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Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 12:37
by deadheadskier
madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:
Highway Star wrote:How many coastal elites know where Kansas City is on a map or what state it's in?

I honestly could not point it out on an unlabled map.
Trump has been to Kansas City on multiple occasions. I don't know about you, but I tend to remember what state a city I've visited is located in.

But of course, cultists like you and hatter get sand in your vaginas anytime someone pokes the slightest bit of fun at the president saying something dumb.

Maybe he can correct his error with a sharpie and redraw the Kansas border.
you can never resist endorsing the infantile left's reaction to the most minuscule things...typical ( barely) useful idiot behavior...master pulls the string, puppet dances...

ya gotta do what they tell you... :zzz
yep, sand in your vagina while simultaneously having an orange smeared chin. A total cultist

Your little do what they told ya line is beyond embarrassing coming from you. There is NO ONE who worships the word of others on this forum like you do Trump. Though Highwaystar and Rez are certainly worthy consolation prize contenders.

You want to know why this political forum is dying? It's because you've turned it into madhatter's cat turd box. Enjoy your sychophant echo chamber.

Barely worth anyone's time to visit anymore because it's the same thing every day. You, Highwaystar and Rez having a Grand Old Pud pulling party.


Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 13:02
by madhatter
deadheadskier wrote:
madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:
Highway Star wrote:How many coastal elites know where Kansas City is on a map or what state it's in?

I honestly could not point it out on an unlabled map.
Trump has been to Kansas City on multiple occasions. I don't know about you, but I tend to remember what state a city I've visited is located in.

But of course, cultists like you and hatter get sand in your vaginas anytime someone pokes the slightest bit of fun at the president saying something dumb.

Maybe he can correct his error with a sharpie and redraw the Kansas border.
you can never resist endorsing the infantile left's reaction to the most minuscule things...typical ( barely) useful idiot behavior...master pulls the string, puppet dances...

ya gotta do what they tell you... :zzz
yep, sand in your vagina while simultaneously having an orange smeared chin. A total cultist

Your little do what they told ya line is beyond embarrassing coming from you. There is NO ONE who worships the word of others on this forum like you do Trump. this is an absolute strawhatter fantasy of yours...of course you know so much that isn't so but you are still adamantly cocksure of it's kinda yer trademark... Though Highwaystar and Rez are certainly worthy consolation prize contenders.

You want to know why this political forum is dying? It's because you've turned it into madhatter's cat turd box. Enjoy your sychophant echo chamber.

barely worth anyone's time to visit anymore because it's the same thing every day. You, Highwaystar and Rez having a Grand Old Pud pulling party.

nope still not tired of all this winning, yer butthurt whining is just a little serendipity...

yer all just a bunch of pussyhat wearing pseudo intellectual virtue signaling sore losers who can't handle reality...




next swinging dick that comes along

yer always right on it...

none of you have any problem being snarky elite wannabe douchebags when it suits ya, but when the pendulum swings the other way ya cry like a bunch of pussies and disappear...

in fact yer all here today to wallow in the huge "state of kansas" faux pas extraordinaire debacle...then you'll all crawl back under the rock ya came from till colbert tells you to come back out...

not much to say about the D bench, the pathetic peachmint trial. economy, employment, brexit, national security, the wall etc...

oh and happy birthday to Kpdemento... :banana:

Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 13:20
by deadheadskier
Hatter, cultists cant see past their blind loyalty. You just fall right in line and defend even the indefensible by your dear master. It's not even worth entertaining discussions with you.

I might stop in from time to time for a laugh, but that's about it.

Kzone political forum has become the Glen Beck show and you're Glen!

Good job little fella. You almost single handedly killed a forum that once had tons of traffic with a fairly diverse cross section of political views.

Now it's just about 95% Madhatter's Trump turd box. Enjoy!

Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 13:28
by madhatter
deadheadskier wrote:Hatter, cultists cant see past their blind loyalty. You just fall right in line and defend even the indefensible by your dear master. It's not even worth entertaining discussions with you.

I might stop in from time to time for a laugh, but that's about it.

Kzone political forum has become the Glen Beck show and you're Glen!

Good job little fella. You almost single handedly killed a forum that once had tons of traffic with a fairly diverse cross section of political views.

Now it's just about 95% Madhatter's Trump turd box. Enjoy!
wah... :zzz

Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 13:36
by madhatter

cult, cult, cult...parrot on puppet boy...

ya gotta do what they tell you...

Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 15:19
by SnoBrdr
deadheadskier wrote:
Highway Star wrote:How many coastal elites know where Kansas City is on a map or what state it's in?

I honestly could not point it out on an unlabled map.
Trump has been to Kansas City on multiple occasions. I don't know about you, but I tend to remember what state a city I've visited is located in.

But of course, cultists like you and hatter get sand in your vaginas anytime someone pokes the slightest bit of fun at the president saying something dumb.

Maybe he can correct his error with a sharpie and redraw the Kansas border.
And Barry Obama went to 57 states.

Kinda defeats your whole rant.

Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 15:50
by deadheadskier
SnoBrdr wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:
Highway Star wrote:How many coastal elites know where Kansas City is on a map or what state it's in?

I honestly could not point it out on an unlabled map.
Trump has been to Kansas City on multiple occasions. I don't know about you, but I tend to remember what state a city I've visited is located in.

But of course, cultists like you and hatter get sand in your vaginas anytime someone pokes the slightest bit of fun at the president saying something dumb.

Maybe he can correct his error with a sharpie and redraw the Kansas border.
And Barry Obama went to 57 states.

Kinda defeats your whole rant.
There it is!!!

I was waiting for the but Obama line!

Yep, Barry looked dumb for that one too. And people appropriately made fun of him for it.

Hell Fox News and the like had a freaking meltdown when Obama wore a tan suit!

But heaven forbid anyone makes fun of a Trump faux pas in Hatter's Trump turd box. The cultists will all come running to dear leaders defense just like the loyal little soldiers he begs you all to be.


Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 15:51
by madhatter
SnoBrdr wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:
Highway Star wrote:How many coastal elites know where Kansas City is on a map or what state it's in?

I honestly could not point it out on an unlabled map.
Trump has been to Kansas City on multiple occasions. I don't know about you, but I tend to remember what state a city I've visited is located in.

But of course, cultists like you and hatter get sand in your vaginas anytime someone pokes the slightest bit of fun at the president saying something dumb.

Maybe he can correct his error with a sharpie and redraw the Kansas border.
And Barry Obama went to 57 states. to pay tribute to the corpse men and visit w joe the plumber...later he would go on to first learn of many breaking events " on the news" like everybody else...and magically know that candy had transcripts and would use them to back him up at his beck and call...he would tell john mccain to sit down the election was over and I won...he would tell the republican congress they need to sit in the back of the bus...he would call the police stupid and praise michael brown and trayvon martin...he would claim his IRS was so clean there was not even one smidgen of corruption there...he would appoint joe biden as point man in ukraine and china where his black sheep son would soon land lucrative deals..his AG would be held in contempt over fast and furious leading to the death of US citizens...he would also blatantly lie about a youtube video and champion an "arab spring" that would see egypt come under control of the muslim brotherhood...he would preside over an era where NK launched numerous missiles over japan and guam while also holding numerous nuclear tests....he would draw a pink line in the sand and then walk away when it was crossed...but orangeman is bad, very bad... :zzz

Kinda defeats your whole rant.kinda defeats his whole pathetic life...
how many times has biden not even known the state he was in at the time he was in it?

Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 15:54
by madhatter
deadheadskier wrote:
SnoBrdr wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:
Highway Star wrote:How many coastal elites know where Kansas City is on a map or what state it's in?

I honestly could not point it out on an unlabled map.
Trump has been to Kansas City on multiple occasions. I don't know about you, but I tend to remember what state a city I've visited is located in.

But of course, cultists like you and hatter get sand in your vaginas anytime someone pokes the slightest bit of fun at the president saying something dumb.

Maybe he can correct his error with a sharpie and redraw the Kansas border.
And Barry Obama went to 57 states.

Kinda defeats your whole rant.
There it is!!!

I was waiting for the but Obama line!

Yep, Barry looked dumb for that one too. And people appropriately made fun of him for it.

Hell Fox News and the like had a freaking meltdown when Obama wore a tan suit!

But heaven forbid anyone makes fun of a Trump faux pas in Hatter's Trump turd box. The cultists will all come running to dear leaders defense just like the loyal little soldiers he begs you all to be.

you are the master projectionist...cult cult cult... the trained little marionette parrots the puppeteers buzzword of the day...

Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 15:59
by deadheadskier
Yep, Biden is a dummy for the same reason. Make fun of him all you want. Don't care. I certainly didn't get my panties twisted when for 8 years you made it your job to come in here Hatter and point out everything you disliked about Obama.

But man are you so, so easily triggered when anyone makes fun of Donnie.

Take a lap Glen!

Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 16:30
by madhatter
deadheadskier wrote:Yep, Biden is a dummy for the same reason. Make fun of him all you want. Don't care. I certainly didn't get my panties twisted when for 8 years you made it your job to come in here Hatter and point out everything you disliked about Obama. again more strawhatter, outside of noting leftist hypocrisy I rarely called out his faux pas as I know they are just that...however his anti cop, you didn't build that, gimme yer guns, expand the fed gov, expand HC, attempt to take over energy, open borders US policy combined with his limp wristed continuous apology and appeasement stutter slowly and carry a limp stick foreign policy there was plenty not to like about him...

But man are you so, so easily triggered when anyone makes fun of Donnie. it's just amazing how you stick to your fantasy strawhatter narrative... I don't give a rats @ss that you imagine you are "making fun of the orange idiot" not a goddamn thing you think is an insult comes across as anything more than an infantile sore loser lashing out in desperation... it's the cocksure fantasy you have that you're smarter or better than the billionaire POTUS that makes you such loathsome's really hard to imagine lacking self awareness to that degree but you display that ignorance like a badge of honor every time you post here...

Take a lap Glen!
about the only things you've even remotely gotten even partly right is that biden is an idiot...he's the idiot you desperately want to paint trump as, yet he seems to always get the best of the ( barely) useful idiot crowd while moving policy forward despite the 24/7 media barrage and lockstep D congress throwing a wrench in whenever they can with trivial lawsuits etc....

biden IS the idiot the left wishes trump was and he's going to expose the whole D party and many on the right as well ( pierre delecto and the deceased john mccain) as the grifting scumbags they are skimming off the taxpayer while XJ fawns over hunters watch and cries about his SALT tax deduction...

Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 16:54
by deadheadskier
I said take a "lap" Glen. But of course Glen goes for the marathon.

Too funny. No one reads even 10% of your diatribes Hatter. Barely anyone participates in the turd box you've created any more. Good job Glen! You built that!

Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 17:35
by madhatter
deadheadskier wrote:I said take a "lap" Glen. But of course Glen goes for the marathon.

Too funny. No one reads even 10% of your diatribes Hatter. Barely anyone participates in the turd box you've created any more. Good job Glen! You built that!
what exactly do you imagine you bring to the table here? it's almost always some trivial child like stupidity wrapped in smug pomposity...mostly directed at me, trump and the occasional trump supporter who posts...

it's never anything constructive or's never in support of "your" candidate or any candidates "positions" ...its just parroting anything you come across that resonates as " orange man bad" and then getting all bent out of shape when people tell you to fvck off...when the leftist TDS crowd has anything of value to say they'll be right here posting it...right now there's not much good going on for them except one continuous kick in the ballz after another....and until the democrat party makes some wholesale changes it's likely going to continue like that...

someone once said to me" deadheadskier hates someone, you are not that person, but he's convinced that you are..." based on your projection, complete lack of self-awareness and the snarky hypocrisy with which you display it all I'm pretty sure the person you hate is you...

to paraphrase my avatar " It must suck to be like you"

Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 17:40
by madhatter
Mo' Sharpie


Re: Super Bowl?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 18:27
by deadheadskier
I've expressed my views plenty in the past until YOU turned this forum into a childish turd bowl. Same with others and they're all mostly gone. Why? look in the mirror Glen.

It's kinda pointless to discuss issues with ideologues like you. Hence I and others rarely come around.

As to sucking to be me? Great family, wide network of friends and a successful career. Yeah, I'd much rather be a hermit in Gaysville VT with a fraction of the professional success I've achieved. I bet I have months that likely best your top year. Sweet "projection" as you're so apt to say.