Obama's world

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Re: Obama's world

Post by freeski »

Obama placed economic sanctions on ISIS supporters recently. These supporters are outside of the theater. We need to say screw international law and kill them wherever they are. I'd like to see Putin carpet bomb the cities in Syria that are ISIS strong holds.
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Re: Obama's world

Post by steamboat1 »

deadheadskier wrote:You know steamboat, I was for war for all of about two days. My college roommate died in the WTC and I thought about revenge. Then I came to my senses and realized it would accomplish nothing accept for the deaths of thousands. It would cause more problems because this wouldn't be a war between sovereign nations. 14 years later that remains true. We haven't accomplished anything over there and likely never will.
Yeah right. You're so full of it. all of two days, BS.You lost a friend, so did I & then some. I saw people jumping out of the building. Did you?. Had a front row seat to the event. Don't forget I worked right there. Yeah I was covered in dust when the south tower collapsed, had a hard time even breathing. Was walking over the Brooklyn Bridge getting out of town when the north tower went down. How was your view? Did your TV give you a good picture of the event? You my friend have no concept of what actually happened that day & judging by your words you never will.
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Re: Obama's world

Post by steamboat1 »

deadheadskier wrote:We haven't accomplished anything over there and likely never will.
Actually we accomplished quite a bit over there but your boy (Obama) flushed it all down the toilet.
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Re: Obama's world

Post by madhatter »

steamboat1 wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:We haven't accomplished anything over there and likely never will.
Actually we accomplished quite a bit over there but your boy (Obama) flushed it all down the toilet.
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Re: Obama's world

Post by deadheadskier »

steamboat1 wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:We haven't accomplished anything over there and likely never will.
Actually we accomplished quite a bit over there but your boy (Obama) flushed it all down the toilet.
Yup, should have left all those soldiers there and had thousands more kids die.

And for what? You think that ends Islamic Extremism? You think the Sunnis and Shiites have a come to Allah moment and say," hey, the Americans are right" and start giving each other reach arounds? Think they'd start tolerating Jews and Christians?

Tell me oh brilliant one, what would the outcome be in Iraq. When could we really say ,"Mission Accomplished" instead of just looking like a clueless tool standing on an aircraft carrier.

Let's hear your plan. How much longer would you have pushed a ground war? What would be your desired outcome? How many kids lives would you be willing to sacrifice in pursuit of that outcome?
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Re: Obama's world

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:
steamboat1 wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:We haven't accomplished anything over there and likely never will.
Actually we accomplished quite a bit over there but your boy (Obama) flushed it all down the toilet.
Yup, should have left all those soldiers there and had thousands more kids die. is every "argument" you make based on emotional appeal? do you ever look objectively w/o injecting your "feelings"? your emotional prism distorts reality, rendering your decision making process invalid...

And for what? You think that ends Islamic Extremism? so how'd the crusades end then? you act like its impossible to quell this extremism... it's not, we just don;t have a leader with the will and resolve to do so... You think the Sunnis and Shiites have a come to Allah moment and say," hey, the Americans are right" and start giving each other reach arounds? Think they'd start tolerating Jews and Christians?the goal is simply to weaken their military strength and resolve to a point where its no longer even remotely effective...when one recognizes they will certainly perish if they continue with their actions, they either stop those actions or they perish, problem solved...when you draw a line in the sand then watch it get erased w zero consequences you accomplish what obama has, ( nothing of value)

Tell me oh brilliant one, what would the outcome be in Iraq. When could we really say ,"Mission Accomplished" instead of just looking like a clueless tool standing on an aircraft carrier.the actual mission was most certainly accomplished but left wingers are detached from reality and view news thru the colbert/stewart prism of comedic stupidity....

Let's hear your plan. what's YOUR plan? mine is to elect a capable president to replace the turd we have now... How much longer would you have pushed a ground war? however long our military advisers suggest, unlike the current dope who ignores or fires them...What would be your desired outcome? How many kids lives would you be willing to sacrifice in pursuit of that outcome?
bunch of inflammatory BS rhetoric, "kids lives sacrificed" they JOIN VOLUNTARILY, you've refused to acknowledge a good amt of what's been posted because it doesn't fit your disjointed narrative...difficult unpleasant problems require difficult unpleasant solutions...
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Re: Obama's world

Post by brownman »

Likely solution reminds me of the 'story' about the Canadian farmer, Osama bin Laden and the biker.
Will post the story if you're somehow unfamiliar.
It's likely the basis of what contributed to Donald's visionary approach on immigration.
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Re: Obama's world

Post by Atomic1 »

Hillary Clinton and many other Dems. also voted to go to war in Iraq . No different than today where Obama wants to over throw Assad in Syria so that ISIS can take over in Syria. Also the same way Obama helped overthrow Gaddafi in Libya so ISIS can can take over there as well . You see the pattern here ?
Bush made mistakes but at least he had good intentions where as Obamas intentions are what ? Putin told Obama "get out of Syria and we will wipe ISIS out of Syria and drive them back to Iraq where you can finish them off " , so lets see what happens . Because if Obama is playing both sides of the street as has been reported, then he should be charged with TREASON ! Not just for his handling of Bergdahl but also reports of Obama giving arms to ISIS . Going to be interesting in the coming months .
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Re: Obama's world

Post by deadheadskier »

Madhatter, "when one recognizes they will perish when they continue with their actions"

Did that stop 19 terrorists from flying a plane into a building? 15 of those terrorists were Saudi's. How come we didn't invade SA like we did Iraq and Afghanistan?

The dispute between various sects of Islam has been going on for hundreds of years, pretty much since the day Muhammad died. If you think Americans are going to stop it you're more the ignorant fool than I thought you were. Read a history book.

And yet you happily lap the Haliburton War up and have no issues with trillions of dollars getting flushed down the drain.

I'd argue for a leader who backs our involvement out of the Middle East even further. Obama is definitely screwing up with regards to Putin. If Vladimir wants a crack at ISIS...I'd say, "By all means, they're all yours"
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Re: Obama's world

Post by freeski »

Through the last few wars in the middle east I'd guess we killed 300K to 500K and destroyed much of their infrastructure. We throw millions into rebuilding, but it doesn't amount to much. So, a lot of the money was not wasted. If we're fighting them there it will attract our enemies like moths to a flame.

Madhater is right we turned them back during the crusades. We can do it again. We didn't want the fight back then and we don't want it now. It's all their fault.

We have special forces fighting today in Afghanistan. I hope they wipeout their adversaries and return safely.
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Re: Obama's world

Post by deadheadskier »

Okay, what about Indonesia? When's the occupation begin there?


The Philippines?

How do you propose getting Jews and Muslims in the region to tolerate one another?
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Re: Obama's world

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

deadheadskier wrote:Let's hear your plan. How much longer would you have pushed a ground war? What would be your desired outcome? How many kids lives would you be willing to sacrifice in pursuit of that outcome?
I like what we're doing now ... let them kill each other ... US-coordinated drone attacks, as needed, when ISIS threatens assets the US cares about most. It's not like ISIS is going to suddenly build a mechanized military like we saw with Hitler in WWII.
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Re: Obama's world

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:Madhatter, "when one recognizes they will perish when they continue with their actions"

Did that stop 19 terrorists from flying a plane into a building? they didnt; do it a second time did they? again pathetically weak and irrelevant argument, they were highly funded by people that wouldn;t be able to fund them if we kept a boot on their neck and squashed any support for extremism... 15 of those terrorists were Saudi's. How come we didn't invade SA like we did Iraq and Afghanistan?you tell me...

The dispute between various sects of Islam has been going on for hundreds of years, pretty much since the day Muhammad died. If you think Americans are going to stop it you're more the ignorant fool than I thought you were. Read a history book.so yer saying its been a scourge that s/b completely annihilated? eventually it WILL come down to that...might as well do it now...

And yet you happily lap the Haliburton War up and have no issues with trillions of dollars getting flushed down the drain.bla bla haliburton, bla bla liberal BS bla bla lame argument... grow up...

I'd argue for a leader who backs our involvement out of the Middle East even further. Obama is definitely screwing up with regards to Putin. If Vladimir wants a crack at ISIS...I'd say, "By all means, they're all yours"
well that's cuz yer ignorant.... we can;t have russia, iran and presumably north korea controlling the middle east and expect anything good to come of it for the US.... but unfortunately obama and his minions have the insight of a 3 yr old...
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Re: Obama's world

Post by Atomic1 »

Want to Watch a real leader in action , then watch how Putin backs Assad in Syria and sets up a port there, then goes into Europe and Germany and drives the Islamic Extremists out and props up those countries and then he will make Russia the leader of the New world as he sets up in those Countries as well . The American dollar will lose its value etc..
As Putin drives the Islamic Extremists out of these other lands Obama has the doors open here for his Muslim Brotherhood because after all " they just need jobs. "
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Re: Obama's world

Post by steamboat1 »

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