Trump Presidency

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
Yes - the difference between the GOP core (e.g., Madhatter) until you can grasp the concept that i am not in any way GOP core you cannot possibly fathom why trump won...or why those who voted for him are not going to run to the D's any time soon, if ever...and the rest of the voters that voted for Trump (I assume Bubba) spans far and wide. Alas, GOP congress is similar ... unable to agree on most's kinda funny how you continually rail against the R's not being in absolute lockstep as if were some sort of badge of you'd prefer pure partisanship and the ramming thru of a partisan agenda?
I kinda doubt bubba voted for trump...

the title of the article says "will be" kinda like "will be" ahead by 50 pts or "will be" winning in a landslide or "will be" president??? in any case I don't care... I don't want govt to be all encompassing, as I've said zillions of on the most bipartisan and essential things and let the rest languish...perfect... so perfect...more perfect than anyone could have ever perfectly great...


you guys are desperately running around trump with a melon baller trying to scoop out yer little ounce of flesh at every opportunity only to get swatted away time and time again while leaving trump virtually unscathed...

keep on ballin'...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Bubba »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
Yes - the difference between the GOP core (e.g., Madhatter) and the rest of the voters that voted for Trump (I assume Bubba) spans far and wide. Alas, GOP congress is similar ... unable to agree on most things.
You haven't been paying attention. I didn't think either Trump (a narcissistic asshole, totally unqualified to be President) or Clinton (unethical at best, crooked at worst) should be President. I voted for Johnson/Weld.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Bubba wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
Yes - the difference between the GOP core (e.g., Madhatter) and the rest of the voters that voted for Trump (I assume Bubba) spans far and wide. Alas, GOP congress is similar ... unable to agree on most things.
You haven't been paying attention. I didn't think either Trump (a narcissistic asshole, totally unqualified to be President) or Clinton (unethical at best, crooked at worst) should be President. I voted for Johnson (an oblivious dimwit who had the political savvy of a rock) that no one else thought should be president




how's that johnson feel? does it make ya feel the bern?
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

Bubba wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
Yes - the difference between the GOP core (e.g., Madhatter) and the rest of the voters that voted for Trump (I assume Bubba) spans far and wide. Alas, GOP congress is similar ... unable to agree on most things.
You haven't been paying attention. I didn't think either Trump (a narcissistic asshole, totally unqualified to be President) or Clinton (unethical at best, crooked at worst) should be President. I voted for Johnson/Weld.
Oops. I voted the same.


Swing voters are a tricky bunch. I wouldn't put to much faith in them voting for Trump again if a viable candidate from the left is on the ballot.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
Bubba wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
Yes - the difference between the GOP core (e.g., Madhatter) and the rest of the voters that voted for Trump (I assume Bubba) spans far and wide. Alas, GOP congress is similar ... unable to agree on most things.
You haven't been paying attention. I didn't think either Trump (a narcissistic asshole, totally unqualified to be President) or Clinton (unethical at best, crooked at worst) should be President. I voted for Johnson/Weld.
Oops. I voted the same.


Swing voters are a tricky bunch. I wouldn't put to much faith in them voting for Trump again if a viable candidate from the left is on the ballot.
I'm not sure those swing voters exist in the places or numbers they once may have...the parties are diametrically opposed right now as far a public platform goes and despite what their constituents may actually want the opposition party has even less to offer...I'm also pretty sure the D's aren't going to put up anyone who doesn't engage in identity politics and the politics of envy that goes hand in hand with it...Do the D's even need to win nationally with the fervent base they have? can they just survive off the public trough and self awarded largesse that goes along with it while enlisting the rage of their constituents to raise money and provide cover for their exploitations?

my guess is the D's will run a newer version of the same old tired horse they run in every race and try as hard as they can to up the ground game enough to win...there won't be any "message" and there won't be any middle of the road candidate...and they'll again wonder why they aren't up by 50 pts going in....
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

no way?

Trump Says "Let ObamaCare Fail" As Senate GOP Lack Votes For Repeal ... are-repeal" onclick=";return false;
Following the news that 'repeal' would not garner the votes required to pass, President Trump said he was disappointed in the Senate's failure to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and argued that Republicans should now let the law fail on its own.

As The Hill reports, in his first on-camera remarks about the stalemate in the Senate, Trump said that Republicans should now “let ObamaCare fail” following the collapse of their effort to repeal and replace the law.

He added that it “will be a lot easier” to allow ObamaCare to falter on its own.

“I think we're probably in that position where we'll let ObamaCare fail,” he said.

“We're not going to own it. I'm not going to own it. I can tell you the Republicans are not going to own it. We'll let ObamaCare fail and then the Democrats are going to come to us."
guess there was just no way to see that coming... :roll:
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Nikoli »

Playing chicken with people's lives. That's what I call leadership. Way to go you f*** nut.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Nikoli wrote:Playing chicken with people's lives. That's what I call leadership. Way to go you f*** nut.
huh? what do you mean? you WON!!! obamacare stays exactly as the D's wrote got your way, your beloved obama's signature legislation is still in effect...take a huge bow and shout your victory from the rooftops...obamacare written and passed exclusively by Democrats is here to stay!!!!

Last edited by madhatter on Jul 18th, '17, 14:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter » ... 471633001/" onclick=";return false;

What killed Senate health care bill? Liberal Medicaid alarmism
Many claims were over the top. They were also hypocritical, considering that Obamacare made similar reductions in the growth of Medicare spending.

The Senate health care bill is dead, and that’s at least in part due to overheated rhetoric from the left about Medicaid. Many of the over-the-top claims lacked important facts or context, and seemed primarily designed to scare people rather than prompt civil debate.

For instance, liberals claimed that Republican plans to reduce the growth of Medicaid spending by nearly $800 billion in the next decade would “unravel” the program, as Clinton administration labor secretary Robert Reich put it. Yet Obamacare did nearly the exact same thing to Medicare. Obamacare reduced Medicare spending by $716 billion, according to a 2012 Congressional Budget Office estimate. And it did so not to improve Medicare’s ability to pay for care for the next generation of seniors, but instead to fund new Obamacare entitlements.

Senate GOP health bill preserves Medicaid. The math proves it.
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The liberals who claimed this year’s Republican health bills would “cut” Medicaid are the same ones who endorsed Obamacare’s reductions in Medicare spending. Just look at AARP’s framing of the issue: When Democrats reduce Medicare spending by hundreds of billions of dollars, the organization calls it “taking steps to reduce waste, fraud, abuse, and inefficiency.” But when Republicans reduce Medicaid spending by roughly equivalent amounts, AARP decries “unsustainable cuts” to the program.

Likewise the issue of caps on spending. A group of health care advocacy organizations sent a letter to Capitol Hill last month expressing “grave concern about potential changes to the fundamental structure and purpose of Medicaid,” saying they “vehemently oppose converting Medicaid’s funding into a capped financing structure.”

But this objection to capped payments also seems ironic at best, and disingenuous at worst. Section 3403 of Obamacare imposed per capita caps on Medicare spending, to be enforced by the Independent Payment Advisory Board — a group of unelected bureaucrats. So why did many of the same organizations who claim they “vehemently oppose” capped funding for Medicaid, endorse a health care bill that created the same funding structure for Medicare? Is it because a Democratic president proposed the former change, and a Republican Congress is debating the latter?

Then there’s the alarm raised by Andy Slavitt, a former head of Medicare, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act during the Obama administration. He recently claimed that Republicans had a secret plan “not just to cut Medicaid, but to allow states to eliminate it.” He said a “new waiver process” in the Senate bill — really a modification of an existing Obamacare waiver — would allow states to transfer Medicaid beneficiaries to private coverage, thereby allowing them to “eliminate” Medicaid.

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GOP health bill is a disaster for opioid crisis
Yet the Obamacare waiver process explicitly prohibits changes to Medicaid — and the Senate bill would not have changed that. In addition, states have always had the ability to “eliminate” Medicaid; the federal government can’t force states to participate in the program. That's why Arizona didn’t join until 1982, nearly two decades after Medicaid’s creation. States have remained in Medicaid because the federal government provides significant funding to them for their programs — and that funding would continue to rise, albeit more slowly, under both the House and Senate bills.

To be sure, both sides have exhibited their share of political opportunism. Republicans shouldn’t have attacked Obamacare’s Medicare savings as “cuts” — a reduction in projected growth rates should never be considered a “cut” in government spending. And conservatives were guaranteed to reap the political whirlwind sooner or later.

But the left’s hyperbolic rhetoric, coupled with some pretty apparent hypocrisy, not only helped kill the Senate health bill. It did the American people a disservice by detracting from the debate on health care that our country deserves.

meanwhile the backlash has even the staunchest constitional conservatives looking to the D's to save them from this horrible failure of trump policy... :roll: :roll:
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by brownman »

Actually, the fractured GOP, inept leadership on Repeal and inability to craft a Replacement is what killed Gumpcare.

If Drumph is truly a 3 handicapper, he'll need to birdie-out the entire back nine. :wink:

Art of the Deal :roll: Yeah right .. we're so tired of all this winning.

The 36% can't be serious ..

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

brownman wrote:Actually, the fractured GOP, inept leadership on Repeal and inability to craft a Replacement is what killed Gumpcare.awful hard to explain this to you there IS NO REPLACEMENT for this crappy obamantion of a bill called the was destined to fail by design and was only passed by counting on the stupidity of the american ( democrat) voter ( that's you brownie)

that any of you even remotely imagine that the R's are going to step right up and wrest this failing albatross from around the D's necks is either willful ignorance or insanity...

again do any of you actually understand politics or do you just go w whatever CNN and the DNC tell you? whatever comes in yer weekly paul begala mailer?the catchy little phrases from moveon?

If Drumph is truly a 3 handicapper, he'll need to birdie-out the entire back nine. :wink:

Art of the Deal :roll: Yeah right .. we're so tired of all this winning. so which is it? is trump failing to remove everything you hold dear and thus delivering exactly what you want? or are you still just totally butthurt over losing the last election and watching your liberal progressive fantasy go up in smoke??? seems with all the whining and lashing out you do the answer is quite clear...

The 36% can't be serious ..

you must be ecstatic over your great triumph....I mean you voted against the repeal and replace guy and now repeal and replace is gone and obamacare stands as a bastion of liberal policy...ya know the one where they had years to design a website that failed during it's delayed debut and continued to fail for months afterwards? the one where the premiums keep going up while the coverage goes down and no one saved 2500 bux at all let alone 2500 a yr unless they died or otherwise became uninsured...

I get that most of you dumpofcraps think in monolithic "do what they told you" bumper sticker like platitudes, but much like DHS getting busted in a hooker sting isn't something the rest of us can relate to, blindly obeying party leadership also isn't something that resonates w most of us outside the liberal loonasphere... the end each individual congressman has to vote for his or her constituencies best interest not take a "cornhusker kickback" or a "louisiana purchase" or have your career ended by the DNC cutting off your funding and support...very glad to see the R's not pass a bill just to "win"...

what you call fractured is really just personal integrity, no wonder yer so confused yet angrily against it at the same time...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

brownman wrote:Actually, the fractured GOP, inept leadership on Repeal and inability to craft a Replacement is what killed Gumpcare.

If Drumph is truly a 3 handicapper, he'll need to birdie-out the entire back nine. :wink:

Art of the Deal :roll: Yeah right .. we're so tired of all this winning.

The 36% can't be serious ..


Guess he's a loser?

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by freeski »

I voted for Trump to stop illegal immigration and Obama's muslimfication of America. He has not let me down. Also important was adding a conservative justice. Again he delivered as promised.
It's almost impossible to take away an entitlement once it's out there. Butt, the GOP will get something done with healthcare.

On my wish list is for Trump to drop the "C" bomb on the queen of England. Hopefully, in a tweet, this could happen at any time.


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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
brownman wrote:Actually, the fractured GOP, inept leadership on Repeal and inability to craft a Replacement is what killed Gumpcare.

If Drumph is truly a 3 handicapper, he'll need to birdie-out the entire back nine. :wink:

Art of the Deal :roll: Yeah right .. we're so tired of all this winning.

The 36% can't be serious ..


Guess he's a loser?

sure and left is right, right is wrong and hillary won in a landslide...

I really don;t understand what your argument is? the D's were going to keep obamacare and trump was going to repeal either wanted trump to repeal it and you are upset that he didn't or you wanted it to stay and you are happy about it...though I dunno maybe lefty land is like "win a championship land" where ya go out and rage violently to celebrate winning...I can't keep up, try to be more clear...

type 1 if you wanted to trump to win

type 2 if you wanted him to lose

type 3 if you are happy seeing him fail to pass his tax and HC agenda

type 4 if you want to see his HC and tax agenda passed

type 5 if your congressman is in line with your position on the HC and tax reform bills

type 6 if you realize that congress does not work for the president and that he cannot tell them what to do...

type nothing if you have no idea what any of that has to do with reality...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Bubba »

Personally, I think both sides have failed. Obamacare is failing at an accelerating pace and the Democrats own it. The Republicans have had seven years to craft a replacement and failed to do so. Congress under Republican control will do little or nothing to shore up Obamacare and Democrats will not join with Republicans to fix it until "repeal" is replaced by "modify". Good luck with that. Meanwhile, Trump's promise of better care at lower cost has been proven humorous at best as he had no plan and only learned how complicated healthcare is after he took office. Oh well...
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