The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by Dickc »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
f.a.s.t. wrote:After working a hard 3 pm to 11 pm shift a 65 year old woman left her job in Manchester, NH Monday night and made a quick stop at a convenience store and then headed home. She noticed that another car was following her and it parked nearby upon her arrival home. Some scum got out of the car and followed her to the apartment steps. The 65 year old woman, licensed to carry a concealed weapon was ready; holding her pistol inside her jacket pocket.
When the sub-human rodent reached for her at the steps, the 5'11''-105 lbs.-65 year old woman shot the rodent in the chest. This sober, trained, armed American Patriot citizen is proof that the second amendment works. Unfortunately, the rodent is in the hospital recovering from the gun shot to the chest, this will cost hard working, tax paying citizens that work, like the 65 year old woman, tens of thousands of dollars in medical and incarceration charges. It is really too bad the rodent wasn't killed.

This type of story made the local TV news here in NH, but these stories never make the National News. What a shame, this woman is a National Hero and instead the media shows B.O. crying on TV trying to prevent this woman from being able to obtain and carry a firearm.
The Violence Policy Center in 2015 analyzed federal crime and health data and, using statistics from 2012, identified 259 occurrences of justifiable gun-related homicides, or incidents in which authorities ruled that killings occurred in self-defense. They identified 8,342 criminal homicides using guns, 20,666 suicides with guns, and 548 fatal unintentional shootings, according to the FBI’s Supplemental Homicide Report. The ratio for 2012, per the Violence Policy Center, was one justifiable killing for every 32 murders, suicides or accidental deaths (the ratio increases to 38-1 over the five-year period ending in 2012).

But yes, I understand why gun laws should remain as they are today. More school, mall, and theater shootings so a very select few get the oppurtunity to defend themselves. Meanwhile other nations with stricter gun laws (e.g., Germany) don't have remotely close to the violence issues we have here in America.

I say the above as a gun owner from a family of conservative farmers/hunters, which all own guns.
259 in which THE PERP DIES! How many did the PERP live through and go to jail like the lead story will have as an ending?
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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by deadheadskier »

freeski wrote:Half of the project is complete. So, you know what the complete project will look like. Concord has infrastructure problems like other cities. A couple of months ago I93 had a large hole upon up, lucky no one was killed. This was a city culvert problem. Sprucing up downtown is a good idea, but taking half the money from the Feds when we're approaching $20 Trillion in debt is foolish.

To me a crack house is an abandoned building likely owned by a bank that addicts live in. Think Detroit.
Well, I can tell you in my town, we did something very similar starting about ten years ago. It completely turned the downtown around. It spurred the completion of the Mills redevelopment which brought numerous businesses into them along with several hundred young professionals as residents. New and far better restaurants than existed before have opened and are thriving. Property values are on the rise. Tax receipts going up from the new businesses. More affluent young families are moving to town. New businesses have moved into our industrial park. It's been a huge success and it all started by making an investment in the heart of the town so that people want to be there.

Concord is a pretty boring and sleepy town in the evenings compared to say Portsmouth. By sprucing up the downtown, that could all change. It could bring in more visitors to the city for the day, fill up the hotels better in the evenings etc. You could see an economic boost that makes that $8.5M look like a very smart investment. So, I wouldn't be so quick to say it's not worth it.
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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by freeski »

Concord is very sleepy and boring and always will be. I lived in Portsmouth and it was a blast. Most port cities are more fun because there are more travelers. For $8.5 million Concord got granite sidewalks and some brick in the roads. The other night at the city council meeting there was someone trying to get the council to buy some statues. It turns out she had a business selling statues. At least they scrapped the large fountain in front of the Statehouse (the local businessmen found out they couldn't write it off). Also, didn't end up with colored lights on the trees (tacky).

Concord is boring because if you walk out of a bar with a smile on your face there are 4 cops with guns pulled on you. No young professionals want to move to Concord and I don't blame them.
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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:
freeski wrote:About half of main street is complete so you can get a good idea of how it going to look. It looks nice, a lot of granite nice street lights. However, was it worth $8.5 million? Nope.
How can you definitively say it wasn't worth it when it's not finished?
freeski wrote: As far as Manchester, there are no crack houses yet, but there are definitely some dangerous neighborhoods. Some of the worst right near the police Dept.
I would have zero doubt that there ARE crack houses there. Just like there are Concord, Laconia, Claremont and many other communities in the state.

That said, it's really not that bad. To describe it like f.a.s.t. where a grown man should fear for their safety? Eyes down, mind your business, don't draw attention to yourself and your fine. You are over sensationalizing the dangers. That's what cons like you and Trump do though. You sell fear.
you are a special kind of stupid ain't ya? sounds like you already bought fear "Eyes down, mind your business, don't draw attention to yourself and your fine." and of course yer fine w that, what a loser, feel free to cower like the true pussy you are, but most of us want that kind of scourge wiped off the face of the earth and certainly have no intentions of accommodating it through subservience like you advocate...crack houses are not so bad :roll: :roll: you embody nearly every negative trait you project onto others, yer a completely ignorant, hateful, intolerant, bigot...
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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

f.a.s.t. wrote:
Bubba wrote:
f.a.s.t. wrote:
Bubba wrote:My only nitpick with this thread is the use of the term American Patriot citizen. Just because she carried a concealed weapon and used it to defend herself does not make her any more or less patriotic than you or I. In fact, for all you or I know, she could be a member of the Communist Party or the KKK.
You are right, you don't have to be armed to be an American Patriot citizen. Her action is patriotic as far as I'm concerned, although I guess she could be a bad apple too. One thing is for sure, there are millions and millions of citizens and illegals living in the USA that are not Patriotic.
In what way is defending yourself against a criminal "patriotic"?
In this case she got a rodent scum off the streets, that's patriotic in itself. She also exercised her constitutional right to keep and bear arms; that's truly patriotic. She also defended herself without help from the government or the police, neither one can be there at all times to protect us. The founding fathers knew it and that is one reason why the second amendment exist. Too bad there are so many fools like B.O. and Clinton and all the rest of them that can't comprehend this.
"Patriotic - having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one's country"

I don't think she fits the definition of Patriotic.
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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by madhatter »

more joy in germany...

Eyewitness Account Of The "Monstrous" Migrant Attacks In Germany: "It's Like Civil War"
On Tuesday, we documented multiple reports that suggest as many as 1,000 men “of Arab or North African origin” participated in what appeared to be coordinated attacks on German women in Cologne.

“About 90 women have reported being robbed, threatened or sexually molested at New Year celebrations outside [the city’s] cathedral,” Reuters writes, adding that the men were “between 18 and 35” and appeared to be “mostly drunk.”

Cologne mayor Henriette Reker called the incident “unbelievable and intolerable” while Justice Minister Heiko Maas described the attacks as “a new scale of organized crime."

For her part, Reker has been variously criticized for comments which seem to place some of the blame with the victims. "The Mayor of Cologne said today that women should adopt a “code of conduct” to prevent future assault at a crisis meeting following the sexual attack of women by 1000 men on New Year’s eve," The Independent reports. "The suggested code of conduct includes maintaining an arm’s length distance from strangers, to stick within your own group, to ask bystanders for help or to intervene as a witness, or to inform the police if you are the victim of such an assault."

“We need to prevent confusion [among asylum seekers] about what constitutes happy behaviour and what is utterly separate from openness, especially in sexual behaviour," Reker said, as though this might all be one big misunderstading.

"Ms Merkel where are you? What do you say? This scares us!,” read a sign held by one of hundreds of protesters who gathered outside the cathedral on Tuesday. Here are some images from the demonstrations:

"A spokeswoman for the interior ministry in North-Rhine Westphalia, the state in which Cologne is located, said there were three suspects but declined to give further details," Dow Jones says, before detailing the alleged attacks: "Police have said the women reported small groups of men attacking them among a crowd of around 1,000 people that had gathered in front of the station to set off fireworks. Women were allegedly cornered by groups of 20 to 30 men, mugged and in some cases sexually assaulted."

Assaults were also reported in Hamburg and Stuttgart. Authorities are attempting to discern if there's a connection.

"Mrs Merkel, is Germany 'colorful and cosmopolitan' enough for you after the wave of crimes and sexual attacks?,” AfD party leader Frauke Petry tweeted, taunting the iron chancellor’s open-door policy for Mid-East asylum seekers, more than 1.1 million of whom streamed into the country in 2015.

While Integration commissioner Aydan Ozoguz warned Germans to avoid putting migrants under “blanket suspicion” for the attacks, it is precisely these types of incidents that trigger dangerous bouts of scapegoating xenophobia, embolden right-wing political movements, and provoke violent responses from otherwise peaceful people who feel their home is being invaded by hostile foreigners. As we put it on Tuesday, "at this point it is too late for damage control, however, as this has become a case of guilty until proven innocent."

Below, find a first-hand account of the New Year's Eve assaults in Cologne from Ivan Jurcevic, a hotel club bouncer who was on the job (literally) as the melee unfolded. "These people that we welcomed just three months ago with teddy bears and water bottles ... started shooting at the cathedral dome and started shooting at police," Jurcevic says. "Well seasoned police officers then confessed to me that they never saw something like this in their entire lives," he adds. "They called it a 'civil war like situation.'"

On Wednesday, Merkel renewed her call for open borders despite the violence.

“Right now we’re seeing a very differentiated positioning among EU member states,” the Chancellor told reporters at meeting of her CSU Bavarian sister party. “It’s important to me that we have a noticeable reduction in refugee numbers, but at the same time preserve the freedom of movement within the European Union, which is an engine of economic development and prosperity -- and nobody is more reliant on it than Germany.”
too bad braindeadskier wan;t there he coulda told those women to keep their "Eyes down, mind your business, don't draw attention to yourself and your fine" but it seems like the mayor of cologne is of the same ilk as dickheadskier...blaming the victims...don;t get much lower than that...
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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by f.a.s.t. »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
f.a.s.t. wrote:
Bubba wrote:
f.a.s.t. wrote:
Bubba wrote:My only nitpick with this thread is the use of the term American Patriot citizen. Just because she carried a concealed weapon and used it to defend herself does not make her any more or less patriotic than you or I. In fact, for all you or I know, she could be a member of the Communist Party or the KKK.
You are right, you don't have to be armed to be an American Patriot citizen. Her action is patriotic as far as I'm concerned, although I guess she could be a bad apple too. One thing is for sure, there are millions and millions of citizens and illegals living in the USA that are not Patriotic.
In what way is defending yourself against a criminal "patriotic"?
In this case she got a rodent scum off the streets, that's patriotic in itself. She also exercised her constitutional right to keep and bear arms; that's truly patriotic. She also defended herself without help from the government or the police, neither one can be there at all times to protect us. The founding fathers knew it and that is one reason why the second amendment exist. Too bad there are so many fools like B.O. and Clinton and all the rest of them that can't comprehend this.
"Patriotic - having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one's country"

I don't think she fits the definition of Patriotic.
How the hell do you know she isn't devoted to and supports the country vigorously, how stupid of a statement. Where the hell do you get off deciding she is not patriotic? There's nothing in the news reports other than the action she took to defend herself, which is patriotic in itself. How dumb and stupid can so many Americans get, the PC (politically corrupt) crowd has to be defeated at every turn, this is disgusting.
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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by madhatter » ... 408650971/" onclick=";return false;

bitch shoulda just kept her "Eyes down, mind your business, don't draw attention to yourself and your fine" right dumbf@ckskier?

notice NO ONE intervened, in fact they filmed it and laughed about it and many took turns joining in on the "fun"...POS culture...but its " not that bad" right dickheadskier? ...don;t see that kinda sh!t where I live...wonder why? tell us all how great the ghetto is DHS, tell us all how we're racist bigots...tell us all how we are " a little scared of minorities who dress differently than you do." cuz yeah it's the clothes that are frightening not the culturally accepted behavior of these people... FYI this activity is CULTURE driven and has nothing to do with race other than certain races seem to be more likely to engage in this type of behavior than others...
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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by madhatter »

Coydog wrote:In this environment, the fastest way to get sensible gun laws passed would be a highly publicized national movement for all American Muslim citizens to arm themselves.
yeah there won;t be any unintended consequences arising from that... :roll:
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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

f.a.s.t. wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:I don't think she fits the definition of Patriotic.
How the hell do you know she isn't devoted to and supports the country vigorously, how stupid of a statement. Where the hell do you get off deciding she is not patriotic? There's nothing in the news reports other than the action she took to defend herself, which is patriotic in itself. How dumb and stupid can so many Americans get, the PC (politically corrupt) crowd has to be defeated at every turn, this is disgusting.
I don't know whether she is or not. That's not what we're debating. I am disputing your statement that her actions were patriotic. Her actions, in my opinion, were not "having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one's country". It has nothing to do with me being stupid, PC, dumb, or disgusting. You're bastardizing the meaning of the word, not me, but I digress.
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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
f.a.s.t. wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:I don't think she fits the definition of Patriotic.
How the hell do you know she isn't devoted to and supports the country vigorously, how stupid of a statement. Where the hell do you get off deciding she is not patriotic? There's nothing in the news reports other than the action she took to defend herself, which is patriotic in itself. How dumb and stupid can so many Americans get, the PC (politically corrupt) crowd has to be defeated at every turn, this is disgusting.
I don't know whether she is or not. That's not what we're debating. I am disputing your statement that her actions were patriotic. Her actions, in my opinion, were not "having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one's country". It has nothing to do with me being stupid, PC, dumb, or disgusting. You're bastardizing the meaning of the word, not me, but I digress.
ehhhh, perhaps stretching the boundaries of it a bit, and XJ is correct her actions in and of themselves don't constitute patriotism...but perhaps they do embody the spirit of patriotism: don;t tread on me, shall not be infringed, personal freedom, right to life liberty etc, among others...
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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by madhatter »

and of course when it comes right down to it fake crybaby hopey dope doesn't really care one bit about the victims of gun violence, but merely furthign his agenda on the backs of ( barely) useful idiots...

Judge Appointed By Obama Issues Wrist Slap For Straw Purchaser In Cop’s Murder ... -cops-murd" onclick=";return false;

Facts don't lie, liberals do...
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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by madhatter »

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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by madhatter »

spanky wrote:
Coydog wrote:In this environment, the fastest way to get sensible gun laws passed would be a highly publicized national movement for all American Muslim citizens to arm themselves.
Good one! I'm surprised nobody commented on this.

I wonder what our right wing gun nuts in the US would do if that happened.

while this could have gone at the end of the thread it seemed more appropriate here: :D


I'm sorry spanky...
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Re: The sober, trained armed Amercian Patriot citizen

Post by deadheadskier »

madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:
freeski wrote:About half of main street is complete so you can get a good idea of how it going to look. It looks nice, a lot of granite nice street lights. However, was it worth $8.5 million? Nope.
How can you definitively say it wasn't worth it when it's not finished?
freeski wrote: As far as Manchester, there are no crack houses yet, but there are definitely some dangerous neighborhoods. Some of the worst right near the police Dept.
I would have zero doubt that there ARE crack houses there. Just like there are Concord, Laconia, Claremont and many other communities in the state.

That said, it's really not that bad. To describe it like f.a.s.t. where a grown man should fear for their safety? Eyes down, mind your business, don't draw attention to yourself and your fine. You are over sensationalizing the dangers. That's what cons like you and Trump do though. You sell fear.
you are a special kind of stupid ain't ya? sounds like you already bought fear "Eyes down, mind your business, don't draw attention to yourself and your fine." and of course yer fine w that, what a loser, feel free to cower like the true pussy you are, but most of us want that kind of scourge wiped off the face of the earth and certainly have no intentions of accommodating it through subservience like you advocate...crack houses are not so bad :roll: :roll: you embody nearly every negative trait you project onto others, yer a completely ignorant, hateful, intolerant, bigot...

And a good morning to you fine sir!!!

Wow, ignorance, hypocrisy, incoherence, seathing anger

....all the traits we love and expect to see daily out of Kzone's resident lunatic.

Good show my man!!!

Thanks for the morning laugh

Better buy more guns before Barry's new background checks start. I don't want to name names, but I have a feeling I know who won't pass on account of mental illness.....

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