Enough is Enough

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Enough is Enough

Post by Bubba »

This used to be such a nice neighborhood. People were friendly, kidded around, knew each other in person and gathered together from time to time whether on the hill or elsewhere.

Unfortunately, the neighborhood has changed over time, and not for the better. People spend way too much time getting angry and expressing themselves with insults and animosity toward others in the neighborhood. At least some here have no idea how to disagree without being disagreeable. Some here can't have a discussion without throwing insults at others of one sort or another. Frankly, the neighborhood watch committee is sick and tired of it, and so are many of the less vocal neighbors who still hang out here.

Enough is enough. Something is going to change. If you continue to act like children and can't keep yourselves under control, parental controls will be enabled. That means in the Political Forum as well as in Chatter. While we have tried to keep the Political Forum a "free fire zone", even that has gotten way out of control. Enough is enough. Post as if speaking to one another in person because if some of what has been written here was said in person, a fight would ensue. Sometimes it's better to just walk away. That's the standard of behavior we expect. We don't intend to moderate opinions but we will more strictly moderate behavior.

Peace. :Toast
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Re: Enough is Enough

Post by spanky »

If you find your posts are mysteriously disappearing, it is probably a clue to calm down.
Never argue with idiots. They will bring you down to their level, then overwhelm you with their experience.

"I have noticed that when you post, you often say more about yourself than the topic you chose to speak about." -The Suit