Trump Presidency

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Trump Presidency

Post by freeski »

Great to see his cabinet coming together. Wonderful people, it makes me proud to see him putting people in power who will protect our country and put America first.

I'd love to see Mitt have an official role. Just meeting with him shows Trump to be a bigger man than critics thought. :like
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by deadheadskier »

He must be amazingly efficient. I mean to have to prepare for the toughest job in the world and still have time to watch SNL and whine about it on Twitter and also ask for safe spaces in the theater?

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by shortski »

Yup called private enterprise and multi taxing, plus accountability. Your welcome.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by deadheadskier »

shortski wrote:Yup called private enterprise and multi taxing, plus accountability. Your welcome.
multi taxing?

But, I thought he was supposed to be simplifying and cleaning up the tax code. yikes!!
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter » ... e-n2248518" onclick=";return false;
The left is trying to come to grips with its utter rejection, and its response to Donald Trump will be to fall back on an endless series of freakoutrages – hyperbolic, unhinged, hack media-fueled spasms of faux moral panic every time he dares do anything.

Appoint someone to a job? Freak out – it’s an outrage!

Go to dinner? Freak out – it’s an outrage!

Actually keep promises made to the voters? Freak out – it’s an outrage!

But it isn’t going to work. Not anymore. Not with the form of the Destructor Hillary and the rest of super smart Team Smugfail chose. Freakoutrage fatigue is in effect. You can cry Wolf Blitzer all day long and nobody cares.

It’s important to understand why liberals are so angry and so scared. They are angry because they believe they have a moral right to command us, apparently bestowed by Gaia or #Science or having gone to Yale, and we are irredeemably deplorable for not submitting to their benevolent dictatorship.

They are scared because they fear we will wage the same kind of campaign of petty (and not so petty) oppression, intimidation, and bullying that they intended to wage upon us.

And their fear tastes like sunshine puked up by a unicorn.

I was considering being magnanimous in our total victory, but that lasted until a bunch of loving, tolerant, peaceful anti-Trump demonstrators jumped my friend and hurt his dog. So now, their pain is my sugar, and I say let’s spend the next four years having our coffee Sudden Impact-style.

You want to play the freakoutrage card? Go ahead, make my day.

It’s the only practical tool they have left, secession being hard and scary when you’re on the side that wets itself around guns. So instead they sow cultural chaos with the eager, slobbering cooperation of the dying mainstream media. Hence the nonstop series of post-defeat freakoutrages over each and every action undertaken by President-elect Trump – oh, I’m getting Matthewsian tingles down my leg just thinking of how much it hurts you libs to read those words!

But it’s a loser’s game. Freakoutraging is not a power move – it’s a sign of weakness. It’s weak because to work, it depends entirely on cooperation by us and by President-elect Trump – there’s that tingle again! We have to allow it to work. See, you libs can’t make us do anything because we control everything. The Reid Rule is in effect, players, and we’re going to beat down liberalism like a Nordic-Trak beats down Harry.

Freakoutrage is manipulation, so it depends upon the credibility of the freakoutrager in the eyes of the freakoutragee. Do you see the problem? Because the freakoutragers are liberals amplified by the liberal mainstream media, there’s a bit of a credibility gap in the eyes of us freakoutragees. Similarly yuge gaps include the Grand Canyon and the yawning chasm between Obama’s self-regard and his accomplishments.

To work, the freakoutragee has to take the freakoutrage seriously – “Wow, I can’t imagine that anyone would call the Attorney General appointee a white supremacist Klan lover without a really good reason. I shall be wary of this ruffian!” But when you literally call everyone associated with Donald Trump a bigot, racist, sexist, Islamophobe, transphobe, and miscellaneousphobe – including, by extension, the nearly 50% of Americans who voted for him over Harridan McHarpy – then you lose your credibility. When you redefine “bigotry” to mean “I don’t like you,” you’ve deprived the word of its bite.

Non-political people are watching, and when no one goosesteps over to their houses to throw them into Jesus camp with all the other people whose ancestors didn’t hail from Dusseldorf, they’re going to figure out that your endless freakoutrages are all lies. When everybody’s terrible, nobody is. Especially when the people you say are terrible really aren’t.

Freakoutrage need the cooperation of President-elect Trump (Ohhhh, baby, I’m a-tinglin’ again!), and that’s another reason you’ll fail. Freakoutrage is really a way you and your media fluffers try to train conservative leaders. You try to teach the Republican leader that if he does anything you don’t approve of, you’ll scream and whine and then he’ll have to back down. It’s a means of control, like a shock collar. And this works on a lot of Republicans, or used to: “Oh no, the WaPo is angry! Quick, start #caring!”

But The Donald? Nope. You have no heat because he’s giving absolutely no damns.

Ditching the press to scarf a sirloin? WAAAAAA! Damns given: 0.

Appointing hardcore conservatives? WAAAAA! Damns given: 0.

Building the wall, repealing O-Care, SCOTUS Justice Willet? WAAAAA! Damns given: 0.

You’ll be freaking out and the President will be eating a taco bowl and kicking it old school with his hot immigrant wife like a boss, penning and phoning Obama’s miserable legacy into oblivion.

So libs, carry on with your freakoutrages. Please. Each one makes you weaker and us stronger. Everyone sees the truth behind your freakoutrage scam. Everyone sees the truth behind you. The audience of Hamilton didn't boo Pence. The cast didn’t lecture Pence. The audience booed us. The cast lectured us. You libs hate us. Hate, not merely dislike. Hate. Your dream is a country without us, just like I predicted in my new book.

So your freakoutraging did do us one solid – you helped remind us who our real enemy is. It’s you. And we know it because you dorky, safety-pinned, not moving-to-Canada-like-you-promised freakoutragers keep telling us so.

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Bubba »

madhatter wrote:


So you agree, then, that for the past almost 8 years, Obama was your President. Thank you.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Bubba wrote:
madhatter wrote:


So you agree, then, that for the past almost 8 years, Obama was your President. Thank you.
never said he wasn't...he was definitely not my choice for president and I'm very happy to see him and his idiot experiment gone...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Bubba »

madhatter wrote:
Bubba wrote:
madhatter wrote:


So you agree, then, that for the past almost 8 years, Obama was your President. Thank you.
never said he wasn't...he was definitely not my choice for president and I'm very happy to see him and his idiot experiment gone...
Granted, although many people over the past 8 years never accepted him. Wasn't my choice either but, once in, hoped for the best. Disappointed in so many ways.

As for the incoming President, both he and Hillary were awful candidates and I didn't vote for either of them. Still, hoping for the best. Expecting improvements in domestic policy, the size and scope of government and a reduction in over-regulation. Concerned far more about foreign policy but will have to wait to see who is appointed to State.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Mister Moose »

That flow chart is the equivalent of "Is Killington in Vermont or did it suceed to New Hampshire?"

Yuuuge amount of negative projection going on. Yuuuuge. Let the man make a few decisions. Then evaluate them.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Bubba wrote:
madhatter wrote:
Bubba wrote:
madhatter wrote:


So you agree, then, that for the past almost 8 years, Obama was your President. Thank you.
never said he wasn't...he was definitely not my choice for president and I'm very happy to see him and his idiot experiment gone...
Granted, although many people over the past 8 years never accepted him. no one HAS to accept trump either, but it won't change the facts...and rioting is unacceptable... Wasn't my choice either but, once in, hoped for the best. Disappointed in so many ways.expected very little from him, he delivered plenty of that...for the most part he "voted present"never taking a stand on anything besides racial division... and left the partisan dirty work to reid...

As for the incoming President, both he and Hillary were awful candidates and I didn't vote for either of them. Still, hoping for the best. Expecting improvements in domestic policy, the size and scope of government and a reduction in over-regulation. Concerned far more about foreign policy but will have to wait to see who is appointed to State.
what I want to see is an end to preferential tax treatment based on "special status" eliminate the identity politics by removing any sort of identity based incentives.. a true level playing field...then we can have some sort of discourse at a national level as to how to govern this country and what should be national vs state oriented......
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter » ... l?adkey=bn" onclick=";return false;

Poll: Looking ahead to a Trump presidency, a majority sees change
Two weeks after Election Day, most Americans say President-elect Donald Trump will ultimately do a good job as president, though fewer approve of the way he's handled the transition so far, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll.

A narrow majority (53%), say they think Trump will do a very or fairly good job as president, and 40% say they have a lot of confidence in Trump to deal with the economy, a share that outpaces the percentage who had that much confidence in Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan ahead of their first inaugurations.
Read full poll results
That perception comes as majorities think Trump will achieve several of the goals outlined during his campaign as top priorities. Nearly three-quarters say Trump is likely to repeal and replace Obamacare, two-thirds think he will renegotiate NAFTA and 6 in 10 say he'll create good-paying jobs in economically challenged areas. Separately, 63% say they expect the economy to be in good shape a year from now, the highest share to say so since September 2012.

the rest of the article was typical of CNN, barely worth reading fear mongering reflective of the ( barely) useful idiot class that now makes up the bulk of the blue voting I see w many of my lefty "facebook friends" EVERYTHING is determined by the worship of the letter D...hillaryous...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter » ... 457813219/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Bubba »

madhatter wrote:
Bubba wrote:
madhatter wrote:
Bubba wrote:
madhatter wrote:


So you agree, then, that for the past almost 8 years, Obama was your President. Thank you.
never said he wasn't...he was definitely not my choice for president and I'm very happy to see him and his idiot experiment gone...
Granted, although many people over the past 8 years never accepted him. no one HAS to accept trump either, but it won't change the facts...and rioting is unacceptable... Wasn't my choice either but, once in, hoped for the best. Disappointed in so many ways.expected very little from him, he delivered plenty of that...for the most part he "voted present"never taking a stand on anything besides racial division... and left the partisan dirty work to reid...

As for the incoming President, both he and Hillary were awful candidates and I didn't vote for either of them. Still, hoping for the best. Expecting improvements in domestic policy, the size and scope of government and a reduction in over-regulation. Concerned far more about foreign policy but will have to wait to see who is appointed to State.
what I want to see is an end to preferential tax treatment based on "special status" eliminate the identity politics by removing any sort of identity based incentives.. a true level playing field...then we can have some sort of discourse at a national level as to how to govern this country and what should be national vs state oriented......
I think this is key. Ever since the 1930s we've seen an expanded use of the Commerce Clause and a weakening of the 10th Amendment, both of which have served to strengthen Washington at the expense of the States. In some cases, i.e. civil rights, that's been a necessary approach. In others, it has simply served to enhance the power of K Street and others in DC.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Bubba wrote:
madhatter wrote:
Bubba wrote:
madhatter wrote:never said he wasn't...he was definitely not my choice for president and I'm very happy to see him and his idiot experiment gone...
Granted, although many people over the past 8 years never accepted him. no one HAS to accept trump either, but it won't change the facts...and rioting is unacceptable... Wasn't my choice either but, once in, hoped for the best. Disappointed in so many ways.expected very little from him, he delivered plenty of that...for the most part he "voted present"never taking a stand on anything besides racial division... and left the partisan dirty work to reid...

As for the incoming President, both he and Hillary were awful candidates and I didn't vote for either of them. Still, hoping for the best. Expecting improvements in domestic policy, the size and scope of government and a reduction in over-regulation. Concerned far more about foreign policy but will have to wait to see who is appointed to State.
what I want to see is an end to preferential tax treatment based on "special status" eliminate the identity politics by removing any sort of identity based incentives.. a true level playing field...then we can have some sort of discourse at a national level as to how to govern this country and what should be national vs state oriented......
I think this is key. Ever since the 1930s we've seen an expanded use of the Commerce Clause and a weakening of the 10th Amendment, both of which have served to strengthen Washington at the expense of the States. In some cases, i.e. civil rights, that's been a necessary approach. In others, it has simply served to enhance the power of K Street and others in DC.
it's also served to create a more divided nation as well...With a more limited central govt vs an all encompassing central govt red states and blue states can retain their autonomy w/o sacrificing the benefits of a united country...

ironically, the fiercest argument for autonomy right now is from the collectivist left that sought to consolidate power in washington for the last decade.....hopefully they'll get that autonomy, but it'll be hard for them to give up ruling over the rest of the states that also wish for autonomy...another problem with that is that the state and local govt's in much of the country have gone red in an attempt to get out of the red, many after decades of blue rule...

Does this state power structure paradigm shift take place?

If so does it usher in a new era of personal pragmatism and self accountability that trickles down ( or up perhaps)?

With limited and theoretically mutually agreed upon central govt does the advent of states rights create vastly differing "ends of the spectrum" states in contrast to each other? or do we find that w/o the over reach of federal govt the entire country becomes more purple as neither party represents a national threat to perceived freedom causing the two parties to resort to differing on issues pertinent to their locale vs engaging in a national power struggle...

then there's still that whole economy/national debt/interest rate/continued spending and perpetual obligations thing that hasn't even remotely been addressed yet, but certainly looms overhead like never before...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Bubba »

Being in Vermont, I had not heard this news, but it's a good sign to keep Bharara as US Att'y in Manhattan rather than the customary request for resignation that occurs when a new president takes office.

Trump's Choice of Bharara Sends Message: We'll Bust Corporate Criminals ... 1107163847" onclick=";return false;
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