Pawlenty out, Perry in

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Pawlenty out, Perry in

Post by Bubba »

Tim Pawlenty was apparently not the fire breathing anti - Obama candidate the Republican faithful wanted to see run. Tough to run a good campaign when everyone likes you but you're viewed as dull and boring.

Rick Perry, current governor of Texas, has now joined the race. He's someone the base will like but will he play well in more moderate states? Is it just me or does he remind anyone else of the televangelist preachers one sees on TV?
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Re: Pawlenty out, Perry in

Post by tt431 »

I like Rick Parry. :mrgreen:
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Re: Pawlenty out, Perry in

Post by Cityskier »

i just wish there was some way of knowing what would happen if a mildly retarded republican governor from texas became president.
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Re: Pawlenty out, Perry in

Post by JerseyGuy »

Cityskier wrote:i just wish there was some way of knowing what would happen if a mildly retarded republican governor from texas became president.
Maybe someone should host a prayer concert in a football stadium and ask Jesus what He thinks.
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Re: Pawlenty out, Perry in

Post by thorski »

JerseyGuy wrote:
Cityskier wrote:i just wish there was some way of knowing what would happen if a mildly retarded republican governor from texas became president.
Maybe someone should host a prayer concert in a football stadium and ask Jesus what He thinks.
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Re: Pawlenty out, Perry in

Post by G-smashed »

Remember the good old days when we called them holy rollers and laughed at them. This guy is like W without the speech impediment. Watch out!

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Re: Pawlenty out, Perry in

Post by DMC »

Damn Perry reminds me of GWB so much it's scary..
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Re: Pawlenty out, Perry in

Post by BadDog »

DMC wrote:Damn Perry reminds me of GWB so much it's scary..
Some differences, good and bad:

On the one hand Perry doesn't appear to have a history of treason in his family, has not been revealed so far as a dry-drunk ex-cokehead and there have been no revelations that his wife has killed anybody.

On the other hand, Perry attended a distinctively less academically rigorous university and appears to be even more of a religious fanatic.

I predicted it would take 10 years for the country to recover from the ills inflicted when Bush's appointment was reconfirmed in 2004; I predict at least 15 additional years for the country to recover if Perry is elected.
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Re: Pawlenty out, Perry in

Post by JerseyGuy »

Yup. These are your 2012 GOP frontrunners, folks.

"Default on aug 3rd just like clown lips said."
-- Racist Maddie, finally revealing himself as the hateful racist that he really is

"The rest of your post is something my pathetic little mind can't even remotely fathom."
-- Racist Maddie: uncut, uncensored, unedited and unhinged

"when is JG gonna figure out that since i OWN HIM, there is no need to respond to him"
-- tellitlikeheiwishesitwas, stumbling into a new way to handle being publicly called out for lying: a clumsy duck and weave with a dollop of self-delusion

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Re: Pawlenty out, Perry in

Post by JerseyGuy »

Looks like Perry's off and running with the dumbass red-state red-meat statements.

Karl Rove Slams Perry For Fed "Treason" Comments
"You know, that is not, a presidential statement."
By Josh Voorhees | Posted Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2011, at 1:17 PM EDT

UPDATE: Rick Perry's "treason" comments are drawing sharp criticism from a wide range of political observers and talking heads, among them Karl Rove.

"You don't accuse the chairman of the Federal Reserve of being a traitor to his country. Of being guilty of treason," Rove, who has clashed with Perry before, told Fox News (via TPM). "And, suggesting that we treat him pretty ugly in Texas — You know, that is not, again a presidential statement."

Rove continued: "If Rick Perry were to be elected president he'd be saddled with Ben Bernanke who has a term. He's an independent chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, appointed by president and confirmed by Congress and serves for a term and the president couldn't even ask him to resign. So, this is — I hope this is not the first of sort of over the top statements."

Politico has a roundup of reactions from some other prominent George W. Bush allies, none of whom had nice things to say about Perry's comments. The Beltway outlet notes that: "Attacking the Fed chairman probably won’t do Perry much harm with the GOP primary-voting man on the street, but it won’t do him any favors, either, with a national conservative elite that’s deeply skeptical of him as a potential president."

As one would expect, the Obama administration was also asked about the comments. White House spokesman Jay Carney had this to say (via ABC News): "When you're president or you're running for president you have to think about what you're saying because your words have greater impact. President Obama and we take the independence of the Federal Reserve very seriously and certainly think threatening the Fed chairman is probably not a good idea."

POST at 10:25 a.m.: Rick Perry was in Iowa on Monday for his first full day of campaigning since he officially entered the race for the White House. While the Texas governor was quick to criticize the two men who appear to be standing directly in the way of his potential 2012 victory—GOP front-runner Mitt Romney and President Obama—his strongest words were, somewhat surprisingly, directed at Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Ben Bernanke.

“If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I don’t know what you all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas,” Perry said. “Printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history is almost treacherous—or treasonous in my opinion.”

Perry was referring to what is called quantitative easing (or QE in Beltway wonk speak), in which a central bank creates new electronic money to buy corporate and government debt in an effort to lower borrowing costs. The U.S. has already conducted two rounds of QE and several top investors and analysts have predicted that the Fed will embark on a third round later this year, the Guardian notes.

“We’ve already tried this,” Perry added at the backyard campaign event. “All it’s going to be doing is devaluing the dollar in your pocket and we cannot afford that. We have to learn the lessons of the past three years that they’ve been devastating. The president of the United States has conducted an experiment on the American economy for almost the last three years, and it has gone tragically wrong and we need to send him a clear message in November of 2012 that new leadership is coming.”

ABC News followed up with the GOP hopeful after the event to clarify if he thought that the Fed was playing politics to try to help Obama. Perry responded: “If they print more money between now and this election, I would suggest that’s exactly what’s going on.”

Here’s David Weigel’s take in Slate:

All the focus seems to be on the implied threat here, but that's not really surprising. We live in a time of heated political rhetoric. Ask Joe Biden about it.

No, the strange part of this is the implied agreement that it would be good for the economy to let the Fed print more money. After all, if it was being done "to play politics," we assume that there would be a political benefit to the Fed's action. The Fed's action may be good for the economy, may be good for employment. So Perry is classifying as "treason" something that would boost the economy, but sounds bad. There's a strong case to be made that he's completely wrong about this.

And Ezra Klein’s:

If you ignore the implied threat of violence against the head of America's central bank, Perry's position is unremarkable in today's Republican Party. But that is perhaps what is so remarkable about it. The GOP's turn against monetary policy is one of the most consequential and underdiscussed trends in economic policy.

It was the conservative icon Milton Friedman, after all, who pioneered the argument that the Great Depression was largely the fault of poor monetary policy. His analysis had the dual advantages of being both true and useful to skeptics of government spending. It implied that there were more ways to prevent and respond to recessions than to simply have Congress take out the credit card.

Liberal bloggers at Think Progress caught Perry’s remarks on camera. If you watch the video you’ll see that after being asked a question from the audience, Perry initially said he’d “take a pass on the Federal Reserve right at the moment to be real honest with you,” before launching into his longer answer.

"Default on aug 3rd just like clown lips said."
-- Racist Maddie, finally revealing himself as the hateful racist that he really is

"The rest of your post is something my pathetic little mind can't even remotely fathom."
-- Racist Maddie: uncut, uncensored, unedited and unhinged

"when is JG gonna figure out that since i OWN HIM, there is no need to respond to him"
-- tellitlikeheiwishesitwas, stumbling into a new way to handle being publicly called out for lying: a clumsy duck and weave with a dollop of self-delusion

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Re: Pawlenty out, Perry in

Post by junior »



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