Refugees coming to Rutland

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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
freeski wrote:There goes the neighborhood. Check out the attached video from France... ... ets-france" onclick=";return false;
Yea. No doubt when you open your borders and don't have a means/process to settle the people ... they're going to settle in the streets.

As an aside, one of the primary reasons I can't read ZH stuff is a result of their overwhelming positioning of stories / narratives, like this link:
The Paris you know or remember from adverts or brochures no longer exists. While no part of Paris looks like the romantic Cliches in Hollywood movies, some districts now resemble post-apocalyptic scenes of a dystopian thriller.
Have you ever been to Paris? This line is absolutely made up.
yes the Promenade des Anglais is just gorgeous...amazing what you consider "made up" vs what you consider "gospel"... pretty sure the line from the article is one's based on the current state of affairs in europe and france in particular...seems like a pretty accurate opinion too...much closer to the truth than any paris brochures EVER were...there may be some tourist areas that are somewhat unaffected but by and large it's a shadow of its heyday....

any impartial look at france shows a country in great decline, social unrest, numerous terrorist attacks, large immigration issues etc...seems like perhaps your recollection might be the more "made up" story here... ... stigative/" onclick=";return false;
Ugh, you kinda answered my question about Paris ... seeing as Promenade des Anglais is actually in Nice .... not Paris. When's the last time you were in Europe?
gee sorry I commented on france as a whole ( sh1t hole)...the problems are widespread and well's really nice at K, not so much in rutland, randolph and doubt the tourist areas of france are still touristy for the most part, but walk a few blocks and you are confronted w really are becoming a propagandist apologist...your opinions overrule reality in your mind.... ... in%20paris" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by freeski »

I've been to Paris Maine. Not the city of lights, butt still nice. Here's what I do know. Over the weekend I was in a part of Concord called the heights. It's a very congested area with fast food joints and a lot of apartments. There were no white people on the street for about 1.5 miles. There were about 30 refugees. Obama has completely changed the area with his policies and many people are pissed. Most of the refugees used to be from Nepal. They are an oppressed people of the Hindu religion. No one complained when these people were resettled here. They standout because of their dress and have a nice gentle way about them.
Now we're on the on the list, like Rutland, to get Syrians and people don't want them here. Over the last couple of years Concord has had boatloads of Somalis, others from Africa and muslims. Most of the refugees are young males and they hang out in large groups on corners and outside stores. They are not friendly. So that part of the city feels like a large city. There has not been an increase in crime, butt the fabric of the community has changed. Also, it appears none of them work at all except for teenage children. So, we'll be supporting the 20 year olds for life." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
freeski wrote:There goes the neighborhood. Check out the attached video from France... ... ets-france" onclick=";return false;
Yea. No doubt when you open your borders and don't have a means/process to settle the people ... they're going to settle in the streets.

As an aside, one of the primary reasons I can't read ZH stuff is a result of their overwhelming positioning of stories / narratives, like this link:
The Paris you know or remember from adverts or brochures no longer exists. While no part of Paris looks like the romantic Cliches in Hollywood movies, some districts now resemble post-apocalyptic scenes of a dystopian thriller.
Have you ever been to Paris? This line is absolutely made up.
yes the Promenade des Anglais is just gorgeous...amazing what you consider "made up" vs what you consider "gospel"... pretty sure the line from the article is one's based on the current state of affairs in europe and france in particular...seems like a pretty accurate opinion too...much closer to the truth than any paris brochures EVER were...there may be some tourist areas that are somewhat unaffected but by and large it's a shadow of its heyday....

any impartial look at france shows a country in great decline, social unrest, numerous terrorist attacks, large immigration issues etc...seems like perhaps your recollection might be the more "made up" story here... ... stigative/" onclick=";return false;
Ugh, you kinda answered my question about Paris ... seeing as Promenade des Anglais is actually in Nice .... not Paris. When's the last time you were in Europe?
gee sorry I commented on france as a whole ( sh1t hole)...the problems are widespread and well's really nice at K, not so much in rutland, randolph and doubt the tourist areas of france are still touristy for the most part, but walk a few blocks and you are confronted w really are becoming a propagandist apologist...your opinions overrule reality in your mind.... ... in%20paris" onclick=";return false;
I can't comment on France as a whole, but the author was talking about Paris specifically and that the "Paris you know or remember from adverts or brochures no longer exists". This is false. It's fear mongering. Just a poor excuse for an article, even if it is an op-ed.

I haven't shared my opinion. I'm simply asserting the author's first sentence is patently false, which is fact. You can't dispute it.
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:
yes the Promenade des Anglais is just gorgeous...amazing what you consider "made up" vs what you consider "gospel"... pretty sure the line from the article is one's based on the current state of affairs in europe and france in particular...seems like a pretty accurate opinion too...much closer to the truth than any paris brochures EVER were...there may be some tourist areas that are somewhat unaffected but by and large it's a shadow of its heyday....

any impartial look at france shows a country in great decline, social unrest, numerous terrorist attacks, large immigration issues etc...seems like perhaps your recollection might be the more "made up" story here... ... stigative/" onclick=";return false;
Ugh, you kinda answered my question about Paris ... seeing as Promenade des Anglais is actually in Nice .... not Paris. When's the last time you were in Europe?
gee sorry I commented on france as a whole ( sh1t hole)...the problems are widespread and well's really nice at K, not so much in rutland, randolph and doubt the tourist areas of france are still touristy for the most part, but walk a few blocks and you are confronted w really are becoming a propagandist apologist...your opinions overrule reality in your mind.... ... in%20paris" onclick=";return false;
I can't comment on France as a whole, but the author was talking about Paris specifically and that the "Paris you know or remember from adverts or brochures no longer exists". This is false. It's fear mongering. Just a poor excuse for an article, even if it is an op-ed.

I haven't shared my opinion. I'm simply asserting the author's first sentence is patently false, which is fact. You can't dispute it.
willful ignorance...I suppose that trump accusing clinton of acid washing her server was also "patently false"?" onclick=";return false; ... orism.html" onclick=";return false; ... y-in-wake/" onclick=";return false;

all roses for sure...same as it ever you really have a hard time understanding descriptive analysis? or must it be black and white to be fact when you disagree? you seem to have no problem leaping to conclusions in many cases while denying reality in no accounts is paris what it once was...It won't be improving either...furthermore and speaking to the point of the ZH article refugees and islamic immigration has been nothing but a detriment in paris, in france, and in Europe as a whole....NONE of the host countries are in any way better off nor have any of them seen ANY kind of improvement as a result of these people's fact very much the opposite...all in all the article is FAR more FACT than patently false...nice try though...
The Paris you know or remember from adverts or brochures no longer exists. While no part of Paris looks like the romantic Cliches in Hollywood movies, some districts now resemble post-apocalyptic scenes of a dystopian thriller. This footage, taken with a hidden camera by an anonymous Frenchman in the Avenue de Flandres, 19th Arrondissement, near the Stalingrad Metro Station in Paris as well as areas in close proximity, shows the devastating effects of uncontrolled illegal mass immigration of young African males into Europe.

If it weren't for the somewhat working infrastructure, the scene might as well have been the setting of movie shooting - or a slum in Mogadishu. The streets are littered in garbage, the sidewalks are blocked with trash, junk and mattresses, thousands of African men claim the streets as their own - they sleep and live in tents like homeless people.

If no portable toilets are in reach, open urination and defecation are commonplace. Tens of thousands of homeless Illegal immigrants, undocumented or waiting for a decision of their asylum application, waste away trying to pass the time in the city. Although their prospects of being granted asylum as Africans are bleak, they're hoping for a decision that would grant them an apartment, welfare and make France their new home.

The conditions are absolutely devastating. The police have given up trying to control these areas, the remaining French people avoid the areas at all cost, crime and rape is rampant, just recently mass brawls and riots made the news as fights broke out near the Stalingrad metro station.

If current trends continue and the French become minority in their own capital in even more areas, scenes like this might spread to areas frequented by tourists, forever changing the last romantic parts of Paris that match what most people have in mind when they think of the iconic city.

* * *

Ah, Paris in the fall; less crowds, color everywhere, less expensive, hot chocolate season, and the Palais-Royal Gardens are lovelier than ever. However, there's just one thing...
patently false...

In a patent manner; openly, plainly, or clearly: a patently false statement.

I guess if you are disingenuous enough to take every word of an OP/ED as black and white fact then I could agree that there may be a some parts of paris that still resemble a "movie cliche"...otherwise the article presents far more reality than patently false information...

only you can determine if your ignorance is willful or not...
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by Humpty Dumpty »

Which one of the dumb ass mods moves a post/topic to a different forum without realizing it stays in the same place on chatter where we can all still read it? Why bother with the effort? Newman? Neuman?

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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter »

beautiful france ... -live-feed" onclick=";return false;

Violent Clashes Erupt As French Police Begin To Clear Calais Migrant "Jungle" - Live Feed
Violent clashes erupted overnight in the Calais jungle as 1,200 French police began the process of relocating the camp's 8,000 migrant residents to 450 separate facilities across France. The plan calls for a mass evacuation to be conducted on Monday and Tuesday with heavy machinery expected to be sent in Tuesday afternoon to clear any remaining debris and officially demolish the camp. That said, many of the migrants chose not to leave peacefully launching rocks at French police and setting fires to property adjacent to the camp.

rench authorities have arranged for migrants to be transported to over 450 facilities across the country where housing will be provided and they will be given the opportunity to claim asylum. According to BBC, 2,500 people are expected to leave the camp on Monday with the remainder expected to depart on Tuesday.

The Jungle migrants are being placed into separate queues to determine who are in families, travelling alone or whether they are in vulnerable categories.

After processing they will leave for various parts of France and be given the opportunity to claim asylum. If they do not, they could face deportation.

There are 7,500 beds being made available in 450 centres across France.

By mid-morning there were long lines at the entrance to the registration centre. French officials said the operation was proceeding well, although Calais' police commissioner said some migrants would have to return to the Jungle and try again on Tuesday.

Parts of the camp were emptying quickly, the BBC's Gavin Lee reported. By 13:30 local time, 23 buses had left carrying 900 people. Officials have predicted that some 2,500 people will leave the camp on Monday.

Heavy machinery is expected to be sent in on Tuesday to clear any remnants of the camp left behind by migrants while those who choose not to leave voluntarily will be forcibly removed.

From Tuesday, heavy machinery will be sent to clear the tents and shelters that have been left behind. The whole operation is expected to take three days.

The French interior ministry said it "does not want to use force but if there are migrants who refuse to leave, or NGOs who cause trouble, the police might be forced to intervene".
Below is a live feed of the current evacuation efforts.

For those not as familiar with the situation, the "Jungle" camp, near the port of Calais in Northern France, has become home to ~8,000 migrants as Europe has struggled to deal with the flow of refugees from Northern Africa and the Middle East. The camp has drawn a lot of criticism from nearby French citizens as a haven for violence and crime. Tensions climaxed last month when French farmers, truckers and police all united to block the Calais port while calling on President Hollande to announce specific plans for the demolition of the "Jungle" camp.

Of course, camps like these have grown as Europe has struggled to accommodate several hundred thousand migrants flowing in from Northern Africa and the Middle East.


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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter » ... ns-radical" onclick=";return false;

Germany Launches Biggest Crackdown On Islamists In 15 Years: Raids 190 Mosques, Bans Radical Organization
In its latest massive crackdown on the domestic radical Islamist threat, German police launched dawn raids in 60 different cities on about 190 mosques, flats and offices believed to have links to the Islamist missionary network ‘The True Religion,’ which is known to have been distributing free Korans at infostands throughout Germany.

De Maiziere said Tuesday's actions across 10 German states were the biggest crackdown on a group since the government shut down a movement known as Kalifatstaat (Caliphate State) in 2001, accusing it of "extremist activities". The government has also banned five other organization accused of having Islamist-Jihadist aspirations since 2012.

The raids were carried out in Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Bremen, Lower Saxony and Hamburg. The operation is also being carried out in the capital, Berlin, where some 50 apartments and offices have been searched. In total, police raided the network’s premises in 60 German cities, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maziere said at a press conference that followed the operation.

There have been no reports of arrests as of yet. The group is widely known for its ‘Lies!’ (read) initiative, which distributes free copies of the Koran while calling on Germans to “read the noble” book. This morning, apparently in response to the police operation, they wrote a post declaring that “Germany has banned the Koran.”

Germany’s Interior Ministry banned the organization on Tuesday morning. A spokeswoman for the ministry said that authorities believe the group has acted in violation of Germany’s constitution and incited hatred.The media states that the group advocates armed jihad and supports terrorist organizations, citing law enforcement authorities.

Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said the DWR 'True Religion' organization had contacted young people as it distributed Korans and other religious material, and had persuaded about 140 of them to join militants in Iraq and Syria. DWR made no reference to the raids on its website and did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

"Today's ban is not directed against the distribution of the Koran or translations of the Koran," de Maiziere told reporters. "Today's ban is rather directed against the abuse of religion by people propagating extremist ideologies and supporting terrorist organizations under the pretext of Islam." The group had several hundred members, he added.

"The translations of the Quran are being distributed along with messages of hatred and unconstitutional ideologies," de Maiziere told reporters in Berlin. "Teenagers are being radicalized with conspiracy theories."

"We don't want terrorism in Germany ... and we don't want to export terrorism," de Maiziere said adding that the ban was also a measure to help protect peaceful Islam in the country.

Authorities believe over 500 people to be part of the group, which has some 60 local initiatives throughout the country. The investigators are reportedly after the group’s founder, Abou-Nagie, an Islamist hate preacher of Pakistani origin who lives in Cologne. His home in Cologne has been searched, as well as his girlfriend’s in Bonn.

The ‘Lies!’ activists have reportedly distributed around 3.5 million copies of the Koran in Germany so far. Authorities in some German cities have banned their actions, but activists have often ignored them, and distributed the books from backpacks and bags in response.

Numerous young Muslims have been radicalized during the Koran distribution campaigns, Interior Minister Thomas de Maziere told reporters. At least 140 ‘Lies!’ activists and supporters have already moved to Syria and Iraq to fight alongside the jihadists, he said. Some terror suspects in Essen, who participated in a bomb attack on a Sikh temple in April, were previously known as ‘Lies!’ activists, according to Die Welt.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has faced pressure to harden her line on security after a string of attacks claimed by Islamic State across Europe and criticism of her decision to let in about 900,000 migrants last year. Concern over the number of migrants entering the country has boosted support for Alternative for Germany, a populist party that says Islam is incompatible with the German constitution and has siphoned off support from Merkel's conservatives.

A spokeswoman for the interior ministry said there was no indication that DWR was planning attacks itself.

As RT reminds us, Germany has been on high terror alert in recent months. In July of this year, the country suffered three lone-wolf assaults. In all cases, the perpetrators had either direct links to the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terror group or were inspired by radicalism.

De Maiziere warned back in September that there were more people in Germany capable of committing terrorist acts than ever before. According to the minister’s data, more than 520 people are could potentially commit “unexpected” and “high-profile” terrorist attacks inspired by Islamism.

Anti-terror raids have been carried out across the country on several occasions, in which a number of suspected radicals have been detained. In October, German police conducted several raids in five federal states in response to an “imminent terror threat.”

I wonder why they are doing this? :roll:
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter » ... nterested/" onclick=";return false;

Reince Priebus: Trump administration not interested in registry of Muslims
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by shortski »

madhatter wrote: ... nterested/

Reince Priebus: Trump administration not interested in registry of Muslims
They never were it was a fake story from the start by the irrelevant press
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter »

shortski wrote:
madhatter wrote: ... nterested/

Reince Priebus: Trump administration not interested in registry of Muslims
They never were it was a fake story from the start by the irrelevant press
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter » ... vestigated" onclick=";return false;

Ohio State Attack Suspect Is 20-Year-Old Somali Refugee; Terror Motive Investigated

even one is one too many...there's just no upside to it...
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by Bubba »

I have no problem with Rutland taking in a limited number of refugees but how about countries like Cuba, that already provide free services, take in some refugees? Let Raul do something constructive for the rest of the world.
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by SnoBrdr »

Bubba wrote:I have no problem with Rutland taking in a limited number of refugees but how about countries like Cuba, that already provide free services, take in some refugees? Let Raul do something constructive for the rest of the world.
They can't support their own people as it is.
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by madhatter »

Bubba wrote:I have no problem with Rutland taking in a limited number of refugees but how about countries like Cuba, that already provide free services, take in some refugees? Let Raul do something constructive for the rest of the world.

yep limited to zero sounds about right...
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Re: Refugees coming to Rutland

Post by Bubba »

From the NY Times

Ailing Vermont Town Pins Hopes on Mideast Refugees

By JESS BIDGOODJAN. 2, 2017 ... 74587&_r=0" onclick=";return false;
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