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Republican calls for email and IM monitoring

Posted: Feb 20th, '07, 10:53
by ABushismaDay
A bill introduced to the US House of Representatives would require ISPs to record all users' surfing activity, IM conversations and email traffic indefinitely.

The bill, dubbed the Safety Act by sponsor Lamar Smith, a republican congressman from Texas, would impose fines and a prison term of one year on ISPs which failed to keep full records.

Posted: Feb 20th, '07, 11:01
by XtremeJibber2001
This is a clear invasion of privacy from my standpoint.

It'll never go forward though. ISP's would have to dish out far too much money for all the storage needed (almost tough to visualize all that space).

Big business lobbyists will eat Lamar Smith.


WTF is going on with the Republican party?

Is it me or do they seem more Socialistic/Liberal lately?

I'd even go so far as to say they remind me of Orwell's 1984 ... so much for the party of Reagan.

Posted: Feb 20th, '07, 11:08
by BigKahuna13
And the justification for this is? Lemme guess. War on Terror? Protecting the children? Protecting us from ourselves?

God, sometimes I think I woke up in Russia. Probably would be an improvement. At least they get snow.

Posted: Feb 20th, '07, 11:15
by XtremeJibber2001
BigKahuna13 wrote:God, sometimes I think I woke up in Russia. Probably would be an improvement. At least they get snow.
Ugh huh. Sometime I wonder why I even bother with politics, it's overly hopeless.

Posted: Feb 23rd, '07, 09:37
by BadDog
BigKahuna13 wrote:God, sometimes I think I woke up in Russia. Probably would be an improvement. At least they get snow.
Hmmm...makes you think that "Benedict" Bush's reliance on Condi "I believe the name of the memo was 'Bid Laden Determined to strike within the US'" Rice is because the only field in which she has any claim to expertise (besides piano playing and shopping for shoes) is the Soviet Empire.

She is so important to the administration because she understands the model for what they would like the United States to become.

(Those that claim that serving as a Provost at Stanford is a sign of academic quality are not that experienced with quality schools. It's kind of like claiming that an Office Manager is the same as a Controller.)