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Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 5th, '21, 11:49
by G-smashed
I'm sorry I have to post this in the political forum. The politicization of this national emergency is a disgrace.
Anti-vaxxers and MAGA supporters are prolonging this nightmare for all of us. I have now had both shots and I hope for the day
when we can ditch the masks and safely resume life as we knew it.

Re: Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 5th, '21, 11:55
by throbster
You can. You're vaccinated.

Re: Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 5th, '21, 15:08
by G-smashed
No I can't! I was at K this past weekend and I went up to the umbrella bar. It was pouring r*in and they wouldn't let anyone inside.
Everyone else has to get their shots before we can return to normal. THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL ISSUE - it's a public health issue.

Re: Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 5th, '21, 17:10
by spanky
G-smashed wrote:I'm sorry I have to post this in the political forum. The politicization of this national emergency is a disgrace.
Anti-vaxxers and MAGA supporters are prolonging this nightmare for all of us. I have now had both shots and I hope for the day
when we can ditch the masks and safely resume life as we knew it.
While I agree with you that this is a public health issue and everyone should get vaccinated, I disagree with you lumping anti-vaxxers with MAGA supporters. Not all anti-vaxxers are MAGA and not all MAGA are anti-vax.

Re: Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 5th, '21, 17:17
by Dickc
I also believe that not all people who have NOT run out to get a vaccine are either MAGA or anti-vaxxers. I think there are a lot of people who, perhaps inconvenienced by the whole pandemic, are equally or more inconvenienced by needing to wade through online ques, and really just will only consider it when there is plentiful vaccine, and the ability to just walk into CVS, Walgreens, their primary care office, or such and just get one. That option is only NOW just becoming available, so many just need to know that, and happen by one of these places when it fits THEIR convenience. They just are not THAT convinced that they need to prioritize a vaccine for the world to get back to normal.

Re: Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 5th, '21, 17:56
by XtremeJibber2001
Dickc wrote: May 5th, '21, 17:17 I also believe that not all people who have NOT run out to get a vaccine are either MAGA or anti-vaxxers. I think there are a lot of people who, perhaps inconvenienced by the whole pandemic, are equally or more inconvenienced by needing to wade through online ques, and really just will only consider it when there is plentiful vaccine, and the ability to just walk into CVS, Walgreens, their primary care office, or such and just get one. That option is only NOW just becoming available, so many just need to know that, and happen by one of these places when it fits THEIR convenience. They just are not THAT convinced that they need to prioritize a vaccine for the world to get back to normal.
This. One of my family members won’t get vaccinated until it’s “easy”. Walk-ins in PA just started becoming available last week.

Re: Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 5th, '21, 19:49
by boston_e
spanky wrote: May 5th, '21, 17:10
G-smashed wrote:I'm sorry I have to post this in the political forum. The politicization of this national emergency is a disgrace.
Anti-vaxxers and MAGA supporters are prolonging this nightmare for all of us. I have now had both shots and I hope for the day
when we can ditch the masks and safely resume life as we knew it.
While I agree with you that this is a public health issue and everyone should get vaccinated, I disagree with you lumping anti-vaxxers with MAGA supporters. Not all anti-vaxxers are MAGA and not all MAGA are anti-vax.
Actually most polls show Trump supporters are among the most hesitant to get vaccinated.

Re: Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 6th, '21, 08:51
by throbster
G-smashed wrote: May 5th, '21, 11:49 I'm sorry I have to post this in the political forum. The politicization of this national emergency is a disgrace.
Anti-vaxxers and MAGA supporters are prolonging this nightmare for all of us. I have now had both shots and I hope for the day
when we can ditch the masks and safely resume life as we knew it.
The Biden Admin is not helping things by continuing to wear masks outdoors. The message they are sending at best is that you will still need to wear masks after vaccination. At worse, that the vaccine does not work.

Here is a video of vaccinated Kamala kissing her vaccinated husband WHILE WEARING MASKS :bang

Stupid is as stupid does.

Another theory is that these leftist enjoy the control they have over the minions and it will help them pass their ridiculous, pork-laddened spending bills.

Red states and doing better than blue states on Covid. That's all you need to know.

Re: Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 6th, '21, 10:14
by deadheadskier
Amazing what a cry baby you are about masks throbster.

I'll take the messaging that being overly cautious is ok over the prior guy who was flippant about the disease and found himself infected and in the hospital or his anti-mask buddy Herman who took a dirt nap because of that choice.

Re: Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 6th, '21, 10:27
by throbster
I guess you don't see my point.

And it sounds like you're suggesting that only people who did not wear masks got sick. But we are constantly told that by wearing a mask you are protecting other people. WTF? Deadheadsheep

Re: Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 6th, '21, 10:39
by deadheadskier

I'm just not that concerned about these things. I've been vaccinated for months. I still wear a mask in numerous places that require them. It's really not that big of a deal to me.

I also don't want to be perceived as some selfish me first MAGAt like you.

Re: Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 6th, '21, 10:43
by Stormchaser
Masks will continue to be a thing for a while, because you can visually police mask wearing. Vaccine verification isn't as easy, so MANY states will stick with masks until the 'perceived' threat reaches a level low enough to be deemed 'safe for most'.

Re: Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 6th, '21, 11:03
by boston_e
throbster wrote: May 6th, '21, 08:51

The Biden Admin is not helping things by continuing to wear masks outdoors. The message they are sending at best is that you will still need to wear masks after vaccination. At worse, that the vaccine does not work.
That is the message that the MAGA crowd is predisposed to receiving, not the message that is being sent.

Re: Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 6th, '21, 11:22
by throbster
One message coming across loud and clear is that the Biden Admin are a bunch of morons. Somehow it's okay to pose for aN indoor photo with the Carter's who are old and frail, but wear a mask outdoors while walking across the WH lawn.

Stupid mother f***

Re: Covid vaccination resistance

Posted: May 6th, '21, 23:54
by easyrider16
I think it's just so strange that it bothers you that Biden wears a mask too much. It's like being bothered when someone wears a helmet while skiing. Are you just anti-safety or something? Who is he harming by wearing a mask? Who is he harming by encouraging people to wear masks? I figure since we're in a god damn pandemic that maybe a modicum of caution is called for, no?

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