Ukraine / Russia

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Heywood jablowmee
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by Heywood jablowmee »

this is one VERY phuked up chica.......
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by Bubba »

Does the term “neo-isolationist” exist, because it should. Asher apparently doesn’t care about what happens in other parts of the world and doesn’t see how they affect the US and her in the longer term.

As for the risk of nuclear Armageddon, MAD still exists and you’d have to believe Putin is deranged and/or suicidal to think he’d launch a full blown nuclear holocaust. Would he use a tactical nuclear weapon? Maybe, but then he’d create an uninhabitable area that would defeat his purpose for invasion in the first place and would isolate Russia from the world for far longer and more severely than it is now.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by snoloco »

asher2789 wrote: May 9th, '22, 14:19
the lessons of history that you bring up don't apply when it comes to two nuclear armed powers in a proxy war. again, all the comparisons to WW2 are a complete waste of time, because the start of WW2 did not involve nuclear armed powers that could destroy all life on earth. russia might be at war with ukraine, but really its at war with NATO and ukraine is the proxy. putin will stop where the russian empire's historic borders stopped. that doesnt mean i agree with this - i dont, i am against all war especially this russian imperialist sh*t.

again, we are not the worlds policeman, and im tired as f*** of being told we cant have f*** healthcare because sticking our noses where they dont belong is more important. anything for the defense contractor profits. do you realize that you are being sacrificed for them? i dont care if china takes taiwan. when china tries to take hawaii, then ill care. hawaii is part of the US, taiwan is not.

why cant iran have nukes? everybody else has them, why cant they? again, who the f*** are we to tell them what to do? i dont see iran telling the US what to do with itself. meanwhile, israel can wipe iran off the map if it wants. so let them have nukes. f*** if i care.

the only "rogue" nation is the f*** US, full stop. we have military bases in nearly every f*** country on earth, why?! to protect "US interests" aka corporate profits, of course!

do you know that i am jewish? who the f*** cares about zelenskyy? did you know there were jewish nazis, besides hitler? 20% of german jews supported the nazi party.
It seems you're one of the many liberals who keep parroting Putinist talking points. This is absurd. We know who's right and wrong here. Putin launched a brazen, unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation. The US didn't start this war, NATO didn't start this war, and Ukraine didn't start this war. Putin started this war. You said earlier in the thread that NATO should've never been expanded, so I'll point out that every country that Putin has invaded in recent history has not been a member of NATO. I'd argue that those countries were targeted because they weren't part of NATO.

The lesson of history is that if you continue to appease an aggressor, they'll just keep demanding more. It happened with Germany in WW2, and it happened with Russia when they invaded Georgia and Crimea. This time, the west is more united than ever before in taking action to ensure a Russian defeat.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by asher2789 »

snoloco wrote: May 9th, '22, 19:35
asher2789 wrote: May 9th, '22, 14:19
the lessons of history that you bring up don't apply when it comes to two nuclear armed powers in a proxy war. again, all the comparisons to WW2 are a complete waste of time, because the start of WW2 did not involve nuclear armed powers that could destroy all life on earth. russia might be at war with ukraine, but really its at war with NATO and ukraine is the proxy. putin will stop where the russian empire's historic borders stopped. that doesnt mean i agree with this - i dont, i am against all war especially this russian imperialist sh*t.

again, we are not the worlds policeman, and im tired as f*** of being told we cant have f*** healthcare because sticking our noses where they dont belong is more important. anything for the defense contractor profits. do you realize that you are being sacrificed for them? i dont care if china takes taiwan. when china tries to take hawaii, then ill care. hawaii is part of the US, taiwan is not.

why cant iran have nukes? everybody else has them, why cant they? again, who the f*** are we to tell them what to do? i dont see iran telling the US what to do with itself. meanwhile, israel can wipe iran off the map if it wants. so let them have nukes. f*** if i care.

the only "rogue" nation is the f*** US, full stop. we have military bases in nearly every f*** country on earth, why?! to protect "US interests" aka corporate profits, of course!

do you know that i am jewish? who the f*** cares about zelenskyy? did you know there were jewish nazis, besides hitler? 20% of german jews supported the nazi party.
It seems you're one of the many liberals who keep parroting Putinist talking points. This is absurd. We know who's right and wrong here. Putin launched a brazen, unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation. The US didn't start this war, NATO didn't start this war, and Ukraine didn't start this war. Putin started this war. You said earlier in the thread that NATO should've never been expanded, so I'll point out that every country that Putin has invaded in recent history has not been a member of NATO. I'd argue that those countries were targeted because they weren't part of NATO.

The lesson of history is that if you continue to appease an aggressor, they'll just keep demanding more. It happened with Germany in WW2, and it happened with Russia when they invaded Georgia and Crimea. This time, the west is more united than ever before in taking action to ensure a Russian defeat.
the most offensive part of this is calling me a liberal. f*** the liberals. i am far left. its the liberals who think they can pRoTeSt and VoTe HaRdEr. theyre f*** fools, sheep walking into the slaughterhouse. the system as it is designed is designed to fail average people, and its working as intended.

putin is an asshole. all of the leaders of all the imperialist countries are pretty much assholes. NATO should of been dissolved in 1991, it served no purpose when the USSR dissolved.

russia invaded those countries because they were part of the former empire. regardless of right or wrong:


and for the love of f*** god, would you morons stop comparing nuclear holocaust WW3 to the start of WW2 which predates the invention of nukes? man, boomers and their lead paint chip addled brains. they are NO LONGER COMPARABLE. yall are gleefully signing your own death certificates with your idiotic support of us butting our noses into this mess.

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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by asher2789 »

Bubba wrote: May 9th, '22, 17:00 Does the term “neo-isolationist” exist, because it should. Asher apparently doesn’t care about what happens in other parts of the world and doesn’t see how they affect the US and her in the longer term.

As for the risk of nuclear Armageddon, MAD still exists and you’d have to believe Putin is deranged and/or suicidal to think he’d launch a full blown nuclear holocaust. Would he use a tactical nuclear weapon? Maybe, but then he’d create an uninhabitable area that would defeat his purpose for invasion in the first place and would isolate Russia from the world for far longer and more severely than it is now.
antiwar, its always been a thing. it used to be a leftist thing, but as we should all know, liberals are not leftists, they are propagandized morons manipulated by social media algorithms and manufactured consent from the media to the point where theyve lost all rational critical thinking skills and just regurgitate propaganda.

putin might be deranged, delusional, insane, whatever. supposedly he has terminal cancer. while i dont think he would intentionally take the rest of the world out with him, as people get older especially with health conditions they become erratic/irrational from their medication. i dont trust putin, like i dont trust trump or any politician for that matter. theyre all psychopaths hungry for power. my biggest fear is that he thinks he can get away with a little tactical nuke, but that will just prolong the inevitable: nuclear holocaust. (my second biggest fear is an accident launching the end of the world instead.) the west will respond with more nukes while leadership heads to their bunkers, and the rest of us will just have to hope that we're close enough to be immediately incinerated without even knowing what happened. being that we're in vermont, that is unlikely, so instead, we will likely get to suffer the knowledge of (at least in my case) our loved ones ending with that fate in the big cities, and us getting to survive the post-apocalyptic world if we are so unlucky.

at least the elites in their bunkers got to solve climate change. theyll ride out the worst of it while whats left of the rest of us fight each other to survive. assuming were not dying a slow death from radiation poisoning instead.

sounds great. slava ukrainii!
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by asher2789 »

easyrider16 wrote: May 9th, '22, 15:15 First off, I think you need to recognize that this isn't a U.S. thing. The major powers of Europe are all supporting Ukraine. If the U.S. stopped all arms shipments today, Germany, France, the U.K., etc. would keep sending weapons to Ukraine. Second, you seem very afraid that Putin may be willing to risk using nuclear weapons in this conflict. If he is, why wouldn't he would be willing to use them anywhere, any time? How would appeasement take that threat off the table?

You don't care if China takes Taiwan, okay. But you care if China takes Hawaii. Why? What's the difference? You don't live there. In fact you live a thousand miles from there. So why not just let China have it? Is it really worth risking a nuclear war? The same logic applies. So, where does it stop?
hawaii is part of the US, for better or worse (many native hawaiians would argue worse). if we get attacked, we are at war. i am anti war, i am not anti self defense. i am anti aggression, which is why i have seething hatred for the US, because all it is is endless imperial aggression all over the world.

funny how liberals wanna cry about humanitarian crisis when its white people in ukraine but cant wrap their heads around the fact that their tax dollars are sending weapons to saudi arabia to do the exact same horrors to yemenis. or our forever war in afghanistan, or our almost forever war in iraq, based purely on lies. cant imagine why those people dont get any sympathy. certainly has nothing to do with which prophet of YHWH they favor or their skin color!

as for why now, putin is supposedly in poor health and has been through the same covid lockdowns and stress as the rest of us. look at how sh*t insane and detached from reality most people have become (to the point that they are cheering on actions that would lead to nuclear holocaust). you think hes immune to that?
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by easyrider16 »

So defending your country from aggression is ok. You must be in support of Ukraine's right to defend itself, I suppose. So why is it not ok to provide asssistance to a country that is defending itself from outside aggression?

I think your fear of nuclear halocaust is overblown. It is no more likely than it was before the war in Ukraine, because MAD still applies. Russian officials have even confirmed that they won't use nuclear weapons unless Russia faces an existential threat.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by daytripper »

Funniest quote of the year, Asher saying she is "anti aggression"!! She has more aggression in her than the rest of kzone combined!!!
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by Heywood jablowmee »

Ive got fifty bucks says she cant write a rebuttal...without "boomers and liberals"....any takers? :Toast
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by Mister Moose »

asher2789 wrote: May 9th, '22, 23:00
... they are propagandized morons manipulated by social media algorithms and manufactured consent from the media to the point where theyve lost all rational critical thinking skills and just regurgitate propaganda.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by Bubba »

asher2789 wrote: May 9th, '22, 23:00
Bubba wrote: May 9th, '22, 17:00 Does the term “neo-isolationist” exist, because it should. Asher apparently doesn’t care about what happens in other parts of the world and doesn’t see how they affect the US and her in the longer term.

As for the risk of nuclear Armageddon, MAD still exists and you’d have to believe Putin is deranged and/or suicidal to think he’d launch a full blown nuclear holocaust. Would he use a tactical nuclear weapon? Maybe, but then he’d create an uninhabitable area that would defeat his purpose for invasion in the first place and would isolate Russia from the world for far longer and more severely than it is now.
antiwar, its always been a thing. it used to be a leftist thing, but as we should all know, liberals are not leftists, they are propagandized morons manipulated by social media algorithms and manufactured consent from the media to the point where theyve lost all rational critical thinking skills and just regurgitate propaganda.

putin might be deranged, delusional, insane, whatever. supposedly he has terminal cancer. while i dont think he would intentionally take the rest of the world out with him, as people get older especially with health conditions they become erratic/irrational from their medication. i dont trust putin, like i dont trust trump or any politician for that matter. theyre all psychopaths hungry for power. my biggest fear is that he thinks he can get away with a little tactical nuke, but that will just prolong the inevitable: nuclear holocaust. (my second biggest fear is an accident launching the end of the world instead.) the west will respond with more nukes while leadership heads to their bunkers, and the rest of us will just have to hope that we're close enough to be immediately incinerated without even knowing what happened. being that we're in vermont, that is unlikely, so instead, we will likely get to suffer the knowledge of (at least in my case) our loved ones ending with that fate in the big cities, and us getting to survive the post-apocalyptic world if we are so unlucky.

at least the elites in their bunkers got to solve climate change. theyll ride out the worst of it while whats left of the rest of us fight each other to survive. assuming were not dying a slow death from radiation poisoning instead.

sounds great. slava ukrainii!
Has it possibly occurred to you that you're not the first person, nor are you part of the first generation, to live with the concern/fear of nuclear holocaust? Ever hear of the Cuban missile crisis, when the world came as close to full blown super power war as at any time since WW II? Has it occurred to you that people grew up building fallout shelters in their homes (even in Vermont) and apartment buildings in NYC? The fear of nuclear war amid MAD has been with us for over 70 years, ever since Stalin got the A-bomb.

As for your hatred of capitalism, perhaps you should read Animal Farm for an alternative thesis.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by asher2789 »

Bubba wrote: May 10th, '22, 11:04
asher2789 wrote: May 9th, '22, 23:00
Bubba wrote: May 9th, '22, 17:00 Does the term “neo-isolationist” exist, because it should. Asher apparently doesn’t care about what happens in other parts of the world and doesn’t see how they affect the US and her in the longer term.

As for the risk of nuclear Armageddon, MAD still exists and you’d have to believe Putin is deranged and/or suicidal to think he’d launch a full blown nuclear holocaust. Would he use a tactical nuclear weapon? Maybe, but then he’d create an uninhabitable area that would defeat his purpose for invasion in the first place and would isolate Russia from the world for far longer and more severely than it is now.
antiwar, its always been a thing. it used to be a leftist thing, but as we should all know, liberals are not leftists, they are propagandized morons manipulated by social media algorithms and manufactured consent from the media to the point where theyve lost all rational critical thinking skills and just regurgitate propaganda.

putin might be deranged, delusional, insane, whatever. supposedly he has terminal cancer. while i dont think he would intentionally take the rest of the world out with him, as people get older especially with health conditions they become erratic/irrational from their medication. i dont trust putin, like i dont trust trump or any politician for that matter. theyre all psychopaths hungry for power. my biggest fear is that he thinks he can get away with a little tactical nuke, but that will just prolong the inevitable: nuclear holocaust. (my second biggest fear is an accident launching the end of the world instead.) the west will respond with more nukes while leadership heads to their bunkers, and the rest of us will just have to hope that we're close enough to be immediately incinerated without even knowing what happened. being that we're in vermont, that is unlikely, so instead, we will likely get to suffer the knowledge of (at least in my case) our loved ones ending with that fate in the big cities, and us getting to survive the post-apocalyptic world if we are so unlucky.

at least the elites in their bunkers got to solve climate change. theyll ride out the worst of it while whats left of the rest of us fight each other to survive. assuming were not dying a slow death from radiation poisoning instead.

sounds great. slava ukrainii!
Has it possibly occurred to you that you're not the first person, nor are you part of the first generation, to live with the concern/fear of nuclear holocaust? Ever hear of the Cuban missile crisis, when the world came as close to full blown super power war as at any time since WW II? Has it occurred to you that people grew up building fallout shelters in their homes (even in Vermont) and apartment buildings in NYC? The fear of nuclear war amid MAD has been with us for over 70 years, ever since Stalin got the A-bomb.

As for your hatred of capitalism, perhaps you should read Animal Farm for an alternative thesis.
ah yes, because the billions killed by capitalism from the trans atlantic slave trade to the subjugation, enslavement and mass murder of indigenous people world wide, to the camps of homeless people and diabetics dying from a lack of insulin today is a f*** great system, working just as intended.

yeah, let me read a story about how all animals are equal, and some more equal than others, and then think about how jeff bezos got a one time stimulus payment of $10 billion while i got $3600. f*** joke.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by asher2789 »

Mister Moose wrote: May 10th, '22, 10:07
asher2789 wrote: May 9th, '22, 23:00
... they are propagandized morons manipulated by social media algorithms and manufactured consent from the media to the point where theyve lost all rational critical thinking skills and just regurgitate propaganda.
5 mega conglomerates own 90% of the media and the media is full of deep state plants, but sure, go off about how youre not manipulated by propaganda.

as for social media, im banned from all platforms for being too radically anticapitalist. its ok for nazi hate speech against large groups of people based on their race or sexual/gender identity or religious identity or national origin, but suggest that billionaire scum pay with their lives for exploiting the lives of millions of the rest of us and destroying the planet and you get banned real fast. social media is merely a manipulation tool of government, one step removed by private companies that hold government contracts.

i dont know why i bother here. bourgeoisie skiers will never ever understand what the working class is going through, after all, most of you are the ownership class.
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by asher2789 »

easyrider16 wrote: May 10th, '22, 05:51 So defending your country from aggression is ok. You must be in support of Ukraine's right to defend itself, I suppose. So why is it not ok to provide asssistance to a country that is defending itself from outside aggression?

I think your fear of nuclear halocaust is overblown. It is no more likely than it was before the war in Ukraine, because MAD still applies. Russian officials have even confirmed that they won't use nuclear weapons unless Russia faces an existential threat.
when did i say i wasnt?

just like i am against israel being our 51st state, so am i against ukraine being our 51st state. AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS SHOULD BE SPENT ON AMERICANS. where the f*** is my healthcare?!
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Re: Ukraine / Russia

Post by asher2789 »

daytripper wrote: May 10th, '22, 07:14 Funniest quote of the year, Asher saying she is "anti aggression"!! She has more aggression in her than the rest of kzone combined!!!
wow, cant believe i invaded another country without knowing it. wild.
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