$6.00 gas?

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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by daytripper »

ifixu wrote: Mar 8th, '22, 08:45
throbster wrote: Mar 8th, '22, 08:01
easyrider16 wrote: Mar 8th, '22, 07:38 Never was. I just believe in truth and being fair-minded.
Right on Throb, deadbeat seems to get off on pissing people off , it makes sense that POS is a Biden cry baby type, he doesn’t have Jim K backing him up around here
Who is Jim K?
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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by snoloco »

This strikes me a more of a speculative bubble on commodities trading, rather than a real shortage. No one is struggling to find gas anywhere in this country. It's not the 1970s. Traders seem hell bent on getting oil to 150 a barrel, but it's not sustainable to keep prices that high. This topic is of course hyper-politicized. On the right, the response is to dramatically increase domestic production (drill baby drill), and blame the high prices on Democrats for policies that are unfavorable to more drilling. On the left, the response is to dramatically reduce our reliance on oil and other fossil fuels. The problem with this is regardless of the source, energy costs will always be volatile. Instead of oil, it would be the cost of materials to build wind turbines and solar panels. I'd argue that maybe we need to be doing some of both. Increase domestic oil production in the short term, and look for ways to become less dependent on it in the long term.
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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by throbster »

Fossil fuels are not going away. Wind and solar will never meet the demand and just f*** up the landscape. EV are flawed in that you need rare earth elements to make the batteries and then you need to dispose of the spent 1000 lb batteries ( ecological disaster in the making).
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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by Atomic1 »

FACT : Biden stopped the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline that would have delivered over 850,000 barrels of oil a day and could have prevented the U.S. from having to buy Russian Oil and by killing the pipeline Biden also killed 45,000 jobs ! :beat
Now Biden is finally going to do the right thing and stop buying Russian Oil but lets see how long it takes for him to smarten up and expand production of American oil and gas and become an energy independent leader.
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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by Mister Moose »

easyrider16 wrote: Mar 7th, '22, 17:50 Why do you blame Biden? What did he do? I just read an article that the green folks are all mad at Biden because he's on pace to allow more drilling than any president since Bush.

https://www.audubon.org/news/despite-pl ... nder-biden
easyrider16 wrote: Mar 7th, '22, 22:56 What's even the point of having a discussion if you don't even bother to listen to what the other person is saying? I posted a link to an article that establishes that Biden has allowed more drilling than Trump. How is it that Biden caused high gas prices? Where do you people get this information? Give me a source or something, because those claims conflict with everything I've read on the subject.
From the article you posted from that well known expert on the oil industry, The Audabon Society:

[Biden's] White House is on pace to hand out more oil and gas drilling permits this year than any under President Trump and the most since George W. Bush left the Oval Office...

The January 27 moratorium temporarily stopped lease sales, but it did nothing about oil and gas development on more than 38 million acres of public lands and waters already stockpiled in existing leases—legal contracts that typically prove all but impossible to break...

Biden’s election only ramped up that mad rush to lock in drilling rights as companies contemplated how far-reaching Biden’s clamp-down on oil and gas would be. ...

When the White House announced the leasing moratorium, it said the pause would not hurt energy companies, pointing out that 60 percent of all leased federal property sits unused. The industry and states whose economies rely on it sued anyway, arguing that federal law says the BLM “shall” hold quarterly lease sales. Biden administration lawyers thought the law left the agency some leeway, but in June, a Louisiana federal judge disagreed and ordered an end to the moratorium.

The recent increase in drilling has nothing to do with Biden allowing it. It was a court order, and it was existing statues and already existing leases being utilized. Sheesh, read your own source material.

Bubba is correct in that Keystone will not increase the US oil supply to any impactful extent. However, every bit helps, Keystone will increase supply and reduce costs. But it's bigger than Keystone. It's what Keystone represents. It's an energy independent frame of mind vs a drive electric cars, save the birds, buy oil overseas frame of mind.

Obama era woke followers thought we were beyond world wars, we had evolved beyond ruthless dictators that kill and invade. Putin has showed the folly of that thinking. Not only do we have a war on our hands, we helped pay for it by not being energy independent. We need to stop sending money and our economic health to oil producing nations that want to do us harm.
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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by throbster »

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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by Bubba »

throbster wrote: Mar 8th, '22, 14:58:barebutt:
Simple answer: No
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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by easyrider16 »

Moose, so you agree Biden didn't cause high gas prices? And under his administration there has been more drilling, right? And he's receiving criticism from environmentalists for not doing more to curb drilling?
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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by asher2789 »

Spyderman wrote: Mar 7th, '22, 19:27 Are you kidding. We had gasoline independence . Binden purposely stopped the pipeline and drilling w his Executive order. We all knew it would be a huge mistake. Hence we need to import . We are buying I believe 40% from Russia. Yesterday premium grade gas went up $0.65 from lastSunday at BJs so $4.26/gallon. Tonight local stations charging $5.79/ gallon.

Regarding EVs They don’t have the range to get most weekend warriors to Killington from Philly, NJ, NY and CT
we buy 8% from russia, and biden continues to sign off on drilling permits.

i wish he was the leftist his critics think he is. hes a completely f*** useless senile old neoliberal f*** with no new ideas and a whole bunch of focus group tested sh*t spewing democrat operatives surrounding him with professional managerial class nonsense. and now we're heading straight into a WW3 death spiral thanks to neoliberalism.

vOtE bLuE nO mAtTeR wHo!!

oh and btw, oil prices are set on the commodities exchange, heavily impacted by OPEC, of which russia is a member of. so for all yall bitching and moaning about a pipeline... it wouldnt matter. oil prices go up because of speculation and the whims of the OPEC cartel.
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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by asher2789 »

Atomic1 wrote: Mar 8th, '22, 05:59 President Joe Biden, made a campaign pledge to end federal oil and gas drilling to fight climate change, and he quickly announced a suspension of all new lease sales pending a broad review of drilling's impact on global warming after taking office. He also closed pipelines and we buy more oil than we produce even though we could be oil independent .
yeah, he also ran on eliminating student debt and free rainbows and unicorns for everyone.

hes a f*** piece of sh*t liar, and all the "progressive" things he ran on were complete and utter f*** lies. he will be a one term president as a result of lying to the base that held their nose and vOtEd BlUe No MaTtEr WhO.

FYI democrats have been running on "negotiating medicare drug prices" since 2006... do you see any negotiations? didnt think so. bunch of f*** lying pieces of sh*t is what they are. i cant believe his critics from the right are that dumb that they think his campaign promises are his actual policies.

hes a f*** republican, full stop.
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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by asher2789 »

snoloco wrote: Mar 8th, '22, 10:04 This strikes me a more of a speculative bubble on commodities trading, rather than a real shortage. No one is struggling to find gas anywhere in this country. It's not the 1970s. Traders seem hell bent on getting oil to 150 a barrel, but it's not sustainable to keep prices that high. This topic is of course hyper-politicized. On the right, the response is to dramatically increase domestic production (drill baby drill), and blame the high prices on Democrats for policies that are unfavorable to more drilling. On the left, the response is to dramatically reduce our reliance on oil and other fossil fuels. The problem with this is regardless of the source, energy costs will always be volatile. Instead of oil, it would be the cost of materials to build wind turbines and solar panels. I'd argue that maybe we need to be doing some of both. Increase domestic oil production in the short term, and look for ways to become less dependent on it in the long term.
and this whole fiasco just proves the need to focus on left wing solutions, because drill baby drill will never meet the output of OPEC countries, and our dollar being a petrodollar means we will always be beholden to the OPEC cartel no matter how much we drill, we have nowhere near the amount of cheap to access oil the middle east has. its unbelievable how f*** stupid republicans are about this, its literally a national security issue.

lol who am i kidding, war is profitable for the ruling class, especially wars over oil, which is what this russia/ukraine war is about.
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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by asher2789 »

daytripper wrote: Mar 8th, '22, 08:17 So then what happened? In the trump years the US was producing more energy than we used. Now we are not. These facts are not being argued by anyone. People want to argue that that has nothing to do with energy prices and Biden is allowing more drilling etc etc. If that is true then why are we now consuming more than we produce? Has consumption increased by a lot or are we producing less? When it boils down to it those are really the only two possibilities. Which one is it?
the price of oil has little to do with supply or demand and everything to do with speculation and foreign countries using it as a cudgel to get the american president to do whatever they want. if they dont like the president, they just raise prices by artificially slowing production because they know american voters will punish the president if gas prices go up.

it absolutely boggles the mind that people still havent caught onto this geopolitical game after all these decades and treat world level economics like its household level economics.
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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by easyrider16 »

The concept of energy independence by pumping more oil doesn't make much sense to me. To the extent the US uses oil for energy, we will be affected by the world market. Even if we were a net exporter, it wouldn't mean our oil prices wouldn't shoot up if Russia or another big oil producing country decided to cut production. It wouldn't stop oil prices from soaring if demand surged. I think the only way for the US to be truly energy independent is by turning from oil to nuclear and renewables.

On a similar note, it seems to me that if the US were a net exporter of oil, it would not change the fact that Russia makes a lot of cash producing oil, and would not change the geopolitical landscape much at all.
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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by deadheadskier »

easyrider16 wrote: Mar 9th, '22, 08:34 The concept of energy independence by pumping more oil doesn't make much sense to me. To the extent the US uses oil for energy, we will be affected by the world market. Even if we were a net exporter, it wouldn't mean our oil prices wouldn't shoot up if Russia or another big oil producing country decided to cut production. It wouldn't stop oil prices from soaring if demand surged. I think the only way for the US to be truly energy independent is by turning from oil to nuclear and renewables.

On a similar note, it seems to me that if the US were a net exporter of oil, it would not change the fact that Russia makes a lot of cash producing oil, and would not change the geopolitical landscape much at all.
Yes to all of this. And it's not like Shell, BP, ExxonMobil etc are in business for charity
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Re: $6.00 gas?

Post by throbster »

Another disaster under Sleepy's watch. November... Tick tock
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