Great News

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Re: Great News

Post by Bubba »

JerseyGuy wrote:Good riddance to this particular wingnut.

Komen exec quits after funding flap

ATLANTA — A high-ranking official resigned Tuesday from the Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast-cancer charity after a dispute over whether the group should give funding to Planned Parenthood, according to a letter obtained by The Associated Press.

Karen Handel, the charity's vice president for public policy, told Komen officials that she supported the move to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood. She said the discussion started before she arrived at the organization and was approved at the highest levels of the charity.

"I am deeply disappointed by the gross mischaracterizations of the strategy, its rationale, and my involvement in it," Handel said in her letter. "I openly acknowledge my role in the matter and continue to believe our decision was the best one for Komen's future and the women we serve."

Handel said in the letter that the now-abandoned policy was fully vetted by the Komen organization. Its board did not raise any objections when it was presented with the proposed policy in November, Handel said.

Komen Founder and CEO Nancy G. Brinker said she accepted Handel's resignation and wished her well.

"We have made mistakes in how we have handled recent decisions and take full accountability for what has resulted, but we cannot take our eye off the ball when it comes to our mission," Brinker said in a statement. "To do this effectively, we must learn from what we've done right, what we've done wrong and achieve our goal for the millions of women who rely on us."

Officials with Planned Parenthood did not respond to messages seeking comment.

Handel had supported a decision that Komen announced last week to exclude Planned Parenthood, which provides a range of women's health care services including abortions, from future grants for breast-cancer screenings because it was under congressional investigation. The charity cited a probe launched by a Florida congressman at the urging of anti-abortion groups.

The breast cancer charity reversed course after its decision created a three-day firestorm of criticism. Members of Congress and Komen affiliates accused the group's national leadership of bending to pressure from anti-abortion activists. Brinker, denied the decision was driven by pressure from anti-abortion groups.

Until Tuesday, Handel had publicly kept silent about her role in the dispute.

In her letter, she said the controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood was long a concern to Komen officials.

"Neither the decision nor the changes themselves were based on anyone's political beliefs or ideology," Handel said in the letter. Rather, both were based on Komen's mission and how to better serve women, as well as a realization of the need to distance Komen from controversy.

A person with direct knowledge of decision-making at Komen's headquarters in Dallas said the grant-making criteria were adopted with the deliberate intention of targeting Planned Parenthood. The criteria's impact on Planned Parenthood and its status as the focus of government investigations were highlighted in a memo distributed to Komen affiliates in December.

According to the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of repercussions, a driving force behind the move was Handel, who was hired by Komen last year as vice president for public policy after losing a campaign for governor in Georgia in which she stressed her anti-abortion views and frequently denounced Planned Parenthood.

Brinker, in an interview with MSNBC last week, said Handel didn't have a significant role in the policy change.

Handel, a Republican, ran for Georgia governor in 2010, winning an endorsement from former vice presidential candidate and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Handel then lost a primary runoff to former Georgia Congressman Nathan Deal, who won the general election.

Throughout the campaign, Deal accused Handel of being soft on abortion.

Deal repeatedly attacked Handel over a 2005 vote she took while serving on a metro Atlanta county commission to give more than $400,000 to Planned Parenthood, though not for abortion services. The Georgia affiliate of Planned Parenthood said the money went to a downtown clinic for services such as cervical cancer screenings, testing for sexually transmitted diseases and birth controls.

A longstanding law bans using federal money to pay for abortions except in cases of rape, incest or to protect the health of the mother.
So Handel was for funding Planned Parenthood non-abortion services until she was against it? That's really rich!
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Re: Great News

Post by JerseyGuy »

Bubba wrote:So Handel was for funding Planned Parenthood non-abortion services until she was against it? That's really rich!

And so this thread started by Telli "The Hipocrasy [sp] Of The Left" LikeHeWishesItWas ends where it was inevitably destined to end: with a fine example of RIGHT-wing hypocrisy.
"Default on aug 3rd just like clown lips said."
-- Racist Maddie, finally revealing himself as the hateful racist that he really is

"The rest of your post is something my pathetic little mind can't even remotely fathom."
-- Racist Maddie: uncut, uncensored, unedited and unhinged

"when is JG gonna figure out that since i OWN HIM, there is no need to respond to him"
-- tellitlikeheiwishesitwas, stumbling into a new way to handle being publicly called out for lying: a clumsy duck and weave with a dollop of self-delusion

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-- SkippyShill, in an accidental moment of misplaced clarity

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Re: Great News

Post by tellitlikeitis »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
JerseyGuy wrote:This turned out to be a GREAT thread.

Anything else to bitch about today, Telli? Yes? No? No, then?
Actually you fool, I just got back from a week in park city watching a friend of mine ski in the world cup mogul comp last weekend… I really really really do apologize for not checking the political page of Kzone to respond to the postings.. again , I am really really sorry.. I need to get my priorities straight…
It is somewhat ironic to me that the similarities between the absolute THUGGERY that took place with the SGK situation and the THUGGERY that takes place on this bigoted and ignorant board it not coincidental…
A few parting words for some of the more vocal posters on this board.. parting because there is really no point anymore to dealing with an exchange that is simply overwhelmingly biased against any sort of rational discourse that may in any way indict the political philosophy of liberalism…and that is just the “ at best “ assessment.. at worst , there are just plain outright bigoted thugs on this board who try and hide behind the “ tolerance “ flag… but in reality are anything but tolerant of anyone who does not bow down to the altar of liberalism…

Jersey guy- you are without a doubt a bigoted , hatemongering angry little man who just can’t help spewing your hate for anyone and anything that has any substantial belief in a higher power. You are the poster boy for someone who wraps himself around the flag of tolerance , but is in reality a thug who just will not stand for any difference of opinion. Your most recent screech about how if a religiously based institution receives any type of grant and or tax advantaged arrangement from the federal go’s justifies them having to give up any objections to any policy of the federal gov’t just shows how much of a simpleton you really are . It also proves how much of a bigot you are to anything that is affiliated in any way with religion… I don’t know if you are just really not very bright or if you really do hate all things religious so much that you can’t see that a good majority of the things that these religious institutions do as a result of the grants or tax advantaged status’ that are given to them from the gov’t , actually help the gov’t in so many ways, that it is beneficial for the gov’t to do such a thing… you do realize that the catholic church is the world’s largest provider health care right ? you do realize that the catholic church feeds more hungry than any organization in the country right? You do realized that the catholic church provides immeasurable amounts of comfort to the families of deceased individuals during times of death by way of funerals and burials right?...of course you do.. but you just don’t care because you are such a hate filled ideologue who fancies himself smart but really is not very bright at all…you need to take a good look in the mirror sir and do some re evaluating…

Marie m… you ma’am, are someone who needs to sit down and either read the catechism of the catholic church, ( that’s the rule book by which ALL THE PLAYERS MUST PLAY BY ) and think about whether or not you want to keep embarrassing yourself in a public forum by portraying yourself as understanding your religion and it’s tenants and dogmas.. clearly you do not…if you don’t like the rules, which are all based on logical philosophical principles divinely revealed to us, then go join the other group they have for people like you… they are called , the protestants…you can pick and choose whatever you want to believe and it’s all good…you are pathetically uniformed …..

Bubba- you seem like a pretty thoughtful guy, unlike the above 2…don’t always agree with your conclusions, but at least I can tell you can think outside the box a little bit

Coydog- you drink the liberal cool aid way too much dude….

Xtremejibber- ditto

Geoff- 1. where are the posts ? 2. bob dole and john mccain were moderates... :roll:

G smashed- :roll:

Continue to enjoy the little liberal pity party with the occasional thuggery here on the Kzone political board folks….have fun continuing to hate all things conservative / religious …. I won’t interrupt your little get togethers any more…

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Re: Great News

Post by Coydog »

It's no Long Trail, but I find the liberal Kool-Aid far less bitter than the alternatives these days.
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Re: Great News

Post by JerseyGuy »

tellitlikeitis wrote:I won’t interrupt your little get togethers any more…

Of course you will, dummy. You always do. You've said this several times before, and you're always been lying.

Anyway, thanks for the classic TelliSpew of Bitter Hatred post. Great to have you back, buddy!
"Default on aug 3rd just like clown lips said."
-- Racist Maddie, finally revealing himself as the hateful racist that he really is

"The rest of your post is something my pathetic little mind can't even remotely fathom."
-- Racist Maddie: uncut, uncensored, unedited and unhinged

"when is JG gonna figure out that since i OWN HIM, there is no need to respond to him"
-- tellitlikeheiwishesitwas, stumbling into a new way to handle being publicly called out for lying: a clumsy duck and weave with a dollop of self-delusion

"blah blah Okemo is awesome blah"
-- SkippyShill, in an accidental moment of misplaced clarity

"Go f*** yourself."
-- StreetSkippy, who be hatin' on tha haters
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Re: Great News

Post by tt431 »

tellitlikeitis wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
JerseyGuy wrote:This turned out to be a GREAT thread.

Anything else to bitch about today, Telli? Yes? No? No, then?
Actually you fool, I just got back from a week in park city watching a friend of mine ski in the world cup mogul comp last weekend… I really really really do apologize for not checking the political page of Kzone to respond to the postings.. again , I am really really sorry.. I need to get my priorities straight…
It is somewhat ironic to me that the similarities between the absolute THUGGERY that took place with the SGK situation and the THUGGERY that takes place on this bigoted and ignorant board it not coincidental…
A few parting words for some of the more vocal posters on this board.. parting because there is really no point anymore to dealing with an exchange that is simply overwhelmingly biased against any sort of rational discourse that may in any way indict the political philosophy of liberalism…and that is just the “ at best “ assessment.. at worst , there are just plain outright bigoted thugs on this board who try and hide behind the “ tolerance “ flag… but in reality are anything but tolerant of anyone who does not bow down to the altar of liberalism…

Jersey guy- you are without a doubt a bigoted , hatemongering angry little man who just can’t help spewing your hate for anyone and anything that has any substantial belief in a higher power. You are the poster boy for someone who wraps himself around the flag of tolerance , but is in reality a thug who just will not stand for any difference of opinion. Your most recent screech about how if a religiously based institution receives any type of grant and or tax advantaged arrangement from the federal go’s justifies them having to give up any objections to any policy of the federal gov’t just shows how much of a simpleton you really are . It also proves how much of a bigot you are to anything that is affiliated in any way with religion… I don’t know if you are just really not very bright or if you really do hate all things religious so much that you can’t see that a good majority of the things that these religious institutions do as a result of the grants or tax advantaged status’ that are given to them from the gov’t , actually help the gov’t in so many ways, that it is beneficial for the gov’t to do such a thing… you do realize that the catholic church is the world’s largest provider health care right ? you do realize that the catholic church feeds more hungry than any organization in the country right? You do realized that the catholic church provides immeasurable amounts of comfort to the families of deceased individuals during times of death by way of funerals and burials right?...of course you do.. but you just don’t care because you are such a hate filled ideologue who fancies himself smart but really is not very bright at all…you need to take a good look in the mirror sir and do some re evaluating…

Marie m… you ma’am, are someone who needs to sit down and either read the catechism of the catholic church, ( that’s the rule book by which ALL THE PLAYERS MUST PLAY BY ) and think about whether or not you want to keep embarrassing yourself in a public forum by portraying yourself as understanding your religion and it’s tenants and dogmas.. clearly you do not…if you don’t like the rules, which are all based on logical philosophical principles divinely revealed to us, then go join the other group they have for people like you… they are called , the protestants…you can pick and choose whatever you want to believe and it’s all good…you are pathetically uniformed …..

Bubba- you seem like a pretty thoughtful guy, unlike the above 2…don’t always agree with your conclusions, but at least I can tell you can think outside the box a little bit

Coydog- you drink the liberal cool aid way too much dude….

Xtremejibber- ditto

Geoff- 1. where are the posts ? 2. bob dole and john mccain were moderates... :roll:

G smashed- :roll:

Continue to enjoy the little liberal pity party with the occasional thuggery here on the Kzone political board folks….have fun continuing to hate all things conservative / religious …. I won’t interrupt your little get togethers any more…

Telly, you were looking much better silent and defeated before this ridiculous post.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :zzz
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Re: Great News

Post by DMC »

tellitlikeitis wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
JerseyGuy wrote:This turned out to be a GREAT thread.

Anything else to bitch about today, Telli? Yes? No? No, then?
Actually you fool, I just got back from a week in park city watching a friend of mine ski in the world cup mogul comp last weekend…
.have fun continuing to hate all things conservative / religious …. I won’t interrupt your little get togethers any more…

I love this post so much I want to have sex with it... It really convers the bases... I can only imagine what it was like to hit the "submit" button...
A thing of beauty..thank you...
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Re: Great News

Post by MarieM »

Am I wearing a uniform ("uniformed") or am I "uninformed?"

And it's "tenets," not tenants.

I hope you enjoyed your time in Utah. Sounds like a nice vacation.
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