Another Terror Attack

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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by Mister Moose »

deadheadskier wrote: I think the only way this stops has to come from the highest religious leadership in Islam. There needs to be a wholesale denouncement of Sharia law and it's complete removal from the religion.

Yes, we can use tactics of war. Carpet bombing is an act of genocide unless you know a very high percentage of who you are bombing are a threat. What percentage of Raqqa are ISIS followers.

One thing we know is that radical Islamists aren't afraid of death. You kill one and another kid growing up just joins the ranks. Unless we can find a way for to get the good Muslims to police against the bad Muslims at a wholesale level, we will perpetually be putting out fires.
This is indicative of a civilian population that is the enemy. Someone is teaching that child to kill.

It is time to invoke the Afghanistan edict. IE if you give aid, shelter or comfort to the enemy, then you are also the enemy.
That doesn't mean invade all the countries on that list, but it does mean publicly and loudly confront the enablers. Stop the flow of money that flows to Jihadists. Take the oil held by ISIS and give it to NATO. Make it known that NATO will hold that territory and use that revenue for counter terrorism until Islamic Terrorism stops.

Here in the US, sympathizing or aiding the enemy should be a serious war crime. Not just regular crime. Declare it a war crime.

As shocking as it is, the amount of death so far in the US and the world has not been at the level to threaten our survival. What has been threated is our way of life. Our ability to go to the airport without being subjected to search. Our ability to go celebrate at a night club or fireworks display without fear and an armed presence to protect us. We therefore need to keep our response proportional, and not emotional.

The Islamic religion needs to loudly and publicly renounce the Jihad, renounce the terrorism, renounce the killing in the name of religion. Without that, they cannot be viewed as neutral. Killing and terrorism cannot be allowed to hide behind the first amendment, anymore than yelling fire in a theater is. Until Muslims publicly, loudly and continually renounce Jihad and terrorism, and until they stop being neutral, they must be seen, treated and labled as an enabler.

Notice I said enabler. We should not denounce the entire religion, but we do need to denounce the enabling.

Bubba was correct months ago on the Muslim faith needing to have their reformation. It is clear that it is our job to hasten that along, rather than idly wait and hope.
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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by deadheadskier »

If they do not drop Sharia law, there will always be radical Islamic terrorism. You can eliminate one nest in Iraq, then the next one pops up in Pakistan or Malaysia or Sudan or somewhere else.

Until there is worldwide acceptance that Sharia law is no way for peace there will always be a problem. Secular law needs to be the rule of all of human society.
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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:If they do not drop Sharia law, there will always be radical Islamic terrorism. You can eliminate one nest in Iraq, then the next one pops up in Pakistan or Malaysia or Sudan or somewhere else.

Until there is worldwide acceptance that Sharia law is no way for peace there will always be a problem. Secular law needs to be the rule of all of human society.
not that I don't agree w the premise, but it's kinda totalitarian don't ya think?

how will you go about this "transformation" from sharia to secular law? I really don;t care if they administer sharia law or whatever their followers want...but they need to keep that sh!t where they are, not try to bring it's virtually impossible for a nation state based on that kind of oppression to ever develop into a world power, the desire, drive and resources for innovation and prosperity just don;t exist...what we do need to do is make sure it's not exported in any form including travel to and from is a good start...outright public condemnation not only by our feckless limpwrist, but by world leaders as well...intense and relentless attacks on ISIS strongholds, CIA and other covert investigations into US "hotbeds" of radicalism...similar actions with collaborating foreign agencies elsewhere...widespread public service announcements denouncing any and all forms of radical terrorism, islamic or not...

ya can;t stop the talking heads intent on creating division and chaos but you can certainly stop listening to them or giving them a pulpit...
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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by deadheadskier »

I would say Sharia law is more totalitarian than secularism.......
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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:I would say Sharia law is more totalitarian than secularism.......
how is the idea that "all shall society be ruled by..." anything less than totalitarian? clearly I'm not arguing for sharia law here...just pointing out that imposing secular law on those who don;t want it is not much different than imposing sharia upon those who don;t want it...

Police in France are now treating this as a terrorist attack and have admitted the killer was known to them and is believed to be from Nice via Tunisia

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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by deadheadskier »

Secularism promotes freedom from the laws of religion. Sharia Law makes religion the law you must abide by.

I think all religions are divisive and should have no place in how society is governed.
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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by Atomic1 »

deadheadskier wrote:What do you recommend Atomic?
We can start by stopping Obamas funding of ISIS. ... id-isis/2/" onclick=";return false;
Also stop the orchestrated hatred in this Country to feed the gun confiscation agenda and work together as Americans at the real enemy which is Radical Islam and we should not let Shiria law operate here in America. We need a leader to set an example that the world can follow and we need to temporarily stop reckless immigration because of the current state of Radical Islam in the world. We need to cut off whatever financial means radical Islamist's are using to fund their agenda and we need a leader to come out and declare war against Radical Islam and seriously want to wipe it out by all means necessary because they've declared war on the world and it looks like we've entered the " kill or be killed " aspect of Radical Islam. So all I can do personally is vote for Trump and hope things change because if we continue on the current road which Hillary wants to follow , then we're going to no longer live in the Land of " Liberty and justice for all "because Christians and Jews are under attack and will be wiped out over time if things continue the way they are.
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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:Secularism promotes freedom from the laws of religion. Sharia Law makes religion the law you must abide by.

I think all religions are divisive and should have no place in how society is governed.
you are missing the point either intentionally or otherwise...I don;t disagree that sharia is far more authoritarian and far less "fair" or "free" vs secular law...but the IMPOSITION of something by a governing force on all of humanity, especially against their will is rather totalitarian...

you've still haven;t offered up much of anything in the way of going about obtaining a solution.... :ear
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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by deadheadskier »

I'll be as clear as your dimwit mind needs things to be.

The only way the elimination of radical Islamic terrorism endures is through religious reform.

All major religions throughout history have carried out terrorism. It was only through reform that it stopped. Ancient scriptures from most all religions had violent rhetoric. It wasn't until such rhetoric was renounced that they moved towards peace and acceptance of others who are different.

Lev. 20:13 "And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed a detestable act: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:I'll be as clear as your dimwit mind needs things to be.

The only way the elimination of radical Islamic terrorism endures is through religious reform. HOW???

All major religions throughout history have carried out terrorism.ehhh perhaps warfare, but "terrorism"? that's a stretch... It was only through reform that it stopped. Ancient scriptures from most all religions had violent rhetoric. It wasn't until such rhetoric was renounced that they moved towards peace and acceptance of others who are different.

Lev. 20:13 "And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed a detestable act: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
you truly are a complete @sshole, yippee you offered up a broad solution, " religious reform", thanks for that enlightening tidbit, I'm sure the problem is now resolved...

totally not surprised you have almost nothing to offer but insults and vague ideological bents that resolve absolutely nothing...can;t say i didn't ask you nicely numerous times though....
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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by deadheadskier »

It has to come from within Islam, just like all religions before it that have gone through reform.

You can be a prick all you want hatter. Why would I care if someone I've expressed many times that I think is a walking peace of garbage, the very epitome of white trash, is nice to me or not? Not interested in an olive branch from a loser like you. Thanks
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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by steamboat1 »

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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:It has to come from within Islam, just like all religions before it that have gone through we just need to "wait it out" til they come to that reformation on their own terms and timetable?

You can be a prick all you want hatter. Why would I care if someone I've expressed many times that I think is a walking peace of garbage, the very epitome of white trash, is nice to me or not? Not interested in an olive branch from a loser like you. Thanks
project much? you've offered a simpletons answer to a complex problem then got all pissy when asked to clarify beyond the vague and obvious...keep on w the good hate, clearly you are part of the problem...
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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by freeski »

A great deal of the blame is on Hollande and the politicians that allowed the huge influx of muslims. I feel bad for the French people. Hollande's hair does look great though. When the pigs move into the farmer's house society is lost.
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Re: Another Terror Attack

Post by deadheadskier »

Bubba has mentioned reform prior as well. You can use military to put out small fires, but not until negotiations happen at the highest religious levels and a loud call for Reformation from within happens will this end.

No projection at all. You spew the garbage, you are the garbage.
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