Obama's world

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Re: Obama's world

Post by madhatter »

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-1 ... ama-librar" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

FOIA Request On Susan Rice's Unmaskings Rejected Because "Records Were Moved To Obama Library"


shocking...definitely no intent to obstruct there though, just part of the clowns memoirs that coincidentally were asked for via FOIA then and unfortunately and purely by happenstance alone will now be unavailable for 5 yrs...

hopey dopes library hasn't even been built yet so where exactly were they "transferred" to?

more banana republic tactics ...something somewhere has got to give eventually....and none of us here will want to be anywhere near it when it does...
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Re: Obama's world

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

madhatter wrote:shocking...definitely no intent to obstruct there though, just part of the clowns memoirs that coincidentally were asked for via FOIA then and unfortunately and purely by happenstance alone will now be unavailable for 5 yrs...

hopey dopes library hasn't even been built yet so where exactly were they "transferred" to?

more banana republic tactics ...something somewhere has got to give eventually....and none of us here will want to be anywhere near it when it does...
Now intent trumps the letter of the law?
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Re: Obama's world

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:shocking...definitely no intent to obstruct there though, just part of the clowns memoirs that coincidentally were asked for via FOIA then and unfortunately and purely by happenstance alone will now be unavailable for 5 yrs...

hopey dopes library hasn't even been built yet so where exactly were they "transferred" to?

more banana republic tactics ...something somewhere has got to give eventually....and none of us here will want to be anywhere near it when it does...
Now intent trumps the letter of the law?
glad ya grabbed that bait and ran w it...that was way too damn easy...

nope and they're gonna remain sealed cuz as far as I know there is no criteria as to what is and what is not allowable as presidential record and subject to the 5 yr sequester...which of course one could always wave but which el dopo never will...however one could argue though I don;t know to what avail that if those records were applied for prior to their admission in to the presidential library they are still subject to FOIA, otherwise the precedent will always be to stall until out of office then seal records for 5 more years....a period as long as 13 yrs for records of year one ...NO ONE SHOULD BE HAPPY ABOUT EITHER PARTY DOING THIS>>>

one could also argue obstruction of justice on the part of the obama administration but one wold have to prove intent, and in all likelihood that intent wold be virtually impossible to prove if there is any precedent for those types of records to become part of the presidential record...

intent never trumps the law, but some laws specifically require intent as a mitigating factor...e.g pre-meditated murder vs manslaughter vs involuntary manslaughter...the language is clear in each of those laws and level of intent is the determining factor...

in the case of running a red light intent is irrelevant and not a determining factor in application of the law...

same w what the right wants clinton charged with, the law is very clear that intent is not a factor and that any dissemination or failure to maintain chain of custody security of classified materials is a felony whether the person intended for it to happen or not...

in the case of obstruction of justice that the left wants trump charged with intent is the KEY determining factor in the application of the law...

in both cases the left wants to ignore key phrases and "liberally" interpret the law to bring about their desired outcome...

again that's why conservatives have such an issue with liberals... only in a true conservative justice system is the rule of law upheld regardless of "subjectivity outside the law"...

in the "liberal" justice system the ruling class or party has the last say on whether a law is applied or enforced, to whom and when...

only one of those systems affords protection under the rule of law for the minority classes....
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Re: Obama's world

Post by madhatter »

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-2 ... amantha-po" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

New Scapegoat Emerges In Unmasking Scandal: Meet Obama's Former U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power
For months now, many have speculated that Obama's former National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, was the controversial figure behind all the unmaskings of Trump associates in the waning days of Obama's final term in the White House. That said, new details seem to suggest that Rice's successor as U.N. Ambassador, Samantha Power, may emerge as the administration's convenient scapegoat is this particular scandal.

As the Washington Free Beacon points out today (via some anonymous sources so take it with a grain of salt), Power appears to be central to efforts by top Obama administration officials to identify individuals named in classified intelligence community reports related to Trump and his presidential transition team. If true, Power's role in the unmasking efforts would be particularly questionable since it's nearly inconceivable that her position as the U.N. ambassador would require such sensitive unmasking activities.

"Unmasking is not a regular occurrence—absolutely not a weekly habit. It is rare, even at the National Security Council, and ought to be rarer still for a U.N. ambassador," according to one former senior U.S. official who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.

"It might be defended when the communication in question relates directly to U.N. business, for example an important Security Council vote," explained the former official, who would only discuss the matter on background. "Sometimes it might be done out of other motives than national security, such as sheer curiosity or to defend a bureaucratic position. Or just plain politics."

The Intelligence Committee's focus of Power and other key Obama officials is a prime example of the Obama administration's efforts to spy on those close to Trump, according to sources familiar with the ongoing investigation.

"The subpoena for Power suggests just how pervasive the Obama administration's spying on Americans actually was," said one veteran GOP political operative who has been briefed on the matter by senior Congressional intelligence officials. "The U.N. ambassador has absolutely no business calling for the quantity and quality of the intelligence that Power seems to have been asking for."

"That's just not the sort of thing that she should have been concerned about, unless she was playing the role of political operative with the help of the intelligence community," the source said. "It gives away what was actually going on: the Obama administration was operating in a pervasive culture of impunity and using the intelligence community against their political opponents."

The House Intelligence Committee, which is spearheading the investigation into these efforts, has issued subpoenas for Power and other top Obama administration figures, including former national security adviser Susan Rice, as part of congressional efforts to determine the source of these leaks.

Rice was scheduled to speak to House Intelligence Committee this week, but the meeting was reportedly postponed. Some sources speculated this could be a delaying tactic by Rice aimed at pushing the testimony back until after Congress's summer recess.

Of course, Power's unmasking efforts would hardly be the first time the Obama administration used it's U.N. Ambassador to do it's dirty work. Who can forget that time that Susan Rice went on her infamous apology tour to blame the Benghazi attacks, which claimed the lives of multiple U.S. citizens, on an obscure youtube video that basically no one had ever heard of? Here's a reminder for those who 'do not recall.'

And while most of the country was outraged that Susan Rice went on every major talk show to lie to the American public, her efforts were apparently appreciated by Obama who granted her a promotion to National Security Advisor shortly after the scandal.

Of course, getting the "opposition research" from our intelligence community unmasked is only half the effort...the other half is leaking it to friendly reporters at the New York Times and Washington Post. And that, according to Representative Ron DeSantis, is where Ben Rhodes came in.

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.), a member of the House Oversight Committee and chair of its National Security Subcommittee, told the Free Beacon last week that these leaks appear to have come from former senior officials, potentially including Ben Rhodes, the Obama national security adviser responsible for creating what he described as an in-house "echo chamber" meant to mislead the public and Congress about the landmark Iran nuclear deal.

"I think Congress and some members on the Intelligence Committee can call Ben Rhodes to testify," DeSantis said. "He may be able to invoke executive privilege from when Obama was president, but he definitely can't do that in any interactions he's had since then."

DeSantis identified Rhodes and other senior Obama administration officials as being "involved with feeding journalists some of these [leaks]. I believe he's in touch with people on the National Security Council. It would be absolutely legitimate as part of leak investigation to bring him in and put him under oath, and I would absolutely support doing that."
Call us cynical but it seems hardly coincidental that Power's role in unmasking Trump associates was revealed just before Susan Rice was set to appear before the House Intelligence Committee. Well played, as always, Ms. Rice.
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Re: Obama's world

Post by Atomic1 »

https://youtu.be/C8sWK2fp3DM" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Obama's world

Post by deadheadskier »

Make a comment Atomic.

You're obviously afraid like the guy in the video. What do you think we should do about it?
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Re: Obama's world

Post by freeski »

We should stop this from happening to other cities. Trump is doing a great job slowing the muslimfication of America :!:
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Re: Obama's world

Post by Atomic1 »

deadheadskier wrote:
Make a comment Atomic.

You're obviously afraid like the guy in the video. What do you think we should do about it?
I'd rather not make a comment and let you watch it and have your own opinion unlike today's main stream media who constantly spins every situation with comments in an attempt to influence our thoughts!
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Re: Obama's world

Post by madhatter »

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-1 ... rveillance" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Did Obama Know About Comey's Surveillance?

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-1 ... tion-leaks" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Manafort Calls On DOJ To Release His Intercepted Phone Calls; Demands Investigation Of Leaks
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Re: Obama's world

Post by madhatter »

Gowdy: Former UN Ambassador Samantha Power claims others unmasked in her name

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/10 ... -name.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Obama's world

Post by madhatter »

just cuz this turd has been laying low on the bottom of the bowl don;t mean he's gonna get away with the crap he pulled...

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-0 ... ant-claims" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
[The CFPB] Funneled a large portion of the more than $5 billion in penalties collected from defendants to community organizers aligned with Democrats — “a slush fund by another name,” said a consultant who worked with CFPB on its Civil Penalty Fund and requested anonymity.

Created six years ago as the brainchild of Senator Elizabeth Warren and slipped into the Dodd Frank bill before it was passed by Congressional Democrats, the CFPB became one of the most powerful agencies in D.C., with the ability to exercise enormous power over the U.S. economy while its budget remained unencumbered by congressional oversight. As one Hill writer put it:

The problem is that this agency and its director were set up to be free from the control of the Congress. Congress’s fundamental obligation to oversee and fund such bureaus or agencies is short-circuited when it comes to the CFPB. In structuring it in the manner written by now-Sen. Warren (D-Mass.), the law abrogated the idea of a government by the people, for the people and of the people.

Instead, it established an autocratic and unaccountable power center for people of Warren’s ideological persuasion — those who view our market economy as an enemy that must be managed by a chosen few. The creation of the CFPB as a rogue agency with a dictatorial leader is one of the most significant acts of malfeasance perpetrated on the American constitutional system since the Sedition Acts
yep just like using the IRS, FBI, NSA etc as political tools to eliminate the opposition...the goal was a permanent D majority and thus absolute power...hopefully they all see permanent incarceration...
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Re: Obama's world

Post by madhatter »

https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles ... clear-deal" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

hope this piece of sh*t spends the rest of his life in prison...
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