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White Evangelicals Must Choose Between Reform and American Extremism

Posted: Mar 2nd, '21, 11:33
by Bubba ... d=31816796

"It is beyond time for a new Reformation inside evangelical Christianity, one that will reject the holy war against liberals, journalists, scientists, non-believers, and other actual human beings."

Re: White Evangelicals Must Choose Between Reform and American Extremism

Posted: Mar 2nd, '21, 11:39
by XtremeJibber2001
Bubba wrote: Mar 2nd, '21, 11:33 ... d=31816796

"It is beyond time for a new Reformation inside evangelical Christianity, one that will reject the holy war against liberals, journalists, scientists, non-believers, and other actual human beings."
Sharing from yesterdays daily reading ...
Proverbs 6:16-19 NIV
16 There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

Re: White Evangelicals Must Choose Between Reform and American Extremism

Posted: Mar 2nd, '21, 11:41
by Bubba
I'll take 19 for $1,000 Alex...

Re: White Evangelicals Must Choose Between Reform and American Extremism

Posted: Mar 2nd, '21, 13:17
by easyrider16
I can 100% relate to this article. I had a very similar upbringing to this author. I am much more pessimistic than the author, though. I read this part and thought, this has already happened:
Today, Christian leaders who once took Islam to task for its alleged role in fomenting terrorism among a small group of extremists should now look in the mirror. When religion fuses with grievance and existential struggle, it can be a powerful motivator for action. When it gets a whiff of power, from fundamentalist Hinduism in India to violent Buddhism in Myanmar, the results are more dangerous still. Without hard work right now, evangelical Christianity will cement its place as the church of narrow American nativism.
I see it when I talk to all my religious friends and family who all share this concept of narrow American nativism. Trump has been a big catalyst, but it started decades ago and has been growing since. It's really sad to see.

Re: White Evangelicals Must Choose Between Reform and American Extremism

Posted: Mar 2nd, '21, 13:32
by XtremeJibber2001
easyrider16 wrote: Mar 2nd, '21, 13:17I see it when I talk to all my religious friends and family who all share this concept of narrow American nativism. Trump has been a big catalyst, but it started decades ago and has been growing since. It's really sad to see.
It's so strange because this concept is not supported Biblically ... so far as I can tell.

Re: White Evangelicals Must Choose Between Reform and American Extremism

Posted: Mar 2nd, '21, 14:05
by easyrider16
Yes but you know as well as I do that most of the people who attend those churches have only vague notions of what is actually in the Bible. When I was attending church, I was one of a handful out of hundreds that had even read the Bible cover to cover. In my experience, most only read small segments and twist those segments to fit what they want to believe rather than what it actually says.