Ukraine / Russia

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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by easyrider16 »

asher2789 wrote: May 10th, '22, 20:01 AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS SHOULD BE SPENT ON AMERICANS.
This sounds very right-wing-ish. My take is that the dollars spent in Ukraine directly benefit the U.S. The chief goal of government is protecting its citizens. Isolationism is not a valid strategy for protecting us from outside threats. A strong, democratic Europe that counterbalances aggressive, expansionist regimes like Putin's is good for U.S. security in the long run.

I agree with you that we should have some form of universal health care. I also can agree that we spend too much on our military. These things are not really related to the topic at hand. Case in point - the U.K., France, and Germany all have universal health care, spend a lot less on their military, and yet they are sending weapons to Ukraine. These things are not mutually exclusive.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by throbster »

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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »


So you think we should vote on the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) to .... declare war on Russia?
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by Bubba »

asher2789 wrote: May 10th, '22, 19:55
Bubba wrote: May 10th, '22, 11:04
asher2789 wrote: May 9th, '22, 23:00
Bubba wrote: May 9th, '22, 17:00 Does the term “neo-isolationist” exist, because it should. Asher apparently doesn’t care about what happens in other parts of the world and doesn’t see how they affect the US and her in the longer term.

As for the risk of nuclear Armageddon, MAD still exists and you’d have to believe Putin is deranged and/or suicidal to think he’d launch a full blown nuclear holocaust. Would he use a tactical nuclear weapon? Maybe, but then he’d create an uninhabitable area that would defeat his purpose for invasion in the first place and would isolate Russia from the world for far longer and more severely than it is now.
antiwar, its always been a thing. it used to be a leftist thing, but as we should all know, liberals are not leftists, they are propagandized morons manipulated by social media algorithms and manufactured consent from the media to the point where theyve lost all rational critical thinking skills and just regurgitate propaganda.

putin might be deranged, delusional, insane, whatever. supposedly he has terminal cancer. while i dont think he would intentionally take the rest of the world out with him, as people get older especially with health conditions they become erratic/irrational from their medication. i dont trust putin, like i dont trust trump or any politician for that matter. theyre all psychopaths hungry for power. my biggest fear is that he thinks he can get away with a little tactical nuke, but that will just prolong the inevitable: nuclear holocaust. (my second biggest fear is an accident launching the end of the world instead.) the west will respond with more nukes while leadership heads to their bunkers, and the rest of us will just have to hope that we're close enough to be immediately incinerated without even knowing what happened. being that we're in vermont, that is unlikely, so instead, we will likely get to suffer the knowledge of (at least in my case) our loved ones ending with that fate in the big cities, and us getting to survive the post-apocalyptic world if we are so unlucky.

at least the elites in their bunkers got to solve climate change. theyll ride out the worst of it while whats left of the rest of us fight each other to survive. assuming were not dying a slow death from radiation poisoning instead.

sounds great. slava ukrainii!
Has it possibly occurred to you that you're not the first person, nor are you part of the first generation, to live with the concern/fear of nuclear holocaust? Ever hear of the Cuban missile crisis, when the world came as close to full blown super power war as at any time since WW II? Has it occurred to you that people grew up building fallout shelters in their homes (even in Vermont) and apartment buildings in NYC? The fear of nuclear war amid MAD has been with us for over 70 years, ever since Stalin got the A-bomb.

As for your hatred of capitalism, perhaps you should read Animal Farm for an alternative thesis.
ah yes, because the billions killed by capitalism from the trans atlantic slave trade to the subjugation, enslavement and mass murder of indigenous people world wide, to the camps of homeless people and diabetics dying from a lack of insulin today is a f*** great system, working just as intended.

yeah, let me read a story about how all animals are equal, and some more equal than others, and then think about how jeff bezos got a one time stimulus payment of $10 billion while i got $3600. f*** joke.
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Slavery existed well before the trans-Atlantic slave trade existed. In fact, slavery goes back thousands of years.

Enslavement and mass murder of indigenous people existed for thousands of years as well.

All predate capitalism as we know it today or have known it and refined it for the past several hundred years.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by Bubba »

asher2789 wrote: May 10th, '22, 19:58
Mister Moose wrote: May 10th, '22, 10:07
asher2789 wrote: May 9th, '22, 23:00
... they are propagandized morons manipulated by social media algorithms and manufactured consent from the media to the point where theyve lost all rational critical thinking skills and just regurgitate propaganda.
5 mega conglomerates own 90% of the media and the media is full of deep state plants, but sure, go off about how youre not manipulated by propaganda.

as for social media, im banned from all platforms for being too radically anticapitalist. its ok for nazi hate speech against large groups of people based on their race or sexual/gender identity or religious identity or national origin, but suggest that billionaire scum pay with their lives for exploiting the lives of millions of the rest of us and destroying the planet and you get banned real fast. social media is merely a manipulation tool of government, one step removed by private companies that hold government contracts.

i dont know why i bother here. bourgeoisie skiers will never ever understand what the working class is going through, after all, most of you are the ownership class.
Seriously? Perhaps it's the way you argue more than your argument?
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by daytripper »

I hope Asher keeps bothering here, she is the most entertaining thing we got goin right now!
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by Bubba »

Interesting analysis, and one we should keep in mind for the future. ... 2d2079476a
"Abandon hope all ye who enter here"

Killington Zone
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"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function" =
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by asher2789 »

easyrider16 wrote: May 11th, '22, 07:29
asher2789 wrote: May 10th, '22, 20:01 AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS SHOULD BE SPENT ON AMERICANS.
This sounds very right-wing-ish. My take is that the dollars spent in Ukraine directly benefit the U.S. The chief goal of government is protecting its citizens. Isolationism is not a valid strategy for protecting us from outside threats. A strong, democratic Europe that counterbalances aggressive, expansionist regimes like Putin's is good for U.S. security in the long run.

I agree with you that we should have some form of universal health care. I also can agree that we spend too much on our military. These things are not really related to the topic at hand. Case in point - the U.K., France, and Germany all have universal health care, spend a lot less on their military, and yet they are sending weapons to Ukraine. These things are not mutually exclusive.
its the only thing i agree on with trump: american tax dollars should be spent on americans. america first. 100%.

right now we have a baby formula shortage, inflation is making gas and food prices insane, most americans are struggling to pay rent, most americans dont have proper healthcare, but what do we do? throw money at a country that is not even officially an ally. totally insane.

liberals have lost their f*** minds and will pay for it come november. and even better, theyll blame people like me for staying home. why should i vote for democrats when theyre just fascism-lite? so i prevent fully throated fascism? oh yeah, i know, ill vOtE hArDeR that will show them! f*** ridiculous. trump should be in prison right now, most of his associates should be in prison, clarence thomas should be impeached, a plethora of republican congresspeople should be facing indictments over their involvement on 1/6... and whats going on? absolutely nothing! the senate parliamentarian wont allow it!

and as for the squad, including bernie? bunch of f*** fakes. the only people not voting to give billions in "aid" to nazi militias in ukraine are f*** REPUBLICANS. what a world. if you told me in 2000 that the republican party and democrat party would switch their allegiance to the defense contractors i would call you nuts. but yet thats exactly whats happening.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by asher2789 »

Bubba wrote: May 11th, '22, 15:49
asher2789 wrote: May 10th, '22, 19:55
Bubba wrote: May 10th, '22, 11:04
asher2789 wrote: May 9th, '22, 23:00
Bubba wrote: May 9th, '22, 17:00 Does the term “neo-isolationist” exist, because it should. Asher apparently doesn’t care about what happens in other parts of the world and doesn’t see how they affect the US and her in the longer term.

As for the risk of nuclear Armageddon, MAD still exists and you’d have to believe Putin is deranged and/or suicidal to think he’d launch a full blown nuclear holocaust. Would he use a tactical nuclear weapon? Maybe, but then he’d create an uninhabitable area that would defeat his purpose for invasion in the first place and would isolate Russia from the world for far longer and more severely than it is now.
antiwar, its always been a thing. it used to be a leftist thing, but as we should all know, liberals are not leftists, they are propagandized morons manipulated by social media algorithms and manufactured consent from the media to the point where theyve lost all rational critical thinking skills and just regurgitate propaganda.

putin might be deranged, delusional, insane, whatever. supposedly he has terminal cancer. while i dont think he would intentionally take the rest of the world out with him, as people get older especially with health conditions they become erratic/irrational from their medication. i dont trust putin, like i dont trust trump or any politician for that matter. theyre all psychopaths hungry for power. my biggest fear is that he thinks he can get away with a little tactical nuke, but that will just prolong the inevitable: nuclear holocaust. (my second biggest fear is an accident launching the end of the world instead.) the west will respond with more nukes while leadership heads to their bunkers, and the rest of us will just have to hope that we're close enough to be immediately incinerated without even knowing what happened. being that we're in vermont, that is unlikely, so instead, we will likely get to suffer the knowledge of (at least in my case) our loved ones ending with that fate in the big cities, and us getting to survive the post-apocalyptic world if we are so unlucky.

at least the elites in their bunkers got to solve climate change. theyll ride out the worst of it while whats left of the rest of us fight each other to survive. assuming were not dying a slow death from radiation poisoning instead.

sounds great. slava ukrainii!
Has it possibly occurred to you that you're not the first person, nor are you part of the first generation, to live with the concern/fear of nuclear holocaust? Ever hear of the Cuban missile crisis, when the world came as close to full blown super power war as at any time since WW II? Has it occurred to you that people grew up building fallout shelters in their homes (even in Vermont) and apartment buildings in NYC? The fear of nuclear war amid MAD has been with us for over 70 years, ever since Stalin got the A-bomb.

As for your hatred of capitalism, perhaps you should read Animal Farm for an alternative thesis.
ah yes, because the billions killed by capitalism from the trans atlantic slave trade to the subjugation, enslavement and mass murder of indigenous people world wide, to the camps of homeless people and diabetics dying from a lack of insulin today is a f*** great system, working just as intended.

yeah, let me read a story about how all animals are equal, and some more equal than others, and then think about how jeff bezos got a one time stimulus payment of $10 billion while i got $3600. f*** joke.
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Slavery existed well before the trans-Atlantic slave trade existed. In fact, slavery goes back thousands of years.

Enslavement and mass murder of indigenous people existed for thousands of years as well.

All predate capitalism as we know it today or have known it and refined it for the past several hundred years.
no, they dont predate capitalism. they are proto-capitalism, they are before adam smith's wealth of nations but they are the precursor to modern day capitalism. capitalism REQUIRES capital to subjugate labor and steal their excess profits. no better way to do that then flat out enslavement. the dutch east india company and british east india company are great examples of the dawn of capitalism.

go right ahead and brush aside the ideas that slavery and murder of indigenous people were long ago. meanwhile, slavery is STILL alive in the form of the 13th amendment and indigenous people were put into residential boarding schools as recently as 20 years ago.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by asher2789 »

Bubba wrote: May 11th, '22, 15:52
asher2789 wrote: May 10th, '22, 19:58
Mister Moose wrote: May 10th, '22, 10:07
asher2789 wrote: May 9th, '22, 23:00
... they are propagandized morons manipulated by social media algorithms and manufactured consent from the media to the point where theyve lost all rational critical thinking skills and just regurgitate propaganda.
5 mega conglomerates own 90% of the media and the media is full of deep state plants, but sure, go off about how youre not manipulated by propaganda.

as for social media, im banned from all platforms for being too radically anticapitalist. its ok for nazi hate speech against large groups of people based on their race or sexual/gender identity or religious identity or national origin, but suggest that billionaire scum pay with their lives for exploiting the lives of millions of the rest of us and destroying the planet and you get banned real fast. social media is merely a manipulation tool of government, one step removed by private companies that hold government contracts.

i dont know why i bother here. bourgeoisie skiers will never ever understand what the working class is going through, after all, most of you are the ownership class.
Seriously? Perhaps it's the way you argue more than your argument?
to be honest, i think it has to do with reporting too many nazis that have profiles on the platforms. apparently, hate speech is tolerated and outright pushed by the tech conglomerates, anti-capitalist speech is not.

if you spent an ounce of time following marginalized people you would already know that most of us get banned from social media for protesting the fascist right. LGBTQ accounts, BIPOC accounts, feminist accounts, jewish accounts, disablity rights accounts, etc. many get shadowbanned, get their profiles reported by fascists, and have temporary suspensions and full on bans. i got kicked off reddit for "harassing" a moderator of a "left wing" sub by saying that i was gay, jewish and gender non conforming. they said that was a lie, reported me for harassment, and that was that. i wasnt rude to them or anything. people seem to wildly misjudge how unfree speech is these days.

all the more reason that social media should be a regulated public utility and nationalized, instead of being the private propaganda arm of the US government, one step removed because its a private company, on contract of course to manufacture consent. if social media were a public utility only the most aggressive of speech could be limited, such as the modern day yelling fire in a crowded theater type of speech.

it takes NOTHING to get banned these days, everything is automated and done by algorithm. if you say that "black people shouldnt be murdered by police" youll get a warning that says that youre posting harmful content, because of "black" and "murdered". theres no context. robots dont know context, they just know what words to ban.
Last edited by asher2789 on May 15th, '22, 18:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by asher2789 »

daytripper wrote: May 11th, '22, 16:15 I hope Asher keeps bothering here, she is the most entertaining thing we got goin right now!
superstar is still open and it was actually really great today.

and midweek, you can always hike it. i hiked it twice last week and the conditions were amazing.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by asher2789 »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote: May 11th, '22, 15:16

So you think we should vote on the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) to .... declare war on Russia?
this isnt the "own" you think it is.

it is CONGRESS' job - not the executive branch's - to wage war. i dont recall congress having any kind of vote about declaring war in ukraine. or many of our other adventures around the world, particularly during the "war on terror" aka a blank check to wage war wherever the f*** "US [corporate] interests" feel like it, without the approval of congress.

i recall a lot of liberals were pissed as hell during george w bush's reign over this, yet excused it under obama and now biden. so f*** ridiculously hypocritical.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by asher2789 »

Bubba wrote: May 13th, '22, 16:25 Interesting analysis, and one we should keep in mind for the future. ... 2d2079476a
better analysis than this CIA hack job: ... eopolitics

if you want to know what putin is thinking, that is what putin is thinking. he's following the plans laid out in that book nearly 30 years ago pretty damn well. dont mistake my complimenting his competence with supporting his actions. all dictators deserve death, including putin.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by Fancypants »

asher2789 wrote: May 15th, '22, 18:32
Bubba wrote: May 11th, '22, 15:52
asher2789 wrote: May 10th, '22, 19:58
Mister Moose wrote: May 10th, '22, 10:07
asher2789 wrote: May 9th, '22, 23:00
... they are propagandized morons manipulated by social media algorithms and manufactured consent from the media to the point where theyve lost all rational critical thinking skills and just regurgitate propaganda.
5 mega conglomerates own 90% of the media and the media is full of deep state plants, but sure, go off about how youre not manipulated by propaganda.

as for social media, im banned from all platforms for being too radically anticapitalist. its ok for nazi hate speech against large groups of people based on their race or sexual/gender identity or religious identity or national origin, but suggest that billionaire scum pay with their lives for exploiting the lives of millions of the rest of us and destroying the planet and you get banned real fast. social media is merely a manipulation tool of government, one step removed by private companies that hold government contracts.

i dont know why i bother here. bourgeoisie skiers will never ever understand what the working class is going through, after all, most of you are the ownership class.
Seriously? Perhaps it's the way you argue more than your argument?
to be honest, i think it has to do with reporting too many nazis that have profiles on the platforms. apparently, hate speech is tolerated and outright pushed by the tech conglomerates, anti-capitalist speech is not.

if you spent an ounce of time following marginalized people you would already know that most of us get banned from social media for protesting the fascist right. LGBTQ accounts, BIPOC accounts, feminist accounts, jewish accounts, disablity rights accounts, etc. many get shadowbanned, get their profiles reported by fascists, and have temporary suspensions and full on bans. i got kicked off reddit for "harassing" a moderator of a "left wing" sub by saying that i was gay, jewish and gender non conforming. they said that was a lie, reported me for harassment, and that was that. i wasnt rude to them or anything. people seem to wildly misjudge how unfree speech is these days.

all the more reason that social media should be a regulated public utility and nationalized, instead of being the private propaganda arm of the US government, one step removed because its a private company, on contract of course to manufacture consent. if social media were a public utility only the most aggressive of speech could be limited, such as the modern day yelling fire in a crowded theater type of speech.

it takes NOTHING to get banned these days, everything is automated and done by algorithm. if you say that "black people shouldnt be murdered by police" youll get a warning that says that youre posting harmful content, because of "black" and "murdered". theres no context. robots dont know context, they just know what words to ban.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

asher2789 wrote: May 15th, '22, 18:54
XtremeJibber2001 wrote: May 11th, '22, 15:16

So you think we should vote on the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) to .... declare war on Russia?
this isnt the "own" you think it is.

it is CONGRESS' job - not the executive branch's - to wage war. i dont recall congress having any kind of vote about declaring war in ukraine. or many of our other adventures around the world, particularly during the "war on terror" aka a blank check to wage war wherever the f*** "US [corporate] interests" feel like it, without the approval of congress.

i recall a lot of liberals were pissed as hell during george w bush's reign over this, yet excused it under obama and now biden. so f*** ridiculously hypocritical.
Not trying to “own” anyone. I’m asking throbster to clarify what he’s saying.
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