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Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 5th, '17, 12:40
by Mister Moose
madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:Oh, I see. You must be aware of some other use for a gallows pole that we are unaware of?

Care to share with the group?
you are aware that we don't have gallows here in the US, no?
Totally missed how this got into the conversation, but apparently in Washington, New Hampshire and possibly Delaware hanging is still on the books. In the military: "Until 1961, the last military execution to date, hanging was the sole and official method. Later, the military introduced the electric chair, which was never used. Currently, lethal injection is the only method."

Carry on.

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 5th, '17, 12:45
by Guy in Shorts
deadheadskier wrote:"Week in Review:

1) The unhinged Tweetstorm continues with tantrums directed against insurance subsidies, the U.S. Senate, China, North Korea, the filibuster, and vague tweets toward members of the campaign
2) The Mooch is fired. Comedians and meme makers go into a state of depression.
3) Trump approval numbers continue to poll in the 30s including with Rasmussen the one poll that isn't "rigged"
4) After dragging his feet Trump begrudgingly signs veto-proof Russia Sanctions Bill which he claims is "flawed".
5) Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev tweets out against US congress usurping Presidential authority, but also labels Trump as a failure.
6) It is leaked that the President helped his son Fredo craft his misleading statements about the meeting with Russian lawyers.
7) The President brags about calls he received from the Boy Scouts and the President of Mexico praising him and his greatness
8) Both the Boy Scouts and the President of Mexico deny any such phone calls ever happened.
9) H.R. McMaster fires Ezra Cohen-Watnick who is most likely Nunes' source for leaks. He is also a Bannon favorite
10) McMaster declares Susan Rice did no wrong in making unmasking requests
11) Breitbart begins attacking McMaster, and this lifetime military officer is now labeled a Deep State traitor by the Trump cult.
12) Stephen Miller has a press conference detailing new proposed racist immigration standards, and has bizarre interaction with Jim Acosta calling him "Cosmopolitan".
13) Stephen Miller is praised by David Duke.
14) Compulsive liar and wall eyed wildebeest declares "it is never appropriate to lie" during press conference
15) President is heard calling the WH a "dump"
16) Golf Digest labeled as leftist fake news
17) Leaked transcripts of Trump begging the Mexican President to stop saying he won't pay for the wall are run in WaPo.
18) Transcripts are leaked of Trump's hostile conversation with Australia's prime minister, in which he says "I have been making these calls all day and this is the most unpleasant call all day, Putin was a pleasant call. This is ridiculous." This also contradicts his Feb. tweet saying the hostility of the conversation was fake news.
19) Lawsuit filed declaring WH directed Fox News's Seth Rich conspiracy story which Fox was forced to retract due to it being complete sh*t
20) Trump calls NH drug infested den.
21) Rumor has it that Gen Kelly is screening all interactions with Trump.
22) Unhinged tweeting stops. But Trump retweets a hedge fund manager who is going to trial for fraud next week, and several bots one whom regularly reposts work of Neo-Nazi Ben "Zyklon B" Garrison
23) Mueller's new grand jury is announced
24) The Senate appears to ignore Trumps call to vote on ACA again
25) Hannity declares grand juries "undemocratic" Pirro claims any indictments will result in a violent insurrection
26) Tweets declaring economic victories continue although nearly all of the victories are Obama era holdovers
27) Senate begins crafting legislation to block firing of Mueller
28) Admiral Zukunft head of the US Coast Guard speaks out against trans-ban in the military.
29) Senate bans recess appointments on their own President
30) The Secret Service moves out of Trump Tower and into a trailer over rent dispute
31) Sessions begins announces campaign against leakers and says he reviewing policies affecting media subpoenas.
32) The President embarks on a 17 day vacation to his NJ golf resort.

What did I forget???"
You forgot to bash Trump on the economy. Imagine the audacity of that man to unleash 4 trillion dollars of new wealth onto the American people with full employment as anyone that choses to work can find a job.
Yeah I think you long list may have missed a couple of milestones. Dow cracking 22,000 may be another one.

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 5th, '17, 12:56
by deadheadskier

For 8 years as the unemployment numbers got better and better, all I heard conservatives screaming about was the numbers were fake and we had the lowest workforce participation rate in decades.

But now those numbers are real right?

And the Dow? Sure it's performing great. But no credit to the leaps it made in the prior 8 years? Was the Dow nearly tripling during that time just a figment of my imagination?

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 5th, '17, 12:58
by deadheadskier
Meanwhile the all mighty struggles to understand concepts in simple terms that a grade schooler could grasp. ... idiot.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 5th, '17, 13:07
by XtremeJibber2001
Guy in Shorts wrote:You forgot to bash Trump on the economy. Imagine the audacity of that man to unleash 4 trillion dollars of new wealth onto the American people with full employment as anyone that choses to work can find a job.
Yeah I think you long list may have missed a couple of milestones. Dow cracking 22,000 may be another one.

What specific Trump initiatives do you believe resulted in a 0.5% decrease in unemployment since the inauguration?


What specific Trump initiatives do you believe resulted in the DOW increase 2,000 points or 10% since the inauguration?

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 5th, '17, 13:17
by madhatter
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
Guy in Shorts wrote:You forgot to bash Trump on the economy. Imagine the audacity of that man to unleash 4 trillion dollars of new wealth onto the American people with full employment as anyone that choses to work can find a job.
Yeah I think you long list may have missed a couple of milestones. Dow cracking 22,000 may be another one.

What specific Trump initiatives do you believe resulted in a 0.5% decrease in unemployment since the inauguration?


What specific Trump initiatives do you believe resulted in the DOW increase 2,000 points or 10% since the inauguration?
trump has nothing to do w the DOW numbers...though speculation in the direction of punitive taxes has played a role since nov 9th...trump himself said that the BLS job numbers are fake just the other day in WV...the same method is still used, the numbers are better, they still misrepresent the real number of people w/o jobs that would like one....trump addressed that also...

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 6th, '17, 09:33
by deadheadskier

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 6th, '17, 10:08
by Mister Moose
If you can't see both Trump's warts, and the extent the press is focusing a spotlight on those warts instead of the whole person, you aren't looking.

Also, the pendulum has swung too far to entrenched career politicians catering to well heeled lobbyists. A few amateurs with Main Street experience and no lifelong Washington career goals is a good thing. An amateur politician is what the framers envisioned. The price of political polish (that the press so constantly tells us we are in dire need of) is constant pandering to donors, re-election focus, and the corruption that goes with it.

"The only difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets."
Will Rogers

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 6th, '17, 12:28
by madhatter
Mister Moose wrote: If you can't see both Trump's warts, and the extent the press is focusing a spotlight on those warts instead of the whole person, you aren't looking.

Also, the pendulum has swung too far to entrenched career politicians catering to well heeled lobbyists. A few amateurs with Main Street experience and no lifelong Washington career goals is a good thing. An amateur politician is what the framers envisioned. The price of political polish (that the press so constantly tells us we are in dire need of) is constant pandering to donors, re-election focus, and the corruption that goes with it.

"The only difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets."
Will Rogers
willful ignorance is the life blood of the SJW progressive...

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 6th, '17, 13:13
by deadheadskier
Mister Moose wrote: If you can't see both Trump's warts, and the extent the press is focusing a spotlight on those warts instead of the whole person, you aren't looking.

Also, the pendulum has swung too far to entrenched career politicians catering to well heeled lobbyists. A few amateurs with Main Street experience and no lifelong Washington career goals is a good thing. An amateur politician is what the framers envisioned. The price of political polish (that the press so constantly tells us we are in dire need of) is constant pandering to donors, re-election focus, and the corruption that goes with it.

"The only difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets."
Will Rogers
I am fine with an outsider, but not a career con man who has proven himself to be a narcissistic prick in every possible way.

Would you want your daughter dating a guy like him? Would you feel comfortable with your wife being alone in the same room with a creep like him?

Morals matter. He has none. That's not the fault of the media and opinion hit pieces. It's his words and childish tweets on display every single day.

Yet freaks like hatter fawn over him every single day

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 6th, '17, 13:54
by Mister Moose
deadheadskier wrote:
I am fine with an outsider, but not a career con man who has proven himself to be a narcissistic prick in every possible way.

Would you want your daughter dating a guy like him? Would you feel comfortable with your wife being alone in the same room with a creep like him?

Morals matter. He has none. That's not the fault of the media and opinion hit pieces.
Are we talking about Wiener here? Or Reid? Or Larry Craig? Or Boehner? Or William Jefferson? (The $100,000 in the freezer guy) Oh, I bet you meant William Jefferson Clinton, that's who you meant, right? Or maybe JFK, because his morals were sterling. (cough) And of course the gold standard, Nixon.

And yes, I'd be very comfortable with my wife in the same room alone with any of those guys. She's smart, tough and she can handle herself. My daughter would hopefully have the judgment and independence to evaluate the individual based on her own direct observations, not a spoon fed third hand account meant to sway opinion.

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 6th, '17, 14:46
by madhatter
Mister Moose wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:
I am fine with an outsider, but not a career con man who has proven himself to be a narcissistic prick in every possible way.

Would you want your daughter dating a guy like him? Would you feel comfortable with your wife being alone in the same room with a creep like him?

Morals matter. He has none. That's not the fault of the media and opinion hit pieces. ah the virtue signaling SJW mode...nice touch :roll:
...only the left sees women as some sort of inherently vulnerable permanently endangered creature preyed upon around every corner unable to fend for herself and in need of perpetual care and guidance from the state, everyone else see's em as other people...
Are we talking about Wiener here? Or Reid? Or Larry Craig? Or Boehner? Or William Jefferson? (The $100,000 in the freezer guy) Oh, I bet you meant William Jefferson Clinton, that's who you meant, right? Or maybe JFK, because his morals were sterling. (cough) And of course the gold standard, Nixon.

And yes, I'd be very comfortable with my wife in the same room alone with any of those guys. She's smart, tough and she can handle herself. My daughter would hopefully have the judgment and independence to evaluate the individual based on her own direct observations, not a spoon fed third hand account meant to sway opinion.
always some BS emotion based appeal w you leftwing moonbats...remind us again how many times trump has been charged with, arrestedfor, gone to court over or been convicted of rape? HINT: the number is somewhere just north of your worth as a person...


before trump was the R candidate and eventual president, many people loved him ( madhatter FYI was not a fan at all) but after the lefts "women in binders" attacks on romney it was clear that a much tougher candidate was needed....enter trump...the media/DNC etc whatever opposition he has , have been throwing anything and everything at him and he has still persevered...

these petty childish petulant fits you guys throw don't have any effect on on anyone but the hive minded leftists already on board...

again, to the rest of america this is how stupid you look:


Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 6th, '17, 18:48
by deadheadskier
Mister Moose wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:
I am fine with an outsider, but not a career con man who has proven himself to be a narcissistic prick in every possible way.

Would you want your daughter dating a guy like him? Would you feel comfortable with your wife being alone in the same room with a creep like him?

Morals matter. He has none. That's not the fault of the media and opinion hit pieces.
Are we talking about Wiener here? Or Reid? Or Larry Craig? Or Boehner? Or William Jefferson? (The $100,000 in the freezer guy) Oh, I bet you meant William Jefferson Clinton, that's who you meant, right? Or maybe JFK, because his morals were sterling. (cough) And of course the gold standard, Nixon.

And yes, I'd be very comfortable with my wife in the same room alone with any of those guys. She's smart, tough and she can handle herself. My daughter would hopefully have the judgment and independence to evaluate the individual based on her own direct observations, not a spoon fed third hand account meant to sway opinion.
Conversation is about Trump bud. Try and stay on topic.

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 6th, '17, 22:01
by Mister Moose
deadheadskier wrote:
Mister Moose wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:
I am fine with an outsider, but not a career con man who has proven himself to be a narcissistic prick in every possible way.

Would you want your daughter dating a guy like him? Would you feel comfortable with your wife being alone in the same room with a creep like him?

Morals matter. He has none. That's not the fault of the media and opinion hit pieces.
Are we talking about Wiener here? Or Reid? Or Larry Craig? Or Boehner? Or William Jefferson? (The $100,000 in the freezer guy) Oh, I bet you meant William Jefferson Clinton, that's who you meant, right? Or maybe JFK, because his morals were sterling. (cough) And of course the gold standard, Nixon.

And yes, I'd be very comfortable with my wife in the same room alone with any of those guys. She's smart, tough and she can handle herself. My daughter would hopefully have the judgment and independence to evaluate the individual based on her own direct observations, not a spoon fed third hand account meant to sway opinion.
Conversation is about Trump bud. Try and stay on topic.
Sorry, I thought you could follow that comparison and discussion of behavioral risk that was a direct response to your question. I'll try to do better next time.

Re: Trump Presidency

Posted: Aug 7th, '17, 08:27
by deadheadskier
Your post was classic Whataboutism. Pretty weak for someone who so desperately tries to present themself as an intellectual.

But I'll play along.

Thomas Jefferson owned hundreds of slaves. He worked out pretty well. A modern day equivalent would be electing someone with a history of human trafficking. As long as they're not a liberal that would be cool right?

That is the basis for the unwavering support of people like you and hatter with Trump. Your support is so grossly partisan he can literally do or say anything and you folks will forgive/accept it because he's not Clinton or whomever else. He famously said it himself. That he could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot someone and not lose any votes.

If there's one thing I give Trump credit for it is his understanding that most people are sheep, easily manipulated and lack independent thought. You proved that yourself when you fell for Carly's BS at the start of the election cycle.