Trump Presidency

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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by easyrider16 »

Trump likes to call lots of things "hoaxes" but that doesn't make them so. I don't think the Russia scandal was a hoax. That they weren't able to prove something doesn't mean there wasn't probable cause to investigate. Likewise Kavanaugh was not a hoax. There was a person who made claims and while those claims were not proven true, they were not proven false, either, and certainly provided a reason to investigate. Trump's camp won on both of those cases, so it seems to me if you're a Trump guy, the process worked out for you, so why are you so bitter and vindictive about it? I think your team even scored political points in the end, making the democrats look weak and overly-political.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:we get it logic reason etc are completely lost on've made that couldn't even grasp the concept of ticket requests and overflow seating...

already numerous fraudulent ballots, un-requested ballots etc have been reported...( google it)

but you don't care, you want mail in ballots BECAUSE you know the opportunity for fraud is there and you know that fraud will favor the D candidate who you want to beat trump so badly... you don't care one bit whether there is fraud or not as long as you oust the orange man...
Your assertions are ridiculous and baseless. When did I say any of these things?

I would not sacrifice the integrity of our nation to remove someone I disagree with've adamantly supported underming the integrity of our nation...
you do it just aren't aware of it...that's the whole point of having ( barely) useful idiots like you...ya gotta do what they tell you...and for you it's parrot the daily trump attack that your masters feed you...

you were totally FOR the bogus impeachment...despite it being obviously fraudulent...

the bogus mueller hearing that went on for months after it was obvious there was no collusion helped propel D's to a majority in the didn't were happy to see it ding the orange man...

fraudulent ticket requests? so what? yer happy to see trump dinged again...

mail in votes? sure why not? no way there can be any fraud there... :roll: you've defended it more than once...

if it dings the orange man you just don't care...
Oh. So to summarize:

- The things you allege were never actually said.your posts make it abundantly clear..

- You decide whether someone supports the undermining of our nation, based on how their political views align with your, the law decides that and it's quite clear that the obama administration and it's DOJ holdovers broke the law in targeting the trump campaign and then the trump presidency eith the clear intent of preventing his election and then undermining his presidency once he was elected and all with the enthusiastic cooperation of the's hard to say the nation has ever been so undermined ...and that undermining has had your absolute support from day one...
I want the law applied equally to want trump investigated 24/7/365 and you want him prosecuted for anything anyone can find, no matter how ridiculous the assertions are...

you don't care about the russia hoax, you don't care about the kavanaugh hoax, you are eager to spread every bogus headline lambasting trump, eager to share every bogus sorry claiming some anonymous source has "the smoking gun" to take down the president...

yet when every one of them inevitably fails you are silent...til the next swinging dick comes your way...

yer all TDS, all the time...ya gotta do what they tell you...and you eagerly do...which clearly makes you a ( barely) useful idiot...
In the future, a simple - I'm sorry XJ, you're right, XJ never said any of those things and I don't get to decide who undermines the nation, would suffice.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
Your assertions are ridiculous and baseless. When did I say any of these things?

I would not sacrifice the integrity of our nation to remove someone I disagree with've adamantly supported undermining the integrity of our nation...
you do it just aren't aware of it...that's the whole point of having ( barely) useful idiots like you...ya gotta do what they tell you...and for you it's parrot the daily trump attack that your masters feed you...

you were totally FOR the bogus impeachment...despite it being obviously fraudulent...

the bogus mueller hearing that went on for months after it was obvious there was no collusion helped propel D's to a majority in the didn't were happy to see it ding the orange man...

fraudulent ticket requests? so what? yer happy to see trump dinged again...

mail in votes? sure why not? no way there can be any fraud there... :roll: you've defended it more than once...

if it dings the orange man you just don't care...
Oh. So to summarize:

- The things you allege were never actually said.your posts make it abundantly clear..

- You decide whether someone supports the undermining of our nation, based on how their political views align with your, the law decides that and it's quite clear that the obama administration and it's DOJ holdovers broke the law in targeting the trump campaign and then the trump presidency with the clear intent of preventing his election and then undermining his presidency once he was elected and all with the enthusiastic cooperation of the's hard to say the nation has ever been so undermined ...and that undermining has had your absolute support from day one...
I want the law applied equally to want trump investigated 24/7/365 and you want him prosecuted for anything anyone can find, no matter how ridiculous the assertions are...

you don't care about the russia hoax, you don't care about the kavanaugh hoax, you are eager to spread every bogus headline lambasting trump, eager to share every bogus sorry claiming some anonymous source has "the smoking gun" to take down the president...

yet when every one of them inevitably fails you are silent...til the next swinging dick comes your way...

yer all TDS, all the time...ya gotta do what they tell you...and you eagerly do...which clearly makes you a ( barely) useful idiot...
In the future, a simple - I'm sorry XJ, you're right, XJ never said any of those things and I don't get to decide who undermines the nation, would suffice.
I'm sorry you lack the self awareness to recognize yourself even when the mirror is held in your face......

ya happy now?
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

easyrider16 wrote:Trump likes to call lots of things "hoaxes" but that doesn't make them so. I don't think the Russia scandal was a hoax. That they weren't able to prove something doesn't mean there wasn't probable cause to investigate.actually there wasn't ever any cause to investigate or any thing to investigate... Likewise Kavanaugh was not a hoax. There was a person who made absolutely unsubstantiated claimsclaims and while those claims were not proven true, they were not proven false, either, and certainly provided a reason to investigate. so if I claim you run a meth lab should the FBI come bash yr door down? I mean what's the harm ? a person made claims? honestly are you really this stupid?Trump's camp won on both of those cases, so it seems to me if you're a Trump guy, the process worked out for you, so why are you so bitter and vindictive about it? I think your team even scored political points in the end, making the democrats look weak and overly-political.
yer beyond ignorant...seriously...but I do agree, you don't think, at shoulda just stopped there...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by easyrider16 »

I mean no, if you claimed I ran a meth lab, I think the police would just laugh at you because you're not credible, and you're kind of a ridiculous person. That's not really what happened with Trump or Kavanaugh, though. I mean if a serious person who has more credibility than you made those kinds of accusations against me, I'm sure the police would at least investigate.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

easyrider16 wrote:I mean no, if you claimed I ran a meth lab, I think the police would just laugh at you because you're not credible, and you're kind of a ridiculous person. That's not really what happened with Trump or Kavanaugh, though.
that's EXACTLY what happened to both...EXACTLY ...

your ignorance is once again on display...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by easyrider16 »

I mean, Christopher Steele, the guy who's dossier sparked the Russia investigation was a former counterintelligence specialist for MI6 who started his own private investigation firm and was widely considered credible and an expert in Russia by the intelligence community. I'd say he's not a ridiculous person like you who lacks credibility.

Christine Blasey Ford was a respected Psych professor at a university. She provided polygraph results and notes from her therapy sessions in 2013 during which she claimed she was raped. So again, not a ridiculous person like you who lacks credibility.

Ultimately, Trump beat both raps. The system worked out for you, his supporter. Yet that's not enough for you. You want heads to roll. But that's because you're a ridiculous person with nonsensical ideas about the world.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

easyrider16 wrote:I mean, Christopher Steele, the guy who's dossier sparked the Russia investigation was a former counterintelligence specialist for MI6 who started his own private investigation firm and was widely considered credible and an expert in Russia by the intelligence community. I'd say he's not a ridiculous person like you who lacks credibility.

Christine Blasey Ford was a respected Psych professor at a university. She provided polygraph results and notes from her therapy sessions in 2013 during which she claimed she was raped. So again, not a ridiculous person like you who lacks credibility.

Ultimately, Trump beat both raps. The system worked out for you, his supporter. Yet that's not enough for you. You want heads to roll. But that's because you're a ridiculous person with nonsensical ideas about the world.
it'd be nearly impossible for you to be less informed...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by ME2VTSkier »

easyrider16 wrote:I mean, Christopher Steele, the guy who's dossier sparked the Russia investigation was a former counterintelligence specialist for MI6 who started his own private investigation firm and was widely considered credible and an expert in Russia by the intelligence community. I'd say he's not a ridiculous person like you who lacks credibility.

Christine Blasey Ford was a respected Psych professor at a university. She provided polygraph results and notes from her therapy sessions in 2013 during which she claimed she was raped. So again, not a ridiculous person like you who lacks credibility.

Ultimately, Trump beat both raps. The system worked out for you, his supporter. Yet that's not enough for you. You want heads to roll. But that's because you're a ridiculous person with nonsensical ideas about the world.
Steele authored a dossier using anonymous sources that claims Russia collected a file of compromising information on U.S. President Donald Trump.
Nothing considered credible there... :roll:
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by easyrider16 »

I guess that's how he got his reputation for being credible? :roll:

Stop drinking the kool-aid, man. If any credible intelligence person made these kinds of allegations about a sitting president (or a party nominee) they would be investigated. It would be more disturbing if they were ignored.

Shoe on other foot - should the Hunter Biden-Burisma connection be investigated? I say yes, for the same reasons as above.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by ME2VTSkier »

It's not kool-aid fool.... it's like math class back in elementary school "Show your work!

Yeah he was credible WHEN he was working for MI6... how long would he have been employed if otherwise? It's when he retired and started a private firm with his buddy that things started getting questionable.
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

easyrider16 wrote:I guess that's how he got his reputation for being credible? :roll:

Stop drinking the kool-aid, man. If any credible intelligence person made these kinds of allegations about a sitting president they would be investigated. It would be more disturbing if they were ignored.
obviously yer completely oblivious to reality...steele admitted none of it was verified, almost all of it was second hand info from one source, and it was paid for by " a political opponent of trump"...

every person who signed for a FISA warrant certified that the info was verified when it wasn't...evidence shows that the FBI was told that at least some of that evidence was verifiably false prior to the first FISA application...
Newly unearthed memos show a high-ranking government official who met with Steele in October 2016 determined some of the Donald Trump dirt that Steele was simultaneously digging up for the FBI and for Hillary Clinton’s campaign was inaccurate, and likely leaked to the media.

The concerns were flagged in a typed memo and in handwritten notes taken by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec on Oct. 11, 2016.
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec quoted Steele as saying, “Payments to those recruited are made out of the Russian Consulate in Miami,” according to a copy of her summary memo obtained under open records litigation by the conservative group Citizens United. Kavalec bluntly debunked that assertion in a bracketed comment: “It is important to note that there is no Russian consulate in Miami.”

Kavalec, two days later and well before the FISA warrant was issued, forwarded her typed summary to other government officials. The State Department has redacted the names and agencies of everyone she alerted. It is unlikely that her concerns failed to reach the FBI.
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), a member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee and ranking member of its Subcommittee on Government Operations, told me late Thursday he had confirmed with U.S. officials that Kavalec's memo was forwarded to the FBI in the Oct. 13, 2016, email.
It is important to note that the FBI swore on Oct. 21, 2016, to the FISA judges that Steele’s “reporting has been corroborated and used in criminal proceedings” and the FBI has determined him to be “reliable” and was “unaware of any derogatory information pertaining” to their informant, who simultaneously worked for Fusion GPS, the firm paid by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Clinton campaign to find Russian dirt on Trump.

and you see nothing wrong with that? in fact you think "that's how it should work?"

yer nothing but a fvcking DNC have no idea wtf you are posting yer just sure the orange man is bad and trump supporters are racists...and anything that even remotely looks like it might help that narrative becomes gospel to you...nothign else matters, no other info of any kind is needed or wanted...

you simply do what they tell you...

and blasey ford has ZERO credibility...absolutely ZERO...there wasn't one piece of credible evidence....there wasn't even any evidence there were her preposterous accusations that 30 yrs ago a guy forced her onto a bed and that guy might have been kavanaugh...then fro there it turned into secret rape rings and a whole host of avenatti BS...

how dumb do you have to be to have believed ANY of that? let alone hoist either of them up as examples of shining credibility?
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

Trump - Mail in ballots are fraud and rigged!

Also Trump -
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:Trump - Mail in ballots are fraud and rigged!they are far less secure...

Also Trump -
it's almost like yer retarded...first, requesting a ballot is far different than mailing a ballot to every household to be returned by whoever the recipient may be......second he can't change the rules...he can only run his campaign in accordance w the rules set forth by the state...third it's a primary not the general election...

nonetheless I oppose mail in ballots of any type...
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Re: Trump Presidency

Post by Dr. NO »

madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:Trump - Mail in ballots are fraud and rigged!they are far less secure...

Also Trump -
it's almost like yer retarded...first, requesting a ballot is far different than mailing a ballot to every household to be returned by whoever the recipient may be......second he can't change the rules...he can only run his campaign in accordance w the rules set forth by the state...third it's a primary not the general election...

nonetheless I oppose mail in ballots of any type...
Absentee ballots are quite secure as you must be already registered to vote. I used it many times during my military service and also while I was employed as a service engineer traveling for my company.

Shut up and Ski!

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