israel until the jewish messiah comes to earth. as im sure most of you are aware, as of yet, there is no jewish messiah. christians obviously disagree, and see jesus to be the jewish messiah. much of the support for israel in america comes from christian zionists who are pushing their own religious beliefs about israel/the return of the messiah onto the jewish cause. christian zionists believe that when the jews return to israel, jesus will come back to earth.

3. NO, THIS "CONFLICT" HAS NOT BEEN AROUND SINCE THE DAWN OF TIME OR SINCE GEORGE WASHINGTON OR WHATEVER f*** DUMBASS sh*t Y'ALL ARE SAYING. IT'S FROM 1948! prior to the establishment of israel in 1948, jews, christians, muslims, and religious minorities got along just fine in palestine and lived amongst each other in peace. the mizrahi jews never left the larger area since biblical times, nor the palestinian christians who have been there since jesus was born and deemed a messiah by some. by around 600 AD the muslims came and conquered the levant, and actually made life better, not worse, for the jews who were already marginalized at the time by the christians. historically, muslims have been some of the best friends to jews, and the christians some of the worst enemies of jews. most of the persecution jews have faced was at the hands of christians! it was not until 1965 that the roman catholic church absolved the jews of killing jesus. 1965!! some of you were alive then!

4. this is 100% a "conflict" over land. the palestinians were forced off their land by british and other european colonists who decided that the best answer to the so called "jewish question" was not finding it in themselves to stop hating jews, but to throw a bunch of ashkenazi jews (white european jews - my ethnicity) into the increasingly hostile desert where they no longer had to deal with them. ashkenazi jews hadn't been in israel in 1000+ years. palestinians don't hate jews because of their religion, they hate (some) jews because of LAND THEFT and colonialism.

5. israel is an apartheid state, not a democracy. the laws are written against them, especially when it comes to property. the legal system is completely discriminatory. as of 2018 netanyahu declared a policy of judaicazation in which in encouraged jews to take over palestinian land and homes. gaza is an open aired prison under international blockade where neither goods nor people can travel freely, and the west bank is under heavy military occupation. in east jerusalem, its the israeli government's plan to encourage jewish organizations to literally steal the houses of palestinians, claiming their deeds (some of which date back to the ottoman empire) are invalid. literally, "if we won't steal it, somebody else will steal it" is the jewish settlers reasoning. oh, and to make it even better, those jews filmed are from f*** LONG ISLAND, which is where i am from.

6. zionism is not judaism, its a political belief of jewish racial supremacy. it was invented as a political philosophy in the late 1800s, around the same time eugenics were all the rage. by contrast, judaism has been around for ~5700 years. in fact, the nazis and the zionists collaborated. point out this factual history, or go against israel, or go against zionism, and you're labelled an anti-semite, or in my case, self hating. there are many jews against zionism, but they are marginalized by the larger jewish community. for me personally, as a teenager my family had a barbecue and had family friends from israel over, and my father decided that was the perfect time to berate me for my anti-zionist views. a dozen people against one... it has become more popular since, but as usual, i was ahead of my time politically. also, since the creation of zionism there has ALWAYS been opposition from jews regarding it, mainly from theological perspectives.

7. israel recieves $3 billion a year in US "defense" aid, is nuclear armed and backed by an even larger nuclear armed power. the palestinians, in contrast, are impoverished, receive little aid, and have makeshift rockets that aren't even guided (hence the indiscriminate rocket attacks). the recent skirmish had a 25:1 death ratio, yet israel wants to proclaim itself the victim? PLEASE. if they'd stop settling territories that aren't theirs, and reform themselves into an actual democracy instead of an ethnonationalist jewish supremacist state, there would be peace. and before anybody wants to say that the palestinians dont want peace... its the israelis who were behind most of the assassinations of high level figures in the peace talks.

8. israel's aggression makes the world less safe for jews worldwide (see the rise of antisemitism since the most recent skirmish) and that is a feature, not a bug, of zionism. by making jews abroad feel unsafe with the rise of antisemitism, they "return" to israel and become settlers, perpetuating the "conflict". this is one of the main reasons why i oppose israel and it's actions, besides the humanitarian crisis and suffering it causes palestinians.

9. ISRAEL CREATED HAMAS TO COUNTER THE MORE MODERATE PLO AND PREVENT PEACE. this is reminiscent of the US arming al-queda against the USSR.... and we see how that turned out. israel and america create their own enemies to ensure perpetual war.

10. things that should go without saying - war is profitable, and jews, christians and muslims all worship the same abrahamic god.

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Re: Palestine

Post by Fancypants »

Last edited by Fancypants on May 28th, '21, 19:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Palestine

Post by Humpty Dumpty »

I'm not familiar. Is bat mitzvah'ed when they take a bat to your head? If so, someone here should go for seconds. Bwahahahahaha!

Hey easyrider, read thru this thread and see if you can spot a diatribe.
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Re: Palestine

Post by asher2789 »

how can you possibly discuss this topic without even getting the most basic of facts right, like when the "conflict" of settler colonialism started, or the fact that its a fight over land and not religion?

also, go f*** yourself humpty. sit on a f*** broom antisemite.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Palestine

Post by Humpty Dumpty »

asher2789 wrote: May 30th, '21, 12:21 how can you possibly discuss this topic without even getting the most basic of facts right, like when the "conflict" of settler colonialism started, or the fact that its a fight over land and not religion?

also, go f*** yourself humpty. sit on a f*** broom antisemite.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Hmmmm...never been called an anti semite before. How do you know I am not part of your tribe? Butt in your case, an extra swing of the bat probably would have been a good thing. I'll bring one to our OSTD in the bay 1 lot when you come to alter my chicklets. And when say "sit on a f*** broom", do you mean vertically or horizontally?

Hey, on another note; did you know that frogs and spiders fart? I was researching some analycktits for an easyrider retort and came across this fact. Weird, huh? Who knew?

KBL Drinker, out.
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