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Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 16th, '12, 05:57
by XtremeJibber2001
Zimmerman's nose was broken after all. Imagine that - JerseyGuy rushing to judgement without all the facts while playing doctor, judge, jury, and video expert.

JG, I'm sure considering your background in the OR you'd know that a "closed fracture" is a good reason why there wasn't all that blood you were expecting.
ABC News Exclusive: Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose, Lacerations After Trayvon Martin Shooting

By MATT GUTMAN (@mattgutmanABC) and SENI TIENABESO (@senijr_abc)
May 15, 2012

A medical report compiled by the family physician of accused Trayvon Martin murderer George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that Zimmerman was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head and a minor back injury the day after he fatally shot Martin during an alleged altercation.

Zimmerman faces a second degree murder charge for the Feb. 26 shooting that left the unarmed 17-year-old high school junior dead. Zimmerman has claimed self defense in what he described as a life and death struggle that Martin initiated by accosting him, punching him in the face, then repeatedly bashing his head into the pavement.

Also today, a trove of documents are being examined by lawyers for both the defense and prosecution as part of discovery in Zimmerman's trial -- including 67 CDs worth of documents, video of Martin on the night of the shooting, his autopsy report and videos of Zimmerman's questioning by police.

Zimmerman's three-page medical report is included in those documents that the defense could use as evidence.

The morning after the shooting, on Feb. 27, Zimmerman sought treatment at the offices of a general physician at a family practice near Sanford, Fla. The doctor notes Zimmerman sought an appointment to get legal clearance to return to work.

The record shows that Zimmerman also suffered bruising in the upper lip and cheek and lower back pain. The two lacerations on the back of his head, one of them nearly an inch long, the other about a quarter-inch long, were first revealed in photos obtained exclusively by ABC News last month.

But the report also shows Zimmerman declined hospitalization the night of the shooting, and then declined the advice of his doctor to make a follow-up appointment with an ear nose and throat doctor.

In addition to his physical injuries, Zimmerman complained of stress and "occasional nausea when thinking about the violence." But he was not diagnosed with a concussion. The doctor noted that it was "imperative" that Zimmerman "be seen with [sic] his psychologist for evaluation."

According to the report, prior to the shooting Zimmerman had been prescribed Adderall and Temazepam, medications that can cause side effects such as agitation and mood swings, but in fewer than 10 percent of patients.

A neighbor told ABC News that the day after the shooting he saw Zimmerman as he spoke to officers outside his home. He too recalled seeing black eyes and significant swelling -- as well as a bandage over his nose.

Moments after the shooting Zimmerman told eyewitnesses he shot Martin in self defense. He later told officers his head was being pounded into the pavement and that he feared for his life, but that it was only when Martin seemed to reach for the gun wedges in his waistband that Zimmerman drew his weapon and fired directly into Martin's chest -- killing him.

The medical notes may bolster Zimmerman's claim that he acted in self-defense because he was being attacked. However, the prosecution contends that Zimmerman instigated the confrontation after profiling the teen, who was walking home after buying skittles and ice tea. They prosecution says Martin was breaking no laws and was not disturbing anyone as he walked back to his father's girlfriend's home.

Zimmerman was granted a $150,000 bail and has since been in deep hiding since his April 20 bail hearing.

Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 16th, '12, 07:23
I still cannot believe this white boy is not sitting in jail for killing a 12 year old in an obvious hate crime case (the picture used that the bulk of casual news viewers saw was one of a 12 year old Trayvon Martin...not the easily available other pictures showing him as a 17 year old). He stalked the poor boy! I heard the 911 tapes where Zimmerman tells the dispatcher he is following the poor child because he is black on NBC and Good Morning America (there was a tiny hidden retraction and a few editors quietly lost their jobs when the 9-11 tape edit proved to be made in order to make Zimmerman look like a racial stalker). Its an open in shut case. So he got a few scratches which their "family friendly" doctor who will say whatever they want is claiming I know the injuries are made up because I saw that grainy, fuzzy surveillance footage on ABC that appears to show Zimmerman uninjured. How do we know he did not make these slight injuries to himself in order to cover up his crime? Where is the Justice Department? I dont fear because justice will find this hater one day and he is going to have to watch his back for the rest of his life. He will be safe nowhere. It is irrelevant if Zimmerman was getting pummeled on the ground he set himself up for this whole mess by patrolling the neighborhood and not leaving the job to the professionals (Zimmerman was a hot head wanna-be law police officer who could not make the cut). If Trayvon had killed Zimmerman it would have been Zimmermans fault (he did not obey the "legal" order of the civilian 9-11 police dispatcher) then he should have simply accepted it and let the police go after Trayvon if a crime was committed.

If this guy gets acquitted I would make sure I am not in a major city or near Florida because it is going to be worse than Rodney King where 53 people died and there was a billion in property damage. I might even consider convicting him just to prevent the nationwide riots. Hopefully he realizes somebody is going to get him sooner or later if he is acquitted and released and just kills himself in order to save those who will be killed in the riots. He has no dependents and will not be missed. The facts of the case are irrelevant the perception by the black and liberal community is how I presented it above. The media really wanted the guy to be white so much in order to fit into their "racism narrative" (which people instantly react to because of US racial history) that they called him something I have never heard a person labeled in a media story..a "white-hispanic". I have never the classification used before but the media can say the racial description is valid because the US census bureau classifies Hispanics as "white". They really wanted him to be a registered republican in order for the incident to be used to help Obama get reelected but to their dismay he is a registered democrat. If Zimmerman was a republican you would hear endless stories about how he represents the republican parties lingering racism and Obama represents our path to "healing" the nation. We will probably still hear them. This case is a minority grievance industry jackpot.

Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 16th, '12, 07:51
by Coydog
Again, the outrage expressed by many stemmed from the police refusing to fully investigate the killing even against the recommendations of their own experts. Imagine if Martin had killed Zimmerman and the police summarily concluded Martin was innocent by virtue of Florida's "stand your ground" law. Faux and others would probably express a few comments about that scenario.

Now that the wheels of justice are actually turning, Zimmerman is innocent unless the legal system, imperfect as it is, determines otherwise based on the available facts and the strength of the prosecution's case. But by all means, continue to express your own narrow bias and speculation regarding the events, that's what free speech is all about.

Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 16th, '12, 08:06
Coydog wrote:Again, the outrage expressed by many stemmed from the police refusing to fully investigate the killing even against the recommendations of their own experts. Imagine if Martin had killed Zimmerman and the police summarily concluded Martin was innocent by virtue of Florida's "stand your ground" law. Faux and others would probably express a few comments about that scenario.

Now that the wheels of justice are actually turning, Zimmerman is innocent unless the legal system, imperfect as it is, determines otherwise based on the available facts and the strength of the prosecution's case. But by all means, continue to express your own narrow bias and speculation regarding the events, that's what free speech is all about.
If Trayvon Martin had killed Zimmerman you never would have heard the story because it would not have been reported nationally and if you read about it on line it would have left out the racial descriptions (almost every time I have seen them leave out the race of those involved it ends up being black. The media leaves out the description because they say it is not relevant to the story but I believe they leave it out because they condescendingly do not want to stir up all those redneck "repukes". The fact is black crime is out of control and the victims are mostly black and the crimes never get much media attention). You cannot talk about the root causes because that runs the risk of you easily being sidelined as a racist. This will ruin your career. Even an accomplished figure like Bill Cosby who is financially secure at the end of his career had to back off when going after the virulent pathologies the the culture.

Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 16th, '12, 09:00
by Coydog
GSKI wrote:
Coydog wrote:Again, the outrage expressed by many stemmed from the police refusing to fully investigate the killing even against the recommendations of their own experts. Imagine if Martin had killed Zimmerman and the police summarily concluded Martin was innocent by virtue of Florida's "stand your ground" law. Faux and others would probably express a few comments about that scenario.

Now that the wheels of justice are actually turning, Zimmerman is innocent unless the legal system, imperfect as it is, determines otherwise based on the available facts and the strength of the prosecution's case. But by all means, continue to express your own narrow bias and speculation regarding the events, that's what free speech is all about.
If Trayvon Martin had killed Zimmerman you never would have heard the story because it would not have been reported nationally and if you read about it on line it would have left out the racial descriptions (almost every time I have seen them leave out the race of those involved it ends up being black. The media leaves out the description because they say it is not relevant to the story but I believe they leave it out because they condescendingly do not want to stir up all those redneck "repukes". The fact is black crime is out of control and the victims are mostly black and the crimes never get much media attention). You cannot talk about the root causes because that runs the risk of you easily being sidelined as a racist. This will ruin your career. Even an accomplished figure like Bill Cosby who is financially secure at the end of his career had to back off when going after the virulent pathologies the the culture.
Posted previously: Beating of Alabama man not seen as hate crime, despite claim 'Trayvon' invoked

Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 16th, '12, 09:34
by XtremeJibber2001
A few things ....

I posted this story to show media bias and prove JG was wrong in his jumping to conclusions.

In America's media today, racism is one sided. There are no (or very few) instances where an African-American (or any other minority race) would ever be called/labeled racist towards a Caucasian man/woman.

Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 16th, '12, 10:13
by Coydog

Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 16th, '12, 11:34
by XtremeJibber2001
I'd like to file this under "few". Ironic that it's a Faux News article and she was appealing to the NAACP :lol:

Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 16th, '12, 18:23
by steamboat1

Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 16th, '12, 21:37
Here is another good example of how media reports on a clear black on white crime (with witnesses) which was possibly racially motivated since it was probably a gang initiation. First of all it will never be a national story like Trayvon Martin and the president will never comment on how the victim is the same skin color as his mother so they share a bond and the Justice Department will never look into it. The story will stay in the local media market. One media station clearly mentions the perpetrators race the other covers it up no doubt to avoid stirring up all those bitter clinger red necks. Its kind of how the media avoids using the word "Muslim" when the story involves religiously motivated terrorism. In Europe the media in Britain calls Muslims "Asians" and the Muslims in the huge violent sharia ruled ghettos in France burning dozens of cars every night are just called "youths". The media leaves key details out all the time to help sell the story or craft the news to its preferred narrative.

No description of the perps at channel 5 in Kansas City. Must be a bunch of libs: ... unned-down

"Detectives say Stone was just out for a morning jog, on his normal route, when a dark-colored, four-door sedan pulled by, slowed down, fired several shots at him, then pulled off, without ever stopping."

Here is Channel 4 Kansas City. Much more factual and not agenda driven. The people who shot this guy are still on the loose and a description like skin color narrows down the number of possible suspects to look out for. Just a bunch of "gangstas" part of the "culture" you know. Libs and 9-11 truthers will argue that the victim was a repressed gay republican child molester caught up in his own hypocrisy and he actually paid the gangstas to kill him: ... d-suspect/

Stone, 60, was killed while jogging Sunday morning at about 7:20 at 67th and Blue Ridge Blvd. Police suspect the murder could have been a gang initiation or a dare. On Tuesday police returned to canvass the area to try to find evidence that will lead them to Stone’s killer. About 35 cadets from the police academy assisted.

Several people witnessed Stone’s murder. They told police a dark-colored car driving north on 67th Street passed Stone as he was jogging, and without slowing down, opened fire on him. Witnesses say there were two black men inside the car.

“It was daylight. There were witnesses,” said Thomas Prudden, a Raytown police detective. “But it was such a quick incident and there was nothing to tell you it was going to happen. Somebody driving by, holding a gun outside and shooting and then driving off. You can imagine how hard that is to investigate or get evidence from.”

Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 22nd, '12, 14:04
by DMC
Given the evidence that was released I came to the same conclusion.

I'm not sure I like this releasing of evidence to the media - it makes us all draw conclusions... We're human... It's what we do - we can't help ourselves.

The early evidence was from the camera at the police station.. He seemed fine - no cuts - no bruises.. But all this new evidence(medical report) wasn't referenced in the affidavit which caused a lot of confusion. To me it looks like Zimmerman attacked Treyvon and got his ass kicked... I would've done the same. How he managed to pull a gun and shoot Treyvon in the chest is kind of confusing given it was a close encounter. But losing a fist fight doesn't mean someone should pull a gun and shoot the other..

But the only things that matter are - this would have never have happened if he would have stayed in his car as the police instructed.. And what made him leave his car to pursue Treyvon.

Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 22nd, '12, 14:54
by Bubba
DMC wrote:Given the evidence that was released I came to the same conclusion.

I'm not sure I like this releasing of evidence to the media - it makes us all draw conclusions... We're human... It's what we do - we can't help ourselves.

The early evidence was from the camera at the police station.. He seemed fine - no cuts - no bruises.. But all this new evidence(medical report) wasn't referenced in the affidavit which caused a lot of confusion. To me it looks like Zimmerman attacked Treyvon and got his ass kicked... I would've done the same. How he managed to pull a gun and shoot Treyvon in the chest is kind of confusing given it was a close encounter. But losing a fist fight doesn't mean someone should pull a gun and shoot the other..

But the only things that matter are - this would have never have happened if he would have stayed in his car as the police instructed.. And what made him leave his car to pursue Treyvon.
What all this proves is that the law in Florida (and probably elsewhere) needs clarify that the person who is judged the aggressor (i.e. started the event) or who failed to heed police instructions, etc. no longer gets the presumption of innocence. Stand Your Ground was meant to protect people who, for example, were protecting their homes and property and who had legitimate cause to believe they were in imminent danger of severe injury or death. It was never meant to protect those who start an altercation and then cause the severe injury or death of someone else.

Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 22nd, '12, 15:17
Zimmerman must go to jail for a long time or a lot of people will die in the riots. Any facts of the case are irrelevant because the black "community" believes he was racially profiled and killed. A poor skittles loving 12 year old future rap star murdered by a WHITE. When is all this killing of young black kids by white racists finally going to stop! If he somehow escapes justice he will be hunted down and killed (he is not wealthy and cannot afford to hide for long) sooner or later AND all those people will die in the riots. I say burn him irregardless (yes it is now an official word!).

Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 22nd, '12, 15:39
by Dr. NO
GSKI wrote:Zimmerman must go to jail for a long time or a lot of people will die in the riots. Any facts of the case are irrelevant because the black "community" believes he was racially profiled and killed. A poor skittles loving 12 year old future rap star murdered by a WHITE. When is all this killing of young black kids by white racists finally going to stop! If he somehow escapes justice he will be hunted down and killed (he is not wealthy and cannot afford to hide for long) sooner or later AND all those people will die in the riots. I say burn him irregardless (yes it is now an official word!).
There ya go, guilty due to the danger of riots and his own murder. Oh, put him in a prison with 50 to 80% minorities and see how long he lives.

Re: Dr. JerseyGuy Prognosis Incorrect - Zimmerman Nose Broken

Posted: May 22nd, '12, 16:42
Zimmerman's life is irrelevant because he is a dead man either way. No facts in a court case are going to clear up the representation the media have solidly created of a white man hunting down and killing black children. He should do the honorable thing and save some lives and stop thinking about himself so selfishly.