T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by Highway Star »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
Highway Star wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:
Highway Star wrote:
Aren't you like a hotel/restaurant manager by trade? I'm going to guess that you're the least educated person in this thread.
Quite a while ago. And there are a number of people in the hospitality industry with extensive formal educations. Nice stereotype though.

Currently I am Director of Business Development for a medical technology firm.
Do you hold a STEM undergraduate degree?
I think DHS is coming full-circle on this one ... education is not critical to being (a) an informed voter, or (b) successful (in terms of $).

I used to work at McDonald's. Every now and then our Store Manager would be off on vacation so this guy, dressed like a Store Manager, would come in and sub. Very unassuming, but good at what he did. Later on I found out he went from taking orders to owning three McDonald's in my area. He was making a killing, despite no formal education.
Well, based on DHS's (exceptionally poor) statistical analysis in the other thread, I'm going to take a wild guess that he's never had a college level statistics/probability class. Which means he doesn't have a STEM degree. Which means he's not a strong critical thinker.

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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

madhatter wrote:MOE
oh yea ....

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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by steamboat1 »

deadheadskier wrote:Currently I am Director of Business Development for a medical technology firm.
In other words a traveling salesman
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by freeski »

steamboat1 wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:Currently I am Director of Business Development for a medical technology firm.
In other words a traveling salesman
He's a drug dealer. He sounds like he's amazed he found a real job; quite impressed with himself. I guess he thought he'd flip burgers all his life. SB1 you were right about this guy all along.
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by steamboat1 »

Highway Star wrote:Well, based on DHS's (exceptionally poor) statistical analysis in the other thread, I'm going to take a wild guess that he's never had a college level statistics/probability class. Which means he doesn't have a STEM degree. Which means he's not a strong critical thinker.
You mean Quantitative Analysis. That was easy, it's calculus that kicked my ass. Wound up getting A's in the 2 semesters of QA I had to take, don't know how but got but got one in calculus too.
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by steamboat1 »

deadheadskier wrote:Fact: Liberals are likely to do more research and develop their political ideology from a wider range of sources than conservatives because they are more educated.
Actually research has found it quite the opposite. It's republicans who are more politically knowledgeable & willing to listen to a wide range of opinions. It's democrats who have a tendency to shut out opinions that differ with theirs.
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by deadheadskier »

I'll give credit where it's due. Great speech by Trump. Clinton won't have an answer next week or in any future debates. He will win this election very easily. This is the pivot people have been waiting for. Nothing I've seen from the man before has seemed presidential. He's always ruined it with stupid crudeness and insults. Not tonight.

Good job Trump.
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by Rime & Reason »

According to Nate Silver: “In exit polls, low education levels are a much stronger predictor of Trump support than low incomes. GOP primary voters are pretty well-off.”

https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/statu ... 1491601411" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

So congratulations Trump supporters, you're not poor, just poorly educated, and we all know Trump loves the poorly educated.
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by Highway Star »

deadheadskier wrote:I'll give credit where it's due. Great speech by Trump. Clinton won't have an answer next week or in any future debates. He will win this election very easily. This is the pivot people have been waiting for. Nothing I've seen from the man before has seemed presidential. He's always ruined it with stupid crudeness and insults. Not tonight.

Good job Trump.
Who are you and what have you done with DHS?

Trump is incredibly compelling and convincing, once you get past the media spin and actually listen to him. He speaks plainly, authentically, and presents a (business) case regarding difficult issues. People may not agree with all his positions, but many people will be compelled by him and strongly agree on at least some issues, especially compared with the alternatives out there.

I started this thread over a year ago, when I first heard him in an interview...........

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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by deadheadskier »

I don't agree with everything he said, but he did outline a lot of issues that resonate with American people. Crime is a problem (though it's still lower than what he claims and we are better off as a whole than we have been in a long time.) terrorism is on a the rise domestically and globally and deserves a number of resources. Many trade agreements are a disaster (even if professionally he has benefited).

He still has a lot to do more to frame a plan that is realistic and we're able to fund. A lot of his desires are going to cost a TON of money and there's no guarantee that tax rates can be cut and result in revenue increases that will offset those expenses.

If there was one word he used repeatedly that I think he needs to back off from its his repeated use of the word "quickly." He's running for President not Dictator. Yes he can use executive orderss to circumvent Congress, but there are limitations to how effective that can be. Just like Obama, he's going to be met with a lot of resistance in Congress even on issues with public majority support.

It was good to see him be serious and stay mostly on script. That's the pivot people want, not his off the cuff antics. He was darker than Id like to see, but not Hitler like some are reacting.

Like I said. Credit where credit is due. He wasn't a reality TV star last night. He did well.
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by Mister Moose »

Trump's speech last night (I missed the first 15 minutes) was long and mostly repeated stuff we've heard before. It was too shouty at times. It lacked Trump's full impact, instead it felt packaged. Perhaps a better way to explain what I'm trying to get across is that in November when all the best Trump lines are compiled, none will be from his acceptance speech. I heard more new and interesting stuff from his kids at times than from him. Ivanka's comments on outstanding women executives pay and benefits in the Trump organization, if vetted to be true, are a powerful counterpoint to what Clinton has done and accomplished. His son listing segments of the electorate such as miners and steelworkers and saying "My father will fight for you." The one thing I noticed Trump himself say that was new was his assurance to the LBGTQ community that he would protect them. That brought a long waving cheer from the audience, and in what had to be an ad lib, Trump added "And I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear you cheer for that", or words to that effect. This is the most gay supportive statement I can think of from the Republicans, and it signifies a shift in both the electorate and their choice of a nominee. Say what you want about Trump, he will attract a very different demographic, and the traditional electoral map will shift as a result.

The mood of the nation is time for a change, and there is only one change candidate. Clinton cannot paint herself as change or an outsider. She cannot escape her history. She will run on the strengths of the Democrat party, and on the social issues the Democrats historically have done well with. There will probably even be some Bush blame thrown in when it comes to defending the Obama economy.

As for the Ted Cruz debacle, I don't see it as some wart on the convention. It only reminds us of the Never Trumpers, and the reasons the nation has doubts about a Trump presidency. Cruz would do well to distinguish between the personal attacks on his wife and father he had to endure, and the overall candidate. He should accent the reasons that even a flawed Trump would be better than a scandal filled Clinton. It seems to me that he can endorse the candidacy and not the personality. Imagine if Cruz had said this:

"Donald Trump has said some insensitive things, and in my case they were so insensitive I still cannot get past them. However, in spite of this flaw, Donald Trump remains a far better candidate than Hillary Clinton in character, in accomplishments, in ideas, and in vision. America, you should vote for him, and I will too."

Pundits are saying Cruz is washed up, but it has to be way too early to even mention that. But none of that would be in the press if Cruz had made a statement similar to the one above. Cruz was planning on sweeping up Trump's leftovers after he flamed out, perhaps Cruz is still making that increasingly long play.
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by brownman »

This thing isn't even into the second inning :!:

Last night took patronizing to another level.
Only missing tag line was ... Where's the Beef?

Watch the swinging pendulum, next week and after each debate.
The 'yet undecided' will determine this election.

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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by Mister Moose »

deadheadskier wrote: If there was one word he used repeatedly that I think he needs to back off from its his repeated use of the word "quickly." He's running for President not Dictator. Yes he can use executive orderss to circumvent Congress, but there are limitations to how effective that can be. Just like Obama, he's going to be met with a lot of resistance in Congress even on issues with public majority support.
Things Trump can do quickly:

Appoint a new AG.
Make a new recommendation for the vacant Supreme Court seat.
Change the approach in fighting ISIS.
Appoint a commission to study and recommend a different substitute for Obama care.
Find a sponsor(s) and get a bill for The Wall to congress. If it doesn't pass, Trump is off the hook.
Direct agencies to renegotiate trade balance.
Direct State to renegotiate the Iran disaster.
Appoint a commission to come up with his tax plan and IRS plan.
Direct all federal agencies to enforce immigration law.
Direct all federal agencies to enforce employment law.
Direct the Department of Education to return the bulk of control to the States.
Direct the Department of Energy to reduce staff by 50%.

Audit all democrat non profits and delay new ones, just for fun.
Send a check from the left over "Obama Stash" to pay for the new South Ridge Triple.
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by deadheadskier »


But that doesn't mean "law and order will be restored" quickly. Chicago can't be fixed overnight and if it's not, conservatives better blame Trump, just like they do Obama even though city crime is mainly a state issue.

You can't also expect terrorism to end quickly. It's a baked in ideology that will take time to fix.

And like I said, a lot of his plans are going to cost HUGE money. That money isn't going to appear "quickly."
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

deadheadskier wrote:Sure

But that doesn't mean "law and order will be restored" quickly. Chicago can't be fixed overnight and if it's not, conservatives better blame Trump, just like they do Obama even though city crime is mainly a state issue.

You can't also expect terrorism to end quickly. It's a baked in ideology that will take time to fix.

And like I said, a lot of his plans are going to cost HUGE money. That money isn't going to appear "quickly."
Chicago? I thought Trump was talking about our country .... killing of police officers, politicians getting away with felonies, a POTUS and DNC actively dividing the country (Michael Brown's mom is speaking at the DNC :roll: ). I don't think many heard Trump's "law and order" and felt he's on the hook for Chicago.

Chicago isn't on Obama, but I think many use Chicago as a means to evidence gun control does not always correlate with less incidents involving guns. I think where people place blame for Chicago is on Democrats who have controlled that city for sometimes.
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