Hillary Update

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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »


yep, just like that...
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

http://theblacksphere.net/2016/10/buste ... ttendance/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

all lies, all the time...


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Re: Hillary Update

Post by Mister Moose »

Show me where in the media that Waldo photo has appeared.
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

Mister Moose wrote:Show me where in the media that Waldo photo has appeared.
hmmm? where did it come from? some form of media...

catching down...the only way to reach the terminally stupid is through bumper sticker quality messaging...gotta try to reach out to those uninformed individuals as any way you can...just need their vote...throw anything even remotely plausible for the next week and hope it sticks or simply overwhelms to the saturation point...regardless of whether the photoshop was widely distributed or not the takeaway: clintons rallies are poorly attended and she is desperate...

been a waste of time arguing the merits, the left refuses to acknowledge...but a picture paints a thousand words, or in hillary's case 100 or so attendees...

the hammer will continue to drop...repeatedly...
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-3 ... -millions-" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Hacked Podesta Email Reveals Clinton Foundation "Coercing" Saudi Billionaire For Millions Of Dollars
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-3 ... wn-article" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

CNN Decries "Fake News" Websites (Then Stealth Edits Its Own Article)
There is a plague of "fake news" apparently, and CNN is here to help you 'dear voter' see through the deception to the Clinton-campaign-confirmed narrative you should be paying attention. While it not enough that we have pointed out CNN's numerous questionable actions (here, here, and here), along with today's news of Donna Brazile's resignation, but just this weekend CNN was caught 'stealth editing' false claims made against Trump. Fake news indeed...

It's time for a new rule on the web according to CNN's Brian Stelter: Double, no, triple check before you share. Especially if it seems too good to be true.

Why? Look no further than Donald Trump's Twitter account. Trump claimed Sunday morning that "Twitter, Google and Facebook are burying the FBI criminal investigation of Clinton."
Not only was there no proof of this, but it was pretty easy to disprove. The FBI email inquiry was at the top of Google News; FBI director James Comey's name was at the top of Facebook's "trending" box; and Twitter's "moments" section had a prominent story about the controversy.

Nevertheless, Trump's wrong-headed "burying" claim was his most popular tweet of the day. About 25,000 accounts retweeted it and almost 50,000 "liked" it, helping the falsehood spread far and wide.

The rise of social media has had many upsides, but one downside has been the spread of misinformation. Fake news has become a plague on the Web, especially on social networks like Facebook. As I said on Sunday's "Reliable Sources" on CNN, unreliable sources about this election have become too numerous to count.
So that's what I recommended a "triple check before you share" rule.

New web sites designed to trick and mislead people seem to pop up every single day. For their creators, the incentives are clear: more social shares mean more page views mean more ad dollars.

Trump may have gotten the idea from an inaccurate Zero Hedge blog post alleging a "social media blackout." The blog post contained false information.
However, Stelter has one small problem, Fox's Maria Bartiromo proved this "bias" live in real-time when she confirmed that social media sites most trending headlines did not include the FBI emails...
as if this wasn't obvious simply by looking at the "trending" pane on FB...when the ends justify the means...

But then CNN tried to catch Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in a heavily compromising position over comments he made at a rally in Colorado. However, as Mediaite.com reports, there was only one catch - Trump didn’t say what they thought he said. And, when the network realized the mistake, they tried to stealthily cover it up.

In the original article, they highlighted Trump saying the following:
“If you go to university center, they’ll give you a new ballot, they’ll void your old ballot, in some places they do that four or five times, so by tomorrow, almost everyone will have their new ballots in.”

Yeah, that’s pretty damning, right? It sure as hell seems like the GOP candidate is pressing his followers to try to cast multiple ballots. Yet, it takes away the context, in which Trump says that they won’t do that.

Here is what he actually said.
“If you go to university center, they’ll give you a new ballot, they’ll void your old ballot. They’ll give you a new ballot, and you can go out and make sure it get’s in. Now in some places, they do that four or five times, but we don’t do that. So by tomorrow, almost everyone will have their new ballots in.”
More, it appears that Trump is questioning the system itself, much as he has done throughout the past few weeks where he’s complained about voter fraud and a “rigged” election.

Somewhere along the way, someone must have noticed this at CNN and stealth edited the piece, changing the entire quote. It now reads as follows:
“They’ll give you a ballot, a new ballot. They’ll void your old ballot, they will give you a new ballot. And you can go out and make sure it gets in,” Trump said.
Registered voters in Colorado automatically receive a ballot in the mail, but can request a new ballot or vote in person if they have not yet mailed in a completed ballot.
“In some places they probably do that four or five times. We don’t do that. But that’s great,” Trump said Sunday, appearing to hint at the possibility of voter fraud in Colorado, a rare prospect Trump has continued to hammer on the stump.

At 10:10 PM last night: CNN deleted the tweet (which had been retweeted 926 times) around 10:07 PM ET. The tweet was up for over two and a half hours. Below is a screenshot of it...

http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/ ... umpcnn.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

So we agree with Stelter - be very careful on the web of "fake news" - it's everywhere in the mainstream.
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-3 ... so-precise" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The Clinton Collapse - Only The Deep State Is So Precise
The Mainstream Media is presenting the FBI investigation as a "lose-lose" situation for embattled FBI Director Comey. If Comey remained quiet until after the election, he would be accused of colluding with the Clinton campaign and its allies in the Department of Justice (sic).

But in going public, he stands accused by Democrats of "intervening in an election," i.e. raising doubts about Hillary's judgement and veracity days before Americans go to the polls.

Another narrative has Comey's hand forced by the threat of disgusted FBI agents leaking information that would show the FBI caved into political pressure from the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign to keep relevant material out of the public eye until after the election.

I submit another much more powerful dynamic is in play: the upper ranks of the Deep State now view Hillary as an unacceptable liability. The word came down to Comey to act whether he wanted to or not, i.e. take one for the good of the nation/Deep State/Imperial Project.

As a refresher: the Deep State is the unelected government (also called the invisible or shadow government) that is not as monolithic as generally assumed.

The neo-conservative globalists who want Hillary to continue pushing their agenda are the more visible camp, but another less visible but highly motivated camp realizes Hillary and her neo-con agenda would severely damage the nation's security and its global influence. It is this camp that is arranging for Hillary to lose.

The consensus view seems to be that the Establishment and the Deep State see Trump as a loose cannon who might upset the neo-con apple cart by refusing to toe the neo-con line.

This view overlooks the reality that significant segments of the Deep State view the neo-con strategy as an irredeemable failure. To these elements of the Deep State, Hillary is a threat precisely because she embraces the failed neo-con strategy and those who cling to it. From this point of view, Hillary as president would be an unmitigated disaster for the Deep State and the nation/Imperial Project it governs.

Whatever else emerges from the emails being leaked or officially released, one conclusion is inescapable: Hillary's judgement is hopelessly flawed. Combine her lack of judgement with her 24 years of accumulated baggage and her potential to push the neo-con agenda to the point of global disaster, and you get a potent need for the Deep State's most prescient elements to derail her campaign and clear a path to Trump's executive team.

Once this path is clear, the management of Trump's executive team can begin in earnest, a management process aimed at disengaging the nation and its global Empire from neo-con overreach.

If you think this scenario is "impossible," let's see how the election plays out before deciding what's "impossible" and what's inevitable.
who the F@CK KNOWS?
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-3 ... rt-instead" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

FBI Finds No Links Between Trump And Russia, Probing Manafort Instead

Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump.
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by SnoBrdr »

madhatter wrote:http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-3 ... rt-instead

FBI Finds No Links Between Trump And Russia, Probing Manafort Instead

Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump.
NBC has already decreed that there is nothing to this and all about the ties to Russia.
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

http://newsninja2012.com/rumors-circula ... n-tuesday/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Rumors Circulating on 4Chan — Clinton To Step Down On Tuesday!

highly unlikely IMO...expect this woman to lose any shred of sanity she may have had after the epic beatdown coming her way...CU Next Tuesday....
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-0 ... ose-emails" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Podesta To Mills: "We Are Going To Have To Dump All Those Emails"
In today's, 25th, Wikileaks release, one of the notable highlights is a March 2, 2015 email from John Podesta to Clinton aide Cheryl Mills in which he says "We are going to have to dump all those emails." The email was sent just days before the NYT story revealing the existence of Hillary's email server, and Hillary's press conference addressing what was at the time, the surprising revelation that she had a personal email account, and server, in her home.

Mills' response: "Think you just got your new nick name."

It is unclear for now which emails Podesta is referring to in the thread, but Podesta adds: "better to do so sooner than later." We can hope that a subsequent response, yet to be leaked by Wikileaks, will provide more color.

If the exchange is shown to disclose intent to mislead, it will negate the entire narrative prepared by Clinton that she merely deleted "personal" emails and will reveal a strategic plan to hinder the State Department and FBI "investigation."

This is the first time that particular exchange has emerged among the Podesta emails.

as if ANYONE really believes her motive was anything other than nefarious
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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

Democrats will say ANYTHING if they think they can benefit from it...

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Re: Hillary Update

Post by madhatter »

touched a nerve here...

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-0 ... on-records" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

brian fallon
Absent a FOIA litigation deadline, this is odd.
Will FBI be posting docs on Trump's housing discrimination in '70s?

funny how quick they are to respond to certain things while others are perpetually stonewalled...

guess they need a lot more mud chucked at em to have any effect...
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