Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

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Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by madhatter »

Wells Fargo Fires 5,300 For Engaging In Massive Fraud, Creating Over 2 Million Fake Accounts
For years we have wondered why Wells Fargo, America's largest mortgage lender, is also Warren Buffett's favorite bank. Now we know why.

On Thursday, Wells Fargo was fined $185 million, (including a $100 million penalty from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the largest penalty the agency has ever issued) for engaging in pervasive fraud over the years which included opening credit cards secretly without a customer’s consent, creating fake email accounts to sign up customers for online banking services, and forcing customers to accumulate late fees on accounts they never even knew they had. Regulators said such illegal sales practices had been going on since at least 2011.

In all, Wells opened 1.5 million bank accounts and "applied" for 565,000 credit cards that were not authorized by their customers.

Wells Fargo told to CNN that it had fired 5,300 employees related to the shady behavior over the last few years. The firings represent about 1% of its workforce and took place over several years. The fired workers went to far as to create phony PIN numbers and fake email addresses to enroll customers in online banking services, the CFPB said.

How Wells perpetrated fraud is that its employees moved funds from customers' existing accounts into newly-created accounts without their knowledge or consent, regulators say. The CFPB described this practice as "widespread" and led to customers being charged for insufficient funds or overdraft fees, because the money was not in their original accounts. Additionally, Wells Fargo employees also submitted applications for 565,443 credit card accounts without their knowledge or consent, the CFPB said the analysis found. Many customers who had unauthorized credit cards opened in their names were hit by annual fees, interest charges and other fees.

According to the NYT, regulators said the bank’s employees had been motivated to open the unauthorized accounts by compensation policies that rewarded them for drumming up new business. Many current and former Wells employees told regulators they had felt extreme pressure to expand the number of new accounts at the bank.

And, since it is US government policy never to send a banker to prison, they thought that engaging in criminal behavior was not such a bad idea.

Federal banking regulators said the practices reflected serious flaws in the internal culture and oversight at Wells Fargo, one of the nation’s largest banks.

"Today's action should serve notice to the entire industry that financial incentive programs, if not monitored carefully, carry serious risks that can have serious legal consequences," said CFPB Director Richard Cordray. He added that “unchecked incentives can lead to serious consumer harm, and that is what happened here."

"Consumers must be able to trust their banks. They should never be taken advantage of," said Mike Feuer, the Los Angeles City Attorney who joined the settlement.

On its behalf Wells fargo issued a statement saying it “is committed to putting our customers’ interests first 100 percent of the time, and we regret and take responsibility for any instances where customers may have received a product that they did not request,” the bank said in a statement adding that "at Wells Fargo, when we make mistakes, we are open about it, we take responsibility, and we take action."

As the NYT puts it, "this is an ugly moment for Wells Fargo, one of the few large American banks that have managed to produce consistent profit increases since the financial crisis." Now we know one of the reasons why.

As CNN redundantly adds, "the scope of the scandal is shocking."

And since nobody will go to prison, in a few months we will read another such "shocking scandal" perpetrated by another bailed-out bank.
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Re: Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by madhatter »

Money Laundering Scheme Exposed: 14 Pro-Clinton Super PACs & Non-Profits Implicated
This is serious.
David Brock operates over a dozen pro-Clinton organizations from his office in Washington DC.
Uncovered records expose a constant flow of money between his organizations.
Brock’s unregistered Professional Solicitor, the Bonner Group, receives a 12.5% cut every time money is moved.
There’s a reason why David Brock chooses to house an unregistered Professional Solicitor in his office to raise money for his conglomerate of Super PACs and non-profits.

Professional Solicitors are required to disclose their active solicitation contracts. Brock wants his unregistered solicitor, the Bonner Group, to keep their client list hidden for a very specific reason.

David Brock is laundering money
David Brock has 7 non-profits, 3 Super PACs, one 527-committee, one LLC, one joint fundraising committee, and one unregistered solicitor crammed into his office in Washington DC.

Uncovered records expose a constant flow of money between these organizations.

The Bonner Group, his professional solicitor, works off a commission. Every time money gets passed around, Bonner receives a 12.5% cut.

Follow the money
Nonprofits are required to disclose who they give cash grants to.

But they aren’t required to disclose who gave them cash grants.

This weak system of one way verification is being abused by Brock. He’s been cycling money between his organizations for years, and the Bonner Group’s 12.5% commission gets triggered after every pass.

In 2014, Media Matters for America raised $10,021,188.

The Bonner Group was credited for raising these funds. Media Matters paid them a $1,147,882 commission.


That same year, Media Matters gave a $930,000 cash grant to David Brock’s Franklin Education Forum, an organization that shares office space with Media Matters


In 2014, the Franklin Education Forum reported $994,000 in total contributions. 93.6% of that total came from Media Matters!

Surprisingly, though, the Franklin Education Forum gave full credit to Bonner for raising that money. They paid the fundraiser a $124,250 commission in 2014!


Notice what happened?
David Brock’s Media Matters gave a $930,000 cash grant to David Brock’s Franklin Education Forum
David Brock’s Franklin Education Forum credited the Bonner Group for raising those funds, triggering the 12.5% commission
David Brock paid the Bonner Group a $124,250 commission to solicit a cash grant … from himself!

It doesn’t stop there
After the Franklin Education Forum retained $869,750, they sent a $816,224 cash grant to David Brock’s The Franklin Forum:


Note: The ‘Franklin Education Forum’ is a 501(c)3, and ‘The Franklin Forum’ is a 501(c)4. They are not the same company.

Since The Franklin Forum 501(c)4 paid Bonner a commission in 2013, it’s safe to assume fundraiser received a $102,028 commission in 2014. Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell for sure. They still haven’t filed their taxes for 2014!

Let’s recap
Say, for example, you donate $1,062,857 to Media Matters for America. This is how David Brock would have used your charitable donation in 2014:

Media Matters would receive your $1,062,857 donation
The Bonner Group would earn a $132,857 commission
Media Matters would retain $930,000
Next, Media Matters would give what’s left of your entire donation, $930,000, to the Franklin Education Forum
The Bonner Group would ‘earn’ a $116,250 commission
The Franklin Education Forum would retain $813,750
The Franklin Education Forum would then forward the remaining $813,750 to The Franklin Forum
The Bonner Group would ‘earn’ a $101,718 commission
The Franklin Forum would retain $712,031
In the end, Brock’s solicitor would have pocketed $350,825, almost a third of your initial donation! That’s a far cry from the advertised 12.5% commission.

As bizarre as that scenario may sound, this is exactly what David Brock did in 2014.

How can we be sure this is intentional?
David Brock is the Chairman for each of these organizations! How could he not know what’s going on?

He’s a hands-on Chairman. According to their tax returns, Brock allocates time, weekly, to his organizations:

Media Matters: 31.50 hours per week
Franklin Education Forum: 3 hours per week
The Franklin Forum: 1 hour per week
Furthermore, the New York Times reports that David Brock shares a summer rental in the Hamptons with Mary Pat Bonner, the President of the Bonner Group!

David Brock will have a hard time claiming ignorance on this. These transfers are intentional. He vacations with his solicitor. Case closed.

Still not convinced?
David Brock didn’t even bother to give his organizations different phone numbers. They all share the same phone number!

What if…?
We even located the Bonner Group’s solicitation agreement with Media Matters on Florida’s Gift Givers’ Guide. Clarification on their commission can be found on page 2:


In English: Contractually, David Brock has the option to exclude certain contributions from triggering the commission. In spite of this option, he intentionally chooses to trigger the 12.5% commission for money grants between his organizations.

Note: Yes, we are making the assumption that all of Brock’s organizations have the same solicitation agreement with the Bonner Group. Given that his organizations share the same address, board members, and telephone number, we feel it’s safe to assume they also share the same solicitation agreement.

This barely scratches the surface
Utilizing public facing tax returns, along with records submitted to the FEC, we mapped out all the significant money transfers from 2014 that took place in Brock’s office:



This is all from just one year! No further commentary required.

We understand this may be hard to believe. We first came across this in July, and are still having a hard time wrapping our heads around it.

All of the data referenced in this article originated from publicly accessible sources. Check for yourself – we provided links to the source material in our article exposing the organizations operating in Brock’s office, This data has been sitting out in the open, gathering dust for years!

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

We’ve spent months trying to find some sort of loophole to justify this activity. But there aren’t any loopholes. David Brock has something to hide. Just last week, The Daily Caller reported the following:

“Brock’s former long-time live-in boyfriend William Grey (whom Brock has thanked in several of his books) threatened to go to the IRS with damaging information about how Brock was running his Media Matters empire. What did Brock do? He paid Grey $850,000 to keep quiet. Brock reportedly had to sell his home in Rehoboth, Delaware to come up with the money. This certainly seems to indicate that Brock was terrified about what the authorities would uncover.”

Adding to this, Fox News reported the following:

“Grey accused Brock of “financial malfeasance” and threatened to undermine Brock’s fundraising efforts.

“Next step is I contact all your donors and the IRS,” Grey wrote in an email dated May 19, 2010. “This is going to stink for you if you do not resolve this now.””

We believe that the information presented in this article is what has Brock so terrified. We feel confident in saying, with close to absolute certainty, that David Brock is laundering money through his Media Matters conglomerate.

Look at the argument we’ve been making on The Citizens Audit:

The 14 organizations stuffed into Brock’s office in Washington DC
The fraudulent tax returns filed by Media Matters for America
The dirty money flowing into the conglomerate via his unregistered solicitor, the Bonner Group
The records exposed and analyzed in this article
scumbags, f@cking scumbags everywhere...
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Re: Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

madhatter wrote:Wells Fargo Fires 5,300 For Engaging In Massive Fraud, Creating Over 2 Million Fake Accounts
Egh. Not sure I really care that much about this. It's <1% of the workforce and the firings took place over several years. You're talking about minimum wage folks engaging in collusion. Collusion is hard to detect, especially immaterial collusion and in the size of a corporation the size of WF. I don't see how a CEO would need to step down because of it. If anything, branch managers or their area managers should be on the hook.

There's still a lot of information missing. It's not clear how this fraud may have impact financial statements and misled investors. My guess as I mentioned above is it's immaterial in the grand scheme of a $86B company. Now if there's more to the story, like this is part of the reason the CFO left recently, then we're talking internal control breakdown and we could be seeing SOX penalties and KPMG could be implicated (could be another Enron or Worldcomm, etc.). Might get interesting. I just don't see the $$ being high enough to result in anything more than the fine already levied. We'll see.
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Re: Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:Wells Fargo Fires 5,300 For Engaging In Massive Fraud, Creating Over 2 Million Fake Accounts
Egh. Not sure I really care that much about this. It's <1% of the workforce and the firings took place over several years. You're talking about minimum wage folks engaging in collusion. Collusion is hard to detect, especially immaterial collusion and in the size of a corporation the size of WF. I don't see how a CEO would need to step down because of it. If anything, branch managers or their area managers should be on the hook.

There's still a lot of information missing. It's not clear how this fraud may have impact financial statements and misled investors. My guess as I mentioned above is it's immaterial in the grand scheme of a $86B company. Now if there's more to the story, like this is part of the reason the CFO left recently, then we're talking internal control breakdown and we could be seeing SOX penalties and KPMG could be implicated (could be another Enron or Worldcomm, etc.). Might get interesting. I just don't see the $$ being high enough to result in anything more than the fine already levied. We'll see.
sux if it's your credit that gets hosed...
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Re: Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:Wells Fargo Fires 5,300 For Engaging In Massive Fraud, Creating Over 2 Million Fake Accounts
Egh. Not sure I really care that much about this. It's <1% of the workforce and the firings took place over several years. You're talking about minimum wage folks engaging in collusion. Collusion is hard to detect, especially immaterial collusion and in the size of a corporation the size of WF. I don't see how a CEO would need to step down because of it. If anything, branch managers or their area managers should be on the hook.

There's still a lot of information missing. It's not clear how this fraud may have impact financial statements and misled investors. My guess as I mentioned above is it's immaterial in the grand scheme of a $86B company. Now if there's more to the story, like this is part of the reason the CFO left recently, then we're talking internal control breakdown and we could be seeing SOX penalties and KPMG could be implicated (could be another Enron or Worldcomm, etc.). Might get interesting. I just don't see the $$ being high enough to result in anything more than the fine already levied. We'll see.
sux if it's your credit that gets hosed...
Of course WF is still responsible for rectifying the issue, but the punishment should be commensurate with the fraud. $.02

Personally, I can't imagine how someone could overlook money missing from their account. We foot our accounts to the penny on a monthly basis. Every cent is accounted for.
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Re: Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:Wells Fargo Fires 5,300 For Engaging In Massive Fraud, Creating Over 2 Million Fake Accounts
Egh. Not sure I really care that much about this. It's <1% of the workforce and the firings took place over several years. You're talking about minimum wage folks engaging in collusion. Collusion is hard to detect, especially immaterial collusion and in the size of a corporation the size of WF. I don't see how a CEO would need to step down because of it. If anything, branch managers or their area managers should be on the hook.

There's still a lot of information missing. It's not clear how this fraud may have impact financial statements and misled investors. My guess as I mentioned above is it's immaterial in the grand scheme of a $86B company. Now if there's more to the story, like this is part of the reason the CFO left recently, then we're talking internal control breakdown and we could be seeing SOX penalties and KPMG could be implicated (could be another Enron or Worldcomm, etc.). Might get interesting. I just don't see the $$ being high enough to result in anything more than the fine already levied. We'll see.
sux if it's your credit that gets hosed...
Of course WF is still responsible for rectifying the issue, but the punishment should be commensurate with the fraud. $.02

Personally, I can't imagine how someone could overlook money missing from their account. We foot our accounts to the penny on a monthly basis. Every cent is accounted for.
this woman was my sister in laws boss... ... story.html" onclick=";return false;
The former loan manager at a Windsor Locks credit union was sentenced to 21 months in prison Wednesday for embezzling $840,000 from the bank.

Federal prosecutors said Pamela Mallory, 44, of Enfield, stole the money between 2009 and 2016 by activating a dormant account belonging to an elderly member of the 360 Federal Credit Union.

Mallory admitted opening five successively larger lines of credit on the elderly member's home. She made interest payments to cover the theft and used successively larger loans to pay off smaller, prior loans.

An FBI analysis of spending records shows that Mallory used much of the money to pay off creditors, but spent lavishly as well on travel and other personal expenses.

Her lawyer, Robert B. Muchinsky, argued that Mallory was subjected to years of violent abuse by her ex-husband and it was he who forced her to steal from the credit union to cover his debts. Muchinsky asked that Mallory be sentenced to no more than a year in prison.

U.S. District Judge Robert N. Chatigny said he was imposing a longer sentence because Mallory's embezzlement continued for three years after she divorced her husband in 2013.

The spending records show that Mallory spent $10,000 on travel in 2013, $9,500 in 2014 and $7,500 in 2015 on cruises, trips to Jamaica, visits to casinos and on vacations in Maine, California and Florida.

Mallory was found out in December 2015 when an employee in the credit union's loss prevention department called the elderly member about a delinquent payment. The member said she had no loans and further analysis showed irregularities in the loan applications, including a one-digit error in the member's Social Security number.

Credit Union President Robert L. Aresti told the court that the embezzlement has been "traumatic" for his employees and members. He said his internal investigation turned up information suggesting that Mallory's fraud may have exceeded that charged by the government.

He said "it appears" that Mallory may have "misappropriated" the identify of a woman who was not a credit union member. He said he found "compelling proof" that Mallory forged the names of her parents to open credit union loans, which she used for "personal, big-ticket items such as vehicles."

In addition to sending Mallory to prison, Chatigny ordered her to repay the $840,000 to the credit union at the rate of $100 a month.
should have that paid off in no time... :shock:

and this sh!t is going on everywhere...
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Re: Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

madhatter wrote:should have that paid off in no time... :shock:

and this sh!t is going on everywhere...
Not bad. Get nearly a million dollars, probably spend less than 12 months in a low-security prison, only have to pay it off at $100/month.

It's hard to detect this stuff in large organizations because it's usually immaterial and in smaller organizations because they don't have the means to detect it. It's more costly to prevent it than it is to just write-off when it happens. There's always people that think they're entitled - just go to your local grocery store to witness all the carts not brought back to the cart return.
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Re: Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by deadheadskier »

Yep, corruption everywhere. ..." onclick=";return false;

Maybe your donations to his charity helped secure that sweet Tebow helmet
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Re: Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:Yep, corruption everywhere. ..." onclick=";return false;

Maybe your donations to his charity helped secure that sweet Tebow helmet
well if that's the case then he should have to comply w whatever a court's not my battle...doesn't really bother me much as the charities got their donations sometimes more, but if it's illegal ( and that's obviously yet to be determined) then it's illegal and he should face consequences under the law...

keep us posted as to the outcome of this and the many other accusations lobbed at/from both sides...
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Re: Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

deadheadskier wrote:Yep, corruption everywhere. ..." onclick=";return false;

Maybe your donations to his charity helped secure that sweet Tebow helmet
I personally would never donate to a private charity. Likewise, I wouldn't donate to a public charity which prohibits non-profits to assess their financials (e.g., charity navigator).
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Re: Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by madhatter »

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Re: Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by madhatter » ... r-nonsense" onclick=";return false;
$220,500.00 in the month of September alone paid by Hillary Clinton’s Priorities USA Super-PAC to Hart Research Associates.
The President of Hart Research Associates, Geoff Garin, is working for Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
NBC (S Burke) and The WSJ (Murdoch) contact Geoff Garin (Hart Research Associates) for the post-debate poll data they will use on the day following the debate.
Hart Research Associates provides a small national poll sample (500) result, with skewed party internals, showing Hillary Clinton +11 points.
Do you see now how “media polling” works, and why we advise to ignore it?
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Re: Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by madhatter » ... 1465895716" onclick=";return false;

Did NBC plan video leak to take down Donald Trump?
NBC execs are rumored to have leaked the despicable Donald Trump “grab ’em by the p - - - y” tape to the Washington Post in a bid to influence the presidential race, sources tell Page Six.

But NBC News is also holding back a potentially damaging tape of Hillary Clinton.

Bill Clinton’s rape accuser, Juanita Broaddrick, claimed during a 1999 “Dateline” interview that Bill allegedly forcibly had sex with her while he was governor of Arkansas.

Broaddrick then described how she was at an event weeks after the alleged rape, and Hillary made a beeline for her. She claims Hillary had grabbed her hand and thanked her for “everything you do for Bill.” Broaddrick added that when she tried to pull away, Hillary looked her in the eye and firmly repeated the same line, “which she assumed was a threat. Hillary wanted her to keep her silence.”
the answer to that question is the same answer to this one....

Did NBC intentionally alter the zimmerman 911 call to make it look like he stalked martin simply because he was black... ... pologizes/" onclick=";return false;
The Washington Post‘s Erik Wemple highlighted the difference between the edited and full audio:

This is how the program portrayed a segment of that conversation:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

And here is how it actually went down:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s r*ining and he’s just walking around, looking about.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.
the media did the same thing to bernie and now trump yet so many of you ( barely) useful idiots are gobbling it up...and THAT is truly the saddest part of all of this....
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Re: Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by madhatter » ... candidates" onclick=";return false;
As the Charlotte Observer reported over the weekend, someone “threw a bottle of flammable liquid through the window of Orange County’s GOP headquarters, setting campaign signs, supplies and furniture ablaze before burning itself out.” Fortunately, no one was hurt in the blaze, but the property damage was considerable.

This was no accident: as the local report added, a swastika and “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else” were spray painted on the side of an adjacent building.
Then Donald Trump decided to weigh in.
“Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning.”
The Republican presidential hopeful has no proof about the assailant or his/her motivations, but Trump doesn’t believe in waiting for facts before responding to events. It’s not an attractive quality in someone seeking to lead.

Similarly, making knee-jerk assumptions about this kind of violence does little to help calm a volatile situation. On the contrary, Trump, putting his instincts on display, spoke out in such a way as to make matters worse.

This was the latest in a series of leadership tests for Trump. All he had to do was condemn the attack and express support for the community and the affected officials. But Trump just can’t help himself – which is why he immediately and reflexively accused the firebomber of “representing” Democrats, based on nothing but his own evidence-free assumptions. Would-be presidents really ought to know better.
yep based on "nothing except the burned out building , the swastika and the "Nazi Republicans get out of town or else” that were spray painted on the side of an adjacent building."

yeah clearly it C/B a republican that did this...or maybe it was a johnson supporter? Stein supporter? anyone but a dem...and of course we have no idea at all what the motivation for this was... :roll:

MSM keeping america as stupid as possible...
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Re: Corruption and fraud EVERYWHERE

Post by madhatter »

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