Refugees coming to Rutland

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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by deadheadskier »

madhatter wrote:
daytripper wrote:No labor shortage? What's going on at Killington then? Maybe we can get some Syrian refugees to come in at 5am and start driving the lifts.
that's not a labor shortage that's a shortage of people willing to work...not sure how we fix that...maybe that can be part of the screening process: " will you work for min wage in the freezing cold from 5am til 5pm every weekend and holiday? powder days too...then we'll lay you off...oh and we'll throw in a ski pass too, but ya can't use it on weekends, holidays, powder days, early season or after we lay you off..."
A. NO ski area I have ever worked at revoked a season pass during the end of season layoff period. None. The only ones I've seen no early season riding allowed was during poor starts to seasons with limited terrain like last year. Weekends and holiday working are par for the course in any tourism related business. Plenty of powder days for these folks to ski midweek when less staff is needed.

B. Struggles to find staff at resorts I have worked at over the years mainly has centered around available affordable workforce housing. This is particularly true out west and why many resorts construct employee housing. I'm sure there's available affordable housing in Rutland, so this is likely not as much of an issue for a place like Killington. Somewhere like Stowe? Different story

C. Vermont has very low unemployment right now. Pretty much full employment, so yes there is a labor shortage for seasonal positions at ski areas. This isn't a workforce participation issue in this neck of the woods.

D. 13 years ago we had dozens of resettled refugees working at the Hilton in Burlington. They were mostly Muslim coming from Somalia or Eastern Europe escaping war ravaged homelands to provide a safe place to live for their families. Sound familiar? These people were extremely friendly, eager to learn and worked their asses off with no problems assimilating with workplace culture or in the local community. How many terrorist attacks have those scary Muslims in Burlington caused?
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter » ... ecreasing/" onclick=";return false;
According to data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, not only is Vermont’s labor force shrinking on the whole, but fewer of those remaining are participating in the labor market at all.

The Ethan Allen Institute recently participated in Liberty Foundation project studying state by state labor force participation going back fifteen years.

Between 1999 and 2014 Vermont’s total labor force participation rate has dropped from 72.10% to 68.2%. Overall, the participation percentage held steady, hovering just above 70% between 2000 and 2011 before steep drop offs in 2012 and 2013. (See Chart 1)

While Vermont’s total civilian labor force generally grew between 1999 and 2009, it has also dropped steeply since 2011 from a peak of over 360,000 to about 350,000 today. (See Chart 2)

This dynamic sets us apart from our neighbors. The labor force participation rates for Maine have been increasing since 2010, have been declining slightly in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, and have remained largely flat in New York. However, none of these states has seen a decline in its total labor force the way Vermont has. (MA, NH, ME, NY).

Vermont is the only state in the area with both a shrinking labor force pie and a shrinking slice of participants in that pie. The “Great Recession” officially ended in June of 2009. These numbers are occurring in what is supposed to be an economic recovery. It certainly doesn’t look or feel like it.

more analysis here" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by Bubba »

The first refugee family has arrived in Rutland. Better get Homeland Security rep here as well. :roll:
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by Dr. NO »

Early news reports said would not cost City or State anything extra. Suddenly they need translators, bi-lingual school and many more tax payer supported perks / options. This will be a joke and then they will DEMAND Muslim needs such as food, schools, dress and Sharia. Any rules on skiing or hiking?

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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter »

Dr. NO wrote:Early news reports said would not cost City or State anything extra. Suddenly they need translators, bi-lingual school and many more tax payer supported perks / options. This will be a joke and then they will DEMAND Muslim needs such as food, schools, dress and Sharia. Any rules on skiing or hiking?
they like to ride solo in the gondi...
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by skibon »

Does anyone want to donate some warm clothes for the refugees. I'm sure when they fled their homes they left with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Let's show them what a kind and compassionate community Vermont is.
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by freeski »

Or maybe a gently used AR-15 :?: I wish them good luck settling in. If it was one or two families I'd be more welcoming, but they're here, they're Americans now and I hope they're happy and successful.
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by freeski »

I've had a change of heart. They could be terrorists. Therefore, I do not wish them luck.
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by SnoBrdr »

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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by skibon »

Thank you for the update...those poor desperate families wanting so have have a home again
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by SnoBrdr »

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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter »

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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by Coydog »

madhatter wrote:Image
Most don't object to beefing up our border staff as was done under Clinton and Obama. But a $15B wall that Mexico will reimburse the taxpayer in some unspecified way at some unspecified time is particularly absurd, especially when advocated by so called fiscal conservatives.
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter »

Coydog wrote:
madhatter wrote:Image
Most don't object to beefing up our border staff as was done under Clinton and Obama. not much beef there...maybe a little veal at best...but mostly vegan burgers...But a $15B wall that Mexico will reimburse the taxpayer in some unspecified way at some unspecified time is particularly absurd, especially when advocated by so called fiscal conservatives.
maybe we can just build a moat with liberal tears? s/b enough to circumnavigate the globe a half a dozen times by now...they're virtually free and there seems to be a never ending supply as well...

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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by Coydog »

madhatter wrote:maybe we can just build a moat with liberal tears? s/b enough to circumnavigate the globe a half a dozen times by now...they're virtually free and there seems to be a never ending supply as well...
Would be a lot cheaper.
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