Obama implicated

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Obama implicated

Post by madhatter »

who didn't see this coming? how much longer does the corruption go on?

Wikileaks Shocker: Cheryl Mills Tells Podesta "We Need To Clean This Up - Obama Has Emails From Her"

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-2 ... emails-her" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Recall that in a March 2015 interview with CBS, just after the NYT reported of Hillary's use of a private email server, president Obama told the American public he had only learned about Hillary's use of a private server from the press.

As we reminded readers one month ago, CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante asked Mr. Obama when he learned about her private email system after his Saturday appearance in Selma, Alabama. "The same time everybody else learned it through news reports," the president told Plante. "The policy of my administration is to encourage transparency, which is why my emails, the BlackBerry I carry around, all those records are available and archived," Mr. Obama said. "I'm glad that Hillary's instructed that those emails about official business need to be disclosed."

Unfortunately, the "transparency" of the Obama administration was severely tarnished in late September, when in the FBI's interview notes with Huma Abedin released by the FBI it was first revealed that Obama had used a pseudonymous email account: "Once informed that the sender's name is believed to be pseudonym used by the president, Abedin exclaimed: 'How is this not classified?'" the report says. "Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president's use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email."

To be sure, this was not definitive evidence that Obama was aware of Hillary's email server, nor that there may have been collusion between the president and the Clinton campaign.

That changed today, however, when in the latest Podesta dump we learn that in an email from Cheryl Mills to John Podesta, the Clinton aide upon learning what Obama had just said...

View image on Twitter

... countered with something quite stunning:

we need to clean this up - he has emails from her - they do not say state.gov
So just how did Mills and Podesta "clean up" the fact that Obama lied to the American people, a tactic some could allege is evidence of an attempt to cover up a presidential lie to protect Hillary Clinton.


As a further reminder, Politico previously reported that the State Department had refused to make public that and other emails Clinton exchanged with Obama. Lawyers cited the "presidential communications privilege," a variation of executive privilege, in order to withhold the messages under the Freedom of Information Act. It is therefore unknown what the president's "alternative" email account was, or who hosted it.

This also explains why in a prior Wikileak, Podesta told Mills in an email titled "Special Category" that she thinks "we should hold emails to and from potus? That's the heart of his exec privilege. We could get them to ask for that. They may not care, but I(t) seems like they will." Mills did not respond by email.

The Clinton-Obama emails were turned over to the State Department, which later announced it would not release them.

In light of the latest revelation hinting at a potential collusive cover up, or as they dubbed it "clean up", perhaps it is time for the State Depratment to unveil just what was said between the president and the Clinton campaign?

we got enough jail cells for all of em? or should we just dig a hole?
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Re: Obama implicated

Post by freeski »

Yes, Obama lied and he's been caught. I wonder when the leaks will hit their peak? Maybe a week out? Hold on...
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Re: Obama implicated

Post by madhatter »

freeski wrote:Yes, Obama lied and he's been caught. I wonder when the leaks will hit their peak? Maybe a week out? Hold on...
train kept a rollin'
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Re: Obama implicated

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

Is Obama's sending of an e-mail to Hillary's non-Gov e-mail make him implicit in a cover up? I don't think it is. I think perhaps the WH has some explaining to do. At my employer, e-mails from non-company domain e-mail accounts are flagged "EXTERNAL" in the subject like to make employees aware the e-mail is not coming from within. You'd think there would be a similar protocol in place for the WH ... wouldn't want the Russians to have means to facilitate a phishing attack ....
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Re: Obama implicated

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:Is Obama's sending of an e-mail to Hillary's non-Gov e-mail make him implicit in a cover up? I don't think it is. I think perhaps the WH has some explaining to do. At my employer, e-mails from non-company domain e-mail accounts are flagged "EXTERNAL" in the subject like to make employees aware the e-mail is not coming from within. You'd think there would be a similar protocol in place for the WH you;d think no emails outside of the secure system would be able to infiltrate the secure system in ANY way when we are talking national defense...do you honestly think he had no idea for 4 yrs who he was conversing with and how???Explaining? how about turning over all correspondence during his tenure as required by FOIA laws? should be pretty easy to determine from that, ya know what clinton was supposed to do vs destroy the subpoenaed evidence...ANY official correspondence MUST be conducted via .gov accts...any breach of that is a felony....any discussion of classified info via email outside .gov is also a felony...any attempt to hide or cover up those felonies is also a felony...obama clearly committed felonies...... wouldn't want the Russians to have means to facilitate a phishing attack ....
uhhhh are you incapable of piecing together more than ONE piece of information at a time? or must every piece of evidence be examined in a bubble completely separated from any other issues...do you not see that clintons lawyer and advisor cheryl mills wants to "clean this up" because she knows obama has emails from her that are not from state.gov that he should not have? we're supposed to belive the FBI just took it upon themselves to "cook the investigation"? even Clouseau is more astute...obama is the CEO and CiC, HE Is ultimately responsible for the widespread corruption at State, FBI, DOJ and IRS...either he;s completely derelict of duty or he's totally corrupt, pretty obvious it;s the latter...

Obama KNEW she had a private server, he conversed with clinton via that server, then denied it's existence claiming he heard about it on the news...THAT IS A COVER UP of illegal activities in order to protect a political ally and influence the outcome of an election....what he should have done was remove clinton from office and launched an investigation into it...then going around the country campaigning for her and furthering the narrative of her "innocence"...sorry dude but again even a first yr law student could make this case if allowed...what we have is the obama administration preventing any investigation or prosecution...that's corrupt , a cover up and an attempt at influencing the outcome of an election by refusing to investigate or bring charges against criminal acts within his administration......
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Re: Obama implicated

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

madhatter wrote:Obama KNEW she had a private server, he conversed with clinton via that server, then denied it's existence claiming he heard about it on the news...THAT IS A COVER UP of illegal activities in order to protect a political ally and influence the outcome of an election....what he should have done was remove clinton from office and launched an investigation into it...then going around the country campaigning for her and furthering the narrative of her "innocence"...sorry dude but again even a first yr law student could make this case if allowed...what we have is the obama administration preventing any investigation or prosecution...that's corrupt , a cover up and an attempt at influencing the outcome of an election by refusing to investigate or bring charges against criminal acts within his administration......
Yes. They're all playing stupid. Obama was aware of it and either chose to ignore it or something else, despite issuing guidance requiring people in his admin to use .gov accounts. It's Chicago-style politics at its best/worst.

Had the GOP put up something just slightly better than Trump, Clinton would be wiped out. Alas, all we have is Trump. Trump provides nice little belligerent soundbites that fit well into 30-second media time-slots and campaign ads. While Clinton schemes require more than 30 seconds to articulate, Trump is incapable of doing so in a way that resonates with the American people.

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Re: Obama implicated

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:Obama KNEW she had a private server, he conversed with clinton via that server, then denied it's existence claiming he heard about it on the news...THAT IS A COVER UP of illegal activities in order to protect a political ally and influence the outcome of an election....what he should have done was remove clinton from office and launched an investigation into it...then going around the country campaigning for her and furthering the narrative of her "innocence"...sorry dude but again even a first yr law student could make this case if allowed...what we have is the obama administration preventing any investigation or prosecution...that's corrupt , a cover up and an attempt at influencing the outcome of an election by refusing to investigate or bring charges against criminal acts within his administration......
Yes. They're all playing stupid. Obama was aware of it and either chose to ignore it or something else, despite issuing guidance requiring people in his admin to use .gov accounts. It's Chicago-style politics at its best/worst.

Had the GOP put up something just slightly better than Trump, Clinton would be wiped out. Alas, all we have is Trump. Trump provides nice little belligerent soundbites that fit well into 30-second media time-slots and campaign ads. While Clinton schemes require more than 30 seconds to articulate, Trump is incapable of doing so in a way that resonates with the American people.

The GOP made their bed and now they will lay in it.
so it's the GOP;'s fault that the FBI and pretty much the entire Obama administration is crooked ? and that the MSM refuses to cover any of it while orchestrating a systematic character assassination campaign against the R candidate ( and no it does not matter WHO the candidate is, they will use the same playbook)

I'll agree that if it don't fit on a bumper sticker it don't resonate w a big chunk of the population...trump doesn't usually pitch his ideas to those people, but to those that are capable of differentiating between hyperbole and literal meaning...successful, educated pole who are part of million dollar deals...not people who consider 20 words too long to read..so tell us how would he reach those significantly less capable people? what would resonate with you the way MSM clinton message does?

the media could just as easily collude to assassinate Clinton;s character and paint Trump as a savior... it's not the candidate but the letter after their name...
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Re: Obama implicated

Post by Bubba »

madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:Obama KNEW she had a private server, he conversed with clinton via that server, then denied it's existence claiming he heard about it on the news...THAT IS A COVER UP of illegal activities in order to protect a political ally and influence the outcome of an election....what he should have done was remove clinton from office and launched an investigation into it...then going around the country campaigning for her and furthering the narrative of her "innocence"...sorry dude but again even a first yr law student could make this case if allowed...what we have is the obama administration preventing any investigation or prosecution...that's corrupt , a cover up and an attempt at influencing the outcome of an election by refusing to investigate or bring charges against criminal acts within his administration......
Yes. They're all playing stupid. Obama was aware of it and either chose to ignore it or something else, despite issuing guidance requiring people in his admin to use .gov accounts. It's Chicago-style politics at its best/worst.

Had the GOP put up something just slightly better than Trump, Clinton would be wiped out. Alas, all we have is Trump. Trump provides nice little belligerent soundbites that fit well into 30-second media time-slots and campaign ads. While Clinton schemes require more than 30 seconds to articulate, Trump is incapable of doing so in a way that resonates with the American people.

The GOP made their bed and now they will lay in it.
so it's the GOP;'s fault that the FBI and pretty much the entire Obama administration is crooked ? and that the MSM refuses to cover any of it while orchestrating a systematic character assassination campaign against the R candidate ( and no it does not matter WHO the candidate is, they will use the same playbook)

I'll agree that if it don't fit on a bumper sticker it don't resonate w a big chunk of the population...trump doesn't usually pitch his ideas to those people, but to those that are capable of differentiating between hyperbole and literal meaning...successful, educated pole who are part of million dollar deals...not people who consider 20 words too long to read..so tell us how would he reach those significantly less capable people? what would resonate with you the way MSM clinton message does?

the media could just as easily collude to assassinate Clinton;s character and paint Trump as a savior... it's not the candidate but the letter after their name...
Are you saying that Trump's message is resonating with the successful people and not with those signifantly less capable?
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Re: Obama implicated

Post by madhatter »

Bubba wrote:
madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:Obama KNEW she had a private server, he conversed with clinton via that server, then denied it's existence claiming he heard about it on the news...THAT IS A COVER UP of illegal activities in order to protect a political ally and influence the outcome of an election....what he should have done was remove clinton from office and launched an investigation into it...then going around the country campaigning for her and furthering the narrative of her "innocence"...sorry dude but again even a first yr law student could make this case if allowed...what we have is the obama administration preventing any investigation or prosecution...that's corrupt , a cover up and an attempt at influencing the outcome of an election by refusing to investigate or bring charges against criminal acts within his administration......
Yes. They're all playing stupid. Obama was aware of it and either chose to ignore it or something else, despite issuing guidance requiring people in his admin to use .gov accounts. It's Chicago-style politics at its best/worst.

Had the GOP put up something just slightly better than Trump, Clinton would be wiped out. Alas, all we have is Trump. Trump provides nice little belligerent soundbites that fit well into 30-second media time-slots and campaign ads. While Clinton schemes require more than 30 seconds to articulate, Trump is incapable of doing so in a way that resonates with the American people.

The GOP made their bed and now they will lay in it.
so it's the GOP;'s fault that the FBI and pretty much the entire Obama administration is crooked ? and that the MSM refuses to cover any of it while orchestrating a systematic character assassination campaign against the R candidate ( and no it does not matter WHO the candidate is, they will use the same playbook)

I'll agree that if it don't fit on a bumper sticker it don't resonate w a big chunk of the population...trump doesn't usually pitch his ideas to those people, but to those that are capable of differentiating between hyperbole and literal meaning...successful, educated pole who are part of million dollar deals...not people who consider 20 words too long to read..so tell us how would he reach those significantly less capable people? what would resonate with you the way MSM clinton message does?

the media could just as easily collude to assassinate Clinton;s character and paint Trump as a savior... it's not the candidate but the letter after their name...
Are you saying that Trump's message is resonating with the successful people and not with those significantly less capable?
guess yer one of the less capable ones based on that query...see if you can follow along...

in trumps professional life he makes BUSINESS deals with people who don;t give a crap who let him grab their pussy, how orange he is or any other ridiculous crap that fires the emotions of the ( barely) useful idiots but otherwise has zero bearing on reality...there is no biased media harping on his every word, deliberate "misunderstanding" of what was said( like you just did with what I posted), there are no mystery women who make baseless allegations that will never find their way into a court room, etc...

unfortunately like I said the vast majority of the population is pretty much clueless, uninitiated and easily manipulated by the media who plays on their base emotions with propaganda tested and proven to elicit a predetermined reaction...

there is no "debate" on issues, weighing of the facts, or any remote attempt at clarification and resolution of the pertinent issues facing our country...obfuscation, red herrings, strawmen and flat out BS propaganda are the mainstays of politics and of course trump is far less astute at the political hokery that resonates so well with the left in particular and not so much with conservatives...again when the right adopts the "ends justify the means" mentality that embodies the left right now, what do you think will happen?

evil bad scary mean racist rapist and similar labels ring loud and clear to the ( barely) useful idiot class looking for any kind of validation to their predetermined "reality" they can find...anyone w more than two brain cells realizes that message is pure propaganda and that clinton is a felon who belongs in jail...

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Re: Obama implicated

Post by XtremeJibber2001 »

madhatter wrote:
Bubba wrote:
madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:Obama KNEW she had a private server, he conversed with clinton via that server, then denied it's existence claiming he heard about it on the news...THAT IS A COVER UP of illegal activities in order to protect a political ally and influence the outcome of an election....what he should have done was remove clinton from office and launched an investigation into it...then going around the country campaigning for her and furthering the narrative of her "innocence"...sorry dude but again even a first yr law student could make this case if allowed...what we have is the obama administration preventing any investigation or prosecution...that's corrupt , a cover up and an attempt at influencing the outcome of an election by refusing to investigate or bring charges against criminal acts within his administration......
Yes. They're all playing stupid. Obama was aware of it and either chose to ignore it or something else, despite issuing guidance requiring people in his admin to use .gov accounts. It's Chicago-style politics at its best/worst.

Had the GOP put up something just slightly better than Trump, Clinton would be wiped out. Alas, all we have is Trump. Trump provides nice little belligerent soundbites that fit well into 30-second media time-slots and campaign ads. While Clinton schemes require more than 30 seconds to articulate, Trump is incapable of doing so in a way that resonates with the American people.

The GOP made their bed and now they will lay in it.
so it's the GOP;'s fault that the FBI and pretty much the entire Obama administration is crooked ? and that the MSM refuses to cover any of it while orchestrating a systematic character assassination campaign against the R candidate ( and no it does not matter WHO the candidate is, they will use the same playbook)

I'll agree that if it don't fit on a bumper sticker it don't resonate w a big chunk of the population...trump doesn't usually pitch his ideas to those people, but to those that are capable of differentiating between hyperbole and literal meaning...successful, educated pole who are part of million dollar deals...not people who consider 20 words too long to read..so tell us how would he reach those significantly less capable people? what would resonate with you the way MSM clinton message does?

the media could just as easily collude to assassinate Clinton;s character and paint Trump as a savior... it's not the candidate but the letter after their name...
Are you saying that Trump's message is resonating with the successful people and not with those significantly less capable?
guess yer one of the less capable ones based on that query...see if you can follow along...

in trumps professional life he makes BUSINESS deals with people who don;t give a crap who let him grab their pussy, how orange he is or any other ridiculous crap that fires the emotions of the ( barely) useful idiots but otherwise has zero bearing on reality...there is no biased media harping on his every word, deliberate "misunderstanding" of what was said( like you just did with what I posted), there are no mystery women who make baseless allegations that will never find their way into a court room, etc...

unfortunately like I said the vast majority of the population is pretty much clueless, uninitiated and easily manipulated by the media who plays on their base emotions with propaganda tested and proven to elicit a predetermined reaction...

there is no "debate" on issues, weighing of the facts, or any remote attempt at clarification and resolution of the pertinent issues facing our country...obfuscation, red herrings, strawmen and flat out BS propaganda are the mainstays of politics and of course trump is far less astute at the political hokery that resonates so well with the left in particular and not so much with conservatives...again when the right adopts the "ends justify the means" mentality that embodies the left right now, what do you think will happen?

evil bad scary mean racist rapist and similar labels ring loud and clear to the ( barely) useful idiot class looking for any kind of validation to their predetermined "reality" they can find...anyone w more than two brain cells realizes that message is pure propaganda and that clinton is a felon who belongs in jail...

Bubba can attest - you sound like me 12+ years ago - before I became "successful, educated person who is part of million dollar deals". Like I said before, Trump isn't reaching us and neither is Hillary. Then again, we're the minority in this and past elections so neither he nor Hillary need to reach us in order to win.
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Re: Obama implicated

Post by madhatter »

XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
madhatter wrote:
Bubba wrote:
madhatter wrote:
XtremeJibber2001 wrote:
Yes. They're all playing stupid. Obama was aware of it and either chose to ignore it or something else, despite issuing guidance requiring people in his admin to use .gov accounts. It's Chicago-style politics at its best/worst.

Had the GOP put up something just slightly better than Trump, Clinton would be wiped out. Alas, all we have is Trump. Trump provides nice little belligerent soundbites that fit well into 30-second media time-slots and campaign ads. While Clinton schemes require more than 30 seconds to articulate, Trump is incapable of doing so in a way that resonates with the American people.

The GOP made their bed and now they will lay in it.
so it's the GOP;'s fault that the FBI and pretty much the entire Obama administration is crooked ? and that the MSM refuses to cover any of it while orchestrating a systematic character assassination campaign against the R candidate ( and no it does not matter WHO the candidate is, they will use the same playbook)

I'll agree that if it don't fit on a bumper sticker it don't resonate w a big chunk of the population...trump doesn't usually pitch his ideas to those people, but to those that are capable of differentiating between hyperbole and literal meaning...successful, educated pole who are part of million dollar deals...not people who consider 20 words too long to read..so tell us how would he reach those significantly less capable people? what would resonate with you the way MSM clinton message does?

the media could just as easily collude to assassinate Clinton;s character and paint Trump as a savior... it's not the candidate but the letter after their name...
Are you saying that Trump's message is resonating with the successful people and not with those significantly less capable?
guess yer one of the less capable ones based on that query...see if you can follow along...

in trumps professional life he makes BUSINESS deals with people who don;t give a crap who let him grab their pussy, how orange he is or any other ridiculous crap that fires the emotions of the ( barely) useful idiots but otherwise has zero bearing on reality...there is no biased media harping on his every word, deliberate "misunderstanding" of what was said( like you just did with what I posted), there are no mystery women who make baseless allegations that will never find their way into a court room, etc...

unfortunately like I said the vast majority of the population is pretty much clueless, uninitiated and easily manipulated by the media who plays on their base emotions with propaganda tested and proven to elicit a predetermined reaction...

there is no "debate" on issues, weighing of the facts, or any remote attempt at clarification and resolution of the pertinent issues facing our country...obfuscation, red herrings, strawmen and flat out BS propaganda are the mainstays of politics and of course trump is far less astute at the political hokery that resonates so well with the left in particular and not so much with conservatives...again when the right adopts the "ends justify the means" mentality that embodies the left right now, what do you think will happen?

evil bad scary mean racist rapist and similar labels ring loud and clear to the ( barely) useful idiot class looking for any kind of validation to their predetermined "reality" they can find...anyone w more than two brain cells realizes that message is pure propaganda and that clinton is a felon who belongs in jail...

Bubba can attest - you sound like me 12+ years ago - before I became "successful, educated person who is part of million dollar deals". Like I said before, Trump isn't reaching us and neither is Hillary. Then again, we're the minority in this and past elections so neither he nor Hillary need to reach us in order to win.

do you guys really completely not understand wtf I am saying here? I assume in your professional life that you don't place much weight on "orangeness" cuz yer goal is to make the best deal for your company possible, failure to do so means you may lose your job ( honestly I dunno what you do but I'm sure you can follow along here)...sadly much of the population seems to place a great deal of weight on "orangeness" when voting...but the consequence for them is not loss of job but more anger at "republicans" who stopped their candidate from creating paradise....

I'm not in any way suggesting or implying that only wealthy successful people can relate to trumps message and anyone who can't relate to it must not be successful...not even remotely close on any of that...in trumps professional life he never encounters people who intentionally don;t understand , misrepresent, or misinterpret what he says...they listen carefully and weigh the facts as best they understand them in order to make an informed decision...he doesn't deal with partisan idiots whose only goal is to negate him by whatever means....

how does trump reach those types to explain that orange isn't such a bad color and paradise is a fantasy that the dems have no intention on delivering even if they could? very hard to push brussel sprouts and broccoli to the "jelly beans and ice cream for dinner"perpetual children crowd...in essence how do you convince a bunch of children to eat their peas when you have hillary and the D's promising them perpetual ice cream socials?

also you seem to buy the media narrative, why? what makes that narrative stick with you? what is the message they are sounding that resonates with you? you brush off any and every hit on hillary with " too bad trump wasn't better" indicating that the medias anti trump message resonates w you while the message vs hillary does not...why? you've clearly chosen to buy one and counter the other...
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Re: Obama implicated

Post by Bubba »

MH, is this your argument, boiled down?

1. Trump's experience is with educated, sophisticated business people and he's used to talking with them and being understood, thus his message resonates with a large segment of that population.

2. Trump's inexperience with political speech causes him to have trouble reaching the less educated, less sophisticated segment of the population that currently supports Clinton.
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Re: Obama implicated

Post by madhatter »

Bubba wrote:MH, is this your argument, boiled down?

1. Trump's experience is with educated, sophisticated business people and he's used to talking with them and being understood, thus his message resonates with a large segment of that population.he's used to people who WANT to deal with him for whatever reason, his personality is likely not a big factor...they don;t necessarily need to be educated or sophisticated but they do need to have a vested interest in dealing with each other... if you want to sell me a car and I come look yer not gonna say " sorry yer orange go away" nor am I going to say " what? someone let you grab em on the p@ssy? forget it I'm not interested...

2. Trump's inexperience with political speech causes him to have trouble reaching the less educated, less sophisticated segment of the population that currently supports Clinton.
not exactly...I'd say less interested, less informed for whatever reason, it has nothing to do with "educated" or sophisticated...

trump has a hard time crafting a message that reaches those who have nothing to offer but a vote and expect many things in return... they aren't; interested in any kind of austerity, fiscal prudence, self accountability etc.. they are interested in bumper sticker slogans that promise to punish the wealthy and allow the rest their well deserved fair share....they want there to "never be a war again"...they aren't interested in any weighing of the facts...They vote based on emotions driven by soundbites and bumper stickers...I mean hell if you can get people to vehemently defend their insistence that bruce jenner is a woman to the point where they are violent about it, what can;t you get them to do? certainly you can get them to choose lollipops and rainbows over stark reality...

and that is every conservatives problem..

trump also has no political experience, he expects facts to stand ( and fall) on their merits not be eroded by his orangeness to a point where they are secondary. he has no machine like moveon or media matters to constantly bombard the ( barely) useful idiots with snarky simplistic memes any competent fifth grader could debunk in 2 seconds but which serve as absolute validation of their ideology ..

the right is catching up ( down) on that methodology but to many of us its anathema we'd just as soon do without...kinda like how I feel about the use of chemical pesticides...I'd rather not use em, but a bees nest in yer boat has to go by whatever means...unfortunately politics often has little to do with the issues and more to do with who can defame and dehumanize the other first and more bigly so that any and all attacks going forward are considered well deserved regardless of their actual validity...
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