DNC chairacist...

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Re: DNC chairacist...

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:Hook, line and sinker. Man are you so easy

But Obama, but Obama, but Obama!!!!

Two months into this administration and that's literally all you have got to defend any lies and stupidly by team Trump. You are exactly the fool he was talking about when he said he could shoot someone in the street and not lose support.

The difference between an intelligent person and a koolaid drinking partisan idiot is the ability to have an open mind and look at issues and policy decisions void of the party that makes them. I was more than critical of the many bad moves by Obama. There has been more embarrassment coming from the current Oval Office in 50 days than the past five presidencies combined. Not one time, not once have you denounced any of it.
There's a term for that. It's called Breitbart Blindness. It's common with people like yourself who lacked the initiative and intelligence to get an education. Deplorable!!!
says the idiot who brought carson into a conversation totally unrelated to him....

ONLY the stupid left is unhappy w trump the rest of us are plenty happy, we don't care about your contrived stories, lies, bullsh!t, misleading propaganda etc... it's why the D's have lost over 1000 seats nationally and will continue to lose more....

"koolaid drinking partisan idiot"

sums you up perfectly...you are the least self aware person I have ever encountered...every word deed and action from you wreaks of ignorance...wallow in it...
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Re: DNC chairacist...

Post by deadheadskier »

No, pretty much everyone thinks he's made a fool of himself with this wiretapping BS. His interview with Tucker Carlson was a complete embarrassment.
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Re: DNC chairacist...

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:No, pretty much everyone thinks he's made a fool of himself with this wiretapping BS. yeah the obama admin would NEVER do anything like that :roll: His interview with Tucker Carlson was a complete embarrassment.
good grief there is nothing the left won't do to try and seize absolute power...it's been proven time and time again yet idiots like you continue to believe and support them...

just like the keep yer dr, stupidity of the american people, not a smidgen, I never gave any answers, get the transcripts candy etc the left always turns up guilty of that which they've adamantly denied and/or accused others of... they keep getting caught and continue to dig a deeper hole...yet you somehow imagine you won and continue to win...enjoy your miserable failings...time fer skiing...enjoy your pussy march or whatever it is zealots like you do...
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Re: DNC chairacist...

Post by deadheadskier »

There you go again, But Obama!!!

Now, I can fully admit that Obama lied regarding keeping doctors. How about you with Trump's campaign promises on Healthcare?

Said​ it will be more affordable. For the vast majority of people especially the elderly it's not going to be.

Said he was the only GOP candidate that wouldn't cut Medicaid. Nope, another lie. The plan will cut $880B.

Said nobody would lose coverage. Yep, lied again to the tune of 24 million people.

Now it is the House's plan. However Trump has come out with tremendous support for the plan, the very best support. Believe me. Truthfully he probably hasn't read it unless it was published on Infowars. He owns it now and needs to admit he was dishonest with his promises.

Will you hold him accountable? Of course you won't. Deplorable shill that you are.
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Re: DNC chairacist...

Post by freeski »

Obama told one lie and has been slammed for it. Yep, Trump has told many; can't count all the falsehoods about health care. The far right needs to realize all of the left are against any cuts and compromise their position (The Freedom Caucus). It would be great to have everyone covered, butt it's just too expensive.
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Re: DNC chairacist...

Post by madhatter »

deadheadskier wrote:There you go again, But Obama!!!

Now, I can fully admit that Obama lied regarding keeping doctors. How about you with Trump's campaign promises on Healthcare?

Said​ it will be more affordable. For the vast majority of people especially the elderly it's not going to be.wasn't before either, don;t care HC is not the gov's job

Said he was the only GOP candidate that wouldn't cut Medicaid. Nope, another lie. The plan will cut $880B.https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/ ... ny-worried

again not anything I really am concerned about...

Said nobody would lose coverage. Yep, lied again to the tune of 24 million people. Under the GOP bill, states will lose a huge influx of federal Medicaid dollars – $880 billion over the next decade, essentially a 25 percent cut, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. Also, 14 million fewer Americans will be covered by Medicaid, the CBO estimates.

The aim of the bill's GOP backers is to rely more on market competition than the government to bring premiums down, to allow states more flexibility to run Medicaid programs, and to reduce the impact of Medicaid on the federal budget. Indeed, the CBO reports that the Republican repeal-and-replace plan would lower federal deficits by $337 billion over 10 years.

Now it is the House's plan. However Trump has come out with tremendous support for the plan, the very best support. Believe me. Truthfully he probably hasn't read it unless it was published on Infowars. He owns it now and needs to admit he was dishonest with his promises.

Will you hold him accountable? Of course you won't. Deplorable shill that you are.
never was for the ACA, not for a "new" ACA either...in any case NOTHING has passed yet...regardless you'll whine like the petulant little bitch you are, which basically amounts to icing on the cake...
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Re: DNC chairacist...

Post by madhatter »

lucky you DHS

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-1 ... -out-woods" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

your superhero is about to come out of the woods...remind us all again about how you were gonna laugh in our faces when she won...
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Re: DNC chairacist...

Post by deadheadskier »

No fan of Clinton at all, but she was a better choice than the domestic and international embarrassment Trump is. Had Kasich been on the Republican ticket I would have easily voted for him.

But nope, you put forth the biggest petulant child of them all. Great job idiots.
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Re: DNC chairacist...

Post by Bubba »

The DNC and DCCC Confirm They Won’t Support Progressive Candidates
Thompson almost won a red district—without the Democratic establishment's help
By Michael Sainato • 04/12/17

http://observer.com/2017/04/thompson-es ... s/?ref=yfp" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: DNC chairacist...

Post by madhatter »

Bubba wrote:The DNC and DCCC Confirm They Won’t Support Progressive Candidates
Thompson almost won a red district—without the Democratic establishment's help
By Michael Sainato • 04/12/17

http://observer.com/2017/04/thompson-es ... s/?ref=yfp" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
really? what is sanders if not a lunatic progressive? he's put forth as a front man here:

http://www.pressherald.com/2017/04/17/b ... y-tonight/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders called on Maine Democrats to help “transform” the party through political activism at all levels of government Monday during the first stop of a national tour aimed at unifying a fractured base.

“Our job is to radically transform the Democratic Party . . . into a 50-state party and a party that does not continue to ignore half of the states in our country,” Sanders, whose populist rise caused major heartburn within the Democratic National Committee last year, told the fired-up Portland crowd at the State Theatre. “Our job is to create a democratic party, a grassroots party where decisions are made up from the bottom on up, not from the top on down.”


Bernie Sanders and DNC chair Perez to begin cross-country tour in Maine
Democrats and
 Sanders push to allow importing drugs 
from Canada
Sanders – who many in the crowd believe should and perhaps could have been president – took the stage immediately after the man tasked with convincing voters from Maine to Alaska that the Democratic Party still stands for them.

Tom Perez, the newly elected chairman of the DNC, acknowledged that the party will “have to earn your trust” but pledged to lead a new, more inclusive party focused on rebuilding.

“The mission of the new DNC is not simply to elect the president of the United States,” Perez said. “It is to elect Democrats from the school board to the Senate.”

More than 1,500 people gathered at the Portland theater for the event, dubbed the “Come Together and Fight Back” rally. Democrats are attempting to capitalize on opposition to President Trump – as symbolized by ongoing protests – as they gear up for 2018 congressional elections and gubernatorial races in states such as Maine.

DNC Chair Tom Perez answers questions during an interview backstage at the State Theatre before the rally. Staff photo By Carl D. Walsh

Sanders and Perez accused Trump of lying to rural and middle class Americans by seeking to cut education, workforce retraining and social programs that help communities struggling with unemployment or low incomes.

Sanders’ continuing popularity in Maine – a year after he won the state Democratic caucuses – was obvious by hundreds of the Sanders T-shirts, stickers and buttons in the riled-up crowd. And Sanders’ speech sounded, in many ways, like the countless campaign speeches he delivered across the country in 2015 and 2016.

He railed against “the greed of the billionaire class . . . and corporate America,” pledged to work toward single-payer, universal health care and called for tuition-free college, higher wages and a repeal of the Supreme Court’s campaign finance ruling in the Citizens United case. The crowd cheered loudly every time he bashed Trump and said the values of the progressive movement – a clean environment, fair wages and support for low-income children or the elderly – mirror those of most Americans.

“We are the majority,” Sanders said. “It is time we flexed our muscles. It is time we got involved in a way that we have never done before. It is time to make the political revolution.”

Sanders’ populist themes obviously resonated with many in the crowd. Perez, meanwhile, appeared to have a tougher sell for some in the crowd like Pat Frost and Dale Carmel, two Biddeford residents and registered Democrats who are die-hard “Bernie” supporters.

“Go ahead, give it their best shot,” Frost said of the DNC’s attempt to repair what she sees as a clear schism in the party. “But I do blame the DNC for Trump.”

yeah that's gonna work...just need some more pussyhats and brown noise, that'll do the trick...
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