Bone Headed Idea

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Bone Headed Idea

Post by throbster »

The words of Biden on Supreme court packing. It's nauseating watching the crack pot lefties talking about their plans to pack the court and eliminate the filibuster.

Typical Democrat move; if they don't get their way, they change the rules. They're skating on thin ice and the right is going to rise up and be heard.

Queue up Weezyrider with a long winded regurgitation of Democrat talking points. 3, 2,1...
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Re: Bone Headed Idea

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

throbster wrote: Apr 15th, '21, 11:20 The words of Biden on Supreme court packing. It's nauseating watching the crack pot lefties talking about their plans to pack the court and eliminate the filibuster.

Typical Democrat move; if they don't get their way, they change the rules. They're skating on thin ice and the right is going to rise up and be heard.

Queue up Weezyrider with a long winded regurgitation of Democrat talking points. 3, 2,1...
What did Biden say? From what I can tell, Biden's "Supreme Court Commission" is designed to appease the base, but intentionally designed to fail.

How is the right "going to rise up and be heard"? Another insurrection? Something worse?
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Re: Bone Headed Idea

Post by deadheadskier »

Ah but the Republicans confirming Barrett during an election year was cool even though they refused to do the same for Garland. Right?
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Re: Bone Headed Idea

Post by daytripper »

Packing the court is a stupid idea, if it goes thru and the Dems put in 4 new justices than next time repubs have control they will put in 6 more and so on and so on. Will make the supreme court a joke.
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Re: Bone Headed Idea

Post by easyrider16 »

throbster wrote: Dec 31st, '69, 19:02Typical Democrat move; if they don't get their way, they change the rules.
Kind of like how Republicans are trying to change voting rules because they lost the election? Both sides do it. We should condemn it in both places.

As to court packing, though, I think Republicans have to bear some of the blame. They should have held hearings to confirm Garland, but instead played games. Now Democrats are responding in kind. What did they expect, Democrats would just roll over and not respond when they had the chance? This is the problem with this tit for tat political BS that both parties are engaging in right now. Treating the other side like the enemy rather than a colleague is foolish when the other side is going to have power over you some day.

Hey, maybe some day after both sides do a little court packing we'll have a Supreme Court with more members than the House. Wouldn't that be fun.
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Re: Bone Headed Idea

Post by throbster »

Obama was basically a lame duck with Garland and precident was already established. If the situation was reversed, there is no doubt the Dems would have done the same thing. And to compare the Garland episode with the proposal to pack the court is absurd. Dems are dirty slimeballs and they will do anything to project abortion.
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Re: Bone Headed Idea

Post by throbster »

Sit back and enjoy the pro court packing propaganda coming from the left and their media lapdogs over the next several weeks.
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Re: Bone Headed Idea

Post by throbster »

Sit back and enjoy the pro court packing propaganda coming from the left and their media lapdogs over the next several weeks.
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Re: Bone Headed Idea

Post by deadheadskier »

Oh, because Obama was second term and Trump was first it's somehow different.

Yeah no ... 4542126081

GFY throbster. Republicans have been far more egregious at grabbing whatever power they can in recent memory than Democrats. They don't give a crap about principles. So, pray tell why should Democrats now that they are in power.
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Re: Bone Headed Idea

Post by deadheadskier »

easyrider16 wrote: Apr 15th, '21, 13:16 This is the problem with this tit for tat political BS that both parties are engaging in right now. Treating the other side like the enemy rather than a colleague is foolish
If Republicans wanted to be treated like colleagues, they would have done the right thing after January 6th.

They did not.

They deserve whatever they end up getting.
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Re: Bone Headed Idea

Post by daytripper »

deadheadskier wrote: Apr 15th, '21, 14:36 Oh, because Obama was second term and Trump was first it's somehow different.

Yeah no ... 4542126081

GFY throbster. Republicans have been far more egregious at grabbing whatever power they can in recent memory than Democrats. They don't give a crap about principles. So, pray tell why should Democrats now that they are in power.
Because two wrongs don't make a right, but they are all politicians so they don't give a sh*t.
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Re: Bone Headed Idea

Post by deadheadskier »

Were you and throbster calling out the Republicans for not confirming Garland and for confirming Barrett?

I don't remember a single Republican on this forum doing either.
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Re: Bone Headed Idea

Post by daytripper »

deadheadskier wrote: Apr 15th, '21, 15:13 Were you and throbster calling out the Republicans for not confirming Garland and for confirming Barrett?

I don't remember a single Republican on this forum doing either.
I don't call myself a republican. I disagree with many things done by republicans. I agree that Barrett shouldn't have been confirmed. It should have waited until after the election. So you think packing the court is ok because the republicans did some dirty sh*t and this is payback?
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Re: Bone Headed Idea

Post by easyrider16 »

throbster wrote: Apr 15th, '21, 14:14 Obama was basically a lame duck with Garland and precident was already established. If the situation was reversed, there is no doubt the Dems would have done the same thing. And to compare the Garland episode with the proposal to pack the court is absurd. Dems are dirty slimeballs and they will do anything to project abortion.
Um, Republicans are the exact same. You've got your head stuck so far up one side's behind that you're blind to it, but Republicans and Democrats pull the same dirty tricks. Or were you asleep when Trump nominated a Supreme Court judge when he was a lame duck and the Senate confirmed it anyway? Both nominations took place during the effective part of the President's term and right before Presidential elections, yet somehow it's okay to confirm it in one case and not in the other? If you think that's cool, it's just simply evidence that you're partisan.

Do you honestly think Republicans wouldn't talk about trying to pack the court if Obama got the chance to appoint three judges? They already have on the state level:
Republican governors in Arizona and Georgia have signed bills passed by GOP-dominated legislatures to expand the number of seats on their states’ respective high courts. ... 3aabf92302

Btw, for the record, I think in both cases the appropriate thing would be for the Senate to consider the nomination and vote on it, not just ignore it when it's someone they don't like. As for packing the court, I'm not sure how I feel. If it's just a device to create a liberal majority then I don't like the idea. If it's an attempt to create balance like we once had for decades, I might be okay with it, for example if the pledge is to put a bunch of centrists on there. Frankly I think we need to figure out a different way to do these appointments because this whole republican vs democrat luck of the draw with filling vacancies on the Supreme Court is creating way more conflict than is healthy, and it's politicizing what's supposed to be a nonpolitical branch of government.
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Re: Bone Headed Idea

Post by Bubba »

Court packing was a bad idea when FDR wanted to do it and it's a bad idea now, regardless of how many justices were appointed by Trump, how Republicans treated Merrick Garland, and how they rushed to appoint Barrett.
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