Trump Presidency

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:So.... ignorant..... ... index.html" onclick=";return false;
President Donald Trump saw fit to send out a tweet calling for unity:
“We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!”

guess the quy quit cuz he's illiterate? can't read? doesn't watch the news? or maybe he's just a racist himself? emotionally underdeveloped? or perhaps he's just selectively illiterate like you? in any case who cares... bye....I'm sure they can find someone to take his place...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter » ... ce-seattle" onclick=";return false;

more peaceful antifa...DHS you need to join this wonderful organization so you can help stomp out hate...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

deadheadskier wrote:So.... presidential..... ... index.html" onclick=";return false;
Now that Ken Frazier of Merck Pharma has resigned from President's Manufacturing Council,he will have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!
Trump is something else man.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:So.... presidential..... ... index.html" onclick=";return false;
Now that Ken Frazier of Merck Pharma has resigned from President's Manufacturing Council,he will have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!
Trump is something else man.
????? DO tell? perhaps the guy was acting stupidly? or maybe we should not rush to judgement til we have all the facts? or perhaps the the guy was making a political statement at the expense of merck's Shareholders?

nah,'s all trump, everything is trump...the bastard even has two scoops of ice cream...

in other words... cry us a river of crocodile tears.... :sad:
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:
Something tells me Joey Clarke wouldn't have penned a "No big deal" article like that had it been a BLM protester mowing down 20 people with their car and you'd most certainly have a couple of dozen posts by now blaming Obama for inciting the hatred that could lead to such a tragedy.

But, when a racist Trump supporter commits the act and dear leader says very little condemning that hate group? No big deal right?
yeah ya know what tells you that? your willful ignorance....clearly you didn't read the article...
Most Americans, most people, already know this sort of stupidity and violence on the march in Charlottesville is unacceptable and a waste of time. The people assembled in Virginia do not represent what most Americans think or wish to do with their precious little free time on a Saturday. The brouhaha from the political media surrounding this event is at best overblown by good intentions and at worst being purposely stoked for website hits, TV ratings, and political agendas.
Rather than heeding the hollow calls for peace and unity from ‘our’ dear political leaders or the foolish pleas from left/right activists on the ground in Virginia, what most Americans need to do right now is keep right on doing what they’re already doing — enjoying what little freedom they still have in so many ways too numerous to list completely.
Keep in mind, while a few hundred deluded racists and hysterical ‘anti-fascists’ clash in Virginia, thousands of Americans are attending baseball, football, and soccer events while millions watch from home.
Do not forget, while the despairing political boobs clash in Charlottesville, millions of Americans are attending pop concerts, cheerleading competitions, neighborhood BBQ’s, jazz festivals, movie showings, yoga classes, college classes, dog-training seminars, baby-showers, weddings, funerals, and pool parties.
Just remember, while political nincompoopery reveals its ugly face in one tiny place on the map, millions of Americans are relaxing at home, reading books and guzzling down champagne mixers, sharing high school memories with old friends and smoking hookah pipes, texting the sexy boy or girl they met last night, or emailing a lost love they haven’t seen 10 years.
Americans are shopping. Americans are putting on fundraisers in fun ways. Americans are eating junk food and health food, cheese puffs and brown butter asparagus. Americans are curling their toes in the white sands of the beaches along the Gulf of Mexico or kayaking along little rivers and creeks across this rich and plentiful land. Americans are driving their sports cars or riding their bikes or hiking through the plentiful forests from sea to shining sea.
The point is most Americans don’t give a damn about what’s happening in Charlottesville, VA. And they especially aren’t stupid enough to participate in such a festival of buncombe and blood.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by deadheadskier »


I don't know why it is so difficult to get through your thick skull why the events that happened in Charlottesville were so disturbing and the President's response so weak.

I don't care if there were only five people carrying torches, the ideology they espouse represents the must ugly past in human history. Quite literally the entire world went to war over people like this and their ideology should be extinguished. Both my grandfathers fought in that war and other relatives died along with 60+ million other people. I am sure the same can be said for some of your relatives.

So, go ahead and whistle on by saying that white supremacists are no big deal if you want to. Just know it's a reflection of your hollow character.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by deadheadskier »

madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:So.... ignorant..... ... index.html" onclick=";return false;
President Donald Trump saw fit to send out a tweet calling for unity:
“We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!”

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:Madhatter,

I don't know why it is so difficult to get through your thick skull why the events that happened in Charlottesville were so disturbing and the President's response so weak. cuz I've seen it numerous times before I'm not in the least bit disturbed by it...again play stupid games, win stupid prizes...most of us will choose not to play, those that do need to understand the "rules" of the game...there are none...

I don't care if there were only five people carrying torches, the ideology they espouse represents the must ugly past in human history. Quite literally the entire world went to war over people like nice talking point... so obvious you take your marching orders from the the progressive loonasphere....try having an original thought or better yet learn some history...we did not " literally go to war over people like this"... the US became involved only after being bombed by the japanese...much of the european theater became involved because they were attacked by nazi germany not because of some moral obligation....virtually no nation simply "went to war over people like this"or to prevent the holocaust, the holocaust was a byproduct of the war and was ended by ending the war...this and their ideology should be extinguished. Both my grandfathers fought in that war and other relatives died along with 60+ million other people. I am sure the same can be said for some of your relatives.

So, go ahead and whistle on by saying that white supremacists are no big deal if you want to. Just know it's a reflection of your hollow character.
yer a fvckin drama queen...we don't extinguish our own citizens for having ideas we don't like...though everyone here knows you'd love nothing more...YOU are why we have a constitution....w/o it people like you would turn us into a totalitarian state "for our own good" and expect praise along the way for it to boot... ... d=10007411" onclick=";return false;
Key Facts

FDR took significant, yet limited, action, in response to the persecution of Jews in Germany, the refugee crisis in the 1930s, and the “Final Solution.”

Roosevelt prioritized economic recovery from the Great Depression and victory in World War II above humanitarian crises overseas.

There was very little public pressure from the American people or from the US Congress to take action to increase immigration or to rescue European Jews.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:
madhatter wrote:
deadheadskier wrote:So.... ignorant..... ... index.html" onclick=";return false;
President Donald Trump saw fit to send out a tweet calling for unity:
“We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!”

ya see, the left loves to ignore the law then gets all pissy when it gets bit by know damn well what was going on there...don;t try to pretend that trump somehow called for violence in charlottesville or anywhere else, or that he is in any way involved...and honestly the BLM/antifa/violent disruptive protesters deserve whatever they get when the "game" is no longer uncontested and idiots from the other side join's not free speech when you invade and disrupt a private event...try it some time if ya don't believe me...

if you actually cared about people like you pretend, you'd be highly upset w the virginia govt for failing to prevent this, and in fact helping to create a situation where this outcome was all too predictable...but again stupid people ( and barely useful idiots) playing stupid games, win stupid prizes... these people are pawns, manipulated, agitated and used w/o even knowing it...

again, like most americans I choose not to play... yet the game still goes on...let them eliminate themselves I don't do whatever you want, that's your right...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

Trump, like Obama, is weak on race-related violence.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:Trump, like Obama, is weak on race-related violence.
only one actively promoted it...only one had a meeting with BLM...could trump do more? perhaps but what? so far he hasn't legitimized any of these hate groups by inviting them to the WH...actually he said that ANYONE who broke the law in charlottesville would be prosecuted and that a DOJ civil rights probe is under way... ... -statement" onclick=";return false;
Racism is evil and those that cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs – including the KKK, Neo-nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans"...
not like trump has any sway w the violent groups that oppose him and seek to destroy our cities and forcibly silence anyone with whom they disagree...I suppose he could declare them hateful and then eliminate them...oh wait we have a constitution that doesn't allow us to simply eliminate those with which w disagree...much to the dismay of DHS...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

Black Charlottesville man says he was beaten by white supremacists in parking garage ... says-he-w/" onclick=";return false;

apparently after he attacked people who were marching... ... ILDyLpq.01" onclick=";return false;

guess now we know why they wore protective gear...

always the same they lash out w good hate then cry when they get it back in their face...

whenever the left doesn't get their way ( in this case a lost presidential election) they resort to violence...or as the useful idiots call it "shouting down hate"...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by deadheadskier »

Time it took Trump to condemn Nordstrom for discontinuing the sale of his daughter's hand bags? 30 minutes

Time it took Trump to condemn a white supremacist for murdering an innocent woman and injuring 19 others? 48 hours

Oh and how cute. The statement comes mere hours after Trump suggests he will pardon racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

What a guy!
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:Time it took Trump to condemn Nordstrom for discontinuing the sale of his daughter's hand bags? 30 minutes

Time it took Trump to condemn a white supremacist for murdering an innocent woman and injuring 19 others? 48 hoursactually I believe he spoke immediately following, left wingers are just too willfully ignorant to comprehend in their haste to condemn....
This is what the President of the United States said about it:
"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. This has been going on for a long, long time."
gotta be willfully ignorant or complete stupid not to understand that...but of course in your demented mind one group ( in this instance the one who had a permit) is hateful and should be eliminated and the other group ( antifa/blm who as far as I know NEVER has a permit) was thankfully and justifiably there to carry that out as best they could thus only one side should have been condemned and specifically by name....

Oh and how cute. The statement comes mere hours after Trump suggests he will pardon racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

What a guy!
:zzz you won't be happy til there's a complete annihilation of anyone opposed to you...good luck w that...with the exception of emotion based faux outrage I'm not sure you're capable of much else...why would anyone even remotely attempt to reason with you, negotiate with you or really even validate your concerns? when nothing short of elimination of opposition is acceptable to you how do you think that opposition sees you? now go do your duty as a diligent purveyor of the good hate and go "shout down someone elses hate" with your hate... I think they are waiting for you out in seattle...don't ferget yer pussy hat....
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

gotta question the motives/reasoning of whoever made the decision to force the "unite" group from the park where they had a permit to assemble and into the path of waiting antifa whose reputation is well known...and then have the police stand down and allow a clash... :?c
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