Muslim Extremists Agenda

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Re: Muslim Agenda

Post by freeski »

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Re: Muslim Agenda

Post by Dr. NO »

deadheadskier wrote:Do your Catholic family members butt f*** little boys?

Do you look at all Catholic as child rapists? Like you look at all Muslims as Terrorists?

There's no doubt plenty of bad Muslims, some of them crashed a plane into a building killing my college roommate and great friend. I don't look at all Muslims and think they're the same people who killed Matt. There are millions upon millions of peaceful Muslims that are no more dangerous to you than your own children. Who knows, your kids or grandkids might end up marrying one.

The Islamophobia and Xenophobia that flies around this forum is the height of ignorance and bigotry. It's downright shameful.

I hope you share every chair next season with a Muslim.
Some people just prove they are ass holes. Most religions have their problems, but to state that here as you did is just sad and ignorant. OH, you know the Koran (however it is spelt) promotes polygamy, rape, bestiality? yeah, you can marry and screw your goat. Such a deal. Also, a pure Muslim is allowed to marry for sex for the night. The woman may be stoned as an adulteress but the man is allowed. HUH? Have you noted while murdering people these "peaceful" people rape and commit Sodomy prior to gutting, decapitating or burning alive their victims? The goal of Islam is to dominate the world, period.

Shut up and Ski!

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Re: Muslim Agenda

Post by steamboat1 »

Dr. NO wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:Do your Catholic family members butt f*** little boys?

Do you look at all Catholic as child rapists? Like you look at all Muslims as Terrorists?

There's no doubt plenty of bad Muslims, some of them crashed a plane into a building killing my college roommate and great friend. I don't look at all Muslims and think they're the same people who killed Matt. There are millions upon millions of peaceful Muslims that are no more dangerous to you than your own children. Who knows, your kids or grandkids might end up marrying one.

The Islamophobia and Xenophobia that flies around this forum is the height of ignorance and bigotry. It's downright shameful.

I hope you share every chair next season with a Muslim.
Some people just prove they are ass holes. Most religions have their problems, but to state that here as you did is just sad and ignorant. OH, you know the Koran (however it is spelt) promotes polygamy, rape, bestiality? yeah, you can marry and screw your goat. Such a deal. Also, a pure Muslim is allowed to marry for sex for the night. The woman may be stoned as an adulteress but the man is allowed. HUH? Have you noted while murdering people these "peaceful" people rape and commit Sodomy prior to gutting, decapitating or burning alive their victims? The goal of Islam is to dominate the world, period.
Pay no mind to him. He's been f*** up for a long time.
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Re: Muslim Agenda

Post by freeski »

The Bible has some odd things in it also. The difference is Christians had The Reformation to adjust as societies changed. The Muslims are stuck in the stone age. The weirdest thing about them is the two major sects hate each other. If they spent all of the time they spend trying to better themselves instead of trying to kill each other the middle east would not be the sh*t hole it is. Their treatment of women is barbaric. The rape laws in the Koran are??? Woman have to cover their heads so they're not rapped??? If they are rapped they need 4 male witnesses or they are stoned to death. If you convert from Islam the same fate??? WTF??? Back when trade routes used to run through their countries they were leaders in math and science, but those civilizations have fallen as they spend all of their energy on their f*** up religion and hating each other. The problem is they want to spread their beliefs where ever they go and have no intention of assimilating.

So DHS how many Syrians would you like to bring into the U.S.?
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Re: Muslim Agenda

Post by Atomic1 »

Here we have Muslim extremists carrying on ethnic cleansing on the level of Hitler and changing the population in countries around the world as we know it and Deadhead is lecturing me and calling me out as a islamaphobe . Deadhead are you that out of touch with what is going on around the world ? Do I need to post the horrific videos or pictures of them training their children how to kill and killing and raping innocent women and children ?
History always finds a way to repeat itself just as their is a segment of people throughout history who wanted to ignore and deny what is happening today they're people who don't believe the Hollocust ever happened years ago or that we should turn the other way and not be involved . Well it's too late for that and now we have Putin of Russia wanting to wipe out ISIS on his dime and now Obama wants to stop him And still Deadhead tells me it's me !
I'll have you know I work shoulder to shoulder with Muslims everyday , we talk and they agree with me that ISIS is Satans army ! So Deadhead maybe it's you that suffers from some kind of phobe ! I think it's called 'Liberal extremist ' . But whatever it is I don't understand your way of thinking .
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Re: Muslim Extremists Agenda

Post by Atomic1 »

By the way Deadhead , it's a little more than your ignorant " flew a couple planes into buildings " rant ! That statement was beyond ignorant especially to all the innocent lives lost . Here is a link to more horrific acts by Muslim Extremists . ... st_attacks" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Muslim Extremists Agenda

Post by deadheadskier »

Keep it up boys. You sound like members of the Westborough Babtist church.

It's funny how all you "wholesome" conservatives grasp onto defending the constitution, but it only works when the subject fits your narrative.

Freedom of religion doesn't just apply to Christians and Jews. Muslims deserve the exact same rights and respect. Apparently all of you are so sheltered you've never known and befriended a Muslim.

Y'all are not too different from the Nazis.

So laughable seeing you old, angry, sheltered, ignorant and bigoted conservatives continue to stereotype and spread your hate under the guise of "Christian values"

The Grand Old Party is a joke and will soon be known as the Gone off the Planet party.

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Re: Muslim Extremists Agenda

Post by freeski »

DHS: You think you have the moral high ground here. You don't. You're supporting a group of people who force half of their sect into servitude. You're supporting slavery and rape.

The left is supposed to be the champion of woman's rights, but they look the other way when it comes to the Muslims.

I also think Dr. No is correct. The way you've argued here make you A$$.
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Re: Muslim Extremists Agenda

Post by deadheadskier »


Terrorist, rape supporter, kick him out of the country
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Re: Muslim Extremists Agenda

Post by deadheadskier »


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Re: Muslim Extremists Agenda

Post by deadheadskier »


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Re: Muslim Extremists Agenda

Post by deadheadskier »



Better convert to Islam now before the good doctor comes to kill you
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Re: Muslim Extremists Agenda

Post by deadheadskier »


Careful, he probably has a bomb in that guitar.
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Re: Muslim Extremists Agenda

Post by deadheadskier »

Curious Atomic,

Why'd you change the title of the thread from Muslim Agenda to Muslim Extremist Agenda?

You didn't start this dialogue talking in a manner only referring to the extremists. If you did, I wouldn't have had a problem with it, because you'd be correct. Between the way you started this thread and the Obama's world thread, you were blanket stereotyping all Muslims as bad.

Why the change of heart?

Hopefully a realization that such a view is bigoted and wrong. If that's the case, I'm glad you wised up.
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Re: Muslim Agenda

Post by deadheadskier »

freeski wrote:The Bible has some odd things in it also. The difference is Christians had The Reformation to adjust as societies changed.
The reformation started I believe in 1517 no? Curious, how come it took nearly 500 years for Christians highest leadership to recognise that raping little boys is wrong?

What we know of today is a systematic cover up of at least three thousand priests who committed rape across the entire globe with several Popes knowing it was happening. That's just in the last century. Who knows what those numbers expand to throughout history.

But, my point isn't about painting Chritianity in a bad light. My point is that I don't stereotype entire religions based upon the crimes of the extremists within their ranks.

ISIS is awful and should be eliminated. There's no question Obama's foreign policy has been an unmitigated disaster that's resulted in a worse situation in the Middle East compared to when he took office. Now, we should never have gone there to begin with, but he failed as president to create progress in the region other than reduce American casualties.

As for your obsession with Syria and how many refugees we take in? I'd like to see most of the help for them coming from their Arab neighbors. I commend Europe for stepping up, but think there should be tremendous pressure put on the Saudis and other more stable states in the region to help.
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