Obama's world

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Obama's world

Post by Atomic1 »

I had to start another thread because Obama is not only ruining America with his hidden agenda of spreading Islam throughout the World and it's causing problems worldwide. Russia is helping Assad in Syria in the killing of ISIS and stopping the flow of illegal Immigration in Europe and the U.S. response was to ask Kerry to meet with Putin to stop it ! Assad reiterated in an interview with Russian media Wednesday that the "U.S. refuses to coordinate with his government to fight ISIS."

Assad claimed that if U.S. officials, "cooperate with the Syrian army, this is like recognition of our effectiveness in fighting ISIS. He also said that his priority is "defeating terrorism" in Syria.
So it appears these rumors of Obama backing ISIS could be true as Obama has said he wants to bring 100,000 Islamic Immigrants into this country and it's obvious that ISIS fighters are part of this immigration after all according to Obama they " just need jobs " . !
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Re: Obama's world

Post by deadheadskier »

This is sarcasm yes?

Obama's agenda of spreading Islam?
Backing ISIS?

Funny stuff
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Re: Obama's world

Post by Atomic1 »

deadheadskier wrote:This is sarcasm yes?

Obama's agenda of spreading Islam?
Backing ISIS?

Funny stuff
Yes , but as they say " Truer things are said in jest " !
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Re: Obama's world

Post by freeski »

We should not bring any Syrians here. The muslims have built a sh*t hole in the middle east because of there backward religion and hate for each other. Let them figure it out. Let the Saudis and their buddies spend some of there money to help out. We have enough oil without them.
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Re: Obama's world

Post by Atomic1 »

freeski wrote:We should not bring any Syrians here. The muslims have built a sh*t hole in the middle east because of there backward religion and hate for each other. Let them figure it out. Let the Saudis and their buddies spend some of there money to help out. We have enough oil without them.
We shouldn't bring any of them here period ! But that's not the issue , the issue is Putin wants to wipe out ISIS and Obama doesn't want to help him and the reason .... YUP, you said it freeski~ OIL ! Obama doesn't want Russia to control the Syrian oil !

http://www.mintpressnews.com/migrant-cr ... es/209294/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Obama's world

Post by Highway Star »

Always worth reading into the backstory on some of these things.........

http://www.breitbart.com/big-government ... bia-clock/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://theconservativetreehouse.com/201 ... -activist/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
As many people thoroughly anticipated the back-story to the 14-year-old briefcase clockmaker reflects his father is actually a rather controversial Muslim activist. This lends further credence toward a reasonable belief that his taking a briefcase clock to school was not as innocent as the media would lead everyone to believe.

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Re: Obama's world

Post by deadheadskier »

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Re: Obama's world

Post by steamboat1 »

One student gets invited to the White House the other gets suspended from school. Any guesses on which student got what?
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Re: Obama's world

Post by Dr. NO »

deadheadskier wrote:Image
Police reports say they did the right thing. Coming into school with a wired self made clock just MIGHT be a bad idea and they did the right thing to remove it and the student until they knew what was going on. But you would probably disagree with that.

Shut up and Ski!

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Re: Obama's world

Post by steamboat1 »

Dr. NO wrote:Police reports say they did the right thing. Coming into school with a wired self made clock just MIGHT be a bad idea and they did the right thing to remove it and the student until they knew what was going on.
He'd invite him to his house just like Obama.
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Re: Obama's world

Post by deadheadskier »

Dr. NO wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:Image
Police reports say they did the right thing. Coming into school with a wired self made clock just MIGHT be a bad idea and they did the right thing to remove it and the student until they knew what was going on. But you would probably disagree with that.
If you brought a homemade clock to work to put on your desk would you expect to be handcuffed, arrested and interrogated by the police without access to your lawyer?
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Re: Obama's world

Post by Mister Moose »

deadheadskier wrote:
Dr. NO wrote:
Police reports say they did the right thing. Coming into school with a wired self made clock just MIGHT be a bad idea and they did the right thing to remove it and the student until they knew what was going on. But you would probably disagree with that.
If you brought a homemade clock to work to put on your desk would you expect to be handcuffed, arrested and interrogated by the police without access to your lawyer?
Having built a homemade electronic clock in school myself, I feel a little closer to this than most. Of course this was pre 9-11, in college, and since the tools were in the lab, I made it in the lab. I never put it in a brief case. My professor knew I was building it. People expecting it to look like a clock don't understand the oscillator-counter-driver-display relationship in an electronic clock.

I do think it is reasonable to expect a non technical layman to be wary of a briefcase containing home made assembled wires, circuit boards and batteries brought to a public building. The teacher was not expecting it to show up in class. It was not an electronics class.

One important difference here is that the boy that had the briefcase identified it as a clock. He made no threatening statements.

However, as silly as it seems, the opposite could happen someday. It could be explosive. There could be more than one device. The child might not know what the device was. The child might have a detonator on his person, so you may want to restrain his hands. You just don't know.

How do you train a teacher or a principal how to tell a wired clock from a bomb? Answer - you can't.
So was it over reacting? To 1950s America, most definitely. To present day Israel or Iraq, not so much.

One question I haven't seen yet is "Was the school evacuated?" (Apparently not.) If not, why not? If it was a suspected explosive device and they were exercising caution, the school should have been evacuated. If there was insufficient threat to warrant an evacuation, then why was the police called and the child placed in hand cuffs with the device in the same room?
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Re: Obama's world

Post by Coydog »

Much of left leaning media clearly overreacted to this incident, though some on the right are now doing their level best to catch up.

I heard what I thought was a combative interview with the supervising officer. He calmly, professionally and thoroughly responded to each question, carefully explained the steps that were taken and even left room for future improvement.

Now it appears the kid didn't actually build an electronic clock, but rather dissected a vintage one.

To me, it seemed the kid was up to some sort of mischief and given our current reality, the response by local law enforcement was entirely reasonable, though perhaps the parents should have been contacted sooner and probably no need to use handcuffs. Of course, the media response was predictably unreasonable.
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Re: Obama's world

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

Coydog wrote:Much of left leaning media clearly overreacted to this incident, though some on the right are now doing their level best to catch up.

I heard what I thought was a combative interview with the supervising officer. He calmly, professionally and thoroughly responded to each question, carefully explained the steps that were taken and even left room for future improvement.

Now it appears the kid didn't actually build an electronic clock, but rather dissected a vintage one.

To me, it seemed the kid was up to some sort of mischief and given our current reality, the response by local law enforcement was entirely reasonable, though perhaps the parents should have been contacted sooner and probably no need to use handcuffs. Of course, the media response was predictably unreasonable.
And the reaction by our President to invite this child to the White House? Is this the message we should be sending our country that if we "see something" we shouldn't "say something" but instead worry our media and President will allude (or even assert) we are racist? We reward children for pranks / mischief by welcoming them to the White House?

Had this been a bomb and no one said anything, we'd be painting these people as irresponsible ... just like many, including our President, painted an officer in Ferguson as having "acted stupidly". For someone in the position of President, I would hope to see more patience before speaking out ... the type of patience he asks for regarding the middle east and Iran is absent in some, but very high impact local social issues that go global and impact the way the world views America.
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Re: Obama's world

Post by Atomic1 »

So after watching Putin on 60 Minutes yesterday it's official , he's twice the leader that Obama is and I commend his plan to wipe out ISIS . He said it would halt the immigration problem and also said over 80% of these immigrants are men who should go back and fight for their country instead of leaving their women and children there .
In my opinion this ISIS problem is all part of Obama's plan to spread Islam throughout the world and that is why he let ISIS grow to the level they currently are . I also find it interesting that both France and China are joining in to wipe out ISIS , so wake up sheeple before it's too late.
I think it's great that Putin is going to put boots on the ground there. It's too close to home for him not to . I don't want American boots on the ground there but read where every time the Army wants to take out a target via drone/jet the Obama administration has them go through such a long sequence that by the time they get the ok to fire it's too late. In my opinion it's more like the Obama admin. aiding and abetting the enemy .
Putin also said something to the fact , how America overthrew Hussein in Iraq and then left leaving the door open for ISIS, they helped in the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya which also lead to the growth of ISIS in Libya and now Obama wants to overthrow Assad in Syria and yup you guessed it ISIS would take over there as well so you tell me who Obama is working for ?
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