T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by boston_e »

madhatter wrote:
c'mon even you know that the left is FAR more prone to vandalism and other juvenile acts based solely on emotional response...to even remotely suggest that the right regularly vandalizes private and public property as a means of political demonstration is absurd...
Well, really I was just talking about signs in peoples yards and not so much the more national stuff. As mentioned I do have friends with signs for both Drumph and Cankle who have had their signs stolen / ripped up etc. One with a Cankle sign had it ripped in half and "c**t" scrawled on it in magic marker... and yes I do think it is really sad that there are people who would do things like that from either side.

Nationally, I would probably agree we see perhaps somewhat more of it from the loony left... however there is plenty from the loony right as well... there has been planned parenthood harassment / threats / shootings from religious right wing zealots, Bundy ranch standoffs, I remember when Obamacare was passed bricks being thrown through democratic office windows, threats of violence to any official who would vote for Obamacare etc etc, so lets not pretend there are no loons on the right side of things either.

Obviously I denounce it all.
madhatter wrote:
I can see where ya don't want drumph whose name was never drumph BTW cuz ya know , he's orange ( apparently the only color of skin that is totally acceptable to attack other than maybe white) and women let him "grab em on the pussy" ( unless you've experienced it yourself it's hard to understand that women are FAR more aggressive than men when they see one they want, it's also easy to understand why women who could never attract those men would hate both them and the women who seek them)... he also says "bigly"...but to be honest EVERY R candidate would be a nonstarter for you/them anyway...Actually I voted for Kasich in the primary and looking forward I'm hoping Charlie Baker is a viable candidate in 4 years so indeed there are R candidates I would be happy to vote for

I can also see where if you have even one shred of integrity or concern for the electoral process or the rule of law where one couldn't support hillary either...

but ONE of them WILL be president and last I checked none of trumps "transgressions" would play any role in governing, where-as every part of clintons "transgressions" would certainly affect every aspect of "governing"...

trump transgressions = emotional

clinton transgressions = criminal

pretty simple...

meanwhile in your particular case and I'm paraphrasing " I wish johnson wasn't a complete moron but I'll vote for him anyway" is supposed to represent any kind of in depth political analysis or perspective? or a viable option? it's basically a punt...an excuse to say I didn't vote for clinton... you also did nothing to help put her in jail where she belongs...only a trump win will allow hillary to be held accountable for her crimes and corruption...a victory for her allows her to whitewash it all and double down w even more cover...
In a way you are correct. I was much more enthusiastic about Johnson before he proved himself to be somewhat of a dope with his lack of foreign policy knowledge. I really really wish Weld were at the top of the ticket, then it would be a no brainier. Keep in mind that there is zero chance that Massachusetts does not go blue, so my vote will really be more of a protest vote, but at least I'll be able to sleep at night knowing I didn't vote for either the idiot or the criminal. (Actually as it is turning out they both could very well end up being criminals).
Last edited by boston_e on Oct 25th, '16, 08:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by boston_e »

madhatter wrote: outside of the presidency the best they can hope for it seems is a 50/50 split in the senate if trump supporters who supposedly left joe heck because of him denouncing trump don't return...zero chance of gaining a majority in the house...
I believe this is correct... the senate seems like a "toss up" as to who gets the majority and there is no way the house goes blue.
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by madhatter »

boston_e wrote:
madhatter wrote:
c'mon even you know that the left is FAR more prone to vandalism and other juvenile acts based solely on emotional response...to even remotely suggest that the right regularly vandalizes private and public property as a means of political demonstration is absurd...
Well, really I was just talking about signs in peoples yards and not so much the more national stuff. As mentioned I do have friends with signs for both Drumph and Cankle who have had their signs stolen / ripped up etc. One with a Cankle sign had it ripped in half and "c**t" scrawled on it in magic marker... and yes I do think it is really sad that there are people who would do things like that from either side.

Nationally, I would probably agree we see perhaps somewhat more of it from the loony left... however there is plenty from the loony right as well... there has been planned parenthood harassment / threats / shootings from religious right wing zealots, Bundy ranch standoffs, I remember when Obamacare was passed bricks being thrown through democratic office windows, threats of violence to any official who would vote for Obamacare etc etc, so lets not pretend there are no loons on the right side of things either.my point was that right oriented loon attacks are almost always on perceived opposition targets as you mentioned, not just random violence, vandalism and destruction...I'm not condoning it in any way, but to my point earlier, if/when "ends justify the means" takes over as the methodology of choice for both fringes how do you think that will play out?

Obviously I denounce it all.
madhatter wrote:
I can see where ya don't want drumph whose name was never drumph BTW cuz ya know , he's orange ( apparently the only color of skin that is totally acceptable to attack other than maybe white) and women let him "grab em on the pussy" ( unless you've experienced it yourself it's hard to understand that women are FAR more aggressive than men when they see one they want, it's also easy to understand why women who could never attract those men would hate both them and the women who seek them)... he also says "bigly"...but to be honest EVERY R candidate would be a nonstarter for you/them anyway...Actually I voted for Kasich in the primary and looking forward I'm hoping Charlie Baker is a viable candidate in 4 years so indeed there are R candidates I would be happy to vote for

I can also see where if you have even one shred of integrity or concern for the electoral process or the rule of law where one couldn't support hillary either...

but ONE of them WILL be president and last I checked none of trumps "transgressions" would play any role in governing, where-as every part of clintons "transgressions" would certainly affect every aspect of "governing"...

trump transgressions = emotional

clinton transgressions = criminal

pretty simple...

meanwhile in your particular case and I'm paraphrasing " I wish johnson wasn't a complete moron but I'll vote for him anyway" is supposed to represent any kind of in depth political analysis or perspective? or a viable option? it's basically a punt...an excuse to say I didn't vote for clinton... you also did nothing to help put her in jail where she belongs...only a trump win will allow hillary to be held accountable for her crimes and corruption...a victory for her allows her to whitewash it all and double down w even more cover...
In a way you are correct. I was much more enthusiastic about Johnson before he proved himself to be somewhat of a dope with his lack of foreign policy knowledge. I really really with Weld were at the top of the ticket, then it would be a no brainier. Keep in mind that there is zero chance that Massachusetts does not go blue, so my vote will really be more of a protest vote, but at least I'll be able to sleep at night knowing I didn't vote for either the idiot or the criminal. (Actually as it is turning out they both could very well end up being criminals).

3 things
1 there will not BE a viable republican candidate if this sham of an election crowns hillary...

2 your vote is a punt, and in effect will help elect one of them, so in effect you voted for both of them...

3 looking at hillary's FB page ( it was trending on FB) I was quite happy to see that warren;s "nasty women" rant was soundly rejected as the propagandist BS identity politics aimed at ( barely) useful idiots that it is...

https://www.facebook.com/hillaryclinton ... CH&fref=nf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

perhaps the populace isn't quite as gullible as the MSM wishes they were...
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by madhatter »

URL won;t load because of F word

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-2 ... an-history" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I know a lot of people in Michigan that are planning to vote for Trump and they don't necessarily agree with him. They're not racist or redneck, they're actually pretty decent people and so after talking to a number of them I wanted to write this.

Donald Trump came to the Detroit Economic Club and stood there in front of Ford Motor executives and said "if you close these factories as you're planning to do in Detroit and build them in Mexico, I'm going to put a 35% tariff on those cars when you send them back and nobody's going to buy them." It was an amazing thing to see. No politician, Republican or Democrat, had ever said anything like that to these executives, and it was music to the ears of people in Michigan and Ohio and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - the "Brexit" states.

You live here in Ohio, you know what I'm talking about. Whether Trump means it or not, is kind of irrelevant because he's saying the things to people who are hurting, and that's why every beaten-down, nameless, forgotten working stiff who used to be part of what was called the middle class loves Trump. He is the human Molotov Cocktail that they've been waiting for; the human hand grande that they can legally throw into the system that stole their lives from them. And on November 8, although they lost their jobs, although they've been foreclose on by the bank, next came the divorce and now the wife and kids are gone, the car's been repoed, they haven't had a real vacation in years, they're stuck with the shitty Obamacare bronze plan where you can't even get a f*** percocet, they've essentially lost everything they had except one thing - the one thing that doesn't cost them a cent and is guaranteed to them by the American constitution: the right to vote.

They might be penniless, they might be homeless, they might be f*** over and f*** up it doesn't matter, because it's equalized on that day - a millionaire has the same number of votes as the person without a job: one. And there's more of the former middle class than there are in the millionaire class. So on November 8 the dispossessed will walk into the voting booth, be handed a ballot, close the curtain, and take that lever or felt pen or touchscreen and put a big f*** X in the box by the name of the man who has threatened to upend and overturn the very system that has ruined their lives: Donald J Trump.

They see that the elite who ruined their lives hate Trump. Corporate America hates Trump. Wall Street hates Trump. The career politicians hate Trump. The media hates Trump, after they loved him and created him, and now hate. Thank you media: the enemy of my enemy is who I'm voting for on November 8.

Yes, on November 8, you Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, all the Blows get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because it's your right. Trump's election is going to be the biggest f*** ever recorded in human history and it will feel good.
gotta love it
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by deadheadskier »

Unless Trump is a complete fool (possible), this is empty rhetoric designed to get middle america votes.

I do not like Clinton at all, but vastly believe she has a better handle on the economy of the future than Trump does. Trumps economic plan of massively lowering corporate taxes absolutely will not have the affect he promises of all of these jobs coming running back to the country. It will benefit shareholders greatly in the short term, but they are not going to be bringing back manufacturing based jobs like he says and his supporters believe. It will also increase the National Debt even worse than what Obama did. It's a dog whistle to get the attention of people who have been left behind in the economy of the past and somehow think it's coming back the way it once was. Trump is promising something that is either a total lie or he is just incredibly ignorant. I'm going with the former as he couldn't be so clueless on future economics and be the successful businessman that he has been.

The auto industry world wide is going to be a shell of itself in a very short time due to the automation of the fleet. Prediction: Starting in the US and other 1st world nations - private vehicle ownership will essentially be a thing of the past except for the very wealthy. You want to go somewhere? You schedule with an automated service like Uber to take you where you need to go. We will have a fraction of the cars on the road as we have today. With the automation of the fleet and vehicles in constant use instead of sitting in parking lots from 9-5, the demand for vehicles plummets. The improved safety of travel will reduce the insurance industry to a fraction of what it is today eliminating thousands of those traditional jobs. The concept of the workday shifts from our historic 9-5. Where, when and how we work all changes.

This concept is applicable to everywhere that automation will take over. Even the law industry is going to be upended with a drastic reduction in the need for attorneys. It's already proven that computers like Watson can make most legal decisions faster and more accurately than humans.

So, Trumps plan and talk of bringing all these jobs back is utter nonsense. These companies that have off shored these jobs are making one final cash grab and in short order will be closing the factories built over seas as they no longer become needed as 3D printing and AI takes over most of the tasks. Once automation ramps up, what will be brought back are the machines that do the jobs, and not jobs for people. The tax breaks he promises benefits the owners and owners alone. The workers get the shaft again. The debt skyrockets and we face an even greater economic crisis. Trump isn't the anti-establishment candidate people think he is. He IS the establishment and is looking to assume office to benefit people like himself, not workers. His supporters are just not smart enough to realize this.
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:Unless Trump is a complete fool (possible), this is empty rhetoric designed to get middle america votes.

I do not like Clinton at all, but vastly believe she has a better handle on the economy of the future than Trump does. Trumps economic plan of massively lowering corporate taxes absolutely will not have the affect he promises of all of these jobs coming running back to the country. It will benefit shareholders greatly in the short term, but they are not going to be bringing back manufacturing based jobs like he says and his supporters believe. It will also increase the National Debt even worse than what Obama did. It's a dog whistle to get the attention of people who have been left behind in the economy of the past and somehow think it's coming back the way it once was. Trump is promising something that is either a total lie or he is just incredibly ignorant. I'm going with the former as he couldn't be so clueless on future economics and be the successful businessman that he has been.

The auto industry world wide is going to be a shell of itself in a very short time due to the automation of the fleet. Prediction: Starting in the US and other 1st world nations - private vehicle ownership will essentially be a thing of the past except for the very wealthy. You want to go somewhere? You schedule with an automated service like Uber to take you where you need to go. We will have a fraction of the cars on the road as we have today. With the automation of the fleet and vehicles in constant use instead of sitting in parking lots from 9-5, the demand for vehicles plummets. The improved safety of travel will reduce the insurance industry to a fraction of what it is today eliminating thousands of those traditional jobs. The concept of the workday shifts from our historic 9-5. Where, when and how we work all changes.

This concept is applicable to everywhere that automation will take over. Even the law industry is going to be upended with a drastic reduction in the need for attorneys. It's already proven that computers like Watson can make most legal decisions faster and more accurately than humans.

So, Trumps plan and talk of bringing all these jobs back is utter nonsense. These companies that have off shored these jobs are making one final cash grab and in short order will be closing the factories built over seas as they no longer become needed as 3D printing and AI takes over most of the tasks. Once automation ramps up, what will be brought back are the machines that do the jobs, and not jobs for people. The tax breaks he promises benefits the owners and owners alone. The workers get the shaft again. The debt skyrockets and we face an even greater economic crisis. Trump isn't the anti-establishment candidate people think he is. He IS the establishment and is looking to assume office to benefit people like himself, not workers. His supporters are just not smart enough to realize this.
except you fail to include the numerous actionable changes that will go along with that...

repealing and replacing obamacare...

removal of restrictive regulations likely via the obama method i.e. simply refuse to enforce ( see where that's going? it was a very bad idea to allow teh D's to run rampant and roughshod over the law and it'll forever set a precedent for better or for worse, almost guaranteed for the worse...)

incentives to build factories and hire inner city trainees..

border security and enforcement of hiring practices...

renegotiation or voiding of trade deals that don't benefit the US...( this may be done in behind the scenes actions)

https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/economy/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

might as well add in restore faith in govt by prosecuting both clintons, obama, comey and lynch for collusion to influence the outcome of a federal election...
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'exponential reciprocation'- The practice of always giving back more than you take....
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by deadheadskier »

madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:.
except you fail to include the numerous actionable changes that will go along with that...

repealing and replacing obamacare...

removal of restrictive regulations likely via the obama method i.e. simply refuse to enforce ( see where that's going? it was a very bad idea to allow teh D's to run rampant and roughshod over the law and it'll forever set a precedent for better or for worse, almost guaranteed for the worse...)

incentives to build factories and hire inner city trainees..

border security and enforcement of hiring practices...

renegotiation or voiding of trade deals that don't benefit the US...( this may be done in behind the scenes actions)

https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/economy/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

might as well add in restore faith in govt by prosecuting both clintons, obama, comey and lynch for collusion to influence the outcome of a federal election...
repealing and replacing Obamacare with what?

removal of which specific regulations and restrictions?

incentives to build what kind of factories and employing inner city trainees to do what exactly?

The need for better border security is real currently, but will reduce drastically long term. The immigration of people into this country is going to stabilize. Quality of life will improve elsewhere around the world making the desire to move here for better opportunities less necessary. Knowing this reality, I'd be hesitant to throw mass sums of money at that current problem if it involves increasing debt on a large scale.

The concept of renegotiating trade deals is based off of current and historic trading patterns that are going to become near obsolete very quickly. The trinkets we buy from China and sell at Walmart, will be produced here again. The exchanges will only be in raw materials eventually. Trump hammers on this need. Clinton does too because Sanders did and she is trying to placate his base. Technology changes will eliminate most economic advantages that better deals create. Legislation is not going to stop the march towards globalization.

Restore faith in government? A worthy argument. I don't deny much of the corruption you hammer on. I also don't necessarily trust Trump to be the guy to change it. When you bitch about the MSM being biased and then hire another media outlet to run your campaign that's completely biased in your direction, you lose some credibility in my mind. We've reached a point where there needs to be wholesale policy changes that limits media collusion with politicians. No media outlet should have connections to politicians. Shareholders, wives, husbands of media organizations should be removed from eligibility to serve in any government role. How do we make journalism independent again? Slippery slope while also protecting the first amendment.
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by steamboat1 »

deadheadskier wrote:repealing and replacing Obamacare with what?

removal of which specific regulations and restrictions?

incentives to build what kind of factories and employing inner city trainees to do what exactly?
obsolete very quickly. The trinkets we buy from China and sell at Walmart, will be produced here again. The exchanges will only be in raw materials eventually. Trump hammers on this need. Clinton does too because Sanders did and she is trying to placate his base. Technology changes will eliminate most economic advantages that better deals create. Legislation is not going to stop the march towards globalization.

Restore faith in government? A worthy argument. I don't deny much of the corruption you hammer on. I also don't necessarily trust Trump to be the guy to change it. When you bitch about the MSM being biased and then hire another media outlet to run your campaign that's completely biased in your direction, you lose some credibility in my mind. We've reached a point where
The need for better border security is real currently, but will reduce drastically long term. The immigration of people into this country is going to stabilize. Quality of life will improve elsewhere around the world making the desire to move here for better opportunities less necessary. Knowing this reality, I'd be hesitant to throw mass sums of money at that current problem if it involves increasing debt on a large scale.

The concept of renegotiating trade deals is based off of current and historic trading patterns that are going to become near there needs to be wholesale policy changes that limits media collusion with politicians. No media outlet should have connections to politicians. Shareholders, wives, husbands of media organizations should be removed from eligibility to serve in any government role. How do we make journalism independent again? Slippery slope while also protecting the first amendment.
:yawn :yawn :yawn
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by deadheadskier »

steamboat1 wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:repealing and replacing Obamacare with what?

removal of which specific regulations and restrictions?

incentives to build what kind of factories and employing inner city trainees to do what exactly?
obsolete very quickly. The trinkets we buy from China and sell at Walmart, will be produced here again. The exchanges will only be in raw materials eventually. Trump hammers on this need. Clinton does too because Sanders did and she is trying to placate his base. Technology changes will eliminate most economic advantages that better deals create. Legislation is not going to stop the march towards globalization.

Restore faith in government? A worthy argument. I don't deny much of the corruption you hammer on. I also don't necessarily trust Trump to be the guy to change it. When you bitch about the MSM being biased and then hire another media outlet to run your campaign that's completely biased in your direction, you lose some credibility in my mind. We've reached a point where
The need for better border security is real currently, but will reduce drastically long term. The immigration of people into this country is going to stabilize. Quality of life will improve elsewhere around the world making the desire to move here for better opportunities less necessary. Knowing this reality, I'd be hesitant to throw mass sums of money at that current problem if it involves increasing debt on a large scale.

The concept of renegotiating trade deals is based off of current and historic trading patterns that are going to become near there needs to be wholesale policy changes that limits media collusion with politicians. No media outlet should have connections to politicians. Shareholders, wives, husbands of media organizations should be removed from eligibility to serve in any government role. How do we make journalism independent again? Slippery slope while also protecting the first amendment.
:yawn :yawn :yawn
Go ahead and sleep on it. But the concepts that I am talking about are very real and should be of great concern for maybe not your life, maybe not mine, but certainly that of your daughter.
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:
steamboat1 wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:repealing and replacing Obamacare with what?

removal of which specific regulations and restrictions?

incentives to build what kind of factories and employing inner city trainees to do what exactly?
obsolete very quickly. The trinkets we buy from China and sell at Walmart, will be produced here again. The exchanges will only be in raw materials eventually. Trump hammers on this need. Clinton does too because Sanders did and she is trying to placate his base. Technology changes will eliminate most economic advantages that better deals create. Legislation is not going to stop the march towards globalization.

Restore faith in government? A worthy argument. I don't deny much of the corruption you hammer on. I also don't necessarily trust Trump to be the guy to change it. When you bitch about the MSM being biased and then hire another media outlet to run your campaign that's completely biased in your direction,HUH? you lose some credibility in my mind. We've reached a point where
The need for better border security is real currently, but will reduce drastically long term. how many years? decades? centuries?The immigration of people into this country is going to stabilize. Quality of life will improve elsewhere around the world making the desire to move here for better opportunities less necessary. Knowing this reality, I'd be hesitant to throw mass sums of money at that current problem if it involves increasing debt on a large scale.

The concept of renegotiating trade deals is based off of current and historic trading patterns that are going to become near there needs to be wholesale policy changes that limits media collusion with politicians. No media outlet should have connections to politicians. Shareholders, wives, husbands of media organizations should be removed from eligibility to serve in any government role. see trumps 100 day contract... How do we make journalism independent again? Slippery slope while also protecting the first amendment.
:yawn :yawn :yawn
Go ahead and sleep on it. But the concepts that I am talking about are very real and should be of great concern for maybe not your life, maybe not mine, but certainly that of your daughter.
https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/ ... are-reform" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

trump addresses those issues...
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by deadheadskier »

He makes a lot of very good arguments, but it's a short view. My interest is replacing and repealing Obamacare with Universal Healthcare and here's why:

We are very near the tipping point of a healthcare revolution through emerging technologies that is going to turn the entire system on end. The costs of healthcare have gone up tremendously over the past 50 years and this leads people to be against providing healthcare coverage for all because, "Why should I have to pay for others. I work. I pay my way. So, should everyone else." When the costs drop, so will that prevailing attitude.

New healthcare technology is going to keep people out of the hospital and doctors offices and the labor needs to service the population will plummet by I'd guess at least 50% even as our worldwide population continues to grow. The emergence of new sensor technologies and biomarker recognition means there will be devices consumers have that they periodically check to understand their health. The sensing technology will diagnose virtually all health complications more accurately than a human doctor can. The data gets uploaded to a network and you will be provided with all prescription and treatment needs you require and people will be able to self treat at home with only the most severe complications resulting in a need to visit the hospital or a doctor's office.

When this happens, the most expensive portion of healthcare diminishes exponentially. At that point, we will want every person to have access to the technology. If they don't have it, they have to go the traditional route of seeking aide that we've always known. That becomes an unpalatable expense because it drives the cost up for all.

So, in essence, technology is going to drive us towards Universal Healthcare. It will be the most efficient and cost effective way for managing the health of our world population.
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by brownman »

In THIS country, the 'most expensive portion of healthcare' are the administrative costs associated with its delivery.
Tweaking ACA begins to set a proper framework for more cost-effective and efficient delivery of needed services.

Dictator Trump ain't likely to succeed in galvanizing support for much of anything.
His pea brain would explode within his first week.

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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by madhatter »

brownman wrote:In THIS country, the 'most expensive portion of healthcare' are the administrative costs associated with its delivery.
Tweaking ACA begins to set a proper framework for more cost-effective and efficient delivery of needed services.hahahahaha, you probably think there is a mr. coffee too huh? nothing like an extra middle man and govt subsidies to create efficiency and cost savings... :roll:

Dictator Trump hard to take you seriously when you post ridiculous stuff like this...ain't likely to succeed in galvanizing support for much of anything.
His pea brain would explode within his first week.amazing that pea brain has been able to generate billions, where's that leave you by comparison?

now you've resorted to nonsense...sad, so sad...
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:He makes a lot of very good arguments, but it's a short view. My interest is replacing and repealing Obamacare with Universal Healthcare and here's why:

We are very near the tipping point of a healthcare revolution through emerging technologies that is going to turn the entire system on end. The costs of healthcare have gone up tremendously over the past 50 years and this leads people to be against providing healthcare coverage for all because, "Why should I have to pay for others. I work. I pay my way. So, should everyone else." When the costs drop, so will that prevailing attitude.the cost of food, shelter and automobiles has gone up also but even if they dropped significantly I still have zero interest in supplying them en masse ...

New healthcare technology is going to keep people out of the hospital and doctors offices and the labor needs to service the population will plummet by I'd guess at least 50% even as our worldwide population continues to grow. awesome one of the few and largest employment sectors will be reduced by 50% or more...The emergence of new sensor technologies and biomarker recognition means there will be devices consumers have that they periodically check to understand their health. The sensing technology will diagnose virtually all health complications more accurately than a human doctor can. The data gets uploaded to a network and you will be provided with all prescription and treatment needs you require and people will be able to self treat at home with only the most severe complications resulting in a need to visit the hospital or a doctor's office. meet george jetson...unfortunately that would require due diligence, self accountability and dedication to participation in said program...unfortunately those traits are sorely lacking in MOST of the population...

When this happens, the most expensive portion of healthcare diminishes exponentially. At that point, we will want every person to have access to the technology. If they don't have it, they have to go the traditional route of seeking aide that we've always known. That becomes an unpalatable expense because it drives the cost up for all.

So, in essence, technology is going to drive us towards Universal Healthcare. It will be the most efficient and cost effective way for managing the health of our world population.
single payer = single failure...totally uninterested....totally opposed...we don't need universal HC to take advantage of new technology...and newer technology isn't dependent on it to come to fruition...and as I said above lower cost isn't going to be a catalyst to drive UHC either...the only thing that drives that is govt control and power...
mach es sehr schnell

'exponential reciprocation'- The practice of always giving back more than you take....
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Re: T R U M P vs. Hillary - who wins?

Post by deadheadskier »

I know your position on single payer. We've gone over it before. But the best interest of society is cheapest and highest quality. That is going to be brought about through technology advances that will require full participation of the population to work. Fight it all you want, but that's what's going to happen.

Regarding the jobs lost? This is going to be the reality and outcome in every single industry as the Fourth Industrial Revolution that we are just starting accelerates.

I brought up the automated fleet. That's going to gut traffic enforcement, small scale mechanics, insurance and healthcare positions due to vastly fewer accidents. Hell, even grave diggers are going to take a hit.

I suggest you pay attention to what automation and artificial intelligence is going to change in society. Hint: almost everything. The needs of human labor are going to plummet. So, that leaves two choices. Redefine what constitutes full time work and ration employment appropriately for the world population or drastically reduce world population.

20-30 years, perhaps even sooner the entire landscape of how we live is going to change. Advances in 3D printing will eliminate the need for much of our foreign trade. The factories of the future are going to require minimal people, so Trumps whole policy of building factories and hiring inner city trainees is an archaic concept and a complete waste of time and money. We won't be buying goods from China on renegotiated trade deals. We will be producing them right here via 3D printers. Many of these 3D printers in the factories will be very short lived and become obsolete for many consumer goods quite quickly. In my lifetime I bet a consumer sized affordable 3D printer becomes common place. No longer do we go to stores to buy shoes. You design what you need and create it right in your home. The only thing you buy are the raw materials. Don't believe me? China has already built a six story office tower utilizing 3D printing technology.

So, like I said, I think Trump is incredibly foolish in his talks on making deals and bringing jobs back. The jobs will come back, they'll just be accomplished via machines instead of human labor.

This is going to be the great challenge of the second half of my life and my son's generation. What to do we do when humans are barely needed any more to the vast majority of jobs? The challenge is going to be a political one and short of a mass reduction in population, you are looking massive increases in social programs and regulation. Free market capitalism won't go away completely, but through automation, capitalism is going to be a shell what it is today. I'm not saying I'm happy about this. However, you'd be foolish to not see what's going to happen. Writing is on the wall.
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