Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by SnoBrdr »

madhatter wrote:
freeski wrote:This trial has revealed a very deep racial divide in this country. One I did not know existed. The more I hear from those who are angry with the verdict the more I feel they do not appreciate our country. I know there is not a level playing field, I lived in inter-city Baltimore for over a year and it really opened my eyes being a middle class white guy from NH. But, over the course of my life there have been great advancements in equality and even though there is a long way to go, we seem to have been making steady progress. The aftermath of this trial has set race relations back to the 60's.
perhaps not, you have to take it as a huge positive that there has been so little rioting and violence...
A huge positive?

There should be no rioting or violence.

Usually the above is just a mask for looting, people need those big flat screens.
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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by madhatter »

SnoBrdr wrote:
madhatter wrote:
freeski wrote:This trial has revealed a very deep racial divide in this country. One I did not know existed. The more I hear from those who are angry with the verdict the more I feel they do not appreciate our country. I know there is not a level playing field, I lived in inter-city Baltimore for over a year and it really opened my eyes being a middle class white guy from NH. But, over the course of my life there have been great advancements in equality and even though there is a long way to go, we seem to have been making steady progress. The aftermath of this trial has set race relations back to the 60's.
perhaps not, you have to take it as a huge positive that there has been so little rioting and violence...
A huge positive?given past history, yes

There should be no rioting or violence.indeed, that's a given, however, given past history...

Usually the above is just a mask for looting, people need those big flat screens.agreed, but it DIDN'T occur, despite there being that "mask". I consider that a positive indicator that the dog whistles are losing their effect.
I read an article today that talked about cultural prejudice vs actual racism. It made a lot of sense. When one culture chooses to riot and loot at the drop of a hat, that's a large cultural difference from the mainstream. Cultural prejudice's can be softened or eliminated by positive actions.
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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by madhatter »

madhatter wrote:http://www.caintv.com/wow-big-city-editor-wishes-lif

Stephen Henderson, editorial page editor of the Detroit Free Press, wrote yesterday:

George Zimmerman deserves no respite. No peace.

Doesn’t matter that his prosecution for killing Trayvon Martin left so much to be desired. Doesn’t matter that his attorneys worked wonders in raising doubts about the case against him, or that they were successful in convincing a jury to declare him not guilty of second-degree murder or even manslaughter.

Zimmerman killed a kid. An unarmed kid who had been doing nothing wrong. A kid he stalked and confronted without cause and against the admonishment of law enforcement, and whom he shot to death after the altercation he provoked spun out of his control.

My job is typically to make policy sense of news events. But here, I’m at a loss. As a parent, as an African American, I can’t get much past thinking Zimmerman has earned every day of the hell his life should be from here on out. Injustice? I hope it visits with him often.

"Yeah. He really wrote that. And the Free Press really published it. (Disclosure: I write for the rival Detroit News.)

...in this case, a high-ranking editor of a major American newspaper has openly wished personal harm on an individual who - according to the justice system in this country - is not guilty of any crime. He has wished frequent injustice on George Zimmerman. He has encouraged anyone inclined to make Zimmerman's life a living hell to go ahead and do so""

http://www.freep.com/article/20130713/C ... ry-verdict" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

BUBBA,have we met the threshold for proof of racebaiting and ginning up a race war yet?
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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by freeski »

Yesterday Holder gave a speech to an all black sorority. He said Martin's death should not have happened, in effect saying Zimmerman did not have the right to defend himself as the court decided. Should the head law enforcement official for the nation come out against a juries' ruling? Today he will speak to the NAACP. It will be interesting to see what he says.
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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by Bubba »

madhatter wrote:
madhatter wrote:http://www.caintv.com/wow-big-city-editor-wishes-lif

Stephen Henderson, editorial page editor of the Detroit Free Press, wrote yesterday:

George Zimmerman deserves no respite. No peace.

Doesn’t matter that his prosecution for killing Trayvon Martin left so much to be desired. Doesn’t matter that his attorneys worked wonders in raising doubts about the case against him, or that they were successful in convincing a jury to declare him not guilty of second-degree murder or even manslaughter.

Zimmerman killed a kid. An unarmed kid who had been doing nothing wrong. A kid he stalked and confronted without cause and against the admonishment of law enforcement, and whom he shot to death after the altercation he provoked spun out of his control.

My job is typically to make policy sense of news events. But here, I’m at a loss. As a parent, as an African American, I can’t get much past thinking Zimmerman has earned every day of the hell his life should be from here on out. Injustice? I hope it visits with him often.

"Yeah. He really wrote that. And the Free Press really published it. (Disclosure: I write for the rival Detroit News.)

...in this case, a high-ranking editor of a major American newspaper has openly wished personal harm on an individual who - according to the justice system in this country - is not guilty of any crime. He has wished frequent injustice on George Zimmerman. He has encouraged anyone inclined to make Zimmerman's life a living hell to go ahead and do so""

http://www.freep.com/article/20130713/C ... ry-verdict" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

BUBBA,have we met the threshold for proof of racebaiting and ginning up a race war yet?
Proof of race baiting? That wasn't the issue we discussed. I challenged the statement that the media is trying to gin up riots. Racially based commentary, primarily from the left (but also some on the right) has been a factor in this case from the beginning and, with the verdict, has continued unabated and possibly increased further. No doubt about it. That is far different than the media trying to start riots and being disappointed that none have occurred as was suggested here.

Freeski said it here earlier today...the trial has illuminated the fact that a racial divide still persists in this country. (I am surprised it took him this long to realize it but that's another issue.) The majority, I would guess, of black people in the US grew up surrounded by racism - whether open institutional racism as it existed in the South, or more insidious racism as has existed in the rest of the country. If they didn't grow up with it directly, they are still influenced by history. Black people in this country are going to see events and hear dialogue through the prism of their own experience, much as white people see those same events and hear the same words spoken through the prism of our experience. I accept that and, hopefully, we will all grow out of it as generations pass and society becomes less racially divided by history and experience. Having lived through the civil rights era, seen the dogs of Birmingham's Bull Connor, the axe handle of Lester Maddox in Georgia, have even a vague memory of the desegregation of Little Rock and clearer memories of the desegregation of the Ole Miss, I understand when survivors of those battles (i.e. Cong. Lewis of Georgia who was beaten badly in Selma) react to more recent events.

It is the charlatans of civil rights - Al Sharpton in particular - that I object to. Jesse Jackson has moved in that same direction in order (IMHO) to stay relevant. I will take MSNBC seriously when they either dump the Reverend Al or Al apologizes for the Tawana Brawley affair. How any network can give him a platform, I have no idea.

As for the media in general, they are playing their roles as expected. MSNBC and Fox are doing their usual thing. Others cover the news fairly straight even while their opinion programs or editorial writers do what opinion programs and editorial writers do, which is to give opinions. The fact that the majority of the mainstream media editorial boards/opinion programs tend to lean left (I'm being kind) should be a concern, however, in that newsrooms are too often influenced by their editorial positions, career advancement need being what it is. As long as we accept the reality that all news is biased, to one degree or another, we don't get overly bent out of shape by it nor do we overstate the case. I do wish, however, that when someone goes over the edge with their opinions (i.e. the Detroit Free Press editorial) that others, whether left or right, would rebuke the extremism. A few more "Sister Souljah moments" would be useful for all concerned.
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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by freeski »

Bubba: When I proof read my post you referenced I almost added a qualifier: "at least to this extent", but didn't so, I can see how you would believe I thought there were zero race relation issues in the U.S. before this. Which would be ridiculous. But, that is what I implied.

I appreciate you challenging posts to show they are factual even when I'm the culprit. These are some pretty heady and important issues and your constructive criticism keeps the discussion on track and more meaningful.
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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by SnoBrdr »

I see supposed "leaders like Rev. Al and JJ Sr. only getting worse at playing the race card as they are really losing their position.

The Hispanics have overtaken them and will only get stronger and stronger while the A-Ms (is that the current PC term) fall by the wayside as far as any type of political power goes.
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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by madhatter »

gee who saw that coming? just seems like an innocent mistake in editing to me...</sarc>

"Here’s how NBC News, in a March 27, 2012, broadcast of the “Today” show, abridged the tape of Zimmerman’s comments to a police dispatcher on the evening of Feb. 26, 2012:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

The full tape went like this:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s r*ining and he’s just walking around, looking about. Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black."

http://www.reagancoalition.com/articles ... dited.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by steamboat1 »

Minga, the northern Italians don't like the southern Italians, the southern Italians don't like those from the north, forget about the Sicillians.

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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by steamboat1 »

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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by GSKI »

Hmm never heard about this story nationally back in 2009. A black man kills a 17 year old white claiming self defense and gets off! The black man was not even physically injured. Must not have been politically useful.

http://rochester.ynn.com/content/top_st ... ot-guilty/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Jury Finds Roderick Scott Not Guilty

By: Mike Hedeen

Not guilty: The verdict in the manslaughter trial of Roderick Scott. After more than 19 hours of deliberations over two days, a jury acquitted the Greece (NY) man in the shooting death of Christopher Cervini, 17, last April.

"I just want to say thank you to the people who believed in me, who stood by me,” Scott said following the verdict. “I still have my regrets for the Cervini family; it's still an unfortunate situation for them. I am happy that at least this chapter is over."

As deliberations dragged on over two days and the jury asked for testimony to be read back, Scott admits he didn't know how it would all turn out.

"I was nervous of course,” he said. “You never know what direction this whole thing is going to turn, so I have no idea. But it worked out and I feel that justice (was) served today."

Cervini's family members say justice wasn't served. They say Christopher was murdered in cold blood, that he'd never been in trouble and Scott acted as judge, jury and executioner.

"The message is that we can all go out and get guns and feel anybody that we feel is threatening us and lie about the fact,” said Jim Cervini, Christopher’s father. “My son never threatened anybody. He was a gentle child, his nature was gentle, he was a good person and he was never, ever arrested for anything, and has never been in trouble. He was 16 years and four months old, and he was slaughtered."

Scott says he acted in self defense when he confronted Cervini and two others saying they were stealing from neighbors cars. He told them he had a gun and ordered them to freeze and wait for police.

Scott says he shot Cervini twice when the victim charged toward him yelling he was going to get Scott.

"How can this happen to a beautiful, sweet child like that?” asked Cervini’s aunt Carol Cervini. “All he wanted to do was go home. And then for them to say, he was saying, 'Please don't kill me. I'm just a kid,' and he just kept on shooting him."

Scott says the last seven months have been difficult for him and his family. If he could go back to the events in the early morning hours of April 4, there are things he says he would do differently.

"If it meant a person not losing their life, absolutely,” he said. “Would I still have tried to stop what was going on? That I would have done. But if I knew ahead of time that I could do something to help somebody from losing their life, I don't want anyone to lose their life."

Scott says the first thing he was going to do was go home and get a good night sleep. When asked if he'll continue living in his current home, which is just one street away from the Cervini's, he said “for the time being.”
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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by steamboat1 »

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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by madhatter »

President Obama: 'Trayvon Could Have Been Me'

http://www.ijreview.com/2013/07/66870-p ... e-been-me/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

"President Obama appeared at a press conference Friday and had some remarks about the Zimmerman verdict and its impact on race relations.

After the president noted that he earlier said that “if he had had a son, he’d look like Trayvon” (Martin), he took the analogy one step further: “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.”

unfortunately it wasn't... s/b a good weekend "for trayvon" coming up. All you libs headed to the city to show your support? Never let a crisis go to waste....
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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by madhatter »

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/ ... s_ago.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

RESIDENT OBAMA: The judge conducted the trial in a professional manner. The prosecution and the defense made their arguments. The juries were properly instructed that in a -- in a case such as this, reasonable doubt was relevant, and they rendered a verdict. And once the jury’s spoken, that’s how our system works.

But I did want to just talk a little bit about context and how people have responded to it and how people are feeling. You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago. And when you think about why, in the African- American community at least, there’s a lot of pain around what happened here, I think it’s important to recognize that the African- American community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that -- that doesn’t go away.

There are very few African-American men in this country who haven’t had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me.

And there are very few African-American men who haven’t had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. That happens to me, at least before I was a senator. There are very few African-Americans who haven’t had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off. That happens often.
Now I wonder why that happens? here's a hint you race baiting @ssclown, the "black" part has almost nothing to do with it...
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Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Post by shortski »

[quote]race baiting @ssclown, the "black" part has almost nothing to do with it..[\quote]

Sometimes is it that simple.
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