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Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

Cityskier wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote: What's bigger news? The democrats are doing nothing ... all these chances/oppurtunities to take charge and run with border security, social security, national security etc. What have they been doing?
Not saying that they have any answer, but what do you expect for the party that is in the minority in both houses of congress? The Republicans have been the party in the position to direct policy.

I don't think the "Yeah, but what about the Dems..." argument helps you here.
I guess if I was a Dem in the minority I would at least put myself in the limelight and say:

I'm for securing the border and heres how.
I'm for fixing SS and heres how.
I'm for a different plan in Iraq and heres how.
I'm for tax cuts for the middle class and heres how.

Sure many of these items dems probably can't pass or put forward because they're in the minority, but I'd much appreciate/respect a democrat who comes out and says things like this instead of the same "GWB is a liar, impeach him".

Word is Obama may run in 08 ... could be interesting between him and Hillary. Although I'd pick Obama over Hillary. Obama vs McCain would be really interesting because of the projects they work on together.
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Post by Dr. NO »

For what it is worth, the Minority Party was the Majority party for over 50 YEARS. Social Security was never fixed, our boarders were never secured and spending went up as fast or faster than it has in the past 10 years.

So, I guess they truely do not have a plan for much of anything, even if they are in power.

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Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

Dr. NO wrote:For what it is worth, the Minority Party was the Majority party for over 50 YEARS. Social Security was never fixed, our boarders were never secured and spending went up as fast or faster than it has in the past 10 years.

So, I guess they truely do not have a plan for much of anything, even if they are in power.
I think a lot of that depends. The Dem's may have been in power for over 50 years, but most of the members have changed now, SS is now recognized as a problem (I doubt in 1960 anyone saw an issue), and our borders have just gotten worse recently.

The last poll I heard pegged the US mexican community as rising exponentially just in the last 15 years.

Maybe you're right that the Dem's have no plan, because I certainly haven't heard anything. All we can do is hope for SOMEONE to stand-up and do the right thing. However, if all we hear is 'impeach bush', they're not getting my vote.
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Post by BigKahuna13 »

Dr. NO wrote:For what it is worth, the Minority Party was the Majority party for over 50 YEARS. Social Security was never fixed, our boarders were never secured and spending went up as fast or faster than it has in the past 10 years.

So, I guess they truely do not have a plan for much of anything, even if they are in power.
SS wasn't considered a problem 50 year ago. Hell some people don't think it's a problem today. The border "problem" wasn't being called a problem until post-2001 and alot of people don't consider it a problem today.

The issue isn't "well the Dems had 50 years and the Republicans only had 12". The issue is that the electorate has by and large lost faith in the Republican agenda and they - the Republicans - are clearly spending more time worrying about how to stay in power than they are doing the nation's business.
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Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

BigKahuna13 wrote:SS wasn't considered a problem 50 year ago. Hell some people don't think it's a problem today. The border "problem" wasn't being called a problem until post-2001 and alot of people don't consider it a problem today.
While I don't find my coworkers 'politically active', one of them said this in regards to SS: "If they can spend several hundred billion on a stupid war in Iraq, then SS isn't broken"
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Post by JerseyGuy »

It's no less 'scummy' then ads the DNC puts out. Why the double standard?

Really? Examples, please.

That's it? You trolled looking for a rebuttal video and all you could come up with is something from forty-two years ago? When all anyone else has to do is find whatever THIS WEEK'S worst GOP ad happens to be?

By the way, for my money, this week's pole-position holder in the GOP media slime race is the RNC's Harold Ford / Playboy ad. Or maybe video footage of Rush Limbaugh claiming that Michael J. Fox was faking his Parkinson's for a TV commercial. Oh, that's right -- that wasn't actually a commercial, and it wasn't tied directly to the GOP. Rush, as we all know, is an independent voice in the media...
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Post by JerseyGuy »

[quote="XtremeJibber2001"][quote="JerseyGuy"]I'm not 'the right'.

All evidence from the last two or three years' worth of posts to the contrary. Although you have slightly moderated your positions over the past several weeks -- when it has been politically expedient to do so. All rats off the sinking GOP ship!

As evident over the last several months. It has nothing to do with being 'politically expedient'. I change my opinion when my views change. Many have changed thanks to the knowledgable people that normally discuss politics here. I've been engaged in politics for three years, I don't know why it's a surprise that someone so green in the political sense would have a change in views/opinions? I'm certainly not a rat and I don't jump ship ... it's the kind of 'bumper sticker' generalizations like yours that make me laugh.

Damn. EVERYONE else beat me to the "flip flop" line. That's what I get for not logging in for a few days...
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Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

JerseyGuy wrote:Damn. EVERYONE else beat me to the "flip flop" line. That's what I get for not logging in for a few days...
:lol: :P

It's not bad to change your opinions. It took a few years, but they've changed.
JerseyGuy wrote:That's it? You trolled looking for a rebuttal video and all you could come up with is something from forty-two years ago? When all anyone else has to do is find whatever THIS WEEK'S worst GOP ad happens to be?
Different times have different ads. Maybe 40 years down the road when the DNC runs the house, senate, and WH ... their ads will get raunchy. After all, history has a tendency to repeat itself.
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Post by Bubba »

JerseyGuy wrote:It's no less 'scummy' then ads the DNC puts out. Why the double standard?

Really? Examples, please.

That's it? You trolled looking for a rebuttal video and all you could come up with is something from forty-two years ago? When all anyone else has to do is find whatever THIS WEEK'S worst GOP ad happens to be?

By the way, for my money, this week's pole-position holder in the GOP media slime race is the RNC's Harold Ford / Playboy ad. Or maybe video footage of Rush Limbaugh claiming that Michael J. Fox was faking his Parkinson's for a TV commercial. Oh, that's right -- that wasn't actually a commercial, and it wasn't tied directly to the GOP. Rush, as we all know, is an independent voice in the media...
I spoke with a buddy of mine in Tennessee the other day and learned a little bit more about how that Playboy ad came about. It seems that Harold Ford, single and in his late 30s, has never been married and never even been publicly seen dating. Whispers were starting to gather in Tennessee about his sexual preferences so Ford actually went to a Playboy event of some kind and had his picture taken with lots of great looking women, most of whom are, of course, white. The Republican ad was in response to that, trying to be humorous about the Playboy event. Of course, given the racial stereotype issues that ad raised, it was immediately branded racist even if the intent was otherwise. Was the ad racist? Maybe, even if the intent was not. Was the ad stupid in terms of someone not even realizing the stereotype issue raised? Absolutely. So, those who ran the ad may or may not be scum but they are idiots one way or the other.

For anyone who hasn't spent much time in Tennessee, the state is really three states - east, middle and west - and Ford is from the west (Memphis) which is completely different culturally from middle and east Tennessee. Think of upstate NY vs the NYC metro area or Chicago vs. downstate Illinois. The same dynamics are at work in that race.

Ford has another problem in Tennessee, however, in that he has spent little time there, having grown up in Washington, DC and, while representing a west Tennessee district, his real life has been spent in DC much like Al Gore. Gore grew up in a DC hotel because his father was a Senator and Ford has the same problem. That doesn't sit well with Tennesseans, in many cases and, just as Gore couldn't carry his home state in the 2000 election, Ford may have a similar issue in this one. The stupidity of the Republican ad, on the other hand, may have just swung the race in Ford's favor. We shall see....
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Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

Interesting background on the ad bubba, thanks!

Just a side note .... isn't it odd that SOX 404 is in place to audit organizations IT & Corporate Governance ... but yet we don't even audit electronic voting? hmmmm

Sorry that was an aside ... just watched Lou Dobbs
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